%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2023. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : wx_opengl_SUITE.erl %%% Author : Dan Gudmundsson %%% Description : Test opengl basics, i.e. functions can be loaded, glu works. %%% Created : 3 Nov 2008 by Dan Gudmundsson %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(wx_opengl_SUITE). -export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1, init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]). -export([canvas/1, glu_tesselation/1, debugMessage/1]). -include("wx_test_lib.hrl"). -include_lib("wx/include/gl.hrl"). %% Initialization functions. init_per_suite(Config) -> case wx_test_lib:init_per_suite(Config) of Skipped = {skipped, _} -> Skipped; Config2 -> case wx_test_lib:user_available(Config2) of true -> Config2; false -> {skipped, "Ignoring opengl tests: run manually"} end end. end_per_suite(Config) -> wx_test_lib:end_per_suite(Config). init_per_testcase(Func,Config) -> wx_test_lib:init_per_testcase(Func,Config). end_per_testcase(Func,Config) -> wx_test_lib:end_per_testcase(Func,Config). %% SUITE specification suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}, {timetrap,{minutes,2}}]. all() -> [canvas, glu_tesselation, debugMessage]. groups() -> []. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. %% The test cases -define(VS, {{ 0.5, 0.5, -0.5}, %1 { 0.5, -0.5, -0.5}, %2 {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5}, {-0.5, 0.5, -0.5}, %4 {-0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, %6 { 0.5, -0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.5}}).%8 -define(FACES, %% Faces Normal [{{1,2,3,4},{0.0,0.0,-1.0} }, % {{3,8,5,4},{-1.0,0.0,0.0}}, % {{1,6,7,2},{1.0,0.0,0.0} }, % {{6,5,8,7},{0.0,0.0,1.0} }, % {{6,1,4,5},{0.0,1.0,0.0} }, % {{7,8,3,2},{0.0,-1.0,0.0}}]). %% Test we can create a glCanvas and that functions are loaded dynamically canvas(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo); canvas(Config) -> WX = ?mr(wx_ref, wx:new()), Frame = wxFrame:new(WX,1,"Hello 3D-World",[]), Attrs = [{attribList, [?WX_GL_RGBA, ?WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, ?WX_GL_MIN_RED,8, ?WX_GL_MIN_GREEN,8, ?WX_GL_MIN_BLUE,8, %% ?WX_GL_CORE_PROFILE, ?WX_GL_DEPTH_SIZE,24,0]}], Canvas = ?mt(wxGLCanvas, wxGLCanvas:new(Frame, [{style,?wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE}|Attrs])), Context = wxGLContext:new(Canvas), SetContext = fun() -> ?m(true, wxGLCanvas:setCurrent(Canvas, Context)) end, wxFrame:connect(Frame, show), ?m(true, wxWindow:show(Frame)), receive #wx{event=#wxShow{}} -> ok after 1000 -> exit(show_timeout) end, ?m({'EXIT', {{error, no_gl_context,_},_}}, gl:getString(?GL_VENDOR)), gl:viewport(0,0,50,50), %% Should cause an error report SetContext(), io:format("Vendor: ~s~n", [gl:getString(?GL_VENDOR)]), io:format("Renderer: ~s~n", [gl:getString(?GL_RENDERER)]), io:format("Version: ~s~n", [gl:getString(?GL_VERSION)]), {W,H} = ?m({_,_}, wxWindow:getClientSize(Canvas)), gl:viewport(0,0,W,H), gl:matrixMode(?GL_PROJECTION), gl:loadIdentity(), gl:ortho( -2.0, 2.0, -2.0*H/W, 2.0*H/W, -20.0, 20.0), gl:matrixMode(?GL_MODELVIEW), gl:loadIdentity(), gl:enable(?GL_DEPTH_TEST), gl:depthFunc(?GL_LESS), {R,G,B,_} = wxWindow:getBackgroundColour(Frame), gl:clearColor(R/255,B/255,G/255,1.0), Data = {?FACES,?VS}, _Vbo = build_buffers(?FACES, ?VS), drawBox(0.0, Data), wxGLCanvas:swapBuffers(Canvas), ?m([], flush()), Prog = gl:createProgramObjectARB(), gl:linkProgramARB(Prog), %% Sync = gl:fenceSync(Cond, Flags), %% gl:isSync(Sync), Env = wx:get_env(), Tester = self(), spawn_link(fun() -> wx:set_env(Env), SetContext(), ?m(ok, drawBox(1.0, Data)), wxGLCanvas:swapBuffers(Canvas), Tester ! works, %% This may fail when window is deleted catch draw_loop(2.0,Data,Canvas) end), %% Needed on mac with wx-2.9 wxGLCanvas:connect(Canvas, paint, [{callback, fun(_,_) -> SetContext(), DC= wxPaintDC:new(Canvas), wxPaintDC:destroy(DC) end}]), ?m_receive(works), ?m([], flush()), %% io:format("Undef func ~p ~n", [catch gl:uniform1d(2, 0.75)]), timer:sleep(500), flush(), wx_test_lib:wx_destroy(Frame, Config). flush() -> flush([]). flush(Collected) -> receive Msg -> flush([Msg|Collected]) after 1 -> lists:reverse(Collected) end. draw_loop(Deg,Data,Canvas) -> timer:sleep(15), {NW,NH} = wxGLCanvas:getClientSize(Canvas), gl:viewport(0,0,NW,NH), drawBox(Deg,Data), wxGLCanvas:swapBuffers(Canvas), draw_loop(Deg+1, Data,Canvas). drawBox(Deg,{Fs,_Vs}) -> gl:matrixMode(?GL_MODELVIEW), gl:loadIdentity(), gl:rotatef(Deg, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), gl:rotatef(20.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), gl:clear(?GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT bor ?GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT), gl:drawArrays(?GL_QUADS, 0, length(Fs)*4). -define(F32, 32/float-native). -define(I32, 32/signed-native). -define(UI32, 32/native). build_buffers(Fs, Cube) -> Get = fun(N) -> f3(element(N, Cube)) end, Vs = << << (Get(V1))/binary, (Get(V2))/binary, (Get(V3))/binary, (Get(V4))/binary>> || {{V1,V2,V3,V4}, _} <- Fs >>, Ns = << << (f3(N))/binary, (f3(N))/binary, (f3(N))/binary, (f3(N))/binary >> || {_, N} <- Fs>>, Cs = << << (c3(N))/binary, (c3(N))/binary, (c3(N))/binary, (c3(N))/binary >> || {_, N} <- Fs>>, Tx = << << 0.0:?F32, 1.0:?F32, 0.0:?F32, 0.0:?F32, 1.0:?F32, 0.0:?F32, 1.0:?F32, 1.0:?F32>> || _ <- Fs >>, Data = << Vs/binary, Ns/binary, Cs/binary, Tx/binary>>, [Vbo] = gl:genBuffers(1), gl:bindBuffer(?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, Vbo), gl:bufferData(?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, byte_size(Data), Data, ?GL_STATIC_DRAW), put(data, Data), gl:vertexPointer(3, ?GL_FLOAT, 3*4, 0), gl:normalPointer(?GL_FLOAT, 3*4, byte_size(Vs)), gl:colorPointer(3, ?GL_FLOAT, 3*4, byte_size(Vs)+byte_size(Ns)), % gl:texCoordPointer(2, ?GL_FLOAT, 0, byte_size(Vs)+byte_size(Ns)+byte_size(Cs)), gl:enableClientState(?GL_VERTEX_ARRAY), gl:enableClientState(?GL_NORMAL_ARRAY), gl:enableClientState(?GL_COLOR_ARRAY), % gl:enableClientState(?GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY), Vbo. f3({X,Y,Z}) -> <>. c3({X,Y,Z}) -> <<(abs(X)):?F32, (abs(Y)):?F32, (abs(Z)):?F32>>. glu_tesselation(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo); glu_tesselation(Config) -> WX = ?mr(wx_ref, wx:new()), Frame = wxFrame:new(WX,1,"Hello 3D-World",[]), Attrs = [{attribList, [?WX_GL_RGBA,?WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER,0]}], Canvas = ?mt(wxGLCanvas, wxGLCanvas:new(Frame, Attrs)), wxFrame:connect(Frame, show), ?m(true, wxWindow:show(Frame)), receive #wx{event=#wxShow{}} -> ok after 1000 -> exit(show_timeout) end, Context = wxGLContext:new(Canvas), wxGLCanvas:setCurrent(Canvas, Context), Simple = ?m({_,_}, glu:tesselate({0.0,0.0,1.0}, [{-1.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,1.0,0.0}])), io:format("Simple ~p~n",[Simple]), {RL1,RB1} = Simple, ?m(3, length(RL1)), ?m(8*3*3, size(RB1)), {RL2,RB2} = ?m({_,_}, glu:tesselate({0.0,0.0,1.0}, [{-1.0,0.0,0.0},{0.1,0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0,0.0},{-1.0,1.0,0.0}])), ?m(6, length(RL2)), ?m(8*3*4, size(RB2)), {RL3,RB3} = ?m({_,_}, glu:tesselate({0.0,0.0,1.0}, [{-1.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0,0.0}, {-1.0,1.0,0.0},{-5.0,0.5,0.0}])), ?m(9, length(RL3)), ?m(8*3*5, size(RB3)), wx_test_lib:wx_destroy(Frame, Config). debugMessage(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo); debugMessage(Config) -> WX = ?mr(wx_ref, wx:new()), Frame = wxFrame:new(WX,1,"Hello 3D-World",[]), case {?wxMAJOR_VERSION, ?wxMINOR_VERSION} of {WxMajor,WxMinor} when WxMajor >= 3, WxMinor >= 2 -> Attrs = [{attribList, [?WX_GL_RGBA,?WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER,?WX_GL_DEBUG,0]}], Canvas = ?mt(wxGLCanvas, wxGLCanvas:new(Frame, Attrs)), wxFrame:connect(Frame, show), ?m(true, wxWindow:show(Frame)), receive #wx{event=#wxShow{}} -> ok after 1000 -> exit(show_timeout) end, Context = wxGLContext:new(Canvas), wxGLCanvas:setCurrent(Canvas, Context), case {gl:getIntegerv(?GL_MAJOR_VERSION),gl:getIntegerv(?GL_MINOR_VERSION)} of {[Major|_], [Minor|_]} when Major >= 4, Minor >= 3 -> io:format("~nVersion: ~p~n", [{Major,Minor}]), ByteCount = 5000, Count = 10, %% Before any log insertion: A = gl:getDebugMessageLog(Count, ByteCount), io:format( "A = ~p~n", [ A ] ), Msg1 = "Hello!", gl:debugMessageInsert(?GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION, ?GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR, 10, ?GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH, Msg1), Msg2 = "Goodbye...", gl:debugMessageInsert(?GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION, ?GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR, 11, ?GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH, Msg2), B = gl:getDebugMessageLog(Count, ByteCount), io:format("B = ~p~n", [B]), C = gl:getDebugMessageLog(Count, ByteCount), io:format("C = ~p~n", [C]); Versions -> io:format("Not supported version: ~p~n", [Versions]) end; _ -> ok end, wx_test_lib:wx_destroy(Frame, Config).