#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "ecore_evas_wayland_private.h" #include #include "ecore_wl2_internal.h" EAPI extern Eina_List *_evas_canvas_image_data_unset(Evas *eo_e); EAPI extern void _evas_canvas_image_data_regenerate(Eina_List *list); #define _smart_frame_type "ecore_evas_wl_frame" static const char *interface_wl_name = "wayland"; static const int interface_wl_version = 1; Eina_List *ee_list; /* local structure for evas devices with IDs */ typedef struct _EE_Wl_Device EE_Wl_Device; struct _EE_Wl_Device { Evas_Device *seat; Evas_Device *pointer; Evas_Device *keyboard; Evas_Device *touch; unsigned int id; }; /* local variables */ static int _ecore_evas_wl_init_count = 0; static Eina_Array *_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls; static void _ecore_evas_wayland_resize(Ecore_Evas *ee, int location); static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_rotation_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, int rotation, int resize); static void _ecore_evas_wl_selection_init(Ecore_Evas *ee); /* local functions */ static void _anim_cb_tick(Ecore_Wl2_Window *win EINA_UNUSED, uint32_t timestamp, void *data) { Ecore_Evas *ee = data; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *edata; double t;//, rt; /* static double pt = 0.0, prt = 0.0; */ edata = ee->engine.data; if (!edata->ticking) return; t = ((double)timestamp / 1000.0); ecore_loop_time_set(t); /* rt = ecore_time_get(); */ /* printf("ECORE_EVAS: wl client anim tick %p | %p - %1.5f @ %1.5f delt=%1.5f | %1.5f\n", ee, edata, t, ecore_time_get(), t - pt, rt - prt); */ ecore_evas_animator_tick(ee, NULL, t); /* pt = t; */ /* prt = rt; */ } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_animator_register(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *edata; edata = (Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *)ee->engine.data; EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_RETURN(edata->ticking); EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_RETURN(edata->frame != NULL); edata->frame = ecore_wl2_window_frame_callback_add(edata->win, _anim_cb_tick, ee); if (!ecore_wl2_window_pending_get(edata->win) && !ee->in_async_render && !ee->animator_ticked && !ee->animator_ran && !ee->draw_block) ecore_wl2_window_false_commit(edata->win); edata->ticking = EINA_TRUE; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_animator_unregister(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *edata; edata = ee->engine.data; edata->ticking = EINA_FALSE; if (edata->frame) ecore_wl2_window_frame_callback_del(edata->frame); edata->frame = NULL; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_evas_changed(Ecore_Evas *ee, Eina_Bool changed) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *edata; if (changed) return; edata = (Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *)ee->engine.data; if (edata->ticking && !ecore_wl2_window_pending_get(edata->win)) ecore_wl2_window_false_commit(edata->win); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_state_update(Ecore_Evas *ee) { if (ee->func.fn_state_change) ee->func.fn_state_change(ee); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rotation_protocol_set(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; wdata = ee->engine.data; ee->prop.wm_rot.supported = ecore_wl2_window_wm_rotation_supported_get(wdata->win); } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_mouse_in(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Ecore_Event_Mouse_IO *ev; LOGFN; ev = event; ee = ecore_event_window_match((Ecore_Window)ev->window); if ((!ee) || (ee->ignore_events)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if ((Ecore_Window)ev->window != ee->prop.window) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if (_ecore_evas_mouse_in_check(ee, ev->dev)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; _ecore_evas_mouse_inout_set(ee, ev->dev, EINA_TRUE, EINA_FALSE); ecore_event_evas_seat_modifier_lock_update(ee->evas, ev->modifiers, ev->dev); evas_event_feed_mouse_in(ee->evas, ev->timestamp, NULL); _ecore_evas_mouse_device_move_process(ee, ev->dev, ev->x, ev->y, ev->timestamp); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_mouse_out(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Ecore_Event_Mouse_IO *ev; LOGFN; ev = event; ee = ecore_event_window_match((Ecore_Window)ev->window); if ((!ee) || (ee->ignore_events)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if ((Ecore_Window)ev->window != ee->prop.window) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if (!_ecore_evas_mouse_in_check(ee, ev->dev)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; ecore_event_evas_seat_modifier_lock_update(ee->evas, ev->modifiers, ev->dev); _ecore_evas_mouse_device_move_process(ee, ev->dev, ev->x, ev->y, ev->timestamp); evas_event_feed_mouse_out(ee->evas, ev->timestamp, NULL); _ecore_evas_mouse_inout_set(ee, ev->dev, EINA_FALSE, EINA_FALSE); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_focus_in(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Focus_In *ev; LOGFN; ev = event; ee = ecore_event_window_match((Ecore_Window)ev->window); if ((!ee) || (ee->ignore_events)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if ((Ecore_Window)ev->window != ee->prop.window) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; _ecore_evas_focus_device_set(ee, ev->dev, EINA_TRUE); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_focus_out(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Focus_Out *ev; LOGFN; ev = event; ee = ecore_event_window_match((Ecore_Window)ev->window); if ((!ee) || (ee->ignore_events)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if ((Ecore_Window)ev->window != ee->prop.window) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; _ecore_evas_focus_device_set(ee, ev->dev, EINA_FALSE); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static void _ee_display_unset(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *einfo; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; einfo = (Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *)evas_engine_info_get(ee->evas); if (!einfo) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (!strcmp(ee->driver, "wayland_egl")) wdata->regen_objs = _evas_canvas_image_data_unset(ecore_evas_get(ee)); if (!evas_engine_info_set(ee->evas, (Evas_Engine_Info *)einfo)) WRN("Failed to set Evas Engine Info for '%s'", ee->driver); } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_disconnect(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Wl2_Event_Disconnect *ev = event; Eina_List *l; Ecore_Evas *ee; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ee_list, l, ee) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; if (wdata->display != ev->display) continue; wdata->sync_done = EINA_FALSE; wdata->defer_show = EINA_TRUE; ee->visible = EINA_FALSE; wdata->reset_pending = 1; ee->draw_block = EINA_TRUE; _ee_display_unset(ee); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static Eina_Bool ee_needs_alpha(Ecore_Evas *ee) { return ee->shadow.l || ee->shadow.r || ee->shadow.t || ee->shadow.b || ee->alpha; } static void _ecore_evas_wayland_window_update(Ecore_Evas *ee, Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata, Eina_Bool new_alpha) { Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *einfo; Eina_Bool has_shadow, needs_alpha, change; int w, h, fw, fh, shw = 0, shh = 0; int fullw, fullh; einfo = (Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *)evas_engine_info_get(ee->evas); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(einfo); change = ee->shadow.changed || (new_alpha != ee->alpha); ee->alpha = new_alpha; has_shadow = ee->shadow.l || ee->shadow.r || ee->shadow.t || ee->shadow.b; needs_alpha = ee_needs_alpha(ee); if (einfo->info.destination_alpha != needs_alpha) { ecore_wl2_window_alpha_set(wdata->win, needs_alpha); einfo->info.destination_alpha = needs_alpha; if (!evas_engine_info_set(ee->evas, (Evas_Engine_Info *)einfo)) ERR("Failed to set Evas Engine Info for '%s'", ee->driver); change |= EINA_TRUE; } ecore_evas_geometry_get(ee, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); evas_output_framespace_get(ee->evas, NULL, NULL, &fw, &fh); if (has_shadow) { shh = ee->shadow.r + ee->shadow.l; shw = ee->shadow.t + ee->shadow.b; } fullw = w + fw - shw; fullh = h + fh - shh; /* shadow but no window alpha means we have a translucent visual but the * window contents are always opaque - we can set the opaque region * hint so the compositor can render more efficiently */ if (has_shadow && !ee->alpha) { ecore_wl2_window_opaque_region_set(wdata->win, ee->shadow.l, ee->shadow.t, fullw, fullh); } /* No alpha, no shadows - this should really not be a visual capable * of translucent behaviour, but just in case things are sketchy in * the back-end, let the compositor know we're fully opaque. */ else if (!ee->alpha) { ecore_wl2_window_opaque_region_set(wdata->win, 0, 0, fullw, fullh); } /* alpha is set and we might use it, so we'd better clear the * opaque region, let the compositor blend it all. */ else { ecore_wl2_window_opaque_region_set(wdata->win, 0, 0, 0, 0); } ecore_wl2_window_input_region_set(wdata->win, ee->shadow.l, ee->shadow.t, fullw, fullh); ecore_wl2_window_geometry_set(wdata->win, ee->shadow.l, ee->shadow.t, fullw, fullh); if (!change) return; if (ECORE_EVAS_PORTRAIT(ee)) evas_damage_rectangle_add(ee->evas, 0, 0, fullw, fullh); else evas_damage_rectangle_add(ee->evas, 0, 0, fullh, fullw); ee->shadow.changed = EINA_FALSE; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_resize(Ecore_Evas *ee, int w, int h) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; int ow, oh, ew, eh, fw, fh, ww, hh; int diff = 0; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (!wdata) return; ee->req.w = w; ee->req.h = h; evas_output_framespace_get(ee->evas, NULL, NULL, &fw, &fh); /* TODO: wayland client can resize the ecore_evas directly. * In the future, we will remove ee->req value in wayland backend */ ew = ee->w; eh = ee->h; ee->w = w; ee->h = h; if (wdata->win->xdg_set_min_size && wdata->win->xdg_toplevel && wdata->win->pending.min) { ww = ee->prop.min.w + fw; hh = ee->prop.min.h + fh; if (ww < 1) ww = 1; if (hh < 1) hh = 1; wdata->win->xdg_set_min_size(wdata->win->xdg_toplevel, ww, hh); wdata->win->pending.min = 0; } if (wdata->win->xdg_set_max_size && wdata->win->xdg_toplevel && wdata->win->pending.max) { ww = ee->prop.max.w + fw; hh = ee->prop.max.h + fh; if (ww < 0) ww = 0; if (hh < 0) hh = 0; wdata->win->xdg_set_max_size(wdata->win->xdg_toplevel, ww, hh); wdata->win->pending.max = 0; } if (wdata->win->zxdg_set_min_size && wdata->win->zxdg_toplevel && wdata->win->pending.min) { ww = ee->prop.min.w + fw; hh = ee->prop.min.h + fh; if (ww < 1) ww = 1; if (hh < 1) hh = 1; wdata->win->zxdg_set_min_size(wdata->win->zxdg_toplevel, ww, hh); wdata->win->pending.min = 0; } if (wdata->win->zxdg_set_max_size && wdata->win->zxdg_toplevel && wdata->win->pending.max) { ww = ee->prop.max.w + fw; hh = ee->prop.max.h + fh; if (ww < 0) ww = 0; if (hh < 0) hh = 0; wdata->win->zxdg_set_max_size(wdata->win->zxdg_toplevel, ww, hh); wdata->win->pending.max = 0; } if (!ee->prop.fullscreen) { int maxw = 0, maxh = 0; int minw = 0, minh = 0; if (ee->prop.min.w > 0) minw = (ee->prop.min.w); if (ee->prop.min.h > 0) minh = (ee->prop.min.h); if (ee->prop.max.w > 0) maxw = (ee->prop.max.w); if (ee->prop.max.h > 0) maxh = (ee->prop.max.h); if ((maxw > 0) && (w > maxw)) w = maxw; else if (w < minw) w = minw; if ((maxh > 0) && (h > maxh)) h = maxh; else if (h < minh) h = minh; if (!ee->prop.maximized) { /* calc new size using base size & step size */ if (ee->prop.step.w > 1) { int bw = ee->prop.base.w; w = (bw + (((w - bw) / ee->prop.step.w) * ee->prop.step.w)); } if (ee->prop.step.h > 1) { int bh = ee->prop.base.h; h = (bh + (((h - bh) / ee->prop.step.h) * ee->prop.step.h)); } if (!wdata->win->display->wl.efl_hints && EINA_DBL_NONZERO(ee->prop.aspect)) { /* copied from e_client.c */ Evas_Aspect_Control aspect; int aw, ah; double val, a; if (h > 0) { a = (double)w / (double)h; if (fabs(a - ee->prop.aspect) > 0.001) { int step_w = ee->prop.step.w ?: 1; int step_h = ee->prop.step.h ?: 1; if (wdata->resizing || ecore_wl2_window_resizing_get(wdata->win)) ew = wdata->cw, eh = wdata->ch; if (abs(w - ew) > abs(h - eh)) aspect = EVAS_ASPECT_CONTROL_HORIZONTAL; else aspect = EVAS_ASPECT_CONTROL_VERTICAL; switch (aspect) { case EVAS_ASPECT_CONTROL_HORIZONTAL: val = ((h - (w / ee->prop.aspect)) * step_h) / step_h; if (val > 0) ah = ceil(val); else ah = floor(val); if ((h - ah > minh) || (minh < 1)) { h -= ah; break; } EINA_FALLTHROUGH; /* no break */ default: val = (((h * ee->prop.aspect) - w) * step_w) / step_w; if (val > 0) aw = ceil(val); else aw = floor(val); if ((w + aw < maxw) || (maxw < 1)) w += aw; break; } } } } } ee->w = w; ee->h = h; ee->req.w = w; ee->req.h = h; if (ECORE_EVAS_PORTRAIT(ee)) { w += fw; h += fh; } else { w += fh; h += fw; } } if (ECORE_EVAS_PORTRAIT(ee)) evas_output_size_get(ee->evas, &ow, &oh); else evas_output_size_get(ee->evas, &oh, &ow); if (ECORE_EVAS_PORTRAIT(ee) && ((ow != w) || (oh != h))) diff = 1; if (!ECORE_EVAS_PORTRAIT(ee) && ((ow != h) || (oh != w))) diff = 1; if (diff) { if (ECORE_EVAS_PORTRAIT(ee)) { evas_output_size_set(ee->evas, w, h); evas_output_viewport_set(ee->evas, 0, 0, w, h); } else { evas_output_size_set(ee->evas, h, w); evas_output_viewport_set(ee->evas, 0, 0, h, w); } if (ee->prop.avoid_damage) { int pdam = 0; pdam = ecore_evas_avoid_damage_get(ee); ecore_evas_avoid_damage_set(ee, 0); ecore_evas_avoid_damage_set(ee, pdam); } if (ee->func.fn_resize) ee->func.fn_resize(ee); } _ecore_evas_wayland_window_update(ee, wdata, ee->alpha); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_manual_rotation_done_job(void *data) { Ecore_Evas *ee = (Ecore_Evas *)data; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; wdata = ee->engine.data; wdata->wm_rot.manual_mode_job = NULL; ee->prop.wm_rot.manual_mode.wait_for_done = EINA_FALSE; ecore_wl2_window_rotation_change_done_send (wdata->win, ee->rotation, ee->w, ee->h); wdata->wm_rot.done = EINA_FALSE; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_manual_rotation_done(Ecore_Evas *ee) { if ((ee->prop.wm_rot.supported) && (ee->prop.wm_rot.app_set) && (ee->prop.wm_rot.manual_mode.set)) { if (ee->prop.wm_rot.manual_mode.wait_for_done) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (ee->prop.wm_rot.manual_mode.timer) ecore_timer_del(ee->prop.wm_rot.manual_mode.timer); ee->prop.wm_rot.manual_mode.timer = NULL; if (wdata->wm_rot.manual_mode_job) ecore_job_del(wdata->wm_rot.manual_mode_job); wdata->wm_rot.manual_mode_job = ecore_job_add (_ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_manual_rotation_done_job, ee); } } } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_manual_rotation_done_timeout(void *data) { Ecore_Evas *ee = data; ee->prop.wm_rot.manual_mode.timer = NULL; _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_manual_rotation_done(ee); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_manual_rotation_done_timeout_update(Ecore_Evas *ee) { if (ee->prop.wm_rot.manual_mode.timer) ecore_timer_del(ee->prop.wm_rot.manual_mode.timer); ee->prop.wm_rot.manual_mode.timer = ecore_timer_add (4.0f, _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_manual_rotation_done_timeout, ee); } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_window_configure(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Configure *ev; int nw = 0, nh = 0, fw, fh, pfw, pfh, sw, sh, contentw, contenth; int ww, wh; int framew, frameh; Eina_Bool active, prev_max, prev_full, state_change = EINA_FALSE; LOGFN; ev = event; ee = ecore_event_window_match((Ecore_Window)ev->win); if (!ee) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if ((Ecore_Window)ev->win != ee->prop.window) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (!wdata) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if (!ecore_wl2_window_resizing_get(wdata->win) && !wdata->resizing) wdata->cw = wdata->ch = 0; prev_max = ee->prop.maximized; prev_full = ee->prop.fullscreen; ee->prop.maximized = (ev->states & ECORE_WL2_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED) == ECORE_WL2_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED; ee->prop.fullscreen = (ev->states & ECORE_WL2_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN) == ECORE_WL2_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN; active = wdata->activated; wdata->activated = ecore_wl2_window_activated_get(wdata->win); /* If the compositor set these, we need to update internal state * so things like CSD continue to function */ wdata->win->set_config.maximized = ee->prop.maximized; wdata->win->set_config.fullscreen = ee->prop.fullscreen; nw = ev->w; nh = ev->h; ecore_evas_geometry_get(ee, NULL, NULL, &ww, &wh); sw = ee->shadow.l + ee->shadow.r; sh = ee->shadow.t + ee->shadow.b; evas_output_framespace_get(ee->evas, NULL, NULL, &framew, &frameh); contentw = ww - (framew - sw); contenth = wh - (frameh - sh); pfw = fw = ww - contentw; pfh = fh = wh - contenth; if ((prev_max != ee->prop.maximized) || (prev_full != ee->prop.fullscreen) || (active != wdata->activated)) { state_change = EINA_TRUE; _ecore_evas_wl_common_state_update(ee); sw = ee->shadow.l + ee->shadow.r; sh = ee->shadow.t + ee->shadow.b; evas_output_framespace_get(ee->evas, NULL, NULL, &framew, &frameh); contentw = ww - (framew - sw); contenth = wh - (frameh - sh); fw = ww - contentw; fh = wh - contenth; } if ((!nw) && (!nh)) { if ((wdata->win->set_config.serial != wdata->win->req_config.serial) && wdata->win->req_config.serial && wdata->win->surface && ((!state_change) || ((pfw == fw) && (pfh == fh)))) { ecore_wl2_window_commit(wdata->win, EINA_TRUE); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } if (!ee->prop.borderless) { nw -= fw; nh -= fh; } if (ee->prop.fullscreen || (ee->req.w != nw) || (ee->req.h != nh)) { if (ecore_wl2_window_resizing_get(wdata->win) || wdata->resizing) { if ((wdata->cw != nw) || (wdata->ch != nh)) _ecore_evas_wl_common_resize(ee, nw, nh); wdata->cw = nw, wdata->ch = nh; } else _ecore_evas_wl_common_resize(ee, nw, nh); } wdata->resizing = ecore_wl2_window_resizing_get(wdata->win); if (ee->prop.wm_rot.supported) { if (wdata->wm_rot.prepare) { if ((ee->prop.wm_rot.w == nw) && (ee->prop.wm_rot.h == nh)) { ee->prop.wm_rot.win_resize = EINA_FALSE; wdata->wm_rot.configure_coming = EINA_FALSE; } } else if (wdata->wm_rot.request) { if ((wdata->wm_rot.configure_coming) && (ee->prop.wm_rot.w == nw) && (ee->prop.wm_rot.h == nh)) { wdata->wm_rot.configure_coming = EINA_FALSE; if (ee->prop.wm_rot.manual_mode.set) { ee->prop.wm_rot.manual_mode.wait_for_done = EINA_TRUE; _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_manual_rotation_done_timeout_update(ee); } _ecore_evas_wl_common_rotation_set(ee, ee->prop.wm_rot.angle, EINA_TRUE); } } } _ecore_evas_wayland_window_update(ee, wdata, ee->alpha); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_window_configure_complete(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Configure_Complete *ev; Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *einfo; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; ev = event; ee = ecore_event_window_match((Ecore_Window)ev->win); if (!ee) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if ((Ecore_Window)ev->win != ee->prop.window) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; einfo = (Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *)evas_engine_info_get(ee->evas); if (!einfo) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; einfo->info.hidden = EINA_FALSE; if (!evas_engine_info_set(ee->evas, (Evas_Engine_Info *)einfo)) ERR("Failed to set Evas Engine Info for '%s'", ee->driver); wdata = ee->engine.data; ee->draw_block = EINA_FALSE; if (wdata->frame) ecore_evas_manual_render(ee); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_aux_message(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Aux_Message *ev; ev = event; ee = ecore_event_window_match((Ecore_Window)ev->win); if (!ee) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if ((Ecore_Window)ev->win != ee->prop.window) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if (eina_streq(ev->key, "stack_del")) { if (ee->func.fn_delete_request) ee->func.fn_delete_request(ee); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_aux_hint_supported(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Aux_Hint_Supported *ev; Eina_Stringshare *hint; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; ev = event; ee = ecore_event_window_match((Ecore_Window)ev->win); if (!ee) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if ((Ecore_Window)ev->win != ee->prop.window) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; wdata = ee->engine.data; EINA_LIST_FREE(ee->prop.aux_hint.supported_list, hint) eina_stringshare_del(hint); ee->prop.aux_hint.supported_list = ecore_wl2_window_aux_hints_supported_get(wdata->win); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_aux_hint_allowed(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Aux_Hint_Allowed *ev; Eina_List *l; Ecore_Evas_Aux_Hint *aux; ev = event; ee = ecore_event_window_match((Ecore_Window)ev->win); if (!ee) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if ((Ecore_Window)ev->win != ee->prop.window) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ee->prop.aux_hint.hints, l, aux) { if (aux->id == ev->id) { aux->allowed = 1; if (!aux->notified) { _ecore_evas_wl_common_state_update(ee); aux->notified = 1; } break; } } return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_window_rotate(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Rotation *ev; LOGFN; ev = event; ee = ecore_event_window_match((Ecore_Window)ev->win); if (!ee) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if ((Ecore_Window)ev->win != ee->prop.window) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; _ecore_evas_wl_common_rotation_set(ee, ev->rotation, ev->resize); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static void _mouse_move_dispatch(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Ecore_Evas_Cursor *cursor; Eina_Iterator *itr = eina_hash_iterator_data_new(ee->prop.cursors); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(itr); EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(itr, cursor) _ecore_evas_mouse_move_process(ee, cursor->pos_x, cursor->pos_y, ecore_loop_time_get()); eina_iterator_free(itr); } static void _rotation_do(Ecore_Evas *ee, int rotation, int resize) { Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *einfo; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; int rot_dif; wdata = ee->engine.data; einfo = (Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *)evas_engine_info_get(ee->evas); if (einfo) { einfo->info.rotation = rotation; if (!evas_engine_info_set(ee->evas, (Evas_Engine_Info *)einfo)) ERR("evas_engine_info_set() for engine '%s' failed.", ee->driver); } /* calculate difference in rotation */ rot_dif = ee->rotation - rotation; if (rot_dif < 0) rot_dif = -rot_dif; /* set ecore_wayland window rotation */ ecore_wl2_window_rotation_set(wdata->win, rotation); /* check if rotation is just a flip */ if (rot_dif != 180) { int minw, minh, maxw, maxh; int basew, baseh, stepw, steph; /* check if we are rotating with resize */ if (!resize) { int fw, fh; int ww, hh; /* grab framespace width & height */ evas_output_framespace_get(ee->evas, NULL, NULL, &fw, &fh); /* check for fullscreen */ if (ee->prop.fullscreen) { /* resize the canvas based on rotation */ if ((rotation == 0) || (rotation == 180)) { /* resize the canvas */ evas_output_size_set(ee->evas, ee->req.w, ee->req.h); evas_output_viewport_set(ee->evas, 0, 0, ee->req.w, ee->req.h); } else { /* resize the canvas */ evas_output_size_set(ee->evas, ee->req.h, ee->req.w); evas_output_viewport_set(ee->evas, 0, 0, ee->req.h, ee->req.w); } } /* add canvas damage */ if (ECORE_EVAS_PORTRAIT(ee)) evas_damage_rectangle_add(ee->evas, 0, 0, ee->req.w, ee->req.h); else evas_damage_rectangle_add(ee->evas, 0, 0, ee->req.h, ee->req.w); ww = ee->h; hh = ee->w; ee->w = ww; ee->h = hh; ee->req.w = ww; ee->req.h = hh; } else { /* resize the canvas based on rotation */ if ((rotation == 0) || (rotation == 180)) { evas_output_size_set(ee->evas, ee->w, ee->h); evas_output_viewport_set(ee->evas, 0, 0, ee->w, ee->h); } else { evas_output_size_set(ee->evas, ee->h, ee->w); evas_output_viewport_set(ee->evas, 0, 0, ee->h, ee->w); } /* call the ecore_evas' resize function */ if (ee->func.fn_resize) ee->func.fn_resize(ee); /* add canvas damage */ if (ECORE_EVAS_PORTRAIT(ee)) evas_damage_rectangle_add(ee->evas, 0, 0, ee->w, ee->h); else evas_damage_rectangle_add(ee->evas, 0, 0, ee->h, ee->w); } /* get min, max, base, & step sizes */ ecore_evas_size_min_get(ee, &minw, &minh); ecore_evas_size_max_get(ee, &maxw, &maxh); ecore_evas_size_base_get(ee, &basew, &baseh); ecore_evas_size_step_get(ee, &stepw, &steph); /* record the current rotation of the ecore_evas */ ee->rotation = rotation; /* reset min, max, base, & step sizes */ ecore_evas_size_min_set(ee, minh, minw); ecore_evas_size_max_set(ee, maxh, maxw); ecore_evas_size_base_set(ee, baseh, basew); ecore_evas_size_step_set(ee, steph, stepw); /* send a mouse_move process * * NB: Is This Really Needed ? * Yes, it's required to update the mouse position, relatively to * widgets. After a rotation change, e.g., the mouse might not be over * a button anymore. */ _mouse_move_dispatch(ee); } else { /* record the current rotation of the ecore_evas */ ee->rotation = rotation; /* send a mouse_move process * * NB: Is This Really Needed ? Yes, it's required to update the mouse * position, relatively to widgets. */ _mouse_move_dispatch(ee); /* call the ecore_evas' resize function */ if (ee->func.fn_resize) ee->func.fn_resize(ee); /* add canvas damage */ if (ECORE_EVAS_PORTRAIT(ee)) evas_damage_rectangle_add(ee->evas, 0, 0, ee->w, ee->h); else evas_damage_rectangle_add(ee->evas, 0, 0, ee->h, ee->w); } } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_device_event_free(void *user_data, void *func_data) { efl_unref(user_data); free(func_data); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_event_add(int event_type, Ecore_Wl2_Device_Type device_type, unsigned int id, Evas_Device *dev, Ecore_Evas *ee) { Ecore_Wl2_Event_Device *ev; ev = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Wl2_Event_Device)); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(ev); ev->dev = efl_ref(dev); ev->type = device_type; ev->seat_id = id; ev->window = (Ecore_Wl2_Window *)ee->prop.window; ecore_event_add(event_type, ev, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_device_event_free, dev); } static EE_Wl_Device * _ecore_evas_wl_common_seat_add(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int id, const char *name) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; EE_Wl_Device *device; Evas_Device *dev; char buf[32]; device = calloc(1, sizeof(EE_Wl_Device)); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(device, NULL); if (!name) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "seat-%u", id); name = buf; } dev = evas_device_add_full(ee->evas, name, "Wayland seat", NULL, NULL, EVAS_DEVICE_CLASS_SEAT, EVAS_DEVICE_SUBCLASS_NONE); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_GOTO(dev, err_dev); evas_device_seat_id_set(dev, id); device->seat = dev; device->id = id; wdata = ee->engine.data; wdata->devices_list = eina_list_append(wdata->devices_list, device); _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_event_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED, ECORE_WL2_DEVICE_TYPE_SEAT, id, dev, ee); return device; err_dev: free(device); return NULL; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_global_added(void *d EINA_UNUSED, int t EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Wl2_Event_Global *ev = event; Ecore_Evas *ee; Eina_List *l, *ll; EE_Wl_Device *device; if ((!ev->interface) || (strcmp(ev->interface, "wl_seat"))) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ee_list, l, ee) { Eina_Bool already_present = EINA_FALSE; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; if (ev->display != wdata->display) continue; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wdata->devices_list, ll, device) { if (device->id == ev->id) { already_present = EINA_TRUE; break; } } if (already_present) continue; if (!_ecore_evas_wl_common_seat_add(ee, ev->id, NULL)) break; } return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_free(EE_Wl_Device *device) { if (device->seat) evas_device_del(device->seat); if (device->pointer) evas_device_del(device->pointer); if (device->keyboard) evas_device_del(device->keyboard); if (device->touch) evas_device_del(device->touch); free(device); } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_global_removed(void *d EINA_UNUSED, int t EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Wl2_Event_Global *ev = event; Ecore_Evas *ee; Eina_List *l, *ll; if ((!ev->interface) || (strcmp(ev->interface, "wl_seat"))) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ee_list, l, ee) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; EE_Wl_Device *device; Eina_Bool found = EINA_FALSE; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (ev->display != wdata->display) continue; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wdata->devices_list, ll, device) { if (device->id == ev->id) { found = EINA_TRUE; break; } } if (found) { _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_event_add (ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DEVICE_REMOVED, ECORE_WL2_DEVICE_TYPE_SEAT, ev->id, device->seat, ee); wdata->devices_list = eina_list_remove(wdata->devices_list, device); _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_free(device); } } return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_seat_name_changed(void *d EINA_UNUSED, int t EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Wl2_Event_Seat_Name *ev = event; Ecore_Evas *ee; Eina_List *l, *ll; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ee_list, l, ee) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; EE_Wl_Device *device; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (ev->display != wdata->display) continue; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wdata->devices_list, ll, device) { if (device->id == ev->id) { evas_device_name_set(device->seat, ev->name); break; } } } return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_seat_capabilities_changed(void *d EINA_UNUSED, int t EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Wl2_Event_Seat_Capabilities *ev = event; Ecore_Evas *ee; Eina_List *l, *ll; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ee_list, l, ee) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; EE_Wl_Device *device; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (ev->display != wdata->display) continue; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wdata->devices_list, ll, device) { if (device->id == ev->id) { if (ev->pointer_enabled && !device->pointer) { device->pointer = evas_device_add_full(ee->evas, "Mouse", "A wayland pointer device", device->seat, NULL, EVAS_DEVICE_CLASS_MOUSE, EVAS_DEVICE_SUBCLASS_NONE); _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_event_add (ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED, ECORE_WL2_DEVICE_TYPE_POINTER, ev->id, device->pointer, ee); } else if (!ev->pointer_enabled && device->pointer) { _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_event_add (ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DEVICE_REMOVED, ECORE_WL2_DEVICE_TYPE_POINTER, ev->id, device->pointer, ee); evas_device_del(device->pointer); device->pointer = NULL; } if (ev->keyboard_enabled && !device->keyboard) { device->keyboard = evas_device_add_full(ee->evas, "Keyboard", "A wayland keyboard device", device->seat, NULL, EVAS_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD, EVAS_DEVICE_SUBCLASS_NONE); _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_event_add (ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED, ECORE_WL2_DEVICE_TYPE_KEYBOARD, ev->id, device->keyboard, ee); } else if (!ev->keyboard_enabled && device->keyboard) { _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_event_add (ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DEVICE_REMOVED, ECORE_WL2_DEVICE_TYPE_KEYBOARD, ev->id, device->keyboard, ee); evas_device_del(device->keyboard); device->keyboard = NULL; } if (ev->touch_enabled && !device->touch) { device->touch = evas_device_add_full(ee->evas, "Touch", "A wayland touch device", device->seat, NULL, EVAS_DEVICE_CLASS_TOUCH, EVAS_DEVICE_SUBCLASS_NONE); _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_event_add (ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED, ECORE_WL2_DEVICE_TYPE_TOUCH, ev->id, device->touch, ee); } else if (!ev->touch_enabled && device->touch) { _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_event_add (ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DEVICE_REMOVED, ECORE_WL2_DEVICE_TYPE_TOUCH, ev->id, device->touch, ee); evas_device_del(device->touch); device->touch = NULL; } break; } } } return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_iconify_state_change(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Window_Iconify_State_Change *ev; ev = event; ee = ecore_event_window_match((Ecore_Window)ev->win); if (!ee) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if (!ev->force) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if ((Ecore_Window)ev->win != ee->prop.window) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if (ee->prop.iconified == ev->iconified) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; ee->prop.iconified = ev->iconified; _ecore_evas_wl_common_state_update(ee); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static int _ecore_evas_wl_common_init(void) { Ecore_Event_Handler *h; LOGFN; if (++_ecore_evas_wl_init_count != 1) return _ecore_evas_wl_init_count; _ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls = eina_array_new(1); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_IN, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_mouse_in, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_MOUSE_OUT, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_mouse_out, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_FOCUS_IN, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_focus_in, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_FOCUS_OUT, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_focus_out, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_CONFIGURE, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_window_configure, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DISCONNECT, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_disconnect, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_GLOBAL_ADDED, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_global_added, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_GLOBAL_REMOVED, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_global_removed, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_SEAT_NAME_CHANGED, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_seat_name_changed, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_SEAT_CAPABILITIES_CHANGED, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_seat_capabilities_changed, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_CONFIGURE_COMPLETE, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_window_configure_complete, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_ROTATE, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_window_rotate, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_AUX_HINT_ALLOWED, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_aux_hint_allowed, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_AUX_HINT_SUPPORTED, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_aux_hint_supported, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_WINDOW_ICONIFY_STATE_CHANGE, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_iconify_state_change, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); h = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_AUX_MESSAGE, _ecore_evas_wl_common_cb_aux_message, NULL); eina_array_push(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls, h); ecore_event_evas_init(); return _ecore_evas_wl_init_count; } static int _ecore_evas_wl_common_shutdown(void) { LOGFN; if (--_ecore_evas_wl_init_count != 0) return _ecore_evas_wl_init_count; while (eina_array_count(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls)) ecore_event_handler_del(eina_array_pop(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls)); eina_array_free(_ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls); _ecore_evas_wl_event_hdls = NULL; ecore_event_evas_shutdown(); return _ecore_evas_wl_init_count; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_free(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; EE_Wl_Device *device; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; ee_list = eina_list_remove(ee_list, ee); eina_list_free(wdata->regen_objs); if (wdata->frame) ecore_wl2_window_frame_callback_del(wdata->frame); wdata->frame = NULL; ecore_event_handler_del(wdata->sync_handler); ecore_event_handler_del(wdata->changed_handler); ecore_event_handler_del(wdata->send_handler); ecore_event_handler_del(wdata->offer_handler); ecore_event_handler_del(wdata->dnd_leave_handler); ecore_event_handler_del(wdata->dnd_enter_handler); ecore_event_handler_del(wdata->dnd_motion_handler); ecore_event_handler_del(wdata->dnd_drop_handler); ecore_event_handler_del(wdata->dnd_end_handler); if (wdata->win) { ecore_wl2_window_close_callback_set(wdata->win, NULL, NULL); ecore_wl2_window_free(wdata->win); wdata->win = NULL; } ecore_wl2_display_disconnect(wdata->display); EINA_LIST_FREE(wdata->devices_list, device) free(device); free(wdata); ecore_event_window_unregister(ee->prop.window); _ecore_evas_wl_common_shutdown(); ecore_wl2_shutdown(); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_move_resize(Ecore_Evas *ee, int x EINA_UNUSED, int y EINA_UNUSED, int w, int h) { LOGFN; if (!ee) return; if ((ee->w != w) || (ee->h != h)) _ecore_evas_wl_common_resize(ee, w, h); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_resize_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, void (*func)(Ecore_Evas *ee)) { if (!ee) return; ee->func.fn_resize = func; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_move_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, void (*func)(Ecore_Evas *ee)) { if (!ee) return; ee->func.fn_move = func; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_delete_request_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, void (*func)(Ecore_Evas *ee)) { if (!ee) return; ee->func.fn_delete_request = func; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_focus_in_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, void (*func)(Ecore_Evas *ee)) { if (!ee) return; ee->func.fn_focus_in = func; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_focus_out_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, void (*func)(Ecore_Evas *ee)) { if (!ee) return; ee->func.fn_focus_out = func; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_mouse_in_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, void (*func)(Ecore_Evas *ee)) { if (!ee) return; ee->func.fn_mouse_in = func; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_mouse_out_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, void (*func)(Ecore_Evas *ee)) { if (!ee) return; ee->func.fn_mouse_out = func; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_pointer_xy_get(const Ecore_Evas *ee, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; Ecore_Wl2_Input *input; LOGFN; wdata = ee->engine.data; input = ecore_wl2_display_input_find_by_name (ecore_wl2_window_display_get(wdata->win), "default"); if (input) ecore_wl2_input_pointer_xy_get(input, x, y); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_preferred_rotation_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, int rot) { if (ee->prop.wm_rot.supported) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (!ee->prop.wm_rot.app_set) { ecore_wl2_window_rotation_app_set(wdata->win, EINA_TRUE); ee->prop.wm_rot.app_set = EINA_TRUE; } ecore_wl2_window_preferred_rotation_set(wdata->win, rot); ee->prop.wm_rot.preferred_rot = rot; } } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_available_rotations_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, const int *rots, unsigned int count) { if (ee->prop.wm_rot.supported) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (!ee->prop.wm_rot.app_set) { ecore_wl2_window_rotation_app_set(wdata->win, EINA_TRUE); ee->prop.wm_rot.app_set = EINA_TRUE; } if (ee->prop.wm_rot.available_rots) { free(ee->prop.wm_rot.available_rots); ee->prop.wm_rot.available_rots = NULL; } ee->prop.wm_rot.count = 0; if (count > 0) { ee->prop.wm_rot.available_rots = calloc(count, sizeof(int)); if (!ee->prop.wm_rot.available_rots) return; memcpy(ee->prop.wm_rot.available_rots, rots, sizeof(int) * count); } ee->prop.wm_rot.count = count; ecore_wl2_window_available_rotations_set(wdata->win, rots, count); } } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_manual_rotation_done_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, Eina_Bool set) { ee->prop.wm_rot.manual_mode.set = set; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_pointer_device_xy_get(const Ecore_Evas *ee, const Efl_Input_Device *pointer, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; Ecore_Wl2_Input *input; const Eo *seat; LOGFN; wdata = ee->engine.data; seat = evas_device_parent_get(pointer); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(seat); input = ecore_wl2_display_input_find (ecore_wl2_window_display_get(wdata->win), evas_device_seat_id_get(seat)); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN(input); ecore_wl2_input_pointer_xy_get(input, x, y); } void _ecore_evas_wl_common_aux_hints_supported_update(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; ee->prop.aux_hint.supported_list = ecore_wl2_window_aux_hints_supported_get(wdata->win); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_title_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, const char *title) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; if (eina_streq(ee->prop.title, title)) return; free(ee->prop.title); ee->prop.title = eina_strdup(title); if (ee->prop.title) { wdata = ee->engine.data; ecore_wl2_window_title_set(wdata->win, ee->prop.title); } } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_name_class_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, const char *n, const char *c) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (!eina_streq(ee->prop.name, n)) { if (ee->prop.name) free(ee->prop.name); ee->prop.name = NULL; if (n) ee->prop.name = strdup(n); } if (!eina_streq(ee->prop.clas, c)) { if (ee->prop.clas) free(ee->prop.clas); ee->prop.clas = NULL; if (c) ee->prop.clas = strdup(c); } if (ee->prop.clas) ecore_wl2_window_class_set(wdata->win, ee->prop.clas); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_size_min_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, int w, int h) { int fw, fh, ww, hh; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; if (w < 0) w = 0; if (h < 0) h = 0; if ((ee->prop.min.w == w) && (ee->prop.min.h == h)) return; ee->prop.min.w = w; ee->prop.min.h = h; wdata = ee->engine.data; evas_output_framespace_get(ee->evas, NULL, NULL, &fw, &fh); if (wdata->win->xdg_set_min_size && wdata->win->xdg_toplevel) { ww = w + fw; hh = h + fh; if (ww < 1) ww = 1; if (hh < 1) hh = 1; wdata->win->xdg_set_min_size(wdata->win->xdg_toplevel, ww, hh); wdata->win->pending.min = 0; } if (wdata->win->zxdg_set_min_size && wdata->win->zxdg_toplevel) { ww = w + fw; hh = h + fh; if (ww < 1) ww = 1; if (hh < 1) hh = 1; wdata->win->zxdg_set_min_size(wdata->win->zxdg_toplevel, ww, hh); wdata->win->pending.min = 0; } else wdata->win->pending.min = 1; _ecore_evas_wl_common_resize(ee, ee->w, ee->h); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_size_max_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, int w, int h) { int fw, fh, ww, hh; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; if (w < 0) w = 0; if (h < 0) h = 0; if ((ee->prop.max.w == w) && (ee->prop.max.h == h)) return; ee->prop.max.w = w; ee->prop.max.h = h; wdata = ee->engine.data; evas_output_framespace_get(ee->evas, NULL, NULL, &fw, &fh); if (wdata->win->xdg_set_max_size && wdata->win->xdg_toplevel) { ww = w + fw; hh = h + fh; if (ww < 0) ww = 0; if (hh < 0) hh = 0; wdata->win->xdg_set_max_size(wdata->win->xdg_toplevel, ww, hh); wdata->win->pending.max = 0; } if (wdata->win->zxdg_set_max_size && wdata->win->zxdg_toplevel) { ww = w + fw; hh = h + fh; if (ww < 0) ww = 0; if (hh < 0) hh = 0; wdata->win->zxdg_set_max_size(wdata->win->zxdg_toplevel, ww, hh); wdata->win->pending.max = 0; } else wdata->win->pending.max = 1; _ecore_evas_wl_common_resize(ee, ee->w, ee->h); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_size_base_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, int w, int h) { LOGFN; if (!ee) return; if (w < 0) w = 0; if (h < 0) h = 0; if ((ee->prop.base.w == w) && (ee->prop.base.h == h)) return; ee->prop.base.w = w; ee->prop.base.h = h; _ecore_evas_wl_common_resize(ee, ee->w, ee->h); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_size_step_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, int w, int h) { LOGFN; if (!ee) return; if (w < 0) w = 0; if (h < 0) h = 0; if ((ee->prop.step.w == w) && (ee->prop.step.h == h)) return; ee->prop.step.w = w; ee->prop.step.h = h; _ecore_evas_wl_common_resize(ee, ee->w, ee->h); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_aspect_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, double aspect) { LOGFN; if (!ee) return; if (EINA_FLT_EQ(ee->prop.aspect, aspect)) return; ee->prop.aspect = aspect; _ecore_evas_wl_common_resize(ee, ee->w, ee->h); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_focus_skip_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, Eina_Bool skip) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (!wdata) return; if (ee->prop.focus_skip == skip) return; ee->prop.focus_skip = skip; ecore_wl2_window_focus_skip_set(wdata->win, skip); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_object_cursor_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, Evas_Object *obj, int layer EINA_UNUSED, int hot_x, int hot_y) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; Ecore_Wl2_Input *input; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (obj == _ecore_evas_default_cursor_image_get(ee)) return; input = ecore_wl2_display_input_find_by_name (ecore_wl2_window_display_get(wdata->win), "default"); if (input) ecore_wl2_input_pointer_set(input, NULL, hot_x, hot_y); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_layer_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, int layer) { LOGFN; if (!ee) return; if (ee->prop.layer == layer) return; if (layer < 1) layer = 1; else if (layer > 255) layer = 255; ee->prop.layer = layer; _ecore_evas_wl_common_state_update(ee); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_iconified_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, Eina_Bool on) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; ee->prop.iconified = on; wdata = ee->engine.data; ecore_wl2_window_iconified_set(wdata->win, on); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_borderless_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, Eina_Bool on) { LOGFN; if (!ee) return; if (ee->prop.borderless == on) return; ee->prop.borderless = on; _ecore_evas_wl_common_state_update(ee); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_maximized_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, Eina_Bool on) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; if (ee->prop.maximized == on) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; ecore_wl2_window_maximized_set(wdata->win, on); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_fullscreen_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, Eina_Bool on) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; if (ee->prop.fullscreen == on) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; ecore_wl2_window_fullscreen_set(wdata->win, on); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_ignore_events_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, int ignore) { LOGFN; if (!ee) return; ee->ignore_events = ignore; /* NB: Hmmm, may need to pass this to ecore_wl_window in the future */ } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_render_flush_pre(void *data, Evas *evas, void *event EINA_UNUSED) { Ecore_Evas *ee = data; Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *einfo; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; int fx, fy; einfo = (Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *)evas_engine_info_get(evas); if (!einfo) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (!wdata) return; if (wdata->win->pending.configure) return; if (!ecore_wl2_window_shell_surface_exists(wdata->win)) return; ecore_wl2_window_update_begin(wdata->win); /* Surviving bits of WWW - track interesting state we might want * to pass to clients to do client side effects */ ecore_wl2_window_geometry_get(wdata->win, &einfo->window.x, &einfo->window.y, &einfo->window.w, &einfo->window.h); if (einfo->resizing) { einfo->x_rel = 0; einfo->y_rel = 0; } else { einfo->x_rel = wdata->x_rel; einfo->y_rel = wdata->y_rel; } einfo->timestamp = wdata->timestamp; evas_pointer_canvas_xy_get(evas, &einfo->x_cursor, &einfo->y_cursor); evas_output_framespace_get(evas, &fx, &fy, NULL, NULL); einfo->x_cursor -= fx; einfo->y_cursor -= fy; wdata->x_rel = wdata->y_rel = 0; einfo->resizing = ecore_wl2_window_resizing_get(wdata->win); einfo->dragging = wdata->dragging; einfo->drag_start = EINA_FALSE; einfo->drag_stop = EINA_FALSE; if (einfo->drag_ack && !einfo->dragging) einfo->drag_stop = EINA_TRUE; if (einfo->dragging && !einfo->drag_ack) einfo->drag_start = EINA_TRUE; einfo->drag_ack = wdata->dragging; } static void _ecore_evas_wayland_alpha_do(Ecore_Evas *ee, int alpha) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; if (ee->alpha == alpha) return; /* alpha used for transparent as well. ecore_evas_transparent_get() must be valid. */ ee->transparent = ee->alpha = alpha; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (!wdata->sync_done) return; _ecore_evas_wayland_window_update(ee, wdata, alpha); _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rotation_protocol_set(ee); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_render_updates(void *data, Evas *evas EINA_UNUSED, void *event EINA_UNUSED) { Ecore_Evas *ee = data; if (ee->delayed.alpha_changed) { _ecore_evas_wayland_alpha_do(ee, ee->delayed.alpha); ee->delayed.alpha_changed = EINA_FALSE; } if (ee->delayed.rotation_changed) { _rotation_do(ee, ee->delayed.rotation, ee->delayed.rotation_resize); ee->delayed.rotation_changed = EINA_FALSE; } } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_common_prepare(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; if (!(wdata = ee->engine.data)) return EINA_FALSE; if (!wdata->sync_done) return EINA_FALSE; if (wdata->win->pending.configure) return EINA_FALSE; return EINA_TRUE; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_withdrawn_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, Eina_Bool on) { LOGFN; if (ee->prop.withdrawn == on) return; ee->prop.withdrawn = on; if (on) ecore_evas_hide(ee); else ecore_evas_show(ee); _ecore_evas_wl_common_state_update(ee); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_screen_geometry_get(const Ecore_Evas *ee, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; if (x) *x = 0; if (y) *y = 0; wdata = ee->engine.data; ecore_wl2_display_screen_size_get(wdata->display, w, h); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_screen_dpi_get(const Ecore_Evas *ee, int *xdpi, int *ydpi) { Ecore_Wl2_Window *win; Ecore_Wl2_Output *output; int dpi = 0; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; if (xdpi) *xdpi = 0; if (ydpi) *ydpi = 0; /* FIXME: Ideally this needs to get the DPI from a specific screen */ win = ecore_evas_wayland2_window_get(ee); output = ecore_wl2_window_output_find(win); dpi = ecore_wl2_output_dpi_get(output); if (xdpi) *xdpi = dpi; if (ydpi) *ydpi = dpi; } static void _ecore_evas_wayland_resize(Ecore_Evas *ee, int location) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (wdata->win) ecore_wl2_window_resize(wdata->win, NULL, location); } static void _ecore_evas_wayland_move(Ecore_Evas *ee, int x EINA_UNUSED, int y EINA_UNUSED) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; if (!ee) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (wdata->win) ecore_wl2_window_move(wdata->win, NULL); } static void _ecore_evas_wayland_type_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, int type) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; if (!ee) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; ecore_wl2_window_type_set(wdata->win, type); } static Ecore_Wl2_Window * _ecore_evas_wayland_window_get(const Ecore_Evas *ee) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; if (!(!strncmp(ee->driver, "wayland", 7))) return NULL; wdata = ee->engine.data; return wdata->win; } /* static void */ /* _ecore_evas_wayland_pointer_set(Ecore_Evas *ee EINA_UNUSED, int hot_x EINA_UNUSED, int hot_y EINA_UNUSED) */ /* { */ /* } */ static void _ecore_evas_wayland_aux_hint_add(Ecore_Evas *ee, int id, const char *hint, const char *val) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; if (!ee) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; ecore_wl2_window_aux_hint_add(wdata->win, id, hint, val); } static void _ecore_evas_wayland_aux_hint_change(Ecore_Evas *ee, int id, const char *val) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; if (!ee) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; ecore_wl2_window_aux_hint_change(wdata->win, id, val); } static void _ecore_evas_wayland_aux_hint_del(Ecore_Evas *ee, int id) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; if (!ee) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; ecore_wl2_window_aux_hint_del(wdata->win, id); } static Ecore_Evas_Interface_Wayland * _ecore_evas_wl_interface_new(void) { Ecore_Evas_Interface_Wayland *iface; iface = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Evas_Interface_Wayland)); if (!iface) return NULL; iface->base.name = interface_wl_name; iface->base.version = interface_wl_version; iface->resize = _ecore_evas_wayland_resize; iface->move = _ecore_evas_wayland_move; /* iface->pointer_set = _ecore_evas_wayland_pointer_set; */ iface->type_set = _ecore_evas_wayland_type_set; iface->window2_get = _ecore_evas_wayland_window_get; iface->aux_hint_add = _ecore_evas_wayland_aux_hint_add; iface->aux_hint_change = _ecore_evas_wayland_aux_hint_change; iface->aux_hint_del = _ecore_evas_wayland_aux_hint_del; return iface; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_show(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *einfo; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; int ww, hh; LOGFN; if ((!ee) || (ee->visible)) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (!wdata->sync_done) { wdata->defer_show = EINA_TRUE; return; } ee->visible = 1; if (wdata->win) { int fw, fh; evas_output_framespace_get(ee->evas, NULL, NULL, &fw, &fh); if (wdata->win->xdg_set_min_size && wdata->win->xdg_toplevel && wdata->win->pending.min) { ww = ee->prop.min.w + fw; hh = ee->prop.min.h + fh; if (ww < 1) ww = 1; if (hh < 1) hh = 1; wdata->win->xdg_set_min_size(wdata->win->xdg_toplevel, ww, hh); wdata->win->pending.min = 0; } if (wdata->win->xdg_set_max_size && wdata->win->xdg_toplevel && wdata->win->pending.max) { ww = ee->prop.max.w + fw; hh = ee->prop.max.h + fh; if (ww < 0) ww = 0; if (hh < 0) hh = 0; wdata->win->xdg_set_max_size(wdata->win->xdg_toplevel, ww, hh); wdata->win->pending.max = 0; } if (wdata->win->zxdg_set_min_size && wdata->win->zxdg_toplevel && wdata->win->pending.min) { ww = ee->prop.min.w + fw; hh = ee->prop.min.h + fh; if (ww < 1) ww = 1; if (hh < 1) hh = 1; wdata->win->zxdg_set_min_size(wdata->win->zxdg_toplevel, ww, hh); wdata->win->pending.min = 0; } if (wdata->win->zxdg_set_max_size && wdata->win->zxdg_toplevel && wdata->win->pending.max) { ww = ee->prop.max.w + fw; hh = ee->prop.max.h + fh; if (ww < 0) ww = 0; if (hh < 0) hh = 0; wdata->win->zxdg_set_max_size(wdata->win->zxdg_toplevel, ww, hh); wdata->win->pending.max = 0; } _ecore_evas_wayland_window_update(ee, wdata, ee->alpha); ecore_wl2_window_show(wdata->win); einfo = (Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *)evas_engine_info_get(ee->evas); if (einfo) { einfo->info.destination_alpha = ee_needs_alpha(ee); einfo->info.wl2_win = wdata->win; einfo->info.hidden = wdata->win->pending.configure; //EINA_FALSE; if (!evas_engine_info_set(ee->evas, (Evas_Engine_Info *)einfo)) ERR("Failed to set Evas Engine Info for '%s'", ee->driver); if (ECORE_EVAS_PORTRAIT(ee)) evas_damage_rectangle_add(ee->evas, 0, 0, ee->w + fw, ee->h + fh); else evas_damage_rectangle_add(ee->evas, 0, 0, ee->h + fh, ee->w + fw); } } ee->prop.withdrawn = EINA_FALSE; if (ee->func.fn_state_change) ee->func.fn_state_change(ee); ee->should_be_visible = 1; if (ee->func.fn_show) ee->func.fn_show(ee); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_hide(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *einfo; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; LOGFN; if ((!ee) || (!ee->visible)) return; wdata = ee->engine.data; evas_sync(ee->evas); einfo = (Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *)evas_engine_info_get(ee->evas); if (einfo) { einfo->info.hidden = EINA_TRUE; if (!evas_engine_info_set(ee->evas, (Evas_Engine_Info *)einfo)) { ERR("Failed to set Evas Engine Info for '%s'", ee->driver); } } if (wdata->win) ecore_wl2_window_hide(wdata->win); if (ee->prop.override) { ee->prop.withdrawn = EINA_TRUE; if (ee->func.fn_state_change) ee->func.fn_state_change(ee); } if (!ee->visible) return; ee->visible = 0; ee->should_be_visible = 0; if (ee->func.fn_hide) ee->func.fn_hide(ee); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_alpha_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, int alpha) { if (ee->in_async_render) { ee->delayed.alpha = alpha; ee->delayed.alpha_changed = EINA_TRUE; return; } _ecore_evas_wayland_alpha_do(ee, alpha); } static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_rotation_set(Ecore_Evas *ee, int rotation, int resize) { LOGFN; if (ee->rotation == rotation) return; if (ee->in_async_render) { ee->delayed.rotation = rotation; ee->delayed.rotation_resize = resize; ee->delayed.rotation_changed = EINA_TRUE; } else _rotation_do(ee, rotation, resize); } static Eina_Bool _ee_cb_sync_done(void *data, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event EINA_UNUSED) { Ecore_Evas *ee; Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *einfo; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; ee = data; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (wdata->sync_done) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; wdata->sync_done = EINA_TRUE; if ((einfo = (Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *)evas_engine_info_get(ee->evas))) { einfo->info.destination_alpha = ee_needs_alpha(ee); einfo->info.rotation = ee->rotation; einfo->info.wl2_win = wdata->win; if (wdata->reset_pending) { ee->draw_block = EINA_FALSE; } if (evas_engine_info_set(ee->evas, (Evas_Engine_Info *)einfo)) { if (wdata->reset_pending && !strcmp(ee->driver, "wayland_egl")) _evas_canvas_image_data_regenerate(wdata->regen_objs); wdata->regen_objs = NULL; } else ERR("Failed to set Evas Engine Info for '%s'", ee->driver); wdata->reset_pending = 0; } else { ERR("Failed to get Evas Engine Info for '%s'", ee->driver); } if (wdata->defer_show) { wdata->defer_show = EINA_FALSE; _ecore_evas_wl_common_show(ee); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_wl2_devices_setup(Ecore_Evas *ee, Ecore_Wl2_Display *display) { Eina_Bool r = EINA_TRUE; Ecore_Wl2_Input *input; Eina_Iterator *itr = ecore_wl2_display_inputs_get(display); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(itr, EINA_FALSE); EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(itr, input) { EE_Wl_Device *device; Ecore_Wl2_Seat_Capabilities cap; unsigned int id; Eina_Stringshare *name; id = ecore_wl2_input_seat_id_get(input); cap = ecore_wl2_input_seat_capabilities_get(input); name = ecore_wl2_input_name_get(input); device = _ecore_evas_wl_common_seat_add(ee, id, name); if (!device) { r = EINA_FALSE; break; } if (cap & ECORE_WL2_SEAT_CAPABILITIES_KEYBOARD) { device->keyboard = evas_device_add_full(ee->evas, "Keyboard", "A wayland keyboard device", device->seat, NULL, EVAS_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD, EVAS_DEVICE_SUBCLASS_NONE); _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_event_add (ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED, ECORE_WL2_DEVICE_TYPE_KEYBOARD, id, device->keyboard, ee); } if (cap & ECORE_WL2_SEAT_CAPABILITIES_POINTER) { device->pointer = evas_device_add_full(ee->evas, "Mouse", "A wayland pointer device", device->seat, NULL, EVAS_DEVICE_CLASS_MOUSE, EVAS_DEVICE_SUBCLASS_NONE); _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_event_add (ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED, ECORE_WL2_DEVICE_TYPE_POINTER, id, device->pointer, ee); } if (cap & ECORE_WL2_SEAT_CAPABILITIES_TOUCH) { device->touch = evas_device_add_full(ee->evas, "Touch", "A wayland touch device", device->seat, NULL, EVAS_DEVICE_CLASS_TOUCH, EVAS_DEVICE_SUBCLASS_NONE); _ecore_evas_wl_common_device_event_add (ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED, ECORE_WL2_DEVICE_TYPE_TOUCH, id, device->touch, ee); } } eina_iterator_free(itr); return r; } static void _reeval_seat(unsigned int *seat, Ecore_Evas *ee) { if (*seat == 0) { *seat = evas_device_seat_id_get(evas_default_device_get (ee->evas, EVAS_DEVICE_CLASS_SEAT)); } } static inline void _clear_selection(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int seat, Ecore_Evas_Selection_Buffer selection) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *edata = ee->engine.data; Ecore_Evas_Selection_Callbacks *cbs; cbs = &edata->selection_data[selection].callbacks; EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_RETURN(cbs->cancel); cbs->cancel(ee, seat, selection); eina_array_free(cbs->available_types); memset(cbs, 0, sizeof(Ecore_Evas_Selection_Callbacks)); } static void _store_selection_cbs(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int seat, Ecore_Evas_Selection_Buffer selection, Eina_Array *available_types, Ecore_Evas_Selection_Internal_Delivery delivery, Ecore_Evas_Selection_Internal_Cancel cancel) { Ecore_Evas_Wl_Selection_Data *sdata; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *edata; Ecore_Evas_Selection_Callbacks *cbs; edata = ee->engine.data; sdata = &edata->selection_data[selection]; cbs = &sdata->callbacks; if (cbs->cancel) { _clear_selection(ee, seat, selection); } cbs->delivery = delivery; cbs->cancel = cancel; cbs->available_types = available_types; } static inline Ecore_Wl2_Input* _fetch_input(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int seat) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; return ecore_wl2_display_input_find(ecore_wl2_window_display_get(wdata->win), seat); } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_selection_claim(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int seat, Ecore_Evas_Selection_Buffer selection, Eina_Array *available_types, Ecore_Evas_Selection_Internal_Delivery delivery, Ecore_Evas_Selection_Internal_Cancel cancel) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; Ecore_Evas_Wl_Selection_Data *data = &wdata->selection_data[selection]; char *tmp_array[eina_array_count(available_types) + 1]; if (selection == ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_SELECTION_BUFFER) { _store_selection_cbs(ee, seat, selection, available_types, delivery, cancel); return EINA_TRUE; } _reeval_seat(&seat, ee); _store_selection_cbs(ee, seat, selection, available_types, delivery, cancel); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eina_array_count(available_types); ++i) { tmp_array[i] = eina_array_data_get(available_types, i); } tmp_array[eina_array_count(available_types)] = NULL; data->sent_serial = ecore_wl2_dnd_selection_set(_fetch_input(ee, seat), (const char**)tmp_array); return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Future* _ecore_evas_wl_selection_request(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int seat, Ecore_Evas_Selection_Buffer selection, Eina_Array *acceptable_types) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; Ecore_Evas_Wl_Selection_Data *data = &wdata->selection_data[selection]; Ecore_Wl2_Input *input; Ecore_Wl2_Offer *offer = NULL; Eina_Future *future; _reeval_seat(&seat, ee); input = _fetch_input(ee, seat); if (data->delivery) { eina_promise_reject(data->delivery, ecore_evas_request_replaced); data->delivery = NULL; } data->delivery = efl_loop_promise_new(efl_main_loop_get()); future = eina_future_new(data->delivery); if (selection == ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_DRAG_AND_DROP_BUFFER) { offer = data->offer = wdata->external_offer; } else if (selection == ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_COPY_AND_PASTE_BUFFER) { offer = data->offer = ecore_wl2_dnd_selection_get(input); } if (!offer) { eina_promise_reject(data->delivery, ecore_evas_no_selection); data->delivery = NULL; } else { Eina_Array *available_types = ecore_wl2_offer_mimes_get(offer); char *selected_type = NULL; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eina_array_count(available_types) && !selected_type; ++i) { char *available_type = eina_array_data_get(available_types, i); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < eina_array_count(acceptable_types) && !selected_type; ++j) { Eina_Iterator *convertions; const char *convert_available_type; char *acceptable_type; acceptable_type = eina_array_data_get(acceptable_types, j); if (eina_streq(acceptable_type, available_type)) { selected_type = available_type; data->later_convert = NULL; break; } convertions = eina_content_converter_possible_conversions(available_type); EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(convertions, convert_available_type) { if (eina_streq(convert_available_type, acceptable_type)) { selected_type = available_type; data->later_convert = acceptable_type; } } eina_iterator_free(convertions); } } if (selected_type) { ecore_wl2_offer_receive(offer, selected_type); ecore_wl2_display_flush(ecore_wl2_input_display_get(input)); } else { eina_promise_reject(data->delivery, ecore_evas_no_matching_type); data->delivery = NULL; } } return future; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_selection_has_owner(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int seat, Ecore_Evas_Selection_Buffer selection EINA_UNUSED) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; Ecore_Wl2_Input *input; _reeval_seat(&seat, ee); input = _fetch_input(ee, seat); if (selection == ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_COPY_AND_PASTE_BUFFER ) return !!ecore_wl2_dnd_selection_get(input); else if (selection == ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_DRAG_AND_DROP_BUFFER) { Ecore_Evas_Wl_Selection_Data *data = &wdata->selection_data[selection]; return !!data->offer; } return EINA_FALSE; //the selection buffer is not supportet in wayland } static Eina_Bool _wl_selection_changed(void *data, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event EINA_UNUSED) { Ecore_Wl2_Event_Seat_Selection *sel = event; Ecore_Evas *ee = data; Ecore_Wl2_Input *input; unsigned int seat = sel->seat; _reeval_seat(&seat, ee); input = _fetch_input(ee, seat); if (!ecore_wl2_dnd_selection_get(input)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if (ee->func.fn_selection_changed) { ee->func.fn_selection_changed (ee, 0, ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_COPY_AND_PASTE_BUFFER); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } typedef struct { Eina_Rw_Slice slice; unsigned int written_bytes; } Delayed_Writing; static Eina_Bool _write_to_fd(void *data, Ecore_Fd_Handler *fd_handler) { int fd; size_t len; Delayed_Writing *slice = data; fd = ecore_main_fd_handler_fd_get(fd_handler); if (fd < 0) goto end; len = write(fd, (char*)slice->slice.mem + slice->written_bytes, slice->slice.len - slice->written_bytes); slice->written_bytes += len; if (slice->written_bytes != slice->slice.len) { return EINA_TRUE; } else { end: ecore_main_fd_handler_del(fd_handler); free(slice->slice.mem); free(slice); if (fd > -1) close(fd); return EINA_FALSE; } } static Eina_Bool _wl_interaction_send(void *data, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Wl2_Event_Data_Source_Send *ev = event; Ecore_Evas *ee = data; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; Ecore_Evas_Wl_Selection_Data *selection = NULL; Delayed_Writing *forign_slice = calloc(1, sizeof(Delayed_Writing)); Ecore_Evas_Selection_Buffer buffer = ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_LAST; if (ev->serial == wdata->selection_data[ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_COPY_AND_PASTE_BUFFER].sent_serial) buffer = ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_COPY_AND_PASTE_BUFFER; else if (ev->serial == wdata->selection_data[ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_DRAG_AND_DROP_BUFFER].sent_serial) { buffer = ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_DRAG_AND_DROP_BUFFER; ee->drag.accepted = EINA_TRUE; } if (buffer == ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_LAST) { //silent return, this send request was *not* for this window goto end; } selection = &wdata->selection_data[buffer]; EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_GOTO(selection, end); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_GOTO(selection->callbacks.delivery, end); EINA_SAFETY_ON_FALSE_GOTO(selection->callbacks.delivery (ee, ev->seat, buffer, ev->type, &forign_slice->slice), end); ecore_main_fd_handler_add(ev->fd, ECORE_FD_WRITE, _write_to_fd, forign_slice, NULL, NULL); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; end: free(forign_slice); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _wl_selection_receive(void *data, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee = data; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Offer_Data_Ready *ready = event; Ecore_Evas_Selection_Buffer selection = ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_LAST; if ((!ready->data) || (ready->len < 1)) { ERR("no selection data"); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } for (int i = 0; i < ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_LAST; ++i) { if (wdata->selection_data[i].offer == ready->offer) { selection = i; break; } } if (selection == ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_LAST) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; //Now deliver the content Eina_Slice slice; if (eina_str_has_prefix(ready->mimetype,"text")) { //ensure that we always have a \0 at the end, there is no assertion that \0 is included here. slice.len = ready->len + 1; slice.mem = eina_memdup((unsigned char*)ready->data, ready->len, EINA_TRUE); } else { slice.len = ready->len; slice.mem = ready->data; } Eina_Content *content = eina_content_new(slice, ready->mimetype); if (wdata->selection_data[selection].later_convert) { Eina_Content *tmp; tmp = eina_content_convert(content, wdata->selection_data[selection].later_convert); wdata->selection_data[selection].later_convert = NULL; eina_content_free(content); content = tmp; } eina_promise_resolve(wdata->selection_data[selection].delivery, eina_value_content_init(content)); wdata->selection_data[selection].delivery = NULL; eina_content_free(content); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _wl_selection_dnd_leave(void *data, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee = data; Eina_Position2D cpos; Eina_Position2D fpos = EINA_POSITION2D(0, 0); Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_Leave *ev = event; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; if (ee->prop.window != (Ecore_Window)ev->win) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; //evas_output_framespace_get(ee->evas, &fpos.x, &fpos.y, NULL, NULL); ecore_wl2_input_pointer_xy_get(ecore_wl2_display_input_find (ev->display, ev->seat), &cpos.x, &cpos.y); ecore_evas_dnd_leave(data, ev->seat, EINA_POSITION2D(cpos.x - fpos.x, cpos.y - fpos.y)); wdata->external_offer = NULL; return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _wl_selection_dnd_motion(void *data, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee = data; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_Motion *ev = event; Eina_Position2D fpos = EINA_POSITION2D(0, 0); if (ee->prop.window != (Ecore_Window)ev->win) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; evas_output_framespace_get(ee->evas, &fpos.x, &fpos.y, NULL, NULL); ecore_evas_dnd_position_set(data, ev->seat, EINA_POSITION2D(ev->x - fpos.x, ev->y - fpos.y)); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _wl_selection_dnd_enter(void *data, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee = data; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_Enter *ev = event; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; Eina_Position2D fpos = EINA_POSITION2D(0, 0); if (ee->prop.window != (Ecore_Window)ev->win) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; evas_output_framespace_get(ee->evas, &fpos.x, &fpos.y, NULL, NULL); ecore_evas_dnd_enter(data, ev->seat, eina_array_iterator_new (ecore_wl2_offer_mimes_get(ev->offer)), EINA_POSITION2D(ev->x - fpos.x, ev->y - fpos.y)); ecore_wl2_offer_mimes_set(ev->offer, ecore_wl2_offer_mimes_get(ev->offer)); wdata->external_offer = ev->offer; return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _wl_selection_dnd_drop(void *data, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee = data; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_Drop *ev = event; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; if (ee->prop.window != (Ecore_Window)ev->win) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; wdata = ee->engine.data; if (ee->func.fn_dnd_drop) { ee->func.fn_dnd_drop(ee, ev->seat, ecore_evas_dnd_pos_get(ee, ev->seat), "ask"); } ecore_wl2_dnd_drag_end(_fetch_input(ee, ev->seat)); wdata->external_offer = NULL; return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _wl_selection_dnd_end(void *data, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Evas *ee = data; Ecore_Wl2_Event_Dnd_End *ev = event; if (ee->prop.window != (Ecore_Window)ev->win) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if (ee->drag.free) ee->drag.free(ee, ev->seat, ee->drag.data, ee->drag.accepted); ee->drag.free = NULL; //we got dropped, we should call return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static void _ecore_evas_wl_selection_init(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; wdata->changed_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_SEAT_SELECTION, _wl_selection_changed, ee); wdata->send_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DATA_SOURCE_SEND, _wl_interaction_send, ee); wdata->offer_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_OFFER_DATA_READY, _wl_selection_receive, ee); wdata->dnd_leave_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DND_LEAVE, _wl_selection_dnd_leave, ee); wdata->dnd_motion_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DND_MOTION, _wl_selection_dnd_motion, ee); wdata->dnd_enter_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DND_ENTER, _wl_selection_dnd_enter, ee); wdata->dnd_drop_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DND_DROP, _wl_selection_dnd_drop, ee); wdata->dnd_end_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_DATA_SOURCE_END, _wl_selection_dnd_end, ee); for (int i = 0; i < ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_LAST; ++i) { wdata->selection_data[i].callbacks.available_types = NULL; wdata->selection_data[i].callbacks.delivery = NULL; wdata->selection_data[i].callbacks.cancel = NULL; } } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_dnd_start(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int seat, Eina_Array *available_types, Ecore_Evas *drag_rep, Ecore_Evas_Selection_Internal_Delivery delivery, Ecore_Evas_Selection_Internal_Cancel cancel, const char *action EINA_UNUSED) { Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; const char *tmp_array[eina_array_count(available_types) + 1]; _reeval_seat(&seat, ee); _store_selection_cbs(ee, seat, ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_DRAG_AND_DROP_BUFFER, available_types, delivery, cancel); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eina_array_count(available_types); ++i) { tmp_array[i] = eina_array_data_get(available_types, i); } tmp_array[eina_array_count(available_types)] = NULL; ecore_wl2_dnd_drag_types_set(_fetch_input(ee, seat), (const char**)tmp_array); wdata->selection_data[ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_DRAG_AND_DROP_BUFFER].sent_serial = ecore_wl2_dnd_drag_start(_fetch_input(ee, seat), _ecore_evas_wayland_window_get(ee), _ecore_evas_wayland_window_get(drag_rep)); return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool _ecore_evas_wl_dnd_stop(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int seat) { _clear_selection(ee, seat, ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_DRAG_AND_DROP_BUFFER); _reeval_seat(&seat, ee); ecore_wl2_dnd_drag_end(_fetch_input(ee, seat)); return EINA_TRUE; } static Ecore_Evas_Engine_Func _ecore_wl_engine_func = { _ecore_evas_wl_common_free, _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_resize_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_move_set, NULL, NULL, _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_delete_request_set, NULL, _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_focus_in_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_focus_out_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_mouse_in_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_callback_mouse_out_set, NULL, // sticky_set NULL, // unsticky_set NULL, // pre_render_set NULL, // post_render_set NULL, NULL, // managed_move _ecore_evas_wl_common_resize, _ecore_evas_wl_common_move_resize, _ecore_evas_wl_common_rotation_set, NULL, // shaped_set _ecore_evas_wl_common_show, _ecore_evas_wl_common_hide, NULL, // raise NULL, // lower NULL, // activate _ecore_evas_wl_common_title_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_name_class_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_size_min_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_size_max_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_size_base_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_size_step_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_object_cursor_set, NULL, _ecore_evas_wl_common_layer_set, NULL, // focus set _ecore_evas_wl_common_iconified_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_borderless_set, NULL, // override set _ecore_evas_wl_common_maximized_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_fullscreen_set, NULL, // func avoid_damage set _ecore_evas_wl_common_withdrawn_set, NULL, // func sticky set _ecore_evas_wl_common_ignore_events_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_alpha_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_alpha_set, // transparent set NULL, // func profiles set NULL, // func profile set NULL, // window group set _ecore_evas_wl_common_aspect_set, NULL, // urgent set NULL, // modal set NULL, // demand attention set _ecore_evas_wl_common_focus_skip_set, NULL, //_ecore_evas_wl_common_render, _ecore_evas_wl_common_screen_geometry_get, _ecore_evas_wl_common_screen_dpi_get, NULL, // func msg parent send NULL, // func msg send _ecore_evas_wl_common_pointer_xy_get, NULL, // pointer_warp _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_preferred_rotation_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_available_rotations_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_manual_rotation_done_set, _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rot_manual_rotation_done, NULL, // aux_hints_set _ecore_evas_wl_common_animator_register, _ecore_evas_wl_common_animator_unregister, _ecore_evas_wl_common_evas_changed, NULL, //fn_focus_device_set NULL, //fn_callback_focus_device_in_set NULL, //fn_callback_focus_device_out_set NULL, //fn_callback_device_mouse_in_set NULL, //fn_callback_device_mouse_out_set _ecore_evas_wl_common_pointer_device_xy_get, _ecore_evas_wl_common_prepare, NULL, //fn_last_tick_get _ecore_evas_wl_selection_claim, //fn_selection_claim _ecore_evas_wl_selection_has_owner, //fn_selection_has_owner _ecore_evas_wl_selection_request, //fn_selection_request _ecore_evas_wl_dnd_start, //fn_dnd_start _ecore_evas_wl_dnd_stop, //fn_dnd_stop }; static void _ecore_evas_wl_common_win_close(void *data, Ecore_Wl2_Window *win EINA_UNUSED) { Ecore_Evas *ee = data; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata = ee->engine.data; if (ee->func.fn_delete_request) ee->func.fn_delete_request(ee); wdata->win = NULL; } Ecore_Evas * _ecore_evas_wl_common_new_internal(const char *disp_name, Ecore_Window parent, int x, int y, int w, int h, Eina_Bool frame, const int *opt, const char *engine_name) { Ecore_Wl2_Display *ewd; Ecore_Wl2_Window *p = (Ecore_Wl2_Window *)parent; Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *einfo; Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data *wdata; Ecore_Evas_Interface_Wayland *iface; Ecore_Evas *ee = NULL; int method = 0; LOGFN; if (!(method = evas_render_method_lookup(engine_name))) { WRN("Render method lookup failed for %s", engine_name); return NULL; } if (!ecore_wl2_init()) { WRN("Failed to initialize Ecore_Wl2"); return NULL; } ewd = ecore_wl2_display_connect(disp_name); if (!ewd) { WRN("Failed to connect to Wayland Display %s", disp_name); goto conn_err; } if (!(ee = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Evas)))) { ERR("Failed to allocate Ecore_Evas"); goto ee_err; } if (!(wdata = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data)))) { ERR("Failed to allocate Ecore_Evas_Engine_Wl_Data"); goto w_err; } if (frame) WRN("draw_frame is now deprecated and will have no effect"); ECORE_MAGIC_SET(ee, ECORE_MAGIC_EVAS); _ecore_evas_wl_common_init(); ee->engine.func = (Ecore_Evas_Engine_Func *)&_ecore_wl_engine_func; ee->engine.data = wdata; iface = _ecore_evas_wl_interface_new(); ee->engine.ifaces = eina_list_append(ee->engine.ifaces, iface); ee->driver = engine_name; if (disp_name) ee->name = strdup(disp_name); ee->w = w; ee->h = h; ee->req.x = ee->x; ee->req.y = ee->y; ee->req.w = ee->w; ee->req.h = ee->h; ee->rotation = 0; ee->prop.max.w = 32767; ee->prop.max.h = 32767; ee->prop.layer = 4; ee->prop.request_pos = EINA_FALSE; ee->prop.sticky = EINA_FALSE; ee->prop.withdrawn = EINA_TRUE; ee->alpha = EINA_FALSE; /* Wayland egl engine can't async render */ if (getenv("ECORE_EVAS_FORCE_SYNC_RENDER") || !strcmp(engine_name, "wayland_egl")) ee->can_async_render = 0; else ee->can_async_render = 1; if (p) ee->alpha = ecore_wl2_window_alpha_get(p); wdata->sync_done = EINA_FALSE; wdata->parent = p; wdata->display = ewd; wdata->win = ecore_wl2_window_new(ewd, p, x, y, w, h); ecore_wl2_window_close_callback_set(wdata->win, _ecore_evas_wl_common_win_close, ee); ee->prop.window = (Ecore_Window)wdata->win; ee->prop.aux_hint.supported_list = ecore_wl2_window_aux_hints_supported_get(wdata->win); ecore_evas_aux_hint_add(ee, "wm.policy.win.msg.use", "1"); if (!ecore_evas_evas_new(ee, ee->w, ee->h)) { ERR("Can not create Canvas."); goto eng_err; } evas_output_method_set(ee->evas, method); evas_event_callback_add(ee->evas, EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_POST, _ecore_evas_wl_common_render_updates, ee); evas_event_callback_add(ee->evas, EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_FLUSH_PRE, _ecore_evas_wl_common_render_flush_pre, ee); if (ewd->sync_done) { wdata->sync_done = EINA_TRUE; if ((einfo = (Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *)evas_engine_info_get(ee->evas))) { if (opt) { int op; for (op = 0; opt[op]; op++) { if (opt[op] == ECORE_EVAS_OPT_GL_DEPTH) { op++; einfo->depth_bits = opt[op]; } else if (opt[op] == ECORE_EVAS_OPT_GL_STENCIL) { op++; einfo->stencil_bits = opt[op]; } else if (opt[op] == ECORE_EVAS_OPT_GL_MSAA) { op++; einfo->msaa_bits = opt[op]; } } } einfo->info.destination_alpha = ee_needs_alpha(ee); einfo->info.rotation = ee->rotation; einfo->info.depth = 32; einfo->info.wl2_win = wdata->win; einfo->info.hidden = EINA_TRUE; if (!evas_engine_info_set(ee->evas, (Evas_Engine_Info *)einfo)) { ERR("Failed to set Evas Engine Info for '%s'", ee->driver); goto eng_err; } } else { ERR("Failed to get Evas Engine Info for '%s'", ee->driver); goto eng_err; } } if (!_ecore_wl2_devices_setup(ee, ewd)) { ERR("Failed to create the devices"); goto eng_err; } _ecore_evas_wl_common_wm_rotation_protocol_set(ee); _ecore_evas_wl_selection_init(ee); ecore_evas_done(ee, EINA_FALSE); wdata->sync_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_WL2_EVENT_SYNC_DONE, _ee_cb_sync_done, ee); ee_list = eina_list_append(ee_list, ee); ee->draw_block = EINA_TRUE; return ee; eng_err: /* ecore_evas_free() will call ecore_wl2_display_disconnect() * and free(ee), it will also call ecore_wl2_shutdown(), so we * take an extra reference here to keep the count right. */ ecore_wl2_init(); ecore_evas_free(ee); ee = NULL; w_err: free(ee); ee_err: if (ee) ecore_wl2_display_disconnect(ewd); conn_err: ecore_wl2_shutdown(); return NULL; }