flatpak remote-add flatpak Developer Alexander Larsson alexl@redhat.com flatpak remote-add 1 flatpak-remote-add Add a remote repository flatpak remote-add OPTION NAME LOCATION Description Adds a remote repository to the flatpak repository configuration. NAME is the name for the new remote, and LOCATION is a url or pathname. The LOCATION is either a flatpak repository, or a .flatpakrepo file which describes a repository. In the former case you may also have to specify extra options, such as the gpg key for the repo. Unless overridden with the or options, this command changes the default system-wide installation. Options The following options are understood: Show help options and exit. Assume the URI is a .flatpakrepo file rather than the repository itself. This is enabled by default if the extension is .flatpakrepo, so generally you don't need this option. Modify the per-user configuration. Modify the default system-wide configuration. Modify a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using is equivalent to using . Disable GPG verification for the added remote. Set the priority for the remote. Default is 1, higher is more prioritized. This is mainly used for graphical installation tools. Mark the remote as not enumerated. This means the remote will not be used to list applications, for instance in graphical installation tools. Mark the remote as not to be used for automatic runtime dependency resolution. Do nothing if the provided remote already exists. Disable the added remote. A title for the remote, e.g. for display in a UI. A single-line comment for the remote, e.g. for display in a UI. A full-paragraph description for the remote, e.g. for display in a UI. URL for a website for the remote, e.g. for display in a UI. URL for an icon for the remote, e.g. for display in a UI. A default branch for the remote, mainly for use in a UI. Add a local filter to the remote. A filter file is a list of lines, each file starting with "allow" or "deny", and then a glob for the ref to allow or disallow. The globs specify a partial ref (i.e. you can leave out trailing parts which will then match everything), but otherwise only "*" is special, matching anything in that part of the ref. By default all refs are allowed, but if a ref matches a deny rule it is disallowed unless it specifically matches an allow rule. This means you can use this to implement both allowlisting and blocklisting. Here is an example filter file: # This is an allowlist style filter as it denies all first deny * allow runtime/org.freedesktop.* allow org.some.app/arm allow org.signal.Signal/*/stable allow org.signal.Signal.*/*/stable Import gpg keys from the specified keyring file as trusted for the new remote. If the file is - the keyring is read from standard input. Specify the authenticator to use for the remote. Specify an authenticator option for the remote. Enable auto-installation of authenticator. Disable auto-installation of authenticator. Do not follow xa.redirect-url defined in the summary file. Print debug information during command processing. Print OSTree debug information during command processing. Examples $ flatpak remote-add gnome https://sdk.gnome.org/gnome.flatpakrepo $ flatpak --user remote-add --no-gpg-verify test-repo https://people.gnome.org/~alexl/gnome-sdk/repo/ See also flatpak1, flatpak-remote-modify1, flatpak-remote-delete1, flatpak-remotes1, flatpak-flatpakrepo5