Cross Compiling Erlang/OTP - ANDROID ==================================== Introduction ------------ This document describes how to cross compile Erlang/OTP to Android/Raspberry Pi platforms. ### Download and Install the Android NDK ### ### Define System Variables ### $ export NDK_ROOT=/path/to/android-ndk $ export PATH=$NDK_ROOT/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH $ # export PATH=$NDK_ROOT/toolchains/lvvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin:$PATH ### Configure Erlang/OTP ### Use the following commands when compiling an ARM 64-bit version. $ export NDK_ABI_PLAT=android21 # When targeting Android 5.0 Lollipop $ # Either without OpenSSL support: $ $ ./otp_build configure \ --xcomp-conf=./xcomp/erl-xcomp-arm64-android.conf \ --without-ssl $ # Or with OpenSSL linked statically: $ $ cd /path/to/OpenSSL/source/dir/built/for/android-arm64 $ # First follow the NOTES.ANDROID build instructions from OpenSSL $ $ # Then to avoid the full installation of this cross-compiled build, $ # manually create a 'lib' directory at the root of the OpenSSL directory $ # (at the same level as 'include') and link 'libcrypto.a' inside it. $ $ mkdir lib $ ln -s ../libcrypto.a lib/libcrypto.a $ cd - # Return to the Erlang/OTP directory $ $ # This previous step is needed for the OpenSSL static linking to work as $ # the --with-ssl option expects a path with both the 'lib' and 'include' $ # directories. $ ./otp_build configure \ --xcomp-conf=./xcomp/erl-xcomp-arm64-android.conf \ --with-ssl=/path/to/OpenSSL/source/dir/built/for/android-arm64 \ --disable-dynamic-ssl-lib Use the following commands when compiling an ARM 32-bit version. $ export NDK_ABI_PLAT=androideabi16 # When targeting Android 4.1 Jelly Bean $ # Either without OpenSSL support: $ $ ./otp_build configure \ --xcomp-conf=./xcomp/erl-xcomp-arm-android.conf \ --without-ssl $ # Or with OpenSSL linked statically: $ $ cd /path/to/OpenSSL/source/dir/built/for/android-arm $ # First follow the NOTES.ANDROID build instructions from OpenSSL $ $ # Then to avoid the full installation of this cross-compiled build, $ # manually create a 'lib' directory at the root of the OpenSSL directory $ # (at the same level as 'include') and link 'libcrypto.a' inside it. $ $ mkdir lib $ ln -s ../libcrypto.a lib/libcrypto.a $ cd - # Return to the Erlang/OTP directory $ $ # This previous step is needed for the OpenSSL static linking to work as $ # the --with-ssl option expects a path with both the 'lib' and 'include' $ # directories. $ ./otp_build configure \ --xcomp-conf=./xcomp/erl-xcomp-arm-android.conf \ --with-ssl=/path/to/OpenSSL/source/dir/built/for/android-arm \ --disable-dynamic-ssl-lib Use the following commands when compiling an x86 64-bit version. $ export NDK_ABI_PLAT=android21 # When targeting Android 5.0 Lollipop $ # Either without OpenSSL support: $ $ ./otp_build configure \ --xcomp-conf=./xcomp/erl-xcomp-x86_64-android.conf \ --without-ssl $ # Or with OpenSSL linked statically: $ $ cd /path/to/OpenSSL/source/dir/built/for/android-x86_64 $ # First follow the NOTES.UNIX build instructions from OpenSSL $ $ # Then to avoid the full installation of this locally-compiled build, $ # manually create a 'lib64' directory at the root of the OpenSSL source $ # (at the same level as 'include') and link 'libcrypto.a' inside it. $ $ mkdir lib64 $ ln -s ../libcrypto.a lib64/libcrypto.a $ cd - # Return to the Erlang/OTP directory $ $ # This previous step is needed for the OpenSSL static linking to work $ # as the --with-ssl option expects a path with both the 'lib64' and $ # 'include' directories. $ ./otp_build configure \ --xcomp-conf=./xcomp/erl-xcomp-x86_64-android.conf \ --with-ssl=/path/to/OpenSSL/source/dir/built/for/android-x86_64 \ --disable-dynamic-ssl-lib ### Compile Erlang/OTP ### $ make noboot [-j4] or $ make [-j4] ### Make Release ### $ make RELEASE_ROOT=/path/to/release/erlang release ### Target Deployment for Raspberry Pi ### Make a tarball out of /path/to/release/erlang and copy it to target device. Extract it and install. $ ./Install /usr/local/erlang ### Target Deployment for Android testing ### The adb tool from the Android SDK can be used to deploy Erlang/OTP to a target Android device, for testing purpose mainly, as the /data/local/tmp path used for installation below is executable only from the adb shell command, but not from other local applications due to Android sandbox security model. $ cd /path/to/release/erlang $ # For testing purpose, configure the Erlang/OTP scripts to use the target $ # installation path in /data/local/tmp which is executable from adb shell $ ./Install -cross -minimal /data/local/tmp/erlang To properly integrate into an Android application, the installation would have to target /data/data/[your/app/package/name]/files/[erlang/dir/once/unpacked] as shown in as an example. WARNING: adb has issues with symlinks (and too). There is only one symlink for epmd in recent Erlang/OTP releases (20 to master-based 24) so it has to be removed before using adb push, and then recreated manually on the target device itself if needed (or epmd can simply be duplicated instead). $ # Make sure that the epmd symlink is not present before adb push $ rm bin/epmd $ cp erts-X.Y.Z/bin/epmd bin/epmd $ cd .. $ # The release can now be deployed in the pre-configured target directory $ adb push erlang /data/local/tmp/erlang Start an interactive shell onto the target Android device, and launch erl. $ adb shell :/ $ /data/local/tmp/erlang/bin/erl Eshel VX.Y.Z (abort with ^G) 1> q(). ok 2> :/ $ # Erlang/OTP is running on Android, congratulations! :-) ### Known Issues ### * native inet:gethostbyname/1 return {error, nxdomain} on Raspberry PI. Use dns resolver to by-pass the issue (see ### References ### The port derives some solutions from