enum Elm.Atspi.Type { [[Type of accessibility object]] regular, [[default accessibile object]] disabled, [[skip object and its children in accessibility hierarchy]] skipped [[skip object in accessibility hierarchy]] } enum Elm.Atspi.Role { [[Describes the role of an object visible to AT-SPI Clients.]] invalid, accelerator_label, alert, animation, arrow, calendar, canvas, check_box, check_menu_item, color_chooser, column_header, combo_box, date_editor, desktop_icon, desktop_frame, dial, dialog, directory_pane, drawing_area, file_chooser, filler, focus_traversable, font_chooser, frame, glass_pane, html_container, icon, image, internal_frame, label, layered_pane, list, list_item, menu, menu_bar, menu_item, option_pane, page_tab, page_tab_list, panel, password_text, popup_menu, progress_bar, push_button, radio_button, radio_menu_item, root_pane, row_header, scroll_bar, scroll_pane, separator, slider, spin_button, split_pane, status_bar, table, table_cell, table_column_header, table_row_header, tearoff_menu_item, terminal, text, toggle_button, tool_bar, tool_tip, tree, tree_table, unknown, viewport, window, extended, header, footer, paragraph, ruler, application, autocomplete, editbar, embedded, entry, chart, caption, document_frame, heading, page, section, redundant_object, form, link, input_method_window, table_row, tree_item, document_spreadsheet, document_presentation, document_text, document_web, document_email, comment, list_box, grouping, image_map, notification, info_bar, last_defined, } enum Elm.Atspi.State_Type { [[Describes a possible states of an object visible to AT-SPI clients.]] legacy: elm_atspi_state; invalid, active, armed, busy, checked, collapsed, defunct, editable, enabled, expandable, expanded, focusable, focused, has_tooltip, horizontal, iconified, modal, multi_line, multiselectable, opaque, pressed, resizable, selectable, selected, sensitive, showing, single_line, stale, transient, vertical, visible, manages_descendants, indeterminate, required, truncated, animated, invalid_entry, supports_autocompletion, selectable_text, is_default, visited, last_defined, } enum Elm.Atspi.Relation_Type { [[Describes relation between two objects.]] legacy: elm_atspi_relation; null, label_for, labelled_by, controller_for, controlled_by, member_of, tooltip_for, node_child_of, node_parent_of, extended, flows_to, flows_from, subwindow_of, embeds, embedded_by, popup_for, parent_window_of, description_for, described_by, last_defined, } type Elm.Atspi.State_Set: uint64; [[ATSPI object state set.]] struct Elm.Atspi.Event.Handler; [[ATSPI event listener]] struct Elm.Atspi.Event.State_Changed.Data { type: Elm.Atspi.State_Type; new_value: bool; } struct Elm.Atspi.Event.Children_Changed.Data { is_added: bool; child: Eo.Base *; } struct Elm.Atspi.Attribute { key: const(char) *; value: const(char) *; } struct Elm.Atspi.Relation { type: Elm.Atspi.Relation_Type; objects: list *; } type Elm.Atspi.Relation_Set: list *; mixin Elm.Interface_Atspi_Accessible () { legacy_prefix: null; eo_prefix: elm_interface_atspi_accessible; data: Elm_Interface_Atspi_Accessible_Data; methods { @property localized_role_name @protected { get { [[Gets an localized string describing ATSPI widget role name.]] } values { localized_name: const(char)*; } } @property name { get { [[Gets an string describing ATSPI widget role name. Should be free by a user.]] } set { } values { name: char*; [[obj name]] } } @property relation_set @protected { get { [[Gets an string describing ATSPI widget role name. Lists and elements Should be free by a user.]] } values { relations: Elm.Atspi.Relation_Set; } } @property role { get { [[Gets the role of the widget in ATSPI Accessibility domain.]] } set { } values { role: Elm.Atspi.Role; } } @property children @protected { get { [[Gets widget's accessible children.]] } values { children: free(own(list *), eina_list_free); } } @property role_name @protected { get { [[Gets human-readable string indentifying widget accessibility role.]] } values { role_name: const(char)*; } } @property attributes @protected { get { [[Gets key-value pairs indentifying widget extra attributes. Must be free by a user.]] } values { attributes: free(own(list *), elm_atspi_attributes_list_free); } } @property index_in_parent @protected { get { [[Gets index of the child in parent's children list.]] } values { idx: int; } } @property description { get { [[Gets widget contextual information.]] } set { [[Sets contextual information about widget.]] } values { description: const(char)*; } } @property parent { get { [[Gets widget accessible parent.]] } set { [[Sets widget accessible parent.]] } values { parent: Elm.Interface_Atspi_Accessible *; } } @property state_set @protected { get { [[Gets set describing widget accessible states.]] } values { states: Elm.Atspi.State_Set; } } event_handler_add @class @protected { [[Register accessibility event listener]] params { @in cb: Eo_Event_Cb; [[callback]] @in data: void*; [[data]] } return: Elm.Atspi.Event.Handler*; [[Event handler]] } event_handler_del @class @protected { [[Deregister accessibility event listener]] params { @in handler: Elm.Atspi.Event.Handler *; [[Event handler]] } } event_emit @class @protected { params { @in accessible: Elm.Interface_Atspi_Accessible *; [[Accessibility object.]] @in event: const(Eo.Event_Description)*; [[Accessibility event type.]] @in event_info: void*; [[Accessibility event details.]] } } @property translation_domain { get { [[Gets the translation domain of "name" and "description" properties.]] } set { [[Sets the translation domain of "name" and "description" properties. Translation domain should be set if application wants to support i18n for accessibily "name" and "description" properties. When translation domain is set values of "name" and "description" properties will be translated with dgettext function using current translation domain as "domainname" parameter. It is application developer responsibility to ensure that translation files are loaded and binded to translation domain when accessibility is enabled.]] } values { domain: const(char)*; [[ translation domain ]] } } @property type { get { [[Get type of accessibility object]] } set { [[Set type of accessibility object]] } values { type: Elm.Atspi.Type; } } relationship_append { [[Defines the relationship between two accessible objects. Adds unique relation between source object and relation_object of a given type. Relationships can be queried by Assistive Technology clients to provide customized feedback, improving overall user experience. Relationship_append API is asymmetric, which means that appending, for example, relation ELM_ATSPI_RELATION_FLOWS_TO from object A to B, do NOT append relation ELM_ATSPI_RELATION_FLOWS_FROM from object B to object A. return: EINA_TRUE is relationship was successfully appended, EINA_FALSE otherwise]] return: bool; params { @in type: Elm.Atspi.Relation_Type; @in relation_object: const(Elm.Interface_Atspi_Accessible)*; } } relationship_remove { [[Removes the relationship between two accessible objects. If relation_object is NULL function removes all relations of given type. ]] params { @in type: Elm.Atspi.Relation_Type; @in relation_object: const(Elm.Interface_Atspi_Accessible)*; } } relationships_clear { [[Removes all relationships in accessible object.]] } @property root @class { get { [[Get root object of accessible object hierarchy]] values { ret: Eo.Base*; } } } } events { property,changed: const(char)*; children,changed: Elm.Atspi.Event.Children_Changed.Data; state,changed: Elm.Atspi.Event.State_Changed.Data; visible,data,changed; active,descendant,changed; added; removed; } }