using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace TestSuite { class TestFunctionPointers { static bool called = false; static int twice(int a) { called = true; return a * 2; } static int thrice(int a) { called = true; return a * 3; } static void setup() { called = false; } public static void set_callback_basic() { setup(); test.ITesting obj = new test.Testing(); obj.SetCallback(twice); Test.Assert(called == false, "set_callback should not call the callback"); int x = obj.CallCallback(42); Test.Assert(called, "call_callback must call a callback"); Test.AssertEquals(42 * 2, x); } public static void set_callback_with_lambda() { setup(); test.ITesting obj = new test.Testing(); obj.SetCallback(y => { called = true; return y + 4; }); Test.Assert(called == false, "set_callback should not call the callback"); int x = obj.CallCallback(37); Test.Assert(called, "call_callback must call a callback"); Test.AssertEquals(37 + 4, x); } public static void replace_callback() { setup(); test.ITesting obj = new test.Testing(); obj.SetCallback(twice); Test.Assert(called == false, "set_callback should not call the callback"); int x = obj.CallCallback(42); Test.Assert(called, "call_callback must call a callback"); Test.AssertEquals(42 * 2, x); bool new_called = false; obj.SetCallback(y => { new_called = true; return y * y; }); Test.Assert(new_called == false, "set_callback should not call the callback"); x = obj.CallCallback(42); Test.Assert(new_called, "call_callback must call a callback"); Test.AssertEquals(42 * 42, x); } class NoOverride : test.TestingInherit { } public static void set_callback_inherited_no_override() { setup(); NoOverride obj = new NoOverride(); obj.SetCallback(thrice); Test.Assert(!called, "set_callback in virtual should not call the callback"); int x = obj.CallCallback(42); Test.Assert(called, "call_callback must call a callback"); Test.AssertEquals(42 * 3, x); } class WithOverride : test.TestingInherit { public bool set_called = false; public bool invoke_called = false; public test.SimpleCb cb = null; public WithOverride() : base() { } public override void SetCallback(test.SimpleCb cb) { set_called = true; this.cb = cb; } public override int CallCallback(int a) { invoke_called = true; if (cb != null) return cb(a); eina.Log.Error("No callback set upon call_callback invocation"); return -1; } } public static void set_callback_inherited_with_override() { setup(); WithOverride obj = new WithOverride(); obj.SetCallback(thrice); Test.Assert(obj.set_called, "set_callback override must have been called"); Test.Assert(!obj.invoke_called, "invoke_callback must not have been called"); obj.set_called = false; int x = obj.CallCallback(42); Test.Assert(!obj.set_called, "set_callback override must not have been called"); Test.Assert(obj.invoke_called, "set_callback in virtual should not call the callback"); Test.Assert(called, "call_callback must call a callback"); Test.AssertEquals(42 * 3, x); } // These are needed due to issues calling methods on obj from the GC thread (where the // free function is actually called) [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("efl_mono_native_test")] static extern bool free_called_get(); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("efl_mono_native_test")] static extern bool free_called_set(bool val); public static void set_callback_inherited_called_from_c() { setup(); WithOverride obj = new WithOverride(); free_called_set(false); obj.CallSetCallback(); Test.Assert(obj.set_called, "set_callback override must have been called"); Test.Assert(!obj.invoke_called, "invoke_callback must not have been called"); Test.Assert(!free_called_get(), "call_set_callback must not call the free callback"); obj.set_called = false; int x = obj.CallCallback(42); Test.Assert(!obj.set_called, "set_callback override must not have been called"); Test.Assert(obj.invoke_called, "set_callback in virtual should not call the callback"); Test.Assert(!free_called_get(), "call_callback must not call the free callback"); Test.AssertEquals(42 * 3, x); setup(); obj.set_called = false; obj.invoke_called = false; free_called_set(false); // Should release the handle to the wrapper allocated when calling set_callback from C. obj.SetCallback(twice); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); Test.Assert(obj.set_called, "set_callback override must have been called"); Test.Assert(!obj.invoke_called, "invoke_callback must not have been called"); Test.Assert(free_called_get(), "free callback must have been called"); obj.set_called = false; free_called_set(false); x = obj.CallCallback(42); Test.Assert(!obj.set_called, "set_callback override must not have been called"); Test.Assert(obj.invoke_called, "set_callback in virtual should not call the callback"); Test.Assert(!free_called_get(), "must not call old free_callback on new callback"); Test.Assert(called, "call_callback must call a callback"); Test.AssertEquals(42 * 2, x); } } }