/* * Copyright (C) 1997-2009, Michael Jennings * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies of the Software, its documentation and marketing & publicity * materials, and acknowledgment shall be given in the documentation, materials * and software packages that this Software was used. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ static const char cvs_ident[] = "$Id$"; #include "config.h" #include "feature.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "startup.h" #include "actions.h" #include "buttons.h" #include "command.h" #include "eterm_utmp.h" #include "events.h" #include "options.h" #include "pixmap.h" #include "screen.h" #include "scrollbar.h" #include "term.h" #include "windows.h" #include "screamcfg.h" char *orig_argv0; #ifdef PIXMAP_SUPPORT /* Set to one in case there is no WM, or a lousy one that doesn't send the right events (*cough* Window Maker *cough*) -- mej */ short bg_needs_update = 1; #endif TermWin_t TermWin; Display *Xdisplay; /* display */ Colormap cmap; char *display_name = NULL; unsigned int colorfgbg; Atom props[NUM_PROPS]; int eterm_bootstrap(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; char *val; /* "WINDOWID=\0" = 10 chars, UINT_MAX = 10 chars */ static char windowid_string[20], *display_string, *term_string; orig_argv0 = argv[0]; /* Security enhancements -- mej */ putenv("IFS= \t\n"); my_ruid = getuid(); my_euid = geteuid(); my_rgid = getgid(); my_egid = getegid(); privileges(REVERT); install_handlers(); PABLO_START_TRACING(); getcwd(initial_dir, PATH_MAX); init_libast(); /* Open display, get options/resources and create the window */ if (getenv("DISPLAY") != NULL) { display_name = STRDUP(getenv("DISPLAY")); } /* This MUST be called before any other Xlib functions */ #ifdef SPIFOPT_SETTING_PREPARSE SPIFOPT_FLAGS_SET(SPIFOPT_SETTING_PREPARSE); #endif spifopt_parse(argc, argv); init_defaults(); #ifdef NEED_LINUX_HACK privileges(INVOKE); /* xdm in new Linux versions requires ruid != root to open the display -- mej */ #endif Xdisplay = XOpenDisplay(display_name); #ifdef NEED_LINUX_HACK privileges(REVERT); #endif if (!Xdisplay && !(Xdisplay = XOpenDisplay(display_name))) { libast_print_error("Can't open display %s. Set $DISPLAY or use --display\n", NONULL(display_name)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } XSetErrorHandler((XErrorHandler) xerror_handler); if (BITFIELD_IS_SET(eterm_options, ETERM_OPTIONS_INSTALL)) { cmap = XCreateColormap(Xdisplay, Xroot, Xvisual, AllocNone); XInstallColormap(Xdisplay, cmap); } else { cmap = Xcmap; } #ifdef PIXMAP_SUPPORT imlib_context_set_display(Xdisplay); imlib_context_set_visual(Xvisual); imlib_context_set_colormap(cmap); imlib_context_set_dither_mask(0); #endif get_modifiers(); /* Set up modifier masks before parsing config files. */ /* Get all our properties set up. */ MEMSET(props, 0, sizeof(props)); props[PROP_DESKTOP] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "_NET_WM_DESKTOP", False); props[PROP_TRANS_PIXMAP] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "_XROOTPMAP_ID", False); props[PROP_TRANS_COLOR] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "_XROOTCOLOR_PIXEL", False); props[PROP_SELECTION_DEST] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "VT_SELECTION", False); props[PROP_SELECTION_INCR] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "INCR", False); props[PROP_SELECTION_TARGETS] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "TARGETS", False); props[PROP_ENL_COMMS] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "ENLIGHTENMENT_COMMS", True); props[PROP_ENL_VERSION] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "ENLIGHTENMENT_VERSION", True); props[PROP_ENL_MSG] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "ENL_MSG", False); props[PROP_DELETE_WINDOW] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); props[PROP_DND_PROTOCOL] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "DndProtocol", False); props[PROP_DND_SELECTION] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "DndSelection", False); props[PROP_EWMH_ICON] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "_NET_WM_ICON", False); props[PROP_EWMH_OPACITY] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY", True); props[PROP_EWMH_STARTUP_ID] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "_NET_STARTUP_ID", False); props[PROP_EWMH_STATE] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "_NET_WM_STATE", False); props[PROP_EWMH_STATE_STICKY] = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY", False); if ((theme_dir = spifconf_parse_theme(&rs_theme, THEME_CFG, PARSE_TRY_ALL)) != NULL) { char *tmp; D_OPTIONS(("spifconf_parse_theme() returned \"%s\"\n", theme_dir)); tmp = (char *) MALLOC(strlen(theme_dir) + sizeof("ETERM_THEME_ROOT=\0")); sprintf(tmp, "ETERM_THEME_ROOT=%s", theme_dir); putenv(tmp); } if ((user_dir = spifconf_parse_theme(&rs_theme, (rs_config_file ? rs_config_file : USER_CFG), (PARSE_TRY_USER_THEME | PARSE_TRY_NO_THEME))) != NULL) { char *tmp; D_OPTIONS(("spifconf_parse_theme() returned \"%s\"\n", user_dir)); tmp = (char *) MALLOC(strlen(user_dir) + sizeof("ETERM_USER_ROOT=\0")); sprintf(tmp, "ETERM_USER_ROOT=%s", user_dir); putenv(tmp); } #if defined(PIXMAP_SUPPORT) if (rs_path || theme_dir || user_dir) { register unsigned long len; register char *tmp; len = strlen(initial_dir); if (rs_path) { len += strlen(rs_path) + 1; /* +1 for the colon */ } if (theme_dir) { len += strlen(theme_dir) + 1; } if (user_dir) { len += strlen(user_dir) + 1; } tmp = MALLOC(len + 1); /* +1 here for the NUL */ snprintf(tmp, len + 1, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", (rs_path ? rs_path : ""), (rs_path ? ":" : ""), initial_dir, (theme_dir ? ":" : ""), (theme_dir ? theme_dir : ""), (user_dir ? ":" : ""), (user_dir ? user_dir : "")); tmp[len] = '\0'; FREE(rs_path); rs_path = tmp; D_OPTIONS(("New rs_path set to \"%s\"\n", rs_path)); } #endif spifopt_parse(argc, argv); D_UTMP(("Saved real uid/gid = [ %d, %d ] effective uid/gid = [ %d, %d ]\n", my_ruid, my_rgid, my_euid, my_egid)); D_UTMP(("Now running with real uid/gid = [ %d, %d ] effective uid/gid = [ %d, %d ]\n", getuid(), getgid(), geteuid(), getegid())); #ifdef ESCREEN # define ESCREEN_PREFIX "Escreen" TermWin.screen = NULL; TermWin.screen_mode = NS_MODE_NONE; if (rs_url) { if (!BEG_STRCASECMP(rs_url, NS_TWIN_PROTO)) { TermWin.screen_mode = NS_MODE_TWIN; } else if (!BEG_STRCASECMP(rs_url, NS_SCREEN_PROTO)) { TermWin.screen_mode = NS_MODE_SCREEN; } else if (!BEG_STRCASECMP(rs_url, NS_SCREAM_PROTO)) { TermWin.screen_mode = NS_MODE_SCREAM; } else { TermWin.screen_mode = NS_MODE_NEGOTIATE; } } else if (!strcmp(ESCREEN_PREFIX, my_basename(orig_argv0))) { TermWin.screen_mode = NS_MODE_SCREEN; } #endif post_parse(); #ifdef PREFER_24BIT /* * If depth is not 24, look for a 24bit visual. */ if (Xdepth != 24) { XVisualInfo vinfo; if (XMatchVisualInfo(Xdisplay, Xscreen, 24, TrueColor, &vinfo)) { Xdepth = 24; Xvisual = vinfo.visual; cmap = XCreateColormap(Xdisplay, RootWindow(Xdisplay, Xscreen), Xvisual, AllocNone); } } #endif process_colors(); Create_Windows(argc, argv); scr_reset(); /* initialize screen */ /* Initialize the scrollbar */ scrollbar_init(szHint.width, szHint.height - bbar_calc_docked_height(BBAR_DOCKED)); scrollbar_mapping((BITFIELD_IS_SET(eterm_options, ETERM_OPTIONS_SCROLLBAR)) && !((BITFIELD_IS_SET(eterm_options, ETERM_OPTIONS_SCROLLBAR_POPUP)) && !TermWin.focus)); /* Initialize the menu subsystem. */ menu_init(); if (buttonbar) { bbar_init(buttonbar, szHint.width); } #if DEBUG >= DEBUG_X if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= DEBUG_X) { XSync(Xdisplay, False); XSynchronize(Xdisplay, True); } #endif val = XDisplayString(Xdisplay); if (display_name == NULL) { display_name = val; } i = strlen(val); display_string = MALLOC(i + 9); sprintf(display_string, "DISPLAY=%s", val); sprintf(windowid_string, "WINDOWID=%u", (unsigned int) TermWin.parent); /* add entries to the environment: * DISPLAY: X display name * WINDOWID: X windowid of the window * COLORTERM: Terminal supports color * COLORTERM_BCE: Terminal supports BCE * TERM: Terminal type for termcap/terminfo */ putenv(display_string); putenv(windowid_string); if (Xdepth <= 2) { putenv("COLORTERM=" COLORTERMENV "-mono"); putenv("COLORTERM_BCE=" COLORTERMENV "-mono"); putenv("TERM=" TERMENV); } else { if (rs_term_name != NULL) { i = strlen(rs_term_name); term_string = MALLOC(i + 6); sprintf(term_string, "TERM=%s", rs_term_name); putenv(term_string); } else { #ifdef DEFINE_XTERM_COLOR if (Xdepth <= 2) putenv("TERM=" TERMENV); else putenv("TERM=" TERMENV "-color"); #else putenv("TERM=" TERMENV); #endif } putenv("COLORTERM=" COLORTERMENV); putenv("COLORTERM_BCE=" COLORTERMENV); } putenv("ETERM_VERSION=" VERSION); #ifdef NO_UTF8_LOCALE /* Check locale for UTF-8 and deactivate if needed. */ val = getenv("LANG"); D_CMD(("Checking locale \"%s\" for UTF-8.\n", NONULL(val))); if (val && *val) { char *tmp; tmp = strcasestr(val, ".utf"); if (tmp) { *tmp = 0; D_CMD((" -> Deactivating unsupported UTF-8 locale; now using \"%s\"\n", val)); } } #endif D_CMD(("init_command()\n")); init_command(rs_exec_args); main_loop(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }