#include "evas_gl_private.h" static const GLenum rgba_fmt = GL_RGBA; static const GLenum rgba_ifmt = GL_RGBA; #ifdef GL_GLES static const GLenum bgra_fmt = GL_BGRA; static const GLenum bgra_ifmt = GL_BGRA; static const GLenum bgr_fmt = GL_BGRA; static const GLenum bgr_ifmt = GL_BGRA; #else static const GLenum rgb_fmt = GL_RGBA; #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN static const GLenum rgb_ifmt = GL_RGBA; #else static const GLenum rgb_ifmt = GL_RGB; #endif static const GLenum bgra_fmt = GL_BGRA; static const GLenum bgra_ifmt = GL_RGBA; static const GLenum bgr_fmt = GL_BGRA; #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN static const GLenum bgr_ifmt = GL_RGBA; #else static const GLenum bgr_ifmt = GL_RGB; #endif #endif #ifdef GL_GLES static const GLenum alpha_fmt = GL_ALPHA; static const GLenum alpha_ifmt = GL_ALPHA; #else static const GLenum alpha_fmt = GL_ALPHA; static const GLenum alpha_ifmt = GL_ALPHA4; #endif static const GLenum lum_fmt = GL_LUMINANCE; static const GLenum lum_ifmt = GL_LUMINANCE; static const GLenum lum_alpha_fmt = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; static const GLenum lum_alpha_ifmt = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; static const GLenum rgba8_ifmt = GL_RGBA; static const GLenum rgba8_fmt = GL_BGRA; /* FIXME: RGB8_ETC2 is a superset of ETC1, * but is GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES supported whenever GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2 is? */ static const GLenum etc1_fmt = GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES; static const GLenum etc2_rgb_fmt = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2; static const GLenum etc2_rgba_fmt = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC; static const GLenum s3tc_rgb_dxt1_fmt = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; static const GLenum s3tc_rgba_dxt1_fmt = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; static const GLenum s3tc_rgba_dxt23_fmt = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT; static const GLenum s3tc_rgba_dxt45_fmt = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT; static struct { struct { int num, pix; } c, a, v, r, n, d; } texinfo = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}; typedef enum { MATCH_FALSE = EINA_FALSE, MATCH_TRUE = EINA_TRUE, MATCH_ANY = 2 } Eina_Bool_Match; static const struct { Eina_Bool_Match alpha; Eina_Bool_Match bgra; Evas_Colorspace cspace; const GLenum *intformat; const GLenum *format; } matching_format[] = { { MATCH_TRUE, MATCH_TRUE, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888, &bgra_ifmt, &bgra_fmt }, { MATCH_TRUE, MATCH_FALSE, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888, &rgba_ifmt, &rgba_fmt }, { MATCH_FALSE, MATCH_TRUE, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888, &bgr_ifmt, &bgr_fmt }, #ifdef GL_GLES { MATCH_FALSE, MATCH_FALSE, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888, &rgba_ifmt, &rgba_fmt }, #else { MATCH_FALSE, MATCH_FALSE, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888, &rgb_ifmt, &rgb_fmt }, #endif { MATCH_FALSE, MATCH_ANY, EVAS_COLORSPACE_GRY8, &lum_fmt, &lum_ifmt }, { MATCH_TRUE, MATCH_ANY, EVAS_COLORSPACE_GRY8, &alpha_fmt, &alpha_ifmt }, { MATCH_TRUE, MATCH_ANY, EVAS_COLORSPACE_AGRY88, &lum_alpha_fmt, &lum_alpha_ifmt }, // ETC1/2 support { MATCH_FALSE, MATCH_ANY, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ETC1, &etc1_fmt, &etc1_fmt }, { MATCH_FALSE, MATCH_ANY, EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGB8_ETC2, &etc2_rgb_fmt, &etc2_rgb_fmt }, { MATCH_ANY, MATCH_ANY, EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC, &etc2_rgba_fmt, &etc2_rgba_fmt }, { MATCH_ANY, MATCH_ANY, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ETC1_ALPHA, &etc1_fmt, &etc1_fmt }, // S3TC support { MATCH_FALSE, MATCH_ANY, EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGB_S3TC_DXT1, &s3tc_rgb_dxt1_fmt, &s3tc_rgb_dxt1_fmt }, { MATCH_ANY, MATCH_ANY, EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1, &s3tc_rgba_dxt1_fmt, &s3tc_rgba_dxt1_fmt }, { MATCH_ANY, MATCH_ANY, EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT2, &s3tc_rgba_dxt23_fmt, &s3tc_rgba_dxt23_fmt }, { MATCH_ANY, MATCH_ANY, EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3, &s3tc_rgba_dxt23_fmt, &s3tc_rgba_dxt23_fmt }, { MATCH_ANY, MATCH_ANY, EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT4, &s3tc_rgba_dxt45_fmt, &s3tc_rgba_dxt45_fmt }, { MATCH_ANY, MATCH_ANY, EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5, &s3tc_rgba_dxt45_fmt, &s3tc_rgba_dxt45_fmt } }; #ifdef GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT # ifndef GL_GLES static const GLenum matching_rgb[] = { GL_RGB4, GL_RGB8, GL_RGB12, GL_RGB16, 0x0 }; static const GLenum matching_rgba[] = { GL_RGBA4, GL_RGBA8, GL_RGBA12, GL_RGBA16, 0x0 }; static const GLenum matching_alpha[] = { GL_ALPHA4, GL_ALPHA8, GL_ALPHA12, GL_ALPHA16, 0x0 }; static const GLenum matching_luminance[] = { GL_LUMINANCE4, GL_LUMINANCE8, GL_LUMINANCE12, GL_LUMINANCE16, 0x0 }; static const GLenum matching_luminance_alpha[] = { GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4, GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8, GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12, GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16, 0x0 }; static const struct { GLenum master; const GLenum *matching; } matching_fmt[] = { { GL_RGB, matching_rgb }, { GL_RGBA, matching_rgba }, { GL_ALPHA, matching_alpha }, { GL_ALPHA4, matching_alpha }, { GL_LUMINANCE, matching_luminance }, { GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, matching_luminance_alpha } }; static Eina_Bool _evas_gl_texture_match(GLenum intfmt, GLenum intfmtret) { unsigned int i; if (intfmt == intfmtret) return EINA_TRUE; for (i = 0; i < sizeof (matching_fmt) / sizeof (matching_fmt[0]); i++) if (matching_fmt[i].master == intfmt) { unsigned int j; for (j = 0; matching_fmt[i].matching[j] != 0x0; j++) if (matching_fmt[i].matching[j] == intfmtret) return EINA_TRUE; return EINA_FALSE; } return EINA_FALSE; } # endif #endif #define MATCH(_r, _v) ((_r == MATCH_ANY) || (_v == MATCH_ANY) || (_r == _v)) static int _evas_gl_texture_search_format(Eina_Bool alpha, Eina_Bool bgra, Evas_Colorspace cspace) { unsigned int i; alpha = !!alpha; bgra = !!bgra; for (i = 0; i < sizeof (matching_format) / sizeof (matching_format[0]); ++i) if (MATCH(matching_format[i].alpha, alpha) && MATCH(matching_format[i].bgra, bgra) && matching_format[i].cspace == cspace) return i; CRI("There is no supported texture format for this colorspace: " "cspace(%d) alpha(%d) bgra(%d)", cspace, alpha, bgra); return -1; } Evas_Colorspace evas_gl_common_gl_format_to_colorspace(GLuint f) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(matching_format) / sizeof(matching_format[0]); i++) { if (*matching_format[i].format == f) return matching_format[i].cspace; } ERR("Unknown texture format!"); return EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888; } static void _print_tex_count(void) { static signed char printit = -1; if (printit == -1) { if (getenv("EVAS_GL_MEMINFO")) printit = 1; else printit = 0; } if (printit == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "T: c:%i/%ik | a:%i/%ik | v:%i/%ik | r:%i/%ik | n:%i/%ik | d:%i/%ik\n", texinfo.c.num, (texinfo.c.pix * 4) / 1024, texinfo.a.num, (texinfo.a.pix ) / 1024, texinfo.v.num, (texinfo.v.pix ) / 1024, texinfo.r.num, (texinfo.r.pix * 4) / 1024, texinfo.n.num, (texinfo.n.pix * 4) / 1024, texinfo.d.num, (texinfo.d.pix * 4) / 1024 ); } } static int _nearest_pow2(int num) { unsigned int n = num - 1; n |= n >> 1; n |= n >> 2; n |= n >> 4; n |= n >> 8; n |= n >> 16; return n + 1; } static void _tex_adjust(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int *w, int *h) { if (gc->shared->info.tex_npo2) return; /*if (gc->shared->info.tex_rect) return;*/ *w = _nearest_pow2(*w); *h = _nearest_pow2(*h); } static int _tex_format_index(GLuint format) { switch (format) { case GL_RGBA: case GL_RGBA4: case GL_RGBA8: case GL_RGBA12: case GL_RGBA16: case GL_BGRA: return 0; case GL_RGB: case GL_R3_G3_B2: case GL_RGB4: case GL_RGB5: case GL_RGB8: case GL_RGB10: case GL_RGB12: case GL_RGB16: return 1; case GL_ALPHA: case GL_ALPHA4: case GL_ALPHA8: case GL_ALPHA12: case GL_ALPHA16: return 2; case GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES: return 3; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2: return 4; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC: return 5; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: return 6; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: return 7; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT: // dxt2 as well return 8; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT: // dxt4 as well return 9; case GL_LUMINANCE: // never used in atlas case GL_LUMINANCE4: case GL_LUMINANCE8: case GL_LUMINANCE12: case GL_LUMINANCE16: return 10; case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: case GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4: case GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8: case GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12: case GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16: return 11; default: ERR("Unknown format returned specified by GL stack: %x", format); return -1; } return 0; } static inline int _evas_gl_texture_size_get(int w, int h, int intfmt, Eina_Bool *comp) { if (comp) *comp = EINA_FALSE; switch (intfmt) { case GL_RGBA: case GL_BGRA: case GL_RGB: return w * h * 4; case GL_ALPHA: return w * h * 1; case GL_ALPHA4: return w * h / 2; // TODO: Check this case GL_LUMINANCE: return w * h * 1; case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: return w * h * 2; case GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES: case GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2: case GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: if (comp) *comp = EINA_TRUE; return ((w + 3) >> 2) * ((h + 3) >> 2) * 8; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC: case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT: case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT: if (comp) *comp = EINA_TRUE; return ((w + 3) >> 2) * ((h + 3) >> 2) * 16; default: return 0; } } static Eina_Bool _tex_2d(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int intfmt, int w, int h, int fmt, int type) { Eina_Bool comp; int sz; if ((w > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size) || (h > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size)) { ERR("Fail tex too big %ix%i", w, h); return EINA_FALSE; } sz = _evas_gl_texture_size_get(w, h, intfmt, &comp); if (!comp) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, intfmt, w, h, 0, fmt, type, NULL); else glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, intfmt, w, h, 0, sz, NULL); #ifdef GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT # ifdef GL_GLES # else // this is not in opengles!!! hrrrm // if (glGetTexLevelParameteriv) // in case of weak symbols? { int intfmtret = -1; glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT, &intfmtret); if (!_evas_gl_texture_match(intfmt, intfmtret)) { ERR("Fail tex alloc %ix%i, intfmt: %X intfmtret: %X", w, h, intfmt, intfmtret); // XXX send async err to evas return EINA_FALSE; } } // else // { // ERR("GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT defined but no symbol loaded."); // } # endif #endif return EINA_TRUE; } static Evas_GL_Texture * evas_gl_common_texture_alloc(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Eina_Bool alpha) { Evas_GL_Texture *tex; tex = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_GL_Texture)); if (!tex) return NULL; tex->gc = gc; tex->references = 1; tex->alpha = alpha; tex->w = w; tex->h = h; return tex; } static void evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(Evas_GL_Texture *tex) { free(tex); } static Evas_GL_Texture_Pool * _pool_tex_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int w, int h, GLenum intformat, GLenum format) { Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt; Eina_Bool ok, no_rounding = EINA_FALSE; if ((w > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size) || (h > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size)) { ERR("Fail tex too big %ix%i", w, h); return NULL; } pt = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_GL_Texture_Pool)); if (!pt) return NULL; if (!gc->shared->info.etc1_subimage && (intformat == etc1_fmt)) no_rounding = EINA_TRUE; if (!no_rounding) { _tex_adjust(gc, &w, &h); } pt->gc = gc; pt->w = w; pt->h = h; pt->intformat = intformat; pt->format = format; pt->dataformat = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; pt->references = 0; pt->eina_pool = eina_rectangle_pool_new(w, h); glGenTextures(1, &(pt->texture)); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pt->texture); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); ok = _tex_2d(gc, pt->intformat, w, h, pt->format, pt->dataformat); glBindTexture(gc->state.current.tex_target, gc->state.current.cur_tex); if (!ok) { glDeleteTextures(1, &(pt->texture)); if (pt->eina_pool) eina_rectangle_pool_free(pt->eina_pool); free(pt); return NULL; } if (format == alpha_fmt) { texinfo.a.num++; texinfo.a.pix += pt->w * pt->h; } else if (format == lum_fmt) { texinfo.v.num++; texinfo.v.pix += pt->w * pt->h; } else { texinfo.c.num++; texinfo.c.pix += pt->w * pt->h; } _print_tex_count(); return pt; } static Eina_Rectangle * _pool_tex_alloc(Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt, int w, int h, int *u, int *v) { Eina_Rectangle *r; r = eina_rectangle_pool_request( pt->eina_pool, w, h); if (r) { *v = r->y; *u = r->x; pt->allocations = eina_list_prepend(pt->allocations, r); } return r; } static Evas_GL_Texture_Pool * _pool_tex_find(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int w, int h, GLenum intformat, GLenum format, int *u, int *v, Eina_Rectangle **apt, int atlas_w, Eina_Bool disable_atlas) { Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt = NULL; Eina_List *l; int th2; int pool_h; /*Return texture unit without atlas*/ if (disable_atlas) { pt = _pool_tex_new(gc, w, h, intformat, format); return pt ? pt : NULL; } if (atlas_w > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size) atlas_w = gc->shared->info.max_texture_size; if ((w > gc->shared->info.tune.atlas.max_w) || (h > gc->shared->info.tune.atlas.max_h) || (!gc->shared->info.etc1_subimage && (intformat == etc1_fmt))) { pt = _pool_tex_new(gc, w, h, intformat, format); if (!pt) return NULL; gc->shared->tex.whole = eina_list_prepend(gc->shared->tex.whole, pt); pt->fslot = -1; pt->whole = 1; *apt = _pool_tex_alloc(pt, w, h, u, v); return pt; } th2 = _tex_format_index(intformat); if (th2 < 0) return NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(gc->shared->tex.atlas[th2], l, pt) { if (pt->render) continue; if ((*apt = _pool_tex_alloc(pt, w, h, u, v)) != NULL) { gc->shared->tex.atlas[th2] = eina_list_promote_list(gc->shared->tex.atlas[th2], l); return pt; } } pool_h = atlas_w; if ( h > pool_h || w > atlas_w ) { atlas_w = gc->shared->info.tune.atlas.max_w; pool_h = gc->shared->info.tune.atlas.max_h; } pt = _pool_tex_new(gc, atlas_w, pool_h, intformat, format); if (!pt) return NULL; gc->shared->tex.atlas[th2] = eina_list_prepend(gc->shared->tex.atlas[th2], pt); pt->fslot = th2; *apt = _pool_tex_alloc(pt, w, h, u, v); return pt; } Evas_GL_Texture * evas_gl_common_texture_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, RGBA_Image *im, Eina_Bool disable_atlas) { Evas_GL_Texture *tex; GLsizei w, h; int u = 0, v = 0, xoffset = 1, yoffset = 1; int lformat; lformat = _evas_gl_texture_search_format(im->cache_entry.flags.alpha, gc->shared->info.bgra, im->cache_entry.space); if (lformat < 0) return NULL; switch (im->cache_entry.space) { case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ETC1: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGB8_ETC2: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGB_S3TC_DXT1: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT2: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT4: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5: // Add border to avoid artifacts w = im->cache_entry.w + im->cache_entry.borders.l + im->cache_entry.borders.r; h = im->cache_entry.h + im->cache_entry.borders.t + im->cache_entry.borders.b; EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_RETURN_VAL(!(w & 0x3) && !(h & 0x3), NULL); xoffset = im->cache_entry.borders.l; yoffset = im->cache_entry.borders.t; break; case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ETC1_ALPHA: return evas_gl_common_texture_rgb_a_pair_new(gc, im); default: if (disable_atlas) { /*Just one pixel gap. Generate texture unit without pixels for borders in case using this for evas_canvas3d in repeat mode of the texture unit*/ w = im->cache_entry.w + 1; h = im->cache_entry.h + 1; } else { /*One pixel gap and two pixels for duplicated borders*/ w = im->cache_entry.w + 3; h = im->cache_entry.h + 3; } break; } tex = evas_gl_common_texture_alloc(gc, im->cache_entry.w, im->cache_entry.h, im->cache_entry.flags.alpha); if (!tex) return NULL; tex->pt = _pool_tex_find(gc, w, h, *matching_format[lformat].intformat, *matching_format[lformat].format, &u, &v, &tex->apt, gc->shared->info.tune.atlas.max_alloc_size, disable_atlas); if (!tex->pt) { evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } tex->x = u + xoffset; tex->y = v + yoffset; tex->pt->references++; evas_gl_common_texture_update(tex, im); return tex; } static Evas_GL_Texture_Pool * _pool_tex_render_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int w, int h, int intformat, int format, int stencil) { Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt; int fnum; Eina_Bool ok; if ((w > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size) || (h > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size)) { ERR("Fail tex too big %ix%i", w, h); return NULL; } pt = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_GL_Texture_Pool)); if (!pt) return NULL; _tex_adjust(gc, &w, &h); pt->gc = gc; pt->w = w; pt->h = h; pt->intformat = intformat; pt->format = format; pt->dataformat = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; pt->render = 1; pt->references = 0; pt->eina_pool = eina_rectangle_pool_new(w, h); #ifdef GL_GLES # ifndef GL_FRAMEBUFFER # define GL_FRAMEBUFFER GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES # endif # ifndef GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 # define GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_OES # endif #else # ifndef GL_FRAMEBUFFER # define GL_FRAMEBUFFER GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT # endif # ifndef GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 # define GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT # endif #endif glGetIntegerv(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &fnum); glGenTextures(1, &(pt->texture)); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pt->texture); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); ok = _tex_2d(gc, pt->intformat, w, h, pt->format, pt->dataformat); if (ok) { glsym_glGenFramebuffers(1, &(pt->fb)); glsym_glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, pt->fb); glsym_glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, pt->texture, 0); // note: should check fbo completeness } if (stencil) { glGenRenderbuffers(1, &(pt->stencil)); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, pt->stencil); glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_INDEX8, pt->w, pt->h); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, pt->stencil); } glsym_glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fnum); glBindTexture(gc->state.current.tex_target, gc->state.current.cur_tex); if (!ok) { glDeleteTextures(1, &(pt->texture)); if (pt->eina_pool) eina_rectangle_pool_free(pt->eina_pool); free(pt); return NULL; } texinfo.r.num++; texinfo.r.pix += pt->w * pt->h; _print_tex_count(); return pt; } static Evas_GL_Texture_Pool * _pool_tex_render_find(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int w, int h, GLenum intformat, GLenum format, int *u, int *v, Eina_Rectangle **apt, int atlas_w, Eina_Bool disable_atlas) { Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt = NULL; Eina_List *l; int th2; int pool_h; /*Return texture unit without atlas*/ if (disable_atlas) { pt = _pool_tex_render_new(gc, w, h, intformat, format, EINA_FALSE); return pt ? pt : NULL; } if (atlas_w > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size) atlas_w = gc->shared->info.max_texture_size; if ((w > gc->shared->info.tune.atlas.max_w) || (h > gc->shared->info.tune.atlas.max_h) || (!gc->shared->info.etc1_subimage && (intformat == etc1_fmt))) { pt = _pool_tex_render_new(gc, w, h, intformat, format, EINA_FALSE); if (!pt) return NULL; gc->shared->tex.whole = eina_list_prepend(gc->shared->tex.whole, pt); pt->fslot = -1; pt->whole = 1; *apt = _pool_tex_alloc(pt, w, h, u, v); return pt; } th2 = _tex_format_index(intformat); if (th2 < 0) return NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(gc->shared->tex.atlas[th2], l, pt) { if (!pt->render) continue; if ((*apt = _pool_tex_alloc(pt, w, h, u, v)) != NULL) { gc->shared->tex.atlas[th2] = eina_list_promote_list(gc->shared->tex.atlas[th2], l); return pt; } } pool_h = atlas_w; if ( h > pool_h || w > atlas_w ) { atlas_w = gc->shared->info.tune.atlas.max_w; pool_h = gc->shared->info.tune.atlas.max_h; } pt = _pool_tex_render_new(gc, atlas_w, pool_h, intformat, format, EINA_FALSE); if (!pt) return NULL; gc->shared->tex.atlas[th2] = eina_list_prepend(gc->shared->tex.atlas[th2], pt); pt->fslot = th2; *apt = _pool_tex_alloc(pt, w, h, u, v); return pt; } static Evas_GL_Texture_Pool * _pool_tex_native_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int w, int h, int intformat, int format, Evas_GL_Image *im) { Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt; if ((w > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size) || (h > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size)) { ERR("Fail tex too big %ix%i", w, h); return NULL; } pt = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_GL_Texture_Pool)); if (!pt) return NULL; pt->gc = gc; #ifdef GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB if (im->native.target == GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) { printf("REEEEEEEEECT\n"); pt->w = w; pt->h = h; } else #endif { // FIXME: handle po2 only textures pt->w = w; pt->h = h; } pt->intformat = intformat; pt->format = format; pt->dataformat = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; pt->references = 0; pt->native = 1; pt->eina_pool = eina_rectangle_pool_new(w, h); glGenTextures(1, &(pt->texture)); glBindTexture(im->native.target, pt->texture); #ifdef GL_GLES #else if (im->native.loose) { if (im->native.func.bind) im->native.func.bind(im); } #endif glTexParameteri(im->native.target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(im->native.target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(im->native.target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(im->native.target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glBindTexture(im->native.target, 0); glBindTexture(gc->state.current.tex_target, gc->state.current.cur_tex); texinfo.n.num++; texinfo.n.pix += pt->w * pt->h; _print_tex_count(); return pt; } static Evas_GL_Texture_Pool * _pool_tex_dynamic_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int w, int h, int intformat, int format) { Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt = NULL; #ifdef GL_GLES void *egldisplay; if (intformat != format) return NULL; pt = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_GL_Texture_Pool)); if (!pt) return NULL; _tex_adjust(gc, &w, &h); pt->gc = gc; pt->w = w; pt->h = h; pt->intformat = intformat; pt->format = format; pt->dataformat = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; pt->render = 1; pt->references = 0; pt->eina_pool = eina_rectangle_pool_new(w, h); texinfo.d.num++; texinfo.d.pix += pt->w * pt->h; _print_tex_count(); pt->dyn.target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; glGenTextures(1, &(pt->texture)); glBindTexture(pt->dyn.target, pt->texture); glTexParameteri(pt->dyn.target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(pt->dyn.target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(pt->dyn.target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(pt->dyn.target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); egldisplay = pt->gc->egldisp; if (gc->shared->info.sec_tbm_surface) { tbm_format buffer_format = TBM_FORMAT_RGBA8888; tbm_surface_info_s info; switch (intformat) { case GL_LUMINANCE: buffer_format = TBM_FORMAT_C8; break; case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: buffer_format = TBM_FORMAT_C8; break; case GL_RGBA: buffer_format = TBM_FORMAT_RGBA8888; break; case GL_BGRA: buffer_format = TBM_FORMAT_BGRA8888; break; case GL_RGB: buffer_format = TBM_FORMAT_RGB888; break; default: ERR("TBM: unknown format"); goto error; } pt->dyn.buffer = (void *)secsym_tbm_surface_create(pt->w, pt->h, buffer_format); if (!pt->dyn.buffer) goto error; pt->dyn.img = evas_gl_common_eglCreateImage(egldisplay, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_SURFACE_TIZEN, pt->dyn.buffer, NULL); if (!pt->dyn.img) { secsym_tbm_surface_destroy(pt->dyn.buffer); goto error; } secsym_tbm_surface_get_info(pt->dyn.buffer, &info); pt->dyn.w = info.width; pt->dyn.h = info.height; pt->dyn.stride = info.planes[0].stride; } else if (gc->shared->info.sec_image_map) { int fmt; // EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_RGBA_SEC or EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_RGB_SEC or bust int pixtype; // EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_UNSIGNED_BYTE_SEC or bust EGLAttrib attr[] = { EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH_SEC, 32, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT_SEC, 32, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_FORMAT_SEC, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_RGBA_SEC, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_PIXEL_TYPE_SEC, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_UNSIGNED_BYTE_SEC, EGL_NONE }; switch (intformat) { #ifdef EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SEC case GL_LUMINANCE: attr[5] = EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SEC; break; #endif #ifdef EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_SEC case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: attr[5] = EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_SEC; break; #endif case GL_RGBA: attr[5] = EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_RGBA_SEC; break; case GL_BGRA: attr[5] = EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_BGRA_SEC; break; default: ERR("SEC map: unknown format"); goto error; } attr[1] = pt->w; attr[3] = pt->h; // FIXME: seems a bit slower than i'd like - maybe too many flushes? // FIXME: YCbCr no support as yet pt->dyn.img = evas_gl_common_eglCreateImage(egldisplay, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_2D_SEC, 0, attr); if (!pt->dyn.img) goto error; if (secsym_eglGetImageAttribSEC(egldisplay, pt->dyn.img, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH_SEC, &(pt->dyn.w)) != EGL_TRUE) goto error; if (secsym_eglGetImageAttribSEC(egldisplay, pt->dyn.img, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT_SEC, &(pt->dyn.h)) != EGL_TRUE) goto error; if (secsym_eglGetImageAttribSEC(egldisplay, pt->dyn.img, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_STRIDE_IN_BYTES_SEC, &(pt->dyn.stride)) != EGL_TRUE) goto error; if (secsym_eglGetImageAttribSEC(egldisplay, pt->dyn.img, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_FORMAT_SEC, &(fmt)) != EGL_TRUE) goto error; if (secsym_eglGetImageAttribSEC(egldisplay, pt->dyn.img, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_PIXEL_TYPE_SEC, &(pixtype)) != EGL_TRUE) goto error; if (pixtype != EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_UNSIGNED_BYTE_SEC) goto error; } else { ERR("TBM surface or SEC image map should be enabled!"); goto error; } glBindTexture(gc->state.current.tex_target, gc->state.current.cur_tex); #else if (gc + w + h + intformat + format) return pt; #endif return pt; /* ERROR HANDLING */ #ifdef GL_GLES error: if (pt->dyn.img) { eglsym_eglDestroyImage(egldisplay, pt->dyn.img); pt->dyn.img = NULL; } glBindTexture(pt->dyn.target, 0); glDeleteTextures(1, &(pt->texture)); if (pt->eina_pool) eina_rectangle_pool_free(pt->eina_pool); free(pt); return NULL; #endif } void evas_gl_texture_pool_empty(Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt) { Eina_Rectangle *apt; if (!pt->gc) return; if (pt->format == alpha_fmt) { texinfo.a.num--; texinfo.a.pix -= pt->w * pt->h; } else if (pt->format == lum_fmt) { texinfo.v.num--; texinfo.v.pix -= pt->w * pt->h; } else if (pt->dyn.img) { texinfo.d.num--; texinfo.d.pix -= pt->w * pt->h; } else if (pt->render) { texinfo.r.num--; texinfo.r.pix -= pt->w * pt->h; } else if (pt->native) { texinfo.n.num--; texinfo.n.pix -= pt->w * pt->h; } else { texinfo.c.num--; texinfo.c.pix -= pt->w * pt->h; } _print_tex_count(); #ifdef GL_GLES if (pt->dyn.img) { if (pt->dyn.checked_out > 0) { if (pt->gc->shared->info.sec_tbm_surface) secsym_tbm_surface_unmap(pt->dyn.buffer); else if (pt->gc->shared->info.sec_image_map) secsym_eglUnmapImageSEC(pt->gc->egldisp, pt->dyn.img, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_DEVICE_CPU_SEC); } if (pt->dyn.buffer) secsym_tbm_surface_destroy(pt->dyn.buffer); eglsym_eglDestroyImage(pt->gc->egldisp, pt->dyn.img); pt->dyn.img = NULL; pt->dyn.buffer = NULL; pt->dyn.data = NULL; pt->dyn.w = 0; pt->dyn.h = 0; pt->dyn.stride = 0; pt->dyn.checked_out = 0; } #endif glDeleteTextures(1, &(pt->texture)); if (pt->gc->state.current.cur_tex == pt->texture) pt->gc->state.current.cur_tex = 0; if (pt->stencil) { glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &(pt->stencil)); pt->stencil = 0; } if (pt->fb) { glsym_glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &(pt->fb)); pt->fb = 0; } EINA_LIST_FREE(pt->allocations, apt) eina_rectangle_pool_release(apt); pt->texture = 0; pt->gc = NULL; pt->w = 0; pt->h = 0; } void pt_unref(Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt) { if (!pt) return; pt->references--; if (pt->references != 0) return; if ((pt->gc) && !(pt->native)) { if (pt->whole) pt->gc->shared->tex.whole = eina_list_remove(pt->gc->shared->tex.whole, pt); else pt->gc->shared->tex.atlas [pt->fslot] = eina_list_remove(pt->gc->shared->tex.atlas[pt->fslot], pt); } evas_gl_texture_pool_empty(pt); if (pt->eina_pool) eina_rectangle_pool_free(pt->eina_pool); free(pt); } static void pt_link(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt) { gc->shared->tex.whole = eina_list_prepend(gc->shared->tex.whole, pt); pt->fslot = -1; pt->whole = 1; pt->references++; } Evas_GL_Texture * evas_gl_common_texture_native_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int alpha, Evas_GL_Image *im) { Evas_GL_Texture *tex; int lformat; lformat = _evas_gl_texture_search_format(alpha, gc->shared->info.bgra, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); if (lformat < 0) return NULL; tex = evas_gl_common_texture_alloc(gc, w, h, alpha); if (!tex) return NULL; tex->pt = _pool_tex_native_new(gc, w, h, *matching_format[lformat].intformat, *matching_format[lformat].format, im); if (!tex->pt) { evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } tex->pt->references++; return tex; } Evas_GL_Texture * evas_gl_common_texture_render_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int alpha, int stencil) { Evas_GL_Texture *tex; int lformat; lformat = _evas_gl_texture_search_format(alpha, gc->shared->info.bgra, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); if (lformat < 0) return NULL; tex = evas_gl_common_texture_alloc(gc, w, h, alpha); if (!tex) return NULL; tex->pt = _pool_tex_render_new(gc, w, h, *matching_format[lformat].intformat, *matching_format[lformat].format, stencil); if (!tex->pt) { evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } tex->pt->references++; return tex; } Evas_GL_Texture * evas_gl_common_texture_render_noscale_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int alpha) { Evas_GL_Texture *tex; int u = 0, v = 0; int lformat; lformat = _evas_gl_texture_search_format(alpha, gc->shared->info.bgra, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); if (lformat < 0) return NULL; tex = evas_gl_common_texture_alloc(gc, w, h, alpha); if (!tex) return NULL; tex->pt = _pool_tex_render_find(gc, w, h, *matching_format[lformat].intformat, *matching_format[lformat].format, &u, &v, &tex->apt, // XXX: should this be another atlas size? gc->shared->info.tune.atlas.max_alloc_size * 8, EINA_FALSE); if (!tex->pt) { evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } tex->x = u; tex->y = v; tex->pt->references++; return tex; } Evas_GL_Texture * evas_gl_common_texture_dynamic_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Image *im) { Evas_GL_Texture *tex; int lformat; lformat = _evas_gl_texture_search_format(im->alpha, gc->shared->info.bgra, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); if (lformat < 0) return NULL; tex = evas_gl_common_texture_alloc(gc, im->w, im->h, im->alpha); if (!tex) return NULL; tex->pt = _pool_tex_dynamic_new(gc, tex->w, tex->h, *matching_format[lformat].intformat, *matching_format[lformat].format); if (!tex->pt) { evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } tex->pt->references++; return tex; } void evas_gl_common_texture_upload(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, RGBA_Image *im, unsigned int bytes_count) { GLuint fmt; if ((((int)im->cache_entry.w) <= 0) || (((int)im->cache_entry.h) <= 0)) return; fmt = tex->pt->format; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->pt->texture); if (tex->gc->shared->info.unpack_row_length) glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, bytes_count); // printf("tex upload %ix%i\n", im->cache_entry.w, im->cache_entry.h); // +-+ // +-+ // _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, tex->x, tex->y, im->cache_entry.w, im->cache_entry.h, fmt, tex->pt->dataformat, im->image.data); // xxx // xxx // --- _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, tex->x, tex->y + im->cache_entry.h, im->cache_entry.w, 1, fmt, tex->pt->dataformat, im->image.data8 + (((im->cache_entry.h - 1) * im->cache_entry.w)) * bytes_count); // xxx // xxx // o _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, tex->x - 1, tex->y + im->cache_entry.h, 1, 1, fmt, tex->pt->dataformat, im->image.data8 + (((im->cache_entry.h - 1) * im->cache_entry.w)) * bytes_count); // xxx // xxx // o _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, tex->x + im->cache_entry.w, tex->y + im->cache_entry.h, 1, 1, fmt, tex->pt->dataformat, im->image.data8 + (im->cache_entry.h * im->cache_entry.w - 1) * bytes_count); //2D packing // --- // xxx // xxx _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, tex->x, tex->y - 1, im->cache_entry.w, 1, fmt, tex->pt->dataformat, im->image.data); // o // xxx // xxx _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, tex->x - 1, tex->y - 1, 1, 1, fmt, tex->pt->dataformat, im->image.data); // o // xxx // xxx _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, tex->x + im->cache_entry.w, tex->y - 1, 1, 1, fmt, tex->pt->dataformat, im->image.data8 + (im->cache_entry.w - 1) * bytes_count); if (tex->gc->shared->info.unpack_row_length) { glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, im->cache_entry.w); // |xxx // |xxx // _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, tex->x - 1, tex->y, 1, im->cache_entry.h, fmt, tex->pt->dataformat, im->image.data); // xxx| // xxx| // _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, tex->x + im->cache_entry.w, tex->y, 1, im->cache_entry.h, fmt, tex->pt->dataformat, im->image.data8 + (im->cache_entry.w - 1) * bytes_count); //glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); } else { DATA8 *tpix, *ps, *pd; int i; tpix = alloca(im->cache_entry.h * bytes_count); pd = tpix; ps = im->image.data8; for (i = 0; i < (int)im->cache_entry.h; i++) { memcpy(pd, ps, bytes_count); pd += bytes_count; ps += im->cache_entry.w * bytes_count; } // |xxx // |xxx // _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, tex->x - 1, tex->y, 1, im->cache_entry.h, fmt, tex->pt->dataformat, tpix); pd = tpix; ps = im->image.data8 + (im->cache_entry.w - 1) * bytes_count; for (i = 0; i < (int)im->cache_entry.h; i++) { memcpy(pd, ps, bytes_count); pd += bytes_count; ps += im->cache_entry.w * bytes_count; } // xxx| // xxx| // _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, tex->x + im->cache_entry.w, tex->y, 1, im->cache_entry.h, fmt, tex->pt->dataformat, tpix); } //glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); if (tex->pt->texture != tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex) glBindTexture(tex->gc->state.current.tex_target, tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex); } void evas_gl_common_texture_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, RGBA_Image *im) { unsigned int bytes_count, bsize = 8; if (tex->alpha != im->cache_entry.flags.alpha) { int lformat; lformat = _evas_gl_texture_search_format(tex->alpha, tex->gc->shared->info.bgra, im->cache_entry.space); if (lformat < 0) return; tex->pt->allocations = eina_list_remove(tex->pt->allocations, tex->apt); if (tex->apt) eina_rectangle_pool_release(tex->apt); // FIXME: why a 'render' new here ??? Should already have been allocated, quite a weird path. tex->pt = _pool_tex_render_new(tex->gc, tex->w, tex->h, *matching_format[lformat].intformat, *matching_format[lformat].format, EINA_FALSE); } // If image was preloaded then we need a ptt if (!tex->pt) return; if (!im->image.data) return; switch (im->cache_entry.space) { case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888: bytes_count = 4; break; case EVAS_COLORSPACE_GRY8: bytes_count = 1; break; case EVAS_COLORSPACE_AGRY88: bytes_count = 2; break; // Compressed texture formats: S3TC and ETC1/2 case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT2: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT4: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5: bsize = 16; // fallthrough case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGB_S3TC_DXT1: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ETC1: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGB8_ETC2: { /* ETC1/2 can't be scaled down on the fly and interpolated, like it is required for preloading, so we don't take that path. Also as the content already have duplicated border and we use a specific function to upload the compressed data, there is no need to use the normal path at all. */ GLsizei width, height; GLint x, y; x = tex->x - im->cache_entry.borders.l; y = tex->y - im->cache_entry.borders.t; width = im->cache_entry.w + im->cache_entry.borders.l + im->cache_entry.borders.r; height = im->cache_entry.h + im->cache_entry.borders.t + im->cache_entry.borders.b; EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_RETURN(!(width & 0x3) && !(height & 0x3)); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->pt->texture); if ((tex->gc->shared->info.etc1_subimage || (im->cache_entry.space != EVAS_COLORSPACE_ETC1)) && (tex->pt->w != width || tex->pt->h != height)) { int err; err = glGetError(); glCompressedTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, x, y, width, height, tex->pt->format, ((width * height) >> 4) * bsize, im->image.data); err = glGetError(); if (err != GL_NO_ERROR) { __evas_gl_err(err, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, "glCompressedTexSubImage2D"); // FIXME: Changing settings on the fly. // The first texture will be black. // How to fallback? We need a whole texture now. if (im->cache_entry.space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_ETC1) tex->gc->shared->info.etc1_subimage = EINA_FALSE; } } else { glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, tex->pt->format, width, height, 0, ((width * height) >> 4) * bsize, im->image.data); } if (tex->pt->texture != tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex) { glBindTexture(tex->gc->state.current.tex_target, tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex); } return; } case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ETC1_ALPHA: // One must call evas_gl_common_texture_rgb_a_pair_update() instead. ERR("Can't upload ETC1+Alpha texture as a normal texture. Abort."); return; default: ERR("Can't upload texture in colorspace %i.", im->cache_entry.space); return; } // if preloaded, then async push it in after uploading a miniature of it if (im->cache_entry.flags.preload_done && (tex->w > (2 * EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE)) && (tex->h > (2 * EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE)) && evas_gl_preload_enabled()) { Evas_GL_Texture_Async_Preload *async; unsigned char *in; unsigned char *out; GLuint fmt; float xstep, ystep; float x, y; int i, j; int lformat; int u, v; if (tex->ptt) return ; out = alloca(bytes_count * EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE * EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE); xstep = (float)tex->w / (EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE - 2); ystep = (float)tex->h / (EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE - 2); in = im->image.data8; // top-left memcpy(&out[0], &in[0], bytes_count); // top for (x = xstep * 0.5f, i = 1; i < EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE - 1; x += xstep, i++) { memcpy(&out[i * bytes_count], &in[(int)x * bytes_count], bytes_count); } // top-right memcpy(&out[((EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE - 1) * bytes_count)], &in[(im->cache_entry.w - 1) * bytes_count], bytes_count); for (y = ystep * 0.5f, j = 1; j < EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE - 1; y += ystep, j++) { // left memcpy(&out[j * EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE * bytes_count], &in[((int)y * im->cache_entry.w) * bytes_count], bytes_count); // middle for (x = xstep * 0.5f, i = 1; i < EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE - 1; x += xstep, i++) memcpy(&out[(j * EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE + i) * bytes_count], &in[(((int)y * im->cache_entry.w) + (int)x) * bytes_count], bytes_count); // right memcpy(&out[(j * EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE + i) * bytes_count], &in[(((int)y * im->cache_entry.w) + (im->cache_entry.w - 1)) * bytes_count], bytes_count); } // bottom-left memcpy(&out[(j * EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE) * bytes_count], &in[((im->cache_entry.w * (im->cache_entry.h - 1)) + 1) * bytes_count], bytes_count); // bottom for (x = xstep * 0.5f, i = 1; i < EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE - 1; x += xstep, i++) { memcpy(&out[((EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE * j) + i) * bytes_count], &in[((int)x + im->cache_entry.w * (im->cache_entry.h - 1)) * bytes_count], bytes_count); } // bottom-right memcpy(&out[((EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE * EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE) - 1) * bytes_count], &in[((im->cache_entry.w * im->cache_entry.h) - 1) * bytes_count], bytes_count); // out is a miniature of the texture, upload that now and schedule the data for later. // Creating the mini picture texture lformat = _evas_gl_texture_search_format(tex->alpha, tex->gc->shared->info.bgra, im->cache_entry.space); if (lformat < 0) return; tex->ptt = _pool_tex_find(tex->gc, EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE, EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE, *matching_format[lformat].intformat, *matching_format[lformat].format, &u, &v, &tex->aptt, tex->gc->shared->info.tune.atlas.max_alloc_size, EINA_FALSE); if (!tex->ptt) goto upload; tex->tx = u + 1; tex->ty = v; tex->ptt->references++; // Bind and upload ! Vooom ! fmt = tex->ptt->format; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->ptt->texture); if (tex->gc->shared->info.unpack_row_length) { glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); } glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, bytes_count); _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, u, tex->ty, EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE, EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE, fmt, tex->ptt->dataformat, out); // Switch back to current texture if (tex->ptt->texture != tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex) glBindTexture(tex->gc->state.current.tex_target, tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex); // Now prepare uploading the main texture before returning; async = malloc(sizeof (Evas_GL_Texture_Async_Preload)); if (!async) { goto upload; } async->tex = tex; async->tex->references++; async->im = im; evas_cache_image_ref(&async->im->cache_entry); async->unpack_row_length = tex->gc->shared->info.unpack_row_length; if (evas_gl_preload_push(async)) return ; // Failed to start asynchronous upload, likely due to preload not being supported by the backend async->tex->references--; evas_cache_image_drop(&async->im->cache_entry); free(async); upload: pt_unref(tex->ptt); tex->ptt = NULL; } evas_gl_common_texture_upload(tex, im, bytes_count); im->cache_entry.flags.textured = 1; } Eina_Bool evas_gl_common_texture_free(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, Eina_Bool force) { if (!tex) return EINA_FALSE; if (force) { evas_gl_preload_pop(tex); while (tex->targets) evas_gl_preload_target_unregister(tex, eina_list_data_get(tex->targets)); } tex->references--; if (tex->references != 0) return EINA_FALSE; if (tex->fglyph) { tex->gc->font_glyph_textures_size -= tex->w * tex->h * 4; tex->gc->font_glyph_textures = eina_list_remove(tex->gc->font_glyph_textures, tex); tex->fglyph->ext_dat = NULL; tex->fglyph->ext_dat_free = NULL; } if (tex->pt) { tex->pt->allocations = eina_list_remove(tex->pt->allocations, tex->apt); if (tex->apt) eina_rectangle_pool_release(tex->apt); tex->apt = NULL; if (tex->fglyph && (tex->pt->references == 1)) { tex->gc->font_glyph_atlas_size -= tex->pt->w * tex->pt->h * 4; } pt_unref(tex->pt); tex->pt = NULL; } if (tex->pt2) { tex->pt2->allocations = eina_list_remove(tex->pt2->allocations, tex->apt); if (tex->apt) eina_rectangle_pool_release(tex->apt); tex->apt = NULL; pt_unref(tex->pt2); tex->pt2 = NULL; } if (tex->ptt) { tex->ptt->allocations = eina_list_remove(tex->ptt->allocations, tex->aptt); if (tex->aptt) eina_rectangle_pool_release(tex->aptt); tex->aptt = NULL; pt_unref(tex->ptt); tex->ptt = NULL; } if (tex->ptu) pt_unref(tex->ptu); if (tex->ptv) pt_unref(tex->ptv); if (tex->ptuv) pt_unref(tex->ptuv); if (tex->ptu2) pt_unref(tex->ptu2); if (tex->ptv2) pt_unref(tex->ptv2); tex->ptu = NULL; tex->ptv = NULL; tex->ptu2 = NULL; tex->ptv2 = NULL; tex->ptuv = NULL; if (tex->im) { tex->im->tex = NULL; if (tex->im->im) tex->im->im->cache_entry.flags.textured = 0; } evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return EINA_TRUE; } Evas_GL_Texture * evas_gl_common_texture_alpha_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, DATA8 *pixels, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int fh) { Evas_GL_Texture *tex; int u = 0, v = 0; tex = evas_gl_common_texture_alloc(gc, w, h, EINA_FALSE); if (!tex) return NULL; tex->pt = _pool_tex_find(gc, w + 3, fh, alpha_ifmt, alpha_fmt, &u, &v, &tex->apt, gc->shared->info.tune.atlas.max_alloc_alpha_size, EINA_FALSE); if (!tex->pt) { evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } tex->x = u + 1; tex->y = v; tex->pt->references++; evas_gl_common_texture_alpha_update(tex, pixels, w, h, fh); return tex; } void evas_gl_common_texture_alpha_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, DATA8 *pixels, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int fh EINA_UNUSED) { if (!tex->pt) return; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->pt->texture); if (tex->gc->shared->info.unpack_row_length) { glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); } glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, tex->x, tex->y, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, pixels); if (tex->pt->texture != tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex) glBindTexture(tex->gc->state.current.tex_target, tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex); } Evas_GL_Texture * evas_gl_common_texture_rgb_a_pair_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, RGBA_Image *im) { Evas_GL_Texture *tex; int lformat, w, h; // FIXME/TODO: We don't support texture atlasses here (a bit tricky) // Some debugging. We could return. if (im->cache_entry.space != EVAS_COLORSPACE_ETC1_ALPHA) WRN("Using RGB+A texture pair with format %d", im->cache_entry.space); w = im->cache_entry.w; h = im->cache_entry.h; lformat = _evas_gl_texture_search_format(EINA_TRUE, gc->shared->info.bgra, im->cache_entry.space); if (lformat < 0) return NULL; tex = evas_gl_common_texture_alloc(gc, w, h, EINA_TRUE); if (!tex) return NULL; w += im->cache_entry.borders.l + im->cache_entry.borders.r; h += im->cache_entry.borders.t + im->cache_entry.borders.b; tex->x = im->cache_entry.borders.l; tex->y = im->cache_entry.borders.t; // Allocate RGB texture normally - as a 'whole' tex->pt = _pool_tex_new(gc, w, h, *matching_format[lformat].intformat, *matching_format[lformat].format); if (!tex->pt) { evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } pt_link(gc, tex->pt); tex->pt->slot = -1; // And now Alpha texture -- FIXME could intformat be different? (eg. ALPHA4) tex->pta = _pool_tex_new(gc, w, h, *matching_format[lformat].intformat, *matching_format[lformat].format); if (!tex->pta) { pt_unref(tex->pt); evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } pt_link(gc, tex->pta); tex->pta->slot = -1; evas_gl_common_texture_rgb_a_pair_update(tex, im); return tex; } void evas_gl_common_texture_rgb_a_pair_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, RGBA_Image *im) { DATA8 *data1, *data2; Eina_Bool comp, upload, subimage = EINA_TRUE; int w, h, sz, rowlen, ystep = 1; if (!tex->pt) return; // Handle compressed formats with 4x4 blocks format if (((int) im->cache_entry.space >= (int) EVAS_COLORSPACE_ETC1) && ((int) im->cache_entry.space <= (int) EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5)) ystep = 4; if ((im->cache_entry.space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_ETC1) || (im->cache_entry.space == EVAS_COLORSPACE_ETC1_ALPHA)) subimage = tex->gc->shared->info.etc1_subimage; w = im->cache_entry.w + im->cache_entry.borders.l + im->cache_entry.borders.r; h = im->cache_entry.h + im->cache_entry.borders.t + im->cache_entry.borders.b; rowlen = _evas_gl_texture_size_get(w, ystep, tex->pt->intformat, NULL); sz = _evas_gl_texture_size_get(w, h, tex->pt->intformat, &comp); data1 = im->image.data8; data2 = data1 + sz; upload = !!data1; if ((w == tex->pt->w) && (h == tex->pt->h)) subimage = EINA_FALSE; if (!subimage || tex->gc->shared->info.unpack_row_length) { if (tex->gc->shared->info.unpack_row_length) glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, w); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->pt->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->pt->intformat, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat)) goto on_error; if (upload) { if (comp) glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, tex->pt->intformat, w, h, 0, sz, data1); else _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, data1); } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->pta->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->pta->intformat, w, h, tex->pta->format, tex->pta->dataformat)) goto on_error; if (upload) { if (comp) glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, tex->pta->intformat, w, h, 0, sz, data2); else _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w, h, tex->pta->format, tex->pta->dataformat, data2); } } else { int y; glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->pt->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->pt->intformat, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat)) goto on_error; if (upload) { if (w == tex->w) { if (comp) _comp_tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w, h, tex->pt->format, sz, data1); else _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, data1); } else { for (y = 0; y < h; y += ystep) { if (comp) _comp_tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w, h, tex->pt->format, sz, data1); else _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, y, w, ystep, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, data1 + rowlen * y / ystep); } } } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->pta->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->pta->intformat, w, h, tex->pta->format, tex->pta->dataformat)) goto on_error; if (upload) { if (w == tex->w) { if (comp) _comp_tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w, h, tex->pta->format, sz, data2); else _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w, h, tex->pta->format, tex->pta->dataformat, data2); } else { for (y = 0; y < h; y += ystep) { if (comp) _comp_tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w, h, tex->pta->format, sz, data2); else _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, y, w, ystep, tex->pta->format, tex->pta->dataformat, data2 + rowlen * y / ystep); } } } } on_error: glBindTexture(tex->gc->state.current.tex_target, tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex); } Evas_GL_Texture * evas_gl_common_texture_yuv_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { Evas_GL_Texture *tex; tex = evas_gl_common_texture_alloc(gc, w, h, EINA_FALSE); if (!tex) return NULL; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// tex->ptu = _pool_tex_new(gc, (w + 1) / 2, (h + 1) / 2, lum_ifmt, lum_fmt); if (!tex->ptu) { evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } gc->shared->tex.whole = eina_list_prepend(gc->shared->tex.whole, tex->ptu); tex->ptu->slot = -1; tex->ptu->fslot = -1; tex->ptu->whole = 1; tex->ptu2 = _pool_tex_new(gc, (w + 1) / 2, (h + 1) / 2, lum_ifmt, lum_fmt); if (!tex->ptu2) { evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } gc->shared->tex.whole = eina_list_prepend(gc->shared->tex.whole, tex->ptu2); tex->ptu2->slot = -1; tex->ptu2->fslot = -1; tex->ptu2->whole = 1; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// tex->ptv = _pool_tex_new(gc, tex->ptu->w, tex->ptu->h, lum_ifmt, lum_fmt); if (!tex->ptv) { pt_unref(tex->ptu); pt_unref(tex->ptu2); evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } gc->shared->tex.whole = eina_list_prepend(gc->shared->tex.whole, tex->ptv); tex->ptv->slot = -1; tex->ptv->fslot = -1; tex->ptv->whole = 1; tex->ptv2 = _pool_tex_new(gc, tex->ptu->w, tex->ptu->h, lum_ifmt, lum_fmt); if (!tex->ptv2) { pt_unref(tex->ptu); pt_unref(tex->ptu2); pt_unref(tex->ptv); evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } gc->shared->tex.whole = eina_list_prepend(gc->shared->tex.whole, tex->ptv2); tex->ptv2->slot = -1; tex->ptv2->fslot = -1; tex->ptv2->whole = 1; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// tex->pt = _pool_tex_new(gc, tex->ptu->w * 2, tex->ptu->h * 2, lum_ifmt, lum_fmt); if (!tex->pt) { pt_unref(tex->ptu); pt_unref(tex->ptu2); pt_unref(tex->ptv); pt_unref(tex->ptv2); evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } gc->shared->tex.whole = eina_list_prepend(gc->shared->tex.whole, tex->pt); tex->pt->fslot = -1; tex->pt->whole = 1; tex->pt2 = _pool_tex_new(gc, tex->ptu->w * 2, tex->ptu->h * 2, lum_ifmt, lum_fmt); if (!tex->pt2) { pt_unref(tex->ptu); pt_unref(tex->ptu2); pt_unref(tex->ptv); pt_unref(tex->ptv2); pt_unref(tex->pt); evas_gl_common_texture_light_free(tex); return NULL; } gc->shared->tex.whole = eina_list_prepend(gc->shared->tex.whole, tex->pt2); tex->pt2->fslot = -1; tex->pt2->whole = 1; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// tex->pt->references++; tex->ptu->references++; tex->ptv->references++; tex->pt2->references++; tex->ptu2->references++; tex->ptv2->references++; evas_gl_common_texture_yuv_update(tex, rows, w, h); return tex; } void evas_gl_common_texture_yuv_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt, *ptu, *ptv; if (!tex->pt) return; pt = tex->pt; ptu = tex->ptu; ptv = tex->ptv; tex->pt = tex->pt2; tex->ptu = tex->ptu2; tex->ptv = tex->ptv2; tex->pt2 = pt; tex->ptu2 = ptu; tex->ptv2 = ptv; // FIXME: works on lowest size 4 pixel high buffers. must also be multiple of 2 if ((tex->gc->shared->info.unpack_row_length) && (rows[0] && rows[h])) { glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, rows[1] - rows[0]); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->pt->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->pt->intformat, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat)) return; _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, rows[0]); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->ptu->texture); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, rows[h + 1] - rows[h]); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->ptu->intformat, w / 2, h / 2, tex->ptu->format, tex->ptu->dataformat)) return; _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w / 2, h / 2, tex->ptu->format, tex->ptu->dataformat, rows[h]); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->ptv->texture); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, rows[h + (h / 2) + 1] - rows[h + (h / 2)]); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->ptv->intformat, w / 2, h / 2, tex->ptv->format, tex->ptv->dataformat)) return; _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w / 2, h / 2, tex->ptv->format, tex->ptv->dataformat, rows[h + (h / 2)]); } else if (rows[0] && rows[h]) { unsigned int y; glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->pt->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->pt->intformat, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat)) return; if ((rows[1] - rows[0]) == (int)w) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, rows[0]); else { for (y = 0; y < h; y++) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, y, w, 1, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, rows[y]); } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->ptu->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->ptu->intformat, w / 2, h / 2, tex->ptu->format, tex->ptu->dataformat)) return; if ((rows[h + 1] - rows[h]) == (int)(w / 2)) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w / 2, h / 2, tex->ptu->format, tex->ptu->dataformat, rows[h]); else { for (y = 0; y < (h / 2); y++) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, y, w / 2, 1, tex->ptu->format, tex->ptu->dataformat, rows[h + y]); } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->ptv->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->ptv->intformat, w / 2, h / 2, tex->ptv->format, tex->ptv->dataformat)) return; if ((rows[h + (h / 2) + 1] - rows[h + (h / 2)]) == (int)(w / 2)) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w / 2, h / 2, tex->ptv->format, tex->ptv->dataformat, rows[h + (h / 2)]); else { for (y = 0; y < (h / 2); y++) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, y, w / 2, 1, tex->ptv->format, tex->ptv->dataformat, rows[h + (h / 2) + y]); } } if (tex->pt->texture != tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex) glBindTexture(tex->gc->state.current.tex_target, tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex); } static Evas_GL_Texture * _evas_gl_common_texture_y2uv_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, unsigned int yw, unsigned int yh, Eina_Bool uv2w, Eina_Bool uv2h, GLenum y_ifmt, GLenum y_fmt, GLenum uv_ifmt, GLenum uv_fmt, Eina_Bool dynamic) { Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt[2] = { NULL, NULL }; Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *ptuv[2] = { NULL, NULL }; Evas_GL_Texture *tex; unsigned int uvw, uvh; uvw = uv2w ? yw / 2 + 1 : yw + 1; uvh = uv2h ? yh / 2 + 1 : yh + 1; if (!dynamic) { ptuv[0] = _pool_tex_new(gc, uvw, uvh, uv_ifmt, uv_fmt); ptuv[1] = _pool_tex_new(gc, uvw, uvh, uv_ifmt, uv_fmt); if (ptuv[0] && ptuv[1]) { pt[0] = _pool_tex_new(gc, ptuv[0]->w * (uv2w ? 2 : 1), ptuv[0]->h * (uv2h ? 2 : 1), y_ifmt, y_fmt); pt[1] = _pool_tex_new(gc, ptuv[1]->w * (uv2w ? 2 : 1), ptuv[1]->h * (uv2h ? 2 : 1), y_ifmt, y_fmt); } } else { ptuv[0] = _pool_tex_dynamic_new(gc, uvw, uvh, uv_ifmt, uv_fmt); ptuv[1] = _pool_tex_dynamic_new(gc, uvw, uvh, uv_ifmt, uv_fmt); if (ptuv[0] && ptuv[1]) { pt[0] = _pool_tex_dynamic_new(gc, ptuv[0]->w * (uv2w ? 2 : 1), ptuv[0]->h * (uv2h ? 2 : 1), y_ifmt, y_fmt); pt[1] = _pool_tex_dynamic_new(gc, ptuv[1]->w * (uv2w ? 2 : 1), ptuv[1]->h * (uv2h ? 2 : 1), y_ifmt, y_fmt); } } if (!pt[0] || !pt[1] || !ptuv[0] || !ptuv[1]) goto on_error; INF("YUV [%i, %i] => Y[%i, %i], UV[%i, %i]", yw, yh, pt[0]->w, pt[0]->h, ptuv[0]->w, ptuv[0]->h); tex = evas_gl_common_texture_alloc(gc, yw, yh, EINA_FALSE); if (!tex) goto on_error; tex->pt = pt[0]; tex->ptuv = ptuv[0]; tex->dyn = dynamic; pt_link(gc, pt[0]); pt_link(gc, pt[1]); pt_link(gc, ptuv[0]); pt_link(gc, ptuv[1]); tex->double_buffer.source = 0; memcpy(tex->double_buffer.pt, pt, sizeof (Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *) * 2); memcpy(tex->double_buffer.ptuv, ptuv, sizeof (Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *) * 2); return tex; on_error: pt_unref(pt[0]); pt_unref(pt[1]); pt_unref(ptuv[0]); pt_unref(ptuv[1]); return NULL; } Evas_GL_Texture * evas_gl_common_texture_yuy2_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { Evas_GL_Texture *tex; tex = _evas_gl_common_texture_y2uv_new(gc, w, h, EINA_TRUE, EINA_FALSE, lum_alpha_ifmt, lum_alpha_fmt, rgba8_ifmt, rgba8_fmt, 0); evas_gl_common_texture_yuy2_update(tex, rows, w, h); return tex; } Evas_GL_Texture * evas_gl_common_texture_nv12_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { Evas_GL_Texture *tex; #ifdef GL_GLES tex = _evas_gl_common_texture_y2uv_new(gc, w, h, EINA_TRUE, EINA_TRUE, lum_ifmt, lum_fmt, lum_alpha_ifmt, lum_alpha_fmt, 1); if (!tex) #endif tex = _evas_gl_common_texture_y2uv_new(gc, w, h, EINA_TRUE, EINA_TRUE, lum_ifmt, lum_fmt, lum_alpha_ifmt, lum_alpha_fmt, 0); evas_gl_common_texture_nv12_update(tex, rows, w, h); return tex; } Evas_GL_Texture * evas_gl_common_texture_nv12tiled_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { Evas_GL_Texture *tex = NULL; #ifdef GL_GLES tex = _evas_gl_common_texture_y2uv_new(gc, w, h, EINA_TRUE, EINA_TRUE, lum_ifmt, lum_fmt, lum_alpha_ifmt, lum_alpha_fmt, 1); if (!tex) #endif tex = _evas_gl_common_texture_y2uv_new(gc, w, h, EINA_TRUE, EINA_TRUE, lum_ifmt, lum_fmt, lum_alpha_ifmt, lum_alpha_fmt, 0); evas_gl_common_texture_nv12tiled_update(tex, rows, w, h); return tex; } void evas_gl_common_texture_yuy2_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { if (!tex->pt) return; // FIXME: works on lowest size 4 pixel high buffers. must also be multiple of 2 unsigned int y; tex->double_buffer.source = 1 - tex->double_buffer.source; tex->pt = tex->double_buffer.pt[tex->double_buffer.source]; tex->ptuv = tex->double_buffer.ptuv[tex->double_buffer.source]; glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->pt->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->pt->intformat, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat)) return; if ((rows[1] - rows[0]) == (int)w * 4) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, rows[0]); else { for (y = 0; y < h; y++) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, y, w, 1, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, rows[y]); } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->ptuv->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->ptuv->intformat, w / 2, h, tex->ptuv->format, tex->ptuv->dataformat)) return; #if 0 /* FIXME: this piece of code doesn't work anymore since texture width is not anymore exactly w / 2. I don't understand why. */ if ((rows[1] - rows[0]) == (int)(w * 2)) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w / 2, h, tex->ptuv->format, tex->ptuv->dataformat, rows[0]); else #endif { for (y = 0; y < h; y++) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, y, w / 2, 1, tex->ptuv->format, tex->ptuv->dataformat, rows[y]); } if (tex->pt->texture != tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex) glBindTexture(tex->gc->state.current.tex_target, tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex); } void evas_gl_common_texture_nv12_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { if (!tex->pt) return; tex->double_buffer.source = 1 - tex->double_buffer.source; tex->pt = tex->double_buffer.pt[tex->double_buffer.source]; tex->ptuv = tex->double_buffer.ptuv[tex->double_buffer.source]; // FIXME: works on lowest size 4 pixel high buffers. must also be multiple of 2 if (tex->gc->shared->info.unpack_row_length) { glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, rows[1] - rows[0]); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->pt->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->pt->intformat, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat)) return; _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, rows[0]); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->ptuv->texture); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, (rows[h + 1] - rows[h]) / 2); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->ptuv->intformat, w / 2, h / 2, tex->ptuv->format, tex->ptuv->dataformat)) return; _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w / 2, h / 2, tex->ptuv->format, tex->ptuv->dataformat, rows[h]); } else { unsigned int y; glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->pt->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->pt->intformat, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat)) return; if ((rows[1] - rows[0]) == (int)w) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, rows[0]); else { for (y = 0; y < h; y++) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, y, w, 1, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, rows[y]); } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->ptuv->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->ptuv->intformat, w / 2, h / 2, tex->ptuv->format, tex->ptuv->dataformat)) return; if ((rows[h + 1] - rows[h]) == (int)(w / 2)) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, 0, w / 2, h / 2, tex->ptuv->format, tex->ptuv->dataformat, rows[h]); else { for (y = 0; y < (h / 2); y++) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, 0, y, w / 2, 1, tex->ptuv->format, tex->ptuv->dataformat, rows[h + y]); } } if (tex->pt->texture != tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex) glBindTexture(tex->gc->state.current.tex_target, tex->gc->state.current.cur_tex); } void evas_gl_common_texture_nv12tiled_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { unsigned int mb_x, mb_y, mb_w, mb_h; unsigned int base_h; if (!tex->pt) return; tex->double_buffer.source = 1 - tex->double_buffer.source; tex->pt = tex->double_buffer.pt[tex->double_buffer.source]; tex->ptuv = tex->double_buffer.ptuv[tex->double_buffer.source]; mb_w = w / 64 + (w % 64 ? 1 : 0); mb_h = h / 32 + (h % 32 ? 1 : 0); #ifdef GL_GLES if (tex->dyn) { char *texture_addr; char *tmp; texture_addr = secsym_eglMapImageSEC(tex->gc->egldisp, tex->pt->dyn.img, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_DEVICE_CPU_SEC, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_OPTION_WRITE_SEC); /* Iterate each Y macroblock like we do in evas_convert_yuv.c */ for (mb_y = 0; mb_y < (mb_h >> 1); mb_y++) { int step = 2; int offset = 0; int x = 0; int rmb_x = 0; int ry[2]; ry[0] = mb_y * 2 * 32 * tex->pt->dyn.stride; ry[1] = ry[0] + 32 * tex->pt->dyn.stride; for (mb_x = 0; mb_x < mb_w * 2; mb_x++, rmb_x += 64 * 32) { unsigned int i; tmp = texture_addr + x + ry[offset]; for (i = 0; i < 32 * 64; i += 64, tmp += tex->pt->dyn.stride) memcpy(tmp, rows[mb_y] + rmb_x + i, 64); step++; if ((step & 0x3) == 0) { offset = 1 - offset; x -= 64; } else { x += 64; } } } if (mb_h & 0x1) { int rmb_x = 0; int x = 0; int ry; ry = mb_y * 2 * 32 * tex->pt->dyn.stride; for (mb_x = 0; mb_x < mb_w; mb_x++, x += 64, rmb_x += 64 * 32) { unsigned int i; tmp = texture_addr + x + ry; for (i = 0; i < 32 * 64; i += 64, tmp += tex->pt->dyn.stride) memcpy(tmp, rows[mb_y] + rmb_x + i, 64); } } secsym_eglUnmapImageSEC(tex->gc->egldisp, tex->pt->dyn.img, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_DEVICE_CPU_SEC); texture_addr = secsym_eglMapImageSEC(tex->gc->egldisp, tex->ptuv->dyn.img, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_DEVICE_CPU_SEC, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_OPTION_WRITE_SEC); /* Iterate each UV macroblock like we do in evas_convert_yuv.c */ base_h = (mb_h >> 1) + (mb_h & 0x1); /* h is always a multiple of 32 */ mb_h = h / 2; mb_h = (mb_h / 32 + (mb_h % 32 ? 1 : 0)); mb_w = w / 2; mb_w = (mb_w / 64 + (mb_w % 64 ? 1 : 0)); for (mb_y = 0; mb_y < (mb_h >> 1); mb_y++) { int step = 2; int offset = 0; int x = 0; int rmb_x = 0; int ry[2]; ry[0] = mb_y * 2 * 32 * tex->ptuv->dyn.stride; ry[1] = ry[0] + 32 * tex->ptuv->dyn.stride; for (mb_x = 0; mb_x < mb_w * 4; mb_x++, rmb_x += 64 * 32) { unsigned int i = 0; tmp = texture_addr + x + ry[offset]; for (i = 0; i < 32 * 64; i += 64, tmp += tex->ptuv->dyn.stride) memcpy(tmp, rows[mb_y + base_h] + rmb_x + i, 64); step++; if ((step & 0x3) == 0) { offset = 1 - offset; x -= 64; } else { x += 64; } } } if (mb_h & 0x1) { int rmb_x = 0; int x = 0; int ry; ry = mb_y * 2 * 32 * tex->ptuv->dyn.stride; for (mb_x = 0; mb_x < mb_w * 2; mb_x++, x += 64, rmb_x += 64 * 32) { unsigned int i; tmp = texture_addr + x + ry; /* It has horizontaly half the pixels, but they are double the size*/ for (i = 0; i < 32 * 64; i += 64, tmp += tex->ptuv->dyn.stride) memcpy(tmp, rows[mb_y + base_h] + rmb_x + i, 64); } } secsym_eglUnmapImageSEC(tex->gc->egldisp, tex->ptuv->dyn.img, EGL_MAP_GL_TEXTURE_DEVICE_CPU_SEC); return; } #endif glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->pt->texture); // We are telling the driver to not swizzle back the buffer as we are going to replace all pixel if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->pt->intformat, w, h, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat)) return; /* Iterate each Y macroblock like we do in evas_convert_yuv.c */ for (mb_y = 0; mb_y < (mb_h >> 1); mb_y++) { int step = 2; int offset = 0; int x = 0; int rmb_x = 0; int ry[2]; ry[0] = mb_y * 2 * 32; ry[1] = ry[0] + 32; for (mb_x = 0; mb_x < mb_w * 2; mb_x++, rmb_x += 64 * 32) { _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, x, ry[offset], 64, 32, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, rows[mb_y] + rmb_x); step++; if ((step & 0x3) == 0) { offset = 1 - offset; x -= 64; } else { x += 64; } } } if (mb_h & 0x1) { int rmb_x = 0; int x = 0; int ry; ry = mb_y * 2 * 32; for (mb_x = 0; mb_x < mb_w; mb_x++, x += 64, rmb_x += 64 * 32) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, x, ry, 64, 32, tex->pt->format, tex->pt->dataformat, rows[mb_y] + rmb_x); } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->ptuv->texture); if (!_tex_2d(tex->gc, tex->ptuv->intformat, w, h, tex->ptuv->format, tex->ptuv->dataformat)) return; /* Iterate each UV macroblock like we do in evas_convert_yuv.c */ base_h = (mb_h >> 1) + (mb_h & 0x1); /* h is always a multiple of 32 */ mb_h = h / 2; mb_h = (mb_h / 32 + (mb_h % 32 ? 1 : 0)); mb_w = w / 2; mb_w = (mb_w / 32 + (mb_w % 32 ? 1 : 0)); for (mb_y = 0; mb_y < (mb_h >> 1); mb_y++) { int step = 2; int offset = 0; int x = 0; int rmb_x = 0; int ry[2]; ry[0] = mb_y * 2 * 32; ry[1] = ry[0] + 32; for (mb_x = 0; mb_x < mb_w * 2; mb_x++, rmb_x += 64 * 32) { _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, x, ry[offset], 32, 32, tex->ptuv->format, tex->ptuv->dataformat, rows[mb_y + base_h] + rmb_x); step++; if ((step & 0x3) == 0) { offset = 1 - offset; x -= 32; } else { x += 32; } } } if (mb_h & 0x1) { int rmb_x = 0; int x = 0; int ry; ry = mb_y * 2 * 32; for (mb_x = 0; mb_x < mb_w; mb_x++, x += 32, rmb_x += 64 * 32) _tex_sub_2d(tex->gc, x, ry, 64, 32, tex->ptuv->format, tex->ptuv->dataformat, rows[mb_y + base_h] + rmb_x); } }