language: c sudo: false os: - linux dist: xenial addons: apt: packages: - autoconf - libncurses-dev - build-essential - libssl-dev - libwxgtk3.0-dev - libglu1-mesa-dev - default-jdk - g++ - xsltproc - libxml2-utils matrix: include: # Doc build second as it also takes a long time to run - env: Linux64Docbuild script: - ./scripts/build-otp docs deploy: provider: pages repo: erlang/cd target-branch: master skip-cleanup: true keep-history: false verbose: true github-token: $ERLANG_CD_GITHUB_TOKEN on: # We only deploy on pushes to branches all_branches: true tags: false condition: $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST = "false" repo: erlang/otp - env: Linux-ppc64le-SmokeTest os: linux-ppc64le script: - ./scripts/build-otp - ./otp_build tests - ./scripts/run-smoke-tests addons: apt: update: true packages: - autoconf - libncurses-dev - build-essential - libssl-dev - libwxgtk3.0-dev - libglu1-mesa-dev - default-jdk - g++ - xsltproc - libxml2-utils before_script: - set -e - export ERL_TOP=$PWD - export PATH=$ERL_TOP/bin:$PATH - export ERL_LIBS='' - export MAKEFLAGS=-j4