Erlang systemd-notify =============== Erlang module for native access to the `systemd-notify` facilities. Build status: [![Build Status](]( Installation ============ On Fedora/CentOS ```bash extract the tar.gz mkdir -p /usr/lib64/erlang/lib/sd_notify-0.11/priv/ mkdir -p /usr/lib64/erlang/lib/sd_notify-0.11/ebin/ cp priv/* /usr/lib64/erlang/lib/sd_notify-0.11/priv/ cp ebin/* /usr/lib64/erlang/lib/sd_notify-0.11/ebin/ ``` On Debian/Ubuntu ```bash dpkg -i erlang-sd-notify_0.11-1_amd64.deb ``` Build from source using Docker === On Ubuntu ```bash docker build -t build_ubuntu_{version} docker/ubuntu_{version}/ docker run -v {sd_notify_dir}:/home/sd/ build_ubuntu_{version} /bin/sh -c "cd /home/sd/; make deb" ``` on Centos ```bash docker build -t build_centos_{version} docker/centos_{version}/ docker run -v {sd_notify_dir}:/home/sd/ build_centos_{version} /bin/sh -c "cd /home/sd/; make all" ``` Example ```bash docker build -t build_centos docker/ubuntu_19/ docker run -v /home/gabriele/erlang-sd_notify:/home/sd/ build_ubuntu_19 /bin/sh -c "cd /home/sd/; make all" ``` Download Binaries === [Github Repository]( Usage ===== Quick example: ```bash [root@a499ee66251a]# erl ... 1> sd_notify:sd_notify(0,"READY=1"). 0 ```