%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2020. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(ei_accept_SUITE). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include("ei_accept_SUITE_data/ei_accept_test_cases.hrl"). -export([all/0, suite/0, init_per_testcase/2, ei_accept/1, ei_threaded_accept/1, monitor_ei_process/1]). -import(runner, [get_term/1,send_term/2]). suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}, {timetrap, {seconds, 30}}]. all() -> [ei_accept, ei_threaded_accept, monitor_ei_process]. init_per_testcase(Case, Config) -> runner:init_per_testcase(?MODULE, Case, Config). ei_accept(Config) when is_list(Config) -> [ei_accept_do(Config, CR, SI) || CR <- [0,21], SI <- [default, ussi]], ok. ei_accept_do(Config, CompatRel, SockImpl) -> io:format("CompatRel=~p, SockImpl=~p\n", [CompatRel, SockImpl]), P = runner:start(Config, ?interpret), 0 = ei_connect_init(P, 42, erlang:get_cookie(), 0, CompatRel, SockImpl), Myname = hd(tl(string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()), "@"))), io:format("Myname ~p ~n", [Myname]), EINode = list_to_atom("c42@"++Myname), io:format("EINode ~p ~n", [EINode]), %% We take this opportunity to also test export-funs and bit-strings %% with (ugly) tuple fallbacks in OTP 21 and older. %% Test both toward pending connection and established connection. RealTerms = [<<1:1>>, fun lists:map/2], EncTerms = case CompatRel of 0 -> RealTerms; 21 -> [{<<128>>,1}, {lists,map}] end, Self = self(), Funny = fun() -> hello end, TermToSend = {call, Self, "Test", Funny, RealTerms}, TermToGet = {call, Self, "Test", Funny, EncTerms}, Port = 6543, {ok, ListenFd} = ei_publish(P, Port), {any, EINode} ! TermToSend, {ok, Fd, Node} = ei_accept(P, ListenFd), Node = node(), Got1 = ei_receive(P, Fd), %% Send again, now without auto-connect {any, EINode} ! TermToSend, Got2 = ei_receive(P, Fd), io:format("Sent ~p~nExp. ~p~nGot1 ~p~nGot2 ~p~n", [TermToSend, TermToGet, Got1, Got2]), TermToGet = Got1, TermToGet = Got2, runner:finish(P), ok. ei_threaded_accept(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Einode = filename:join(proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), "eiaccnode"), ei_threaded_accept_do(Einode, default), ei_threaded_accept_do(Einode, ussi), ok. ei_threaded_accept_do(Einode, SockImpl) -> N = 3, wait_unreg_nodename(["eiacc0", "eiacc1", "eiacc2"], 10), start_einode(Einode, N, SockImpl), io:format("started eiaccnode"), TestServerPid = self(), [spawn_link(fun() -> send_rec_einode(I, TestServerPid) end) || I <- lists:seq(0, N-1)], [receive I -> ok end || I <- lists:seq(0, N-1) ], ok. %% Test erlang:monitor toward erl_interface "processes" monitor_ei_process(Config) when is_list(Config) -> P = runner:start(Config, ?interpret), 0 = ei_connect_init(P, 42, erlang:get_cookie(), 0, 0, default), Myname = hd(tl(string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()), "@"))), io:format("Myname ~p ~n", [Myname]), EINode = list_to_atom("c42@"++Myname), io:format("EINode ~p ~n", [EINode]), Port = 6543, {ok, ListenFd} = ei_publish(P, Port), MRef1 = erlang:monitor(process, {any, EINode}), {any, EINode} ! hello, {ok, Fd, _Node} = ei_accept(P, ListenFd), hello = ei_receive(P, Fd), %% Again, now on an established connection. MRef2 = erlang:monitor(process, {any, EINode}), {any, EINode} ! hello, hello = ei_receive(P, Fd), ok = receive M -> M after 0 -> ok end, runner:finish(P), ok =receive {'DOWN', MRef1, process, {any, EINode}, noconnection} -> ok after 1000 -> timeout end, ok = receive {'DOWN', MRef2, process, {any, EINode}, noconnection} -> ok after 1000 -> timeout end, [] = flush(0, 1000), ok. wait_unreg_nodename([], _) -> ok; wait_unreg_nodename(Names, 0) -> ct:fail({name_not_unregistered, Names}); wait_unreg_nodename(Names, N) -> Registered = [X || {X,_} <- element(2,erl_epmd:names())], case lists:foldl(fun (Name, Acc) -> case lists:member(Name, Registered) of true -> [Name | Acc]; false -> Acc end end, [], Names) of [] -> ok; NewNames -> timer:sleep(1000), waitfornode(NewNames,N-1) end. waitfornode(String,0) -> io:format("~s never published itself.~n",[String]), false; waitfornode(String,N) -> Registered = [X || {X,_} <- element(2,erl_epmd:names())], case lists:member(String,Registered) of true -> true; false -> timer:sleep(1000), waitfornode(String,N-1) end. send_rec_einode(N, TestServerPid) -> Myname= hd(tl(string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()), "@"))), FirstPart = "eiacc" ++ integer_to_list(N), EINode= list_to_atom(FirstPart ++ "@" ++ Myname), io:format("EINode ~p ~n", [EINode]), Self= self(), case waitfornode(FirstPart,20) of true -> ok; false -> ct:fail({never_published,EINode}) end, {any, EINode} ! Self, receive {N,_}=X -> io:format("Received by ~s ~p~n", [EINode, X]), TestServerPid ! N, X after 10000 -> ct:fail(EINode) end. start_einode(Einode, N, SockImpl) -> Einodecmd = Einode ++ " " ++ atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie()) ++ " " ++ integer_to_list(N) ++ " " ++ atom_to_list(SockImpl), io:format("Einodecmd ~p ~n", [Einodecmd]), open_port({spawn, Einodecmd}, []), ok. %%% Interface functions for ei (erl_interface) functions. ei_connect_init(P, Num, Cookie, Creation, Compat, SockImpl) -> send_command(P, ei_connect_init, [Num,Cookie,Creation,Compat,SockImpl]), case get_term(P) of {term,Int} when is_integer(Int) -> Int end. ei_publish(P, PortNo) -> send_command(P, ei_publish, [PortNo]), case get_term(P) of {term,{ListenFd, EpmdFd, _}} when ListenFd >= 0, EpmdFd >= 0 -> {ok, ListenFd}; {term,{_, _, Errno}} -> {error,Errno} end. ei_accept(P, ListenFd) -> send_command(P, ei_accept, [ListenFd]), case get_term(P) of {term,{Fd, _, Node}} when Fd >= 0 -> {ok, Fd, Node}; {term,{_Fd, Errno, _Node}} -> {error,Errno} end. ei_receive(P, Fd) -> send_command(P, ei_receive, [Fd]), {term, T} = get_term(P), T. send_command(P, Name, Args) -> runner:send_term(P, {Name,list_to_tuple(Args)}). flush(0, Timeout) -> flush(1, Timeout div 10); flush(Expected, Timeout) -> receive M -> [M | flush(Expected-1, Timeout)] after Timeout -> [] end.