%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% rebar: Erlang Build Tools %% %% Copyright (c) 2009 Dave Smith (dizzyd@dizzyd.com) %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy %% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal %% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights %% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell %% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is %% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in %% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR %% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER %% LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, %% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN %% THE SOFTWARE. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(rebar_app_utils). -export([is_app_dir/0, is_app_dir/1, is_app_src/1, app_src_to_app/1, app_name/1, app_applications/1, app_vsn/1, is_skipped_app/1]). -export([load_app_file/1]). % TEMPORARY -include("rebar.hrl"). %% =================================================================== %% Public API %% =================================================================== is_app_dir() -> is_app_dir(rebar_utils:get_cwd()). is_app_dir(Dir) -> SrcDir = filename:join([Dir, "src"]), AppSrc = filename:join([SrcDir, "*.app.src"]), case filelib:wildcard(AppSrc) of [AppSrcFile] -> {true, AppSrcFile}; [] -> EbinDir = filename:join([Dir, "ebin"]), App = filename:join([EbinDir, "*.app"]), case filelib:wildcard(App) of [AppFile] -> {true, AppFile}; [] -> false; _ -> ?ERROR("More than one .app file in ~s~n", [EbinDir]), false end; _ -> ?ERROR("More than one .app.src file in ~s~n", [SrcDir]), false end. is_app_src(Filename) -> %% If removing the extension .app.src yields a shorter name, %% this is an .app.src file. Filename =/= filename:rootname(Filename, ".app.src"). app_src_to_app(Filename) -> filename:join("ebin", filename:basename(Filename, ".app.src") ++ ".app"). app_name(AppFile) -> case load_app_file(AppFile) of {ok, AppName, _} -> AppName; {error, Reason} -> ?ABORT("Failed to extract name from ~s: ~p\n", [AppFile, Reason]) end. app_applications(AppFile) -> case load_app_file(AppFile) of {ok, _, AppInfo} -> get_value(applications, AppInfo, AppFile); {error, Reason} -> ?ABORT("Failed to extract applications from ~s: ~p\n", [AppFile, Reason]) end. app_vsn(AppFile) -> case load_app_file(AppFile) of {ok, _, AppInfo} -> AppDir = filename:dirname(filename:dirname(AppFile)), rebar_utils:vcs_vsn(get_value(vsn, AppInfo, AppFile), AppDir); {error, Reason} -> ?ABORT("Failed to extract vsn from ~s: ~p\n", [AppFile, Reason]) end. is_skipped_app(AppFile) -> ThisApp = app_name(AppFile), %% Check for apps global parameter; this is a comma-delimited list %% of apps on which we want to run commands case get_apps() of undefined -> %% No apps parameter specified, check the skip_apps list.. case get_skip_apps() of undefined -> %% No skip_apps list, run everything.. false; SkipApps -> TargetApps = [list_to_atom(A) || A <- string:tokens(SkipApps, ",")], is_skipped_app(ThisApp, TargetApps) end; Apps -> %% run only selected apps TargetApps = [list_to_atom(A) || A <- string:tokens(Apps, ",")], is_selected_app(ThisApp, TargetApps) end. %% =================================================================== %% Internal functions %% =================================================================== load_app_file(Filename) -> AppFile = {app_file, Filename}, case erlang:get(AppFile) of undefined -> case file:consult(Filename) of {ok, [{application, AppName, AppData}]} -> erlang:put(AppFile, {AppName, AppData}), {ok, AppName, AppData}; {error, _} = Error -> Error; Other -> {error, {unexpected_terms, Other}} end; {AppName, AppData} -> {ok, AppName, AppData} end. get_value(Key, AppInfo, AppFile) -> case proplists:get_value(Key, AppInfo) of undefined -> ?ABORT("Failed to get app value '~p' from '~s'~n", [Key, AppFile]); Value -> Value end. %% apps= for selecting apps is_selected_app(ThisApp, TargetApps) -> case lists:member(ThisApp, TargetApps) of false -> {true, ThisApp}; true -> false end. %% skip_apps= for filtering apps is_skipped_app(ThisApp, TargetApps) -> case lists:member(ThisApp, TargetApps) of false -> false; true -> {true, ThisApp} end. get_apps() -> get_global_cs_opt(app, apps). get_skip_apps() -> get_global_cs_opt(skip_app, skip_apps). get_global_cs_opt(Old, New) -> Apps = rebar_config:get_global(New, undefined), case rebar_config:get_global(Old, undefined) of undefined -> case Apps of undefined -> undefined; Apps -> Apps end; App -> rebar_utils:deprecated(Old, Old, New, "soon"), case Apps of undefined -> App; Apps -> string:join([App, Apps], ",") end end.