%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% rebar: Erlang Build Tools %% %% Copyright (c) 2011 Joe Williams (joe@joetify.com) %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy %% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal %% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights %% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell %% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is %% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in %% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR %% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER %% LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, %% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN %% THE SOFTWARE. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(rebar_upgrade). -include("rebar.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -export(['generate-upgrade'/2]). %% ==================================================================== %% Public API %% ==================================================================== 'generate-upgrade'(_Config, ReltoolFile) -> %% Get the old release path OldVerPath = rebar_rel_utils:get_previous_release_path(), %% Run checks to make sure that building a package is possible {NewName, NewVer} = run_checks(OldVerPath, ReltoolFile), NameVer = NewName ++ "_" ++ NewVer, %% Save the code path prior to doing anything OrigPath = code:get_path(), %% Prepare the environment for building the package ok = setup(OldVerPath, NewName, NewVer, NameVer), %% Build the package run_systools(NameVer, NewName), %% Boot file changes {ok, _} = boot_files(NewVer, NewName), %% Extract upgrade and tar it back up with changes make_tar(NameVer), %% Clean up files that systools created ok = cleanup(NameVer, NewName, NewVer), %% Restore original path true = code:set_path(OrigPath), ok. %% =================================================================== %% Internal functions %% ================================================================== run_checks(OldVerPath, ReltoolFile) -> true = rebar_utils:prop_check(filelib:is_dir(OldVerPath), "Release directory doesn't exist (~p)~n", [OldVerPath]), {Name, Ver} = rebar_rel_utils:get_reltool_release_info(ReltoolFile), NamePath = filename:join([".", Name]), true = rebar_utils:prop_check(filelib:is_dir(NamePath), "Release directory doesn't exist (~p)~n", [NamePath]), {NewName, NewVer} = rebar_rel_utils:get_rel_release_info(Name, NamePath), {OldName, OldVer} = rebar_rel_utils:get_rel_release_info(Name, OldVerPath), true = rebar_utils:prop_check(NewName == OldName, "New and old .rel release names do not match~n", []), true = rebar_utils:prop_check(Name == NewName, "Reltool and .rel release names do not match~n", []), true = rebar_utils:prop_check(NewVer =/= OldVer, "New and old .rel contain the same version~n", []), true = rebar_utils:prop_check(Ver == NewVer, "Reltool and .rel versions do not match~n", []), {NewName, NewVer}. setup(OldVerPath, NewName, NewVer, NameVer) -> NewRelPath = filename:join([".", NewName]), Src = filename:join([NewRelPath, "releases", NewVer, NewName ++ ".rel"]), Dst = filename:join([".", NameVer ++ ".rel"]), {ok, _} = file:copy(Src, Dst), ok = code:add_pathsa( lists:append([ filelib:wildcard(filename:join([OldVerPath, "releases", "*"])), filelib:wildcard(filename:join([OldVerPath, "lib", "*", "ebin"])), filelib:wildcard(filename:join([NewRelPath, "lib", "*", "ebin"])), filelib:wildcard(filename:join([NewRelPath, "*"])) ])). run_systools(NewVer, Name) -> Opts = [silent], NameList = [Name], case systools:make_relup(NewVer, NameList, NameList, Opts) of {error, _, _Message} -> ?ABORT("Systools aborted with: ~p~n", [_Message]); _ -> ?DEBUG("Relup created~n", []), case systools:make_script(NewVer, Opts) of {error, _, _Message1} -> ?ABORT("Systools aborted with: ~p~n", [_Message1]); _ -> ?DEBUG("Script created~n", []), case systools:make_tar(NewVer, Opts) of {error, _, _Message2} -> ?ABORT("Systools aborted with: ~p~n", [_Message2]); _ -> ok end end end. boot_files(Ver, Name) -> ok = file:make_dir(filename:join([".", "releases"])), ok = file:make_dir(filename:join([".", "releases", Ver])), ok = file:make_symlink( filename:join(["start.boot"]), filename:join([".", "releases", Ver, Name ++ ".boot"])), {ok, _} = file:copy( filename:join([".", Name, "releases", Ver, "start_clean.boot"]), filename:join([".", "releases", Ver, "start_clean.boot"])). make_tar(NameVer) -> Filename = NameVer ++ ".tar.gz", ok = erl_tar:extract(Filename, [compressed]), ok = file:delete(Filename), {ok, Tar} = erl_tar:open(Filename, [write, compressed]), ok = erl_tar:add(Tar, "lib", []), ok = erl_tar:add(Tar, "releases", []), ok = erl_tar:close(Tar), ?CONSOLE("~s upgrade package created~n", [NameVer]). cleanup(NameVer, Name, Ver) -> ?DEBUG("Removing files needed for building the upgrade~n", []), Files = [ filename:join([".", "releases", Ver, Name ++ ".boot"]), filename:join([".", NameVer ++ ".rel"]), filename:join([".", NameVer ++ ".boot"]), filename:join([".", NameVer ++ ".script"]), filename:join([".", "relup"]) ], lists:foreach(fun(F) -> ok = file:delete(F) end, Files), ok = remove_dir_tree("releases"), ok = remove_dir_tree("lib"). %% taken from http://www.erlang.org/doc/system_principles/create_target.html remove_dir_tree(Dir) -> remove_all_files(".", [Dir]). remove_all_files(Dir, Files) -> lists:foreach(fun(File) -> FilePath = filename:join([Dir, File]), {ok, FileInfo} = file:read_file_info(FilePath), case FileInfo#file_info.type of directory -> {ok, DirFiles} = file:list_dir(FilePath), remove_all_files(FilePath, DirFiles), file:del_dir(FilePath); _ -> file:delete(FilePath) end end, Files).