%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: Help funtions for handling the DTLS (specific parts of) %%% SSL/TLS/DTLS handshake protocol %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(dtls_handshake). -include("dtls_connection.hrl"). -include("dtls_handshake.hrl"). -include("dtls_record.hrl"). -include("ssl_internal.hrl"). -include("ssl_alert.hrl"). %% Handshake handling -export([client_hello/8, client_hello/9, cookie/4, hello/4, hello_verify_request/2]). %% Handshake encoding -export([fragment_handshake/2, encode_handshake/3]). %% Handshake decodeing -export([get_dtls_handshake/4]). -type dtls_handshake() :: #client_hello{} | #hello_verify_request{} | ssl_handshake:ssl_handshake(). %%==================================================================== %% Handshake handling %%==================================================================== %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec client_hello(ssl:host(), inet:port_number(), ssl_record:connection_states(), ssl_options(), integer(), atom(), boolean(), der_cert()) -> #client_hello{}. %% %% Description: Creates a client hello message. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- client_hello(Host, Port, ConnectionStates, SslOpts, Cache, CacheCb, Renegotiation, OwnCert) -> %% First client hello (two sent in DTLS ) uses empty Cookie client_hello(Host, Port, <<>>, ConnectionStates, SslOpts, Cache, CacheCb, Renegotiation, OwnCert). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec client_hello(ssl:host(), inet:port_number(), term(), ssl_record:connection_states(), ssl_options(), integer(), atom(), boolean(), der_cert()) -> #client_hello{}. %% %% Description: Creates a client hello message. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- client_hello(Host, Port, Cookie, ConnectionStates, #{versions := Versions, ciphers := UserSuites, fallback := Fallback} = SslOpts, Cache, CacheCb, Renegotiation, OwnCert) -> Version = dtls_record:highest_protocol_version(Versions), Pending = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read), SecParams = maps:get(security_parameters, Pending), TLSVersion = dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version), CipherSuites = ssl_handshake:available_suites(UserSuites, TLSVersion), Extensions = ssl_handshake:client_hello_extensions(TLSVersion, CipherSuites, SslOpts, ConnectionStates, Renegotiation, undefined), Id = ssl_session:client_id({Host, Port, SslOpts}, Cache, CacheCb, OwnCert), #client_hello{session_id = Id, client_version = Version, cipher_suites = ssl_handshake:cipher_suites(CipherSuites, Renegotiation, Fallback), compression_methods = ssl_record:compressions(), random = SecParams#security_parameters.client_random, cookie = Cookie, extensions = Extensions }. hello(#server_hello{server_version = Version, random = Random, cipher_suite = CipherSuite, compression_method = Compression, session_id = SessionId, extensions = HelloExt}, #{versions := SupportedVersions} = SslOpt, ConnectionStates0, Renegotiation) -> case dtls_record:is_acceptable_version(Version, SupportedVersions) of true -> handle_server_hello_extensions(Version, SessionId, Random, CipherSuite, Compression, HelloExt, SslOpt, ConnectionStates0, Renegotiation); false -> ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?PROTOCOL_VERSION) end; hello(#client_hello{client_version = ClientVersion} = Hello, #{versions := Versions} = SslOpts, Info, Renegotiation) -> Version = ssl_handshake:select_version(dtls_record, ClientVersion, Versions), handle_client_hello(Version, Hello, SslOpts, Info, Renegotiation). cookie(Key, Address, Port, #client_hello{client_version = {Major, Minor}, random = Random, session_id = SessionId, cipher_suites = CipherSuites, compression_methods = CompressionMethods}) -> CookieData = [address_to_bin(Address, Port), <>, Random, SessionId, CipherSuites, CompressionMethods], crypto:hmac(sha, Key, CookieData). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec hello_verify_request(binary(), ssl_record:ssl_version()) -> #hello_verify_request{}. %% %% Description: Creates a hello verify request message sent by server to %% verify client %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- hello_verify_request(Cookie, Version) -> #hello_verify_request{protocol_version = Version, cookie = Cookie}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Handshake encoding %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- fragment_handshake(Bin, _) when is_binary(Bin)-> %% This is the change_cipher_spec not a "real handshake" but part of the flight Bin; fragment_handshake([MsgType, Len, Seq, _, Len, Bin], Size) -> Bins = bin_fragments(Bin, Size), handshake_fragments(MsgType, Seq, Len, Bins, []). encode_handshake(Handshake, Version, Seq) -> {MsgType, Bin} = enc_handshake(Handshake, Version), Len = byte_size(Bin), [MsgType, ?uint24(Len), ?uint16(Seq), ?uint24(0), ?uint24(Len), Bin]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Handshake decodeing %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec get_dtls_handshake(ssl_record:ssl_version(), binary(), #protocol_buffers{}, ssl_options()) -> {[dtls_handshake()], #protocol_buffers{}}. %% %% Description: Given buffered and new data from dtls_record, collects %% and returns it as a list of handshake messages, also returns %% possible leftover data in the new "protocol_buffers". %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- get_dtls_handshake(Version, Fragment, ProtocolBuffers, Options) -> handle_fragments(Version, Fragment, ProtocolBuffers, Options, []). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_client_hello(Version, #client_hello{session_id = SugesstedId, cipher_suites = CipherSuites, compression_methods = Compressions, random = Random, extensions = HelloExt}, #{versions := Versions, signature_algs := SupportedHashSigns, eccs := SupportedECCs, honor_ecc_order := ECCOrder} = SslOpts, {Port, Session0, Cache, CacheCb, ConnectionStates0, Cert, _}, Renegotiation) -> case dtls_record:is_acceptable_version(Version, Versions) of true -> Curves = maps:get(elliptic_curves, HelloExt, undefined), ClientHashSigns = maps:get(signature_algs, HelloExt, undefined), TLSVersion = dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version), AvailableHashSigns = ssl_handshake:available_signature_algs( ClientHashSigns, SupportedHashSigns, Cert,TLSVersion), ECCCurve = ssl_handshake:select_curve(Curves, SupportedECCs, ECCOrder), {Type, #session{cipher_suite = CipherSuite} = Session1} = ssl_handshake:select_session(SugesstedId, CipherSuites, AvailableHashSigns, Compressions, Port, Session0#session{ecc = ECCCurve}, TLSVersion, SslOpts, Cache, CacheCb, Cert), case CipherSuite of no_suite -> ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY); _ -> #{key_exchange := KeyExAlg} = ssl_cipher_format:suite_bin_to_map(CipherSuite), case ssl_handshake:select_hashsign({ClientHashSigns, undefined}, Cert, KeyExAlg, SupportedHashSigns, TLSVersion) of #alert{} = Alert -> Alert; HashSign -> handle_client_hello_extensions(Version, Type, Random, CipherSuites, HelloExt, SslOpts, Session1, ConnectionStates0, Renegotiation, HashSign) end end; false -> ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?PROTOCOL_VERSION) end. handle_client_hello_extensions(Version, Type, Random, CipherSuites, HelloExt, SslOpts, Session0, ConnectionStates0, Renegotiation, HashSign) -> try ssl_handshake:handle_client_hello_extensions(dtls_record, Random, CipherSuites, HelloExt, dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version), SslOpts, Session0, ConnectionStates0, Renegotiation) of {Session, ConnectionStates, Protocol, ServerHelloExt} -> {Version, {Type, Session}, ConnectionStates, Protocol, ServerHelloExt, HashSign} catch throw:Alert -> Alert end. handle_server_hello_extensions(Version, SessionId, Random, CipherSuite, Compression, HelloExt, SslOpt, ConnectionStates0, Renegotiation) -> try ssl_handshake:handle_server_hello_extensions(dtls_record, Random, CipherSuite, Compression, HelloExt, dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version), SslOpt, ConnectionStates0, Renegotiation) of {ConnectionStates, ProtoExt, Protocol} -> {Version, SessionId, ConnectionStates, ProtoExt, Protocol} catch throw:Alert -> Alert end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- enc_handshake(#hello_verify_request{protocol_version = {Major, Minor}, cookie = Cookie}, _Version) -> CookieLength = byte_size(Cookie), {?HELLO_VERIFY_REQUEST, <>}; enc_handshake(#hello_request{}, _Version) -> {?HELLO_REQUEST, <<>>}; enc_handshake(#client_hello{client_version = {Major, Minor}, random = Random, session_id = SessionID, cookie = Cookie, cipher_suites = CipherSuites, compression_methods = CompMethods, extensions = HelloExtensions}, _Version) -> SIDLength = byte_size(SessionID), CookieLength = byte_size(Cookie), BinCompMethods = list_to_binary(CompMethods), CmLength = byte_size(BinCompMethods), BinCipherSuites = list_to_binary(CipherSuites), CsLength = byte_size(BinCipherSuites), ExtensionsBin = ssl_handshake:encode_hello_extensions(HelloExtensions, dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version({Major, Minor})), {?CLIENT_HELLO, <>}; enc_handshake(#server_hello{} = HandshakeMsg, Version) -> {Type, <>} = ssl_handshake:encode_handshake(HandshakeMsg, Version), {DTLSMajor, DTLSMinor} = dtls_v1:corresponding_dtls_version({Major, Minor}), {Type, <>}; enc_handshake(HandshakeMsg, Version) -> ssl_handshake:encode_handshake(HandshakeMsg, dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version)). handshake_bin(#handshake_fragment{ type = Type, length = Len, message_seq = Seq, fragment_length = Len, fragment_offset = 0, fragment = Fragment}) -> handshake_bin(Type, Len, Seq, Fragment). handshake_bin(Type, Length, Seq, FragmentData) -> <>. bin_fragments(Bin, Size) -> bin_fragments(Bin, size(Bin), Size, 0, []). bin_fragments(Bin, BinSize, FragSize, Offset, Fragments) -> case (BinSize - Offset - FragSize) > 0 of true -> Frag = binary:part(Bin, {Offset, FragSize}), bin_fragments(Bin, BinSize, FragSize, Offset + FragSize, [{Frag, Offset} | Fragments]); false -> Frag = binary:part(Bin, {Offset, BinSize-Offset}), lists:reverse([{Frag, Offset} | Fragments]) end. handshake_fragments(_, _, _, [], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); handshake_fragments(MsgType, Seq, Len, [{Bin, Offset} | Bins], Acc) -> FragLen = size(Bin), handshake_fragments(MsgType, Seq, Len, Bins, [<> | Acc]). address_to_bin({A,B,C,D}, Port) -> <<0:80,16#ffff:16,A,B,C,D,Port:16>>; address_to_bin({A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}, Port) -> <>. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_fragments(Version, FragmentData, Buffers0, Options, Acc) -> Fragments = decode_handshake_fragments(FragmentData), do_handle_fragments(Version, Fragments, Buffers0, Options, Acc). do_handle_fragments(_, [], Buffers, _Options, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Buffers}; do_handle_fragments(Version, [Fragment | Fragments], Buffers0, #{log_level := LogLevel} = Options, Acc) -> case reassemble(Version, Fragment, Buffers0) of {more_data, Buffers} when Fragments == [] -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Buffers}; {more_data, Buffers} -> do_handle_fragments(Version, Fragments, Buffers, Options, Acc); {{Handshake, _} = HsPacket, Buffers} -> ssl_logger:debug(LogLevel, inbound, 'handshake', Handshake), do_handle_fragments(Version, Fragments, Buffers, Options, [HsPacket | Acc]) end. decode_handshake(Version, <>) -> decode_handshake(Version, Type, Bin). decode_handshake(_, ?HELLO_REQUEST, <<>>) -> #hello_request{}; decode_handshake(Version, ?CLIENT_HELLO, <>) -> TLSVersion = dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version), LegacyVersion = dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version({Major, Minor}), Exts = ssl_handshake:decode_vector(Extensions), DecodedExtensions = ssl_handshake:decode_hello_extensions(Exts, TLSVersion, LegacyVersion, client), #client_hello{ client_version = {Major,Minor}, random = Random, cookie = Cookie, session_id = Session_ID, cipher_suites = ssl_handshake:decode_suites('2_bytes', CipherSuites), compression_methods = Comp_methods, extensions = DecodedExtensions }; decode_handshake(_Version, ?HELLO_VERIFY_REQUEST, <>) -> #hello_verify_request{protocol_version = {Major, Minor}, cookie = Cookie}; decode_handshake(Version, Tag, <>) -> %% DTLS specifics stripped decode_tls_handshake(Version, Tag, Msg). decode_tls_handshake(Version, Tag, Msg) -> TLSVersion = dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version), ssl_handshake:decode_handshake(TLSVersion, Tag, Msg). decode_handshake_fragments(<<>>) -> [<<>>]; decode_handshake_fragments(<>) -> [#handshake_fragment{type = Type, length = Length, message_seq = MessageSeq, fragment_offset = FragmentOffset, fragment_length = FragmentLength, fragment = Fragment} | decode_handshake_fragments(Rest)]. reassemble(Version, #handshake_fragment{message_seq = Seq} = Fragment, #protocol_buffers{dtls_handshake_next_seq = Seq, dtls_handshake_next_fragments = Fragments0, dtls_handshake_later_fragments = LaterFragments0} = Buffers0)-> case reassemble_fragments(Fragment, Fragments0) of {more_data, Fragments} -> {more_data, Buffers0#protocol_buffers{dtls_handshake_next_fragments = Fragments}}; {raw, RawHandshake} -> Handshake = decode_handshake(Version, RawHandshake), {NextFragments, LaterFragments} = next_fragments(LaterFragments0), {{Handshake, RawHandshake}, Buffers0#protocol_buffers{dtls_handshake_next_seq = Seq + 1, dtls_handshake_next_fragments = NextFragments, dtls_handshake_later_fragments = LaterFragments}} end; reassemble(_, #handshake_fragment{message_seq = FragSeq} = Fragment, #protocol_buffers{dtls_handshake_next_seq = Seq, dtls_handshake_later_fragments = LaterFragments} = Buffers0) when FragSeq > Seq-> {more_data, Buffers0#protocol_buffers{dtls_handshake_later_fragments = [Fragment | LaterFragments]}}; reassemble(_, _, Buffers) -> %% Disregard fragments FragSeq < Seq {more_data, Buffers}. reassemble_fragments(Current, Fragments0) -> [Frag1 | Frags] = lists:keysort(#handshake_fragment.fragment_offset, [Current | Fragments0]), [Fragment | _] = Fragments = merge_fragment(Frag1, Frags), case is_complete_handshake(Fragment) of true -> {raw, handshake_bin(Fragment)}; false -> {more_data, Fragments} end. merge_fragment(Frag0, []) -> [Frag0]; merge_fragment(Frag0, [Frag1 | Rest]) -> case merge_fragments(Frag0, Frag1) of [_|_] = Frags -> Frags ++ Rest; Frag -> merge_fragment(Frag, Rest) end. %% Duplicate (fully contained fragment) %% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P %% 2,5 _ _ C C C C C merge_fragments(#handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = PreviousOffSet, fragment_length = PreviousLen, fragment = PreviousData } = Previous, #handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = PreviousOffSet, fragment_length = PreviousLen, fragment = PreviousData}) -> Previous; %% Duplicate (fully contained fragment) %% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P %% 2,2 _ _ C C %% 0,3 X X X %% 5,3 _ _ _ _ _ X X X merge_fragments(#handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = PreviousOffset, fragment_length = PreviousLen } = Previous, #handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = CurrentOffset, fragment_length = CurrentLen}) when PreviousOffset =< CurrentOffset andalso CurrentOffset =< PreviousOffset + PreviousLen andalso CurrentOffset + CurrentLen =< PreviousOffset + PreviousLen -> Previous; %% Fully overlapping fragments %% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P %% 0,8 C C C C C C C C merge_fragments(#handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = PreviousOffset, fragment_length = PreviousLen }, #handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = CurrentOffset, fragment_length = CurrentLen} = Current) when CurrentOffset =< PreviousOffset andalso CurrentOffset + CurrentLen >= PreviousOffset + PreviousLen -> Current; %% Overlapping fragments %% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P %% 0,3 C C C merge_fragments(#handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = PreviousOffset, fragment_length = PreviousLen, fragment = PreviousData } = Previous, #handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = CurrentOffset, fragment_length = CurrentLen, fragment = CurrentData}) when CurrentOffset < PreviousOffset andalso CurrentOffset + CurrentLen < PreviousOffset + PreviousLen -> NewDataLen = PreviousOffset - CurrentOffset, <> = CurrentData, Previous#handshake_fragment{ fragment_length = PreviousLen + NewDataLen, fragment = <> }; %% Overlapping fragments %% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P %% 5,3 _ _ _ _ _ C C C merge_fragments(#handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = PreviousOffset, fragment_length = PreviousLen, fragment = PreviousData } = Previous, #handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = CurrentOffset, fragment_length = CurrentLen, fragment = CurrentData}) when CurrentOffset > PreviousOffset andalso CurrentOffset < PreviousOffset + PreviousLen -> NewDataLen = CurrentOffset + CurrentLen - (PreviousOffset + PreviousLen), DropLen = CurrentLen - NewDataLen, <<_:DropLen/binary, NewData/binary>> = CurrentData, Previous#handshake_fragment{ fragment_length = PreviousLen + NewDataLen, fragment = <> }; %% Adjacent fragments %% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P %% 7,3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C C C merge_fragments(#handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = PreviousOffset, fragment_length = PreviousLen, fragment = PreviousData } = Previous, #handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = CurrentOffset, fragment_length = CurrentLen, fragment = CurrentData}) when CurrentOffset =:= PreviousOffset + PreviousLen -> Previous#handshake_fragment{ fragment_length = PreviousLen + CurrentLen, fragment = <> }; %% Adjacent fragments %% 2,5 _ _ P P P P P %% 0,2 C C merge_fragments(#handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = PreviousOffset, fragment_length = PreviousLen, fragment = PreviousData } = Previous, #handshake_fragment{ fragment_offset = CurrentOffset, fragment_length = CurrentLen, fragment = CurrentData}) when PreviousOffset =:= CurrentOffset + CurrentLen -> Previous#handshake_fragment{ fragment_length = PreviousLen + CurrentLen, fragment = <> }; %% No merge there is a gap %% 3,5 _ _ _ P P P P %% 0,2 C C merge_fragments(Previous, Current) -> [Previous, Current]. next_fragments(LaterFragments) -> case lists:keysort(#handshake_fragment.message_seq, LaterFragments) of [] -> {[], []}; [#handshake_fragment{message_seq = Seq} | _] = Fragments -> split_frags(Fragments, Seq, []) end. split_frags([#handshake_fragment{message_seq = Seq} = Frag | Rest], Seq, Acc) -> split_frags(Rest, Seq, [Frag | Acc]); split_frags(Frags, _, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Frags}. is_complete_handshake(#handshake_fragment{length = Length, fragment_length = Length}) -> true; is_complete_handshake(_) -> false.