import eina_types; enum @beta Efl.Gfx.Vg_Value_Provider_Flags { [[ Property information applied to value provider. @since 1.24 ]] none = 0, [[ Nothing changed.]] fill_color = 1, [[ Fill color changed. ]] stroke_color = 2, [[ Stroke color changed. ]] stroke_width = 4, [[ Stroke width changed. ]] transform_matrix = 8, [[ Transform matrix changed. ]] } class @beta Efl.Gfx.Vg.Value_Provider extends Efl.Object { [[Efl Vector Value Provider class. This class is a set of that contain the value of several properties provided by content. User can use this class to change the properties for the specific content specified by the keypath. ]] methods { @property keypath { [[ Keypath is the target a specific content or a set of contents that will be updated. It can include the specific name of the contents, wildcard(*) or Globstar(**). ]] get { } set { } values { keypath: stringshare; [[ The keypath of contents ]] } } @property transform { [[ User can adjust transform value of the content specified by the keypath. ]] set { } get { } values { m: ptr(Eina.Matrix4); [[ Matrix Value. ]] } } @property fill_color { [[ User can adjust color value of the fill content specified by the keypath. ]] set { } get { } values { r: int; [[ Red color value of fill. ]] g: int; [[ Green color value of fill. ]] b: int; [[ Blue color value of fill. ]] a: int; [[ Alpha value of fill. ]] } } @property stroke_color { [[ User can adjust color value of the stroke content specified by the keypath. ]] set { } get { } values { r: int; [[ Red color value of stroke. ]] g: int; [[ Green color value of stroke. ]] b: int; [[ Blue color value of stroke. ]] a: int; [[ Alpha value of stroke. ]] } } @property stroke_width { [[ User can adjust width value of the stroke content specified by the keypath. ]] set { } get { } values { width: double; [[ Width value of stroke. ]] } } @property updated { [[ Flag of properties updated in value provider object. ]] get { } values { flag: Efl.Gfx.Vg_Value_Provider_Flags; [[ Flag of the changed property. ]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.destructor; } }