% common.cmi: typeface-independent definitions of character metric % information. The definitions for most of the upper and lowercase % letters are taken from Tracy. (See `charspace/README' for the % full citation.) % These default values for the spacing parameters are taken from the % definitions for the Computer Modern fonts. fontdimen quad designsize fontdimen space .333 quad fontdimen stretch .5 space fontdimen shrink .333 space fontdimen extraspace .5 shrink define leading 1.2 designsize fontdimen leadingheight .65 leading fontdimen leadingdepth .35 leading % Additional fontdimens to define: % slant (if nonzero), % defaultrulethickness, % version, % maybe xheight (defaults to the height of character 120 -- the `x', we hope), % and codingscheme, if no existing TFM. % This is used in the definitions for the numerals. define enspace .5 quad % Used below. % define half-H-sb .5 H-sb define three-quarters-H-sb .75 H-sb define slightly-less-H-sb .9 H-sb define one-and-half-H-sb 1.5 H-sb define slightly-less-twice-H-sb 1.9 H-sb define twice-H-sb 2 H-sb define thrice-H-sb 3 H-sb define two-thirds-O-sb .6666 O-sb define less-O-sb .8 O-sb define slightly-less-O-sb .9 O-sb define slightly-more-O-sb 1.1 O-sb define one-and-third-O-sb 1.33333 O-sb define one-and-three-quarters-O-sb 1.75 O-sb define slightly-less-twice-O-sb 1.9 O-sb define twice-O-sb 2 O-sb define minus-one-and-quarter-n-lsb -1.25 n-lsb define minus-n-lsb -1 n-lsb define slightly-more-n-lsb 1.1 n-lsb define one-and-quarter-n-lsb 1.25 n-lsb define more-half-n-rsb .6 n-rsb define one-and-half-n-rsb 1.5 n-rsb define half-o-sb .5 o-sb define slightly-less-o-sb .9 o-sb define slightly-more-o-sb 1.1 o-sb define one-and-half-o-sb 1.5 o-sb define minus-uc-min-sb -1 uc-min-sb define minus-lc-min-sb -1 lc-min-sb define twice-lc-min-sb 2 lc-min-sb % Uppercase uses: uc-min-sb, H-sb, O-sb, and some above definitions: char A uc-min-sb , uc-min-sb char B H-sb , half-H-sb char C O-sb , half-H-sb char D H-sb , O-sb char E H-sb , half-H-sb char F H-sb , half-H-sb char G O-sb , slightly-less-H-sb char H H-sb , H-sb char I H-sb , H-sb char J uc-min-sb , H-sb char K H-sb , uc-min-sb char L H-sb , uc-min-sb char M slightly-less-H-sb , H-sb char N slightly-less-H-sb , slightly-less-H-sb char O O-sb , O-sb char P H-sb , O-sb char Q O-sb , O-sb char R H-sb , uc-min-sb char T uc-min-sb , uc-min-sb char U H-sb , slightly-less-H-sb char V uc-min-sb , uc-min-sb char W uc-min-sb , uc-min-sb char X uc-min-sb , uc-min-sb char Y uc-min-sb , uc-min-sb char Z half-H-sb , half-H-sb % Lowercase uses: lc-min-sb, n-lsb, o-sb, n-rsb, and some above definitions: char b n-lsb , o-sb char c o-sb , slightly-less-o-sb char d o-sb , n-lsb char e o-sb , slightly-less-o-sb char h slightly-more-n-lsb , n-rsb char i slightly-more-n-lsb , n-lsb char dotlessi slightly-more-n-lsb , n-lsb char j n-lsb , n-lsb char dotlessj n-lsb , n-lsb char k slightly-more-n-lsb , lc-min-sb char l slightly-more-n-lsb , n-lsb char m n-lsb , n-rsb char n n-lsb , n-rsb char o o-sb , o-sb char p slightly-more-n-lsb , o-sb char q o-sb , n-lsb char r n-lsb , lc-min-sb char germandbls H-sb , half-H-sb char u n-rsb , n-rsb char v lc-min-sb , lc-min-sb char w lc-min-sb , lc-min-sb char x lc-min-sb , lc-min-sb char y lc-min-sb , lc-min-sb % Tracy-like guesses. char oslash slightly-more-o-sb , slightly-more-o-sb char Delta uc-min-sb , uc-min-sb char Oslash O-sb , O-sb char Gamma H-sb , uc-min-sb char Pi H-sb , H-sb char OE O-sb , half-H-sb char AE uc-min-sb , half-H-sb char ae n-rsb , slightly-less-o-sb char oe o-sb , slightly-less-o-sb char ff twice-lc-min-sb , lc-min-sb char fi twice-lc-min-sb , n-lsb char fl twice-lc-min-sb , n-lsb char ffi twice-lc-min-sb , n-lsb char ffl twice-lc-min-sb , n-lsb % Non-Tracy guesses. char a n-lsb , n-rsb char f twice-lc-min-sb , lc-min-sb char g twice-lc-min-sb , twice-lc-min-sb char s more-half-n-rsb , n-lsb char t twice-lc-min-sb , lc-min-sb char z twice-lc-min-sb , one-and-quarter-n-lsb char ampersand half-H-sb , O-sb char asciihyphen 0 , H-sb char asterisk slightly-more-O-sb , one-and-third-O-sb char emdash minus-uc-min-sb , minus-lc-min-sb char endash minus-lc-min-sb , 0 char hyphen 0 , H-sb char polishcross uc-min-sb , uc-min-sb char Lambda uc-min-sb , uc-min-sb char Omega two-thirds-O-sb , slightly-less-O-sb char Xi half-H-sb , three-quarters-H-sb % (These maybe should be the same as `O', as they are in cmr.) char Phi three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char Psi three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char S three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char Sigma three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char Theta three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char Upsilon three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char at three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char dollar three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char sterling three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char slash three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char equal three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char percent three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char numbersign three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char plus three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char parenleft one-and-three-quarters-O-sb , H-sb char parenright slightly-less-O-sb , twice-O-sb char quoteleft one-and-third-O-sb , uc-min-sb char quoteright uc-min-sb , one-and-half-H-sb char quotedblleft twice-H-sb , H-sb char quotedblright H-sb , twice-H-sb char comma lc-min-sb , lc-min-sb char semicolon one-and-half-H-sb , one-and-three-quarters-O-sb char colon one-and-half-H-sb , slightly-less-twice-O-sb char period lc-min-sb , lc-min-sb char exclam one-and-half-H-sb , slightly-less-twice-O-sb char exclamdown one-and-half-H-sb , slightly-less-twice-O-sb char question three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char questiondown three-quarters-H-sb , H-sb char bracketleft slightly-less-twice-H-sb , uc-min-sb char bracketright lc-min-sb , twice-H-sb % Accents. char macron 0 , 0 char tilde 0 , 0 char dotaccents 0 , 0 char breve 0 , 0 char dieresis 0 , 0 char grave 0 , 0 char caron 0 , 0 char circumflex 0 , 0 char hungarumlaut 0 , 0 char cedilla 0 , 0 char acute 0 , 0 char ring 0 , 0 % Old style numerals. char zerooldstyle O-sb , slightly-less-O-sb char oneoldstyle O-sb , slightly-less-O-sb char twooldstyle uc-min-sb , O-sb char threeoldstyle uc-min-sb , one-and-third-O-sb char fouroldstyle lc-min-sb , slightly-less-H-sb char fiveoldstyle uc-min-sb , H-sb char sixoldstyle slightly-less-O-sb , slightly-more-n-lsb char sevenoldstyle uc-min-sb , H-sb char eightoldstyle slightly-more-n-lsb , slightly-less-O-sb char nineoldstyle slightly-less-o-sb , one-and-half-H-sb % Numerals are typically defined to have the same set widths, so tables % can be printed easily. Since the side bearings will vary depending on % the character shapes, we just define them symbolically here. define numeral-width enspace define zero-lsb-percent .5 define one-lsb-percent .6 define two-lsb-percent .45 define three-lsb-percent .5 define four-lsb-percent .5 define five-lsb-percent .4 define six-lsb-percent .5 define seven-lsb-percent .55 define eight-lsb-percent .5 define nine-lsb-percent .5 char-width zero numeral-width , zero-lsb-percent char-width one numeral-width , one-lsb-percent char-width two numeral-width , two-lsb-percent char-width three numeral-width , three-lsb-percent char-width four numeral-width , four-lsb-percent char-width five numeral-width , five-lsb-percent char-width six numeral-width , six-lsb-percent char-width seven numeral-width , seven-lsb-percent char-width eight numeral-width , eight-lsb-percent char-width nine numeral-width , nine-lsb-percent % Kerns. kern f k .01 designsize kern A V -.01 designsize