#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow" #include #include #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #include #include "ephysics_trimesh.h" #include "ephysics_private.h" #include "ephysics_body_materials.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define BODY_CLOTH_CHECK() \ do { \ if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH) \ { \ WRN("Not supported for cloth"); \ return; \ } \ } while(0) typedef struct _EPhysics_Body_Callback EPhysics_Body_Callback; typedef struct _EPhysics_Body_Evas_Stacking EPhysics_Body_Evas_Stacking; typedef struct _EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice; typedef struct _EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj; typedef struct _EPhysics_Quaternion EPhysics_Quaternion; struct _EPhysics_Body_Callback { EINA_INLIST; void (*func) (void *data, EPhysics_Body *body, void *event_info); void *data; EPhysics_Callback_Body_Type type; Eina_Bool deleted:1; }; struct _EPhysics_Body_Collision { EPhysics_Body *contact_body; Evas_Coord x; Evas_Coord y; Evas_Coord z; }; struct _EPhysics_Body_Evas_Stacking { Evas_Object *evas; float stacking; }; struct _EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice { Evas_Object *evas_obj; int index; struct { double x; double y; } p[3]; float stacking; }; struct _EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj { EPhysics_Body_Face face; Evas_Object *obj; }; static void _ephysics_body_cloth_anchor_mass_reset(EPhysics_Body *body) { double anchor_mass; anchor_mass = 1 / (body->soft_body->m_nodes.size() * 0.025); for (int i = 0; i < body->soft_body->m_anchors.size(); i++) body->soft_body->m_anchors[i].m_node->m_im = anchor_mass; DBG("Cloth anchors mass reset."); } EPHYSICS_API void _ephysics_body_soft_body_light_apply(Evas_Map *m, Evas_Coord lx, Evas_Coord ly, Evas_Coord lz, int lr, int lg, int lb, int ar, int ag, int ab, Evas_Coord bx, Evas_Coord by, Evas_Coord bz) { double x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, ln, br; Evas_Coord mx, my, mz, mr, mg, mb, ma; int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { evas_map_point_coord_get(m, i, &mx, &my, &mz); evas_map_point_color_get(m, i, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ma); x = mx; y = my; z = mz; nx = sqrt(pow(bx - x, 2)); ny = sqrt(pow(by - y, 2)); nz = sqrt(pow(bz - z, 2)); ln = nx + ny + nz; if (ln != 0.0) { nx /= ln; ny /= ln; nz /= ln; } x = lx - bx; y = ly - by; z = lz - bz; ln = pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2) + pow(z, 2); ln = sqrt(ln); if (ln != 0.0) { x /= ln; y /= ln; z /= ln; } br = (nx * x) + (ny * y) + (nz * z); if (br < 0.0) br = 0.0; mr = ar + ((lr - ar) * br); mg = ag + ((lg - ag) * br); mb = ab + ((lb - ab) * br); evas_map_point_color_set(m, i, mr, mg, mb, ma); } } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_apply(EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Object *evas_obj, Eina_List *slices) { double rate; void *list_data; Eina_List *l; Evas_Coord wy, wh, y0, y1, y2, x0, x1, x2, z0, z1, z2, w, h, bx, by, bz; Evas_Map *map; btVector3 p0, p1, p2; btSoftBody::tFaceArray faces; EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *slice; int lr, lg, lb, ar, ag, ab; Evas_Coord lx, ly, lz; Eina_Bool light = EINA_FALSE; EPhysics_Camera *camera; int px, py, pz, foc; Eina_Bool perspective = EINA_FALSE; camera = ephysics_world_camera_get(body->world); rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(body->world, NULL, &wy, NULL, NULL, &wh, NULL); evas_object_geometry_get(evas_obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); ephysics_body_geometry_get(body, &bx, &by, &bz, NULL, NULL, NULL); if ((body->light_apply) || (ephysics_world_light_all_bodies_get(body->world))) { ephysics_world_point_light_position_get(body->world, &lx, &ly, &lz); ephysics_world_point_light_color_get(body->world, &lr, &lg, &lb); ephysics_world_ambient_light_color_get(body->world, &ar, &ag, &ab); light = EINA_TRUE; } if (ephysics_camera_perspective_enabled_get(camera)) { ephysics_camera_perspective_get(camera, &px, &py, &pz, &foc); perspective = EINA_TRUE; } EINA_LIST_FOREACH(slices, l, list_data) { slice = (EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *)list_data; faces = body->soft_body->m_faces; p0 = faces[slice->index].m_n[0]->m_x; p1 = faces[slice->index].m_n[1]->m_x; p2 = faces[slice->index].m_n[2]->m_x; slice->stacking = p0.z() + p1.z() + p2.z(); map = evas_map_new(4); evas_map_point_image_uv_set(map, 0, slice->p[0].x * w, slice->p[0].y * h); evas_map_point_image_uv_set(map, 1, slice->p[1].x * w, slice->p[1].y * h); evas_map_point_image_uv_set(map, 2, slice->p[2].x * w, slice->p[2].y * h); evas_map_point_image_uv_set(map, 3, slice->p[2].x * w, slice->p[2].y * h); x0 = p0.x() * rate; x1 = p1.x() * rate; x2 = p2.x() * rate; y0 = wh + wy - (p0.y() * rate); y1 = wh + wy - (p1.y() * rate); y2 = wh + wy - (p2.y() * rate); z0 = p0.z() * rate; z1 = p1.z() * rate; z2 = p2.z() * rate; evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 0, x0, y0, z0); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 1, x1, y1, z1); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 2, x2, y2, z2); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 3, x2, y2, z2); if (perspective) evas_map_util_3d_perspective(map, px, py, pz, foc); if (body->back_face_culling) { if (evas_map_util_clockwise_get(map)) evas_object_show(slice->evas_obj); else { evas_map_free(map); evas_object_hide(slice->evas_obj); continue; } } if (light) _ephysics_body_soft_body_light_apply(map, lx, ly, lz, lr, lg, lb, ar, ag, ab, bx, by, bz); evas_object_map_set(slice->evas_obj, map); evas_object_map_enable_set(slice->evas_obj, EINA_TRUE); evas_map_free(map); } } static inline double _ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_calc(double val, double delta, double max) { double ret = val + delta / max; if (ret < 0) ret = 0; else if (ret > 1) ret = 1; return ret; } static EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice * _ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_new(EPhysics_Body *body, double delta, double max, int index) { EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *slice; btSoftBody::tFaceArray faces; slice = (EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *)calloc( 1, sizeof(EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice)); if (!slice) { ERR("Couldn't allocate EPhysics_Soft_Body_Slice memory."); return NULL; } faces = body->soft_body->m_faces; slice->index = index; if (!faces.size()) return slice; slice->p[0].x = _ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_calc( faces[slice->index].m_n[0]->m_x.x(), delta, max); slice->p[0].y = 1 - _ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_calc( faces[slice->index].m_n[0]->m_x.y(), delta, max); slice->p[1].x = _ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_calc( faces[slice->index].m_n[1]->m_x.x(), delta, max); slice->p[1].y = 1 - _ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_calc( faces[slice->index].m_n[1]->m_x.y(), delta, max); slice->p[2].x = _ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_calc( faces[slice->index].m_n[2]->m_x.x(), delta, max); slice->p[2].y = 1 - _ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_calc( faces[slice->index].m_n[2]->m_x.y(), delta, max); return slice; } static Eina_List * _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_get(EPhysics_Body *body) { Eina_List *l, *slices_list, *slices = NULL; void *ldata, *slice_data; EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->faces_slices, l, ldata) { face_slice = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *)ldata; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(face_slice->slices, slices_list, slice_data) slices = eina_list_append(slices, slice_data); } return slices; } EPHYSICS_API int ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_index_get(EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Object *slice) { Eina_List *slices; void *ldata; EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *slice_data; if (!body) { ERR("Can't get soft body slice index, body is null."); return -1; } if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { ERR("Can't get soft body slice index, operation not allowed for rigid" " bodies."); return -1; } slices = _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_get(body); EINA_LIST_FREE(slices, ldata) { slice_data = (EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *)ldata; if (slice_data->evas_obj == slice) return slice_data->index; } return -1; } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_del_cb(void *data, Evas *evas EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED) { EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *slice = (EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *)data; slice->evas_obj = NULL; evas_object_event_callback_del(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_del_cb); } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_init(EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Object *obj, Eina_List *slices) { EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *slice = NULL; btVector3 p0, p1, p2; void *slice_data; Evas_Coord w, h; Eina_List *l; Evas *evas; Evas_Object *parent; evas = evas_object_evas_get(obj); evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); parent = evas_object_smart_parent_get(obj); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(slices, l, slice_data) { slice = (EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *) slice_data; slice->evas_obj = evas_object_image_filled_add(evas); evas_object_layer_set(slice->evas_obj, evas_object_layer_get(obj)); evas_object_image_source_set(slice->evas_obj, obj); evas_object_image_source_events_set(slice->evas_obj, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_resize(slice->evas_obj, w, h); evas_object_show(slice->evas_obj); evas_object_image_smooth_scale_set(slice->evas_obj, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_event_callback_add(slice->evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_del_cb, slice); if (parent) evas_object_smart_member_add(slice->evas_obj, parent); } if (slice) evas_object_image_source_visible_set(slice->evas_obj, EINA_FALSE); _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_apply(body, obj, slices); } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_free(Eina_List *slices) { EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *slice; void *slice_data; EINA_LIST_FREE(slices, slice_data) { slice = (EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *)slice_data; if (slice->evas_obj) evas_object_del(slice->evas_obj); free(slice); } } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_clean(Eina_List *slices) { EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *slice; void *slice_data; Eina_List *l; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(slices, l, slice_data) { slice = (EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *)slice_data; if (slice->evas_obj) evas_object_del(slice->evas_obj); } } static btTransform _ephysics_body_transform_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { btTransform trans; btVector3 center; btScalar radius; if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { body->rigid_body->getMotionState()->getWorldTransform(trans); return trans; } body->soft_body->getCollisionShape()->getBoundingSphere(center, radius); trans.setIdentity(); trans.setOrigin(center); return trans; } static int _ephysics_body_evas_stacking_sort_cb(const void *d1, const void *d2) { const EPhysics_Body_Evas_Stacking *stacking1, *stacking2; stacking1 = (const EPhysics_Body_Evas_Stacking *)d1; stacking2 = (const EPhysics_Body_Evas_Stacking *)d2; if (!stacking1) return 1; if (!stacking2) return -1; if (stacking1->stacking < stacking2->stacking) return -1; if (stacking1->stacking > stacking2->stacking) return 1; return 0; } static EPhysics_Body_Evas_Stacking * _ephysics_body_evas_stacking_new(Evas_Object *obj, float index) { EPhysics_Body_Evas_Stacking *stacking; stacking = (EPhysics_Body_Evas_Stacking *)calloc( 1, sizeof(EPhysics_Body_Evas_Stacking)); if (!stacking) { ERR("Could not allocate ephysics soft body evas stacking data."); return NULL; } stacking->evas = obj; stacking->stacking = index; return stacking; } void ephysics_body_evas_objects_restack(EPhysics_World *world) { void *data, *slice_data, *stack_data; EPhysics_Body *body; btTransform trans; EPhysics_Body_Evas_Stacking *stacking; EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *slice; Eina_List *l, *slices, *bodies, *stack_list = NULL; Evas_Object *prev_obj = NULL; Eina_Hash *hash; Eina_Iterator *it; int layer; Eina_List *ll = NULL; bodies = ephysics_world_bodies_get(world); if (!eina_list_count(bodies)) return; hash = eina_hash_int32_new(NULL); EINA_LIST_FREE(bodies, data) { body = (EPhysics_Body *)data; if (body->deleted) continue; if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { if (!body->evas_obj) continue; trans = _ephysics_body_transform_get(body); stacking = _ephysics_body_evas_stacking_new(body->evas_obj, trans.getOrigin().z()); if (!stacking) goto error; layer = evas_object_layer_get(stacking->evas); stack_list = (Eina_List *)eina_hash_find(hash, &layer); stack_list = eina_list_append(stack_list, stacking); eina_hash_set(hash, &layer, stack_list); continue; } slices = _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_get(body); if (!slices) continue; EINA_LIST_FREE(slices, slice_data) { slice = (EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *)slice_data; stacking = _ephysics_body_evas_stacking_new(slice->evas_obj, slice->stacking); if (!stacking) goto error; layer = evas_object_layer_get(stacking->evas); stack_list = (Eina_List *)eina_hash_find(hash, &layer); stack_list = eina_list_append(stack_list, stacking); eina_hash_set(hash, &layer, stack_list); } } it = eina_hash_iterator_data_new(hash); while (eina_iterator_next(it, &data)) { stack_list = (Eina_List *)data; stack_list = eina_list_sort(stack_list, eina_list_count(stack_list), _ephysics_body_evas_stacking_sort_cb); prev_obj = NULL; ll = eina_list_append(ll, stack_list); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(stack_list, l, stack_data) { stacking = (EPhysics_Body_Evas_Stacking *)stack_data; if (prev_obj) evas_object_stack_below(stacking->evas, prev_obj); prev_obj = stacking->evas; } } eina_iterator_free(it); EINA_LIST_FREE(ll, stack_data) { stack_list = (Eina_List *) stack_data; eina_hash_del_by_data(hash, stack_list); EINA_LIST_FREE(stack_list, slice_data) free(slice_data); } eina_hash_free(hash); return; error: ERR("Could not allocate evas stacking data memory."); eina_hash_free(hash); } static void _ephysics_body_transform_set(EPhysics_Body *body, btTransform trans) { btTransform origin; if (body->type != EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { origin = _ephysics_body_transform_get(body); body->soft_body->translate(trans.getOrigin() - origin.getOrigin()); return; } body->rigid_body->getMotionState()->setWorldTransform(trans); } void ephysics_body_activate(const EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool activate) { if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { body->rigid_body->activate(activate); return; } body->soft_body->activate(activate); } static void _ephysics_body_forces_update(EPhysics_Body *body) { body->force.x = body->rigid_body->getTotalForce().getX(); body->force.y = body->rigid_body->getTotalForce().getY(); body->force.z = body->rigid_body->getTotalForce().getZ(); body->force.torque_x = body->rigid_body->getTotalTorque().getX(); body->force.torque_y = body->rigid_body->getTotalTorque().getY(); body->force.torque_z = body->rigid_body->getTotalTorque().getZ(); body->rigid_body->clearForces(); DBG("forces updated: %lf, %lf, %lf", body->force.x, body->force.y, body->force.z); DBG("torque updated: %lf, %lf, %lf", body->force.torque_x, body->force.torque_y, body->force.torque_z); } static inline void _ephysics_body_sleeping_threshold_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double linear_threshold, double angular_threshold, double rate) { body->rigid_body->setSleepingThresholds(linear_threshold / rate, angular_threshold / RAD_TO_DEG); } static inline void _ephysics_body_linear_velocity_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double x, double y, double z, double rate) { btVector3 linear_velocity = btVector3(x / rate, -y / rate, z / rate); ephysics_body_activate(body, EINA_TRUE); if (body->rigid_body) body->rigid_body->setLinearVelocity(linear_velocity); if (body->soft_body) { for (int i = 0; i < body->soft_body->m_nodes.size(); i++) body->soft_body->m_nodes[i].m_v = linear_velocity; } } static void _ephysics_body_event_callback_del(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Callback *cb) { if (cb->deleted) return; cb->deleted = EINA_TRUE; if (body->walking) { body->to_delete = eina_list_append(body->to_delete, cb); return; } body->callbacks = eina_inlist_remove(body->callbacks, EINA_INLIST_GET(cb)); free(cb); } static Eina_Bool _ephysics_body_event_callback_call(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Callback_Body_Type type, void *event_info) { Eina_Bool called = EINA_FALSE; EPhysics_Body_Callback *cb; void *clb; body->walking++; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(body->callbacks, cb) { if ((cb->type == type) && (!cb->deleted)) { cb->func(cb->data, body, event_info); called = EINA_TRUE; } } body->walking--; if (body->walking > 0) return called; EINA_LIST_FREE(body->to_delete, clb) { cb = (EPhysics_Body_Callback *) clb; body->callbacks = eina_inlist_remove(body->callbacks, EINA_INLIST_GET(cb)); free(cb); } return called; } void ephysics_body_active_set(EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool active) { if (body->active == !!active) return; body->active = !!active; if (active) return; _ephysics_body_event_callback_call(body, EPHYSICS_CALLBACK_BODY_STOPPED, (void *) body->evas_obj); }; Eina_Bool ephysics_body_filter_collision(EPhysics_Body *body0, EPhysics_Body *body1) { Eina_List *l; void *grp; if ((!body0->collision_groups) || (!body1->collision_groups)) return EINA_TRUE; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body0->collision_groups, l, grp) { if (eina_list_data_find(body1->collision_groups, grp)) return EINA_TRUE; } return EINA_FALSE; } EPHYSICS_API Eina_Bool ephysics_body_collision_group_add(EPhysics_Body *body, const char *group) { Eina_Stringshare *group_str; if (!body) { ERR("Can't add body collision group, body is null."); return EINA_FALSE; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); group_str = eina_stringshare_add(group); if (eina_list_data_find(body->collision_groups, group_str)) { INF("Body already added to group: %s", group); eina_stringshare_del(group_str); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); return EINA_TRUE; } body->collision_groups = eina_list_append(body->collision_groups, group_str); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); return EINA_TRUE; } EPHYSICS_API Eina_Bool ephysics_body_collision_group_del(EPhysics_Body *body, const char *group) { Eina_Stringshare *group_str; if (!body) { ERR("Can't remove body collision group, body is null."); return EINA_FALSE; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); group_str = eina_stringshare_add(group); if (!eina_list_data_find(body->collision_groups, group_str)) { INF("Body isn't part of group: %s", group); eina_stringshare_del(group_str); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); return EINA_TRUE; } body->collision_groups = eina_list_remove(body->collision_groups, group_str); eina_stringshare_del(group_str); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); return EINA_TRUE; } EPHYSICS_API const Eina_List * ephysics_body_collision_group_list_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get the body's collision group, body is null."); return NULL; } return body->collision_groups; } static EPhysics_Body * _ephysics_body_new(EPhysics_World *world, btScalar mass, double cm_x, double cm_y, double cm_z) { EPhysics_Body *body; double rate; body = (EPhysics_Body *) calloc(1, sizeof(EPhysics_Body)); if (!body) { ERR("Couldn't create a new body instance."); return NULL; } rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(world); body->scale[0] = 1; body->scale[1] = 1; body->scale[2] = 1; body->size.w = rate; body->size.h = rate; body->size.d = rate; body->mass = mass; body->world = world; body->cm.x = cm_x; body->cm.y = cm_y; body->cm.z = cm_z; return body; } static EPhysics_Body * _ephysics_body_rigid_body_add(EPhysics_World *world, btCollisionShape *collision_shape, const char *type, double cm_x, double cm_y, double cm_z) { btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo *rigid_body_ci; btDefaultMotionState *motion_state; btRigidBody *rigid_body; EPhysics_Body *body; btScalar mass = 1; btVector3 inertia; if (!collision_shape) { ERR("Couldn't create a %s shape.", type); return NULL; } body = _ephysics_body_new(world, mass, cm_x, cm_y, cm_z); if (!body) { ERR("Couldn't create a new body instance."); goto err_body; } motion_state = new btDefaultMotionState(); if (!motion_state) { ERR("Couldn't create a motion state."); goto err_motion_state; } inertia = btVector3(0, 0, 0); collision_shape->calculateLocalInertia(mass, inertia); rigid_body_ci = new btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo( mass, motion_state, collision_shape, inertia); if (!rigid_body_ci) { ERR("Couldn't create a rigid body construction info."); goto err_rigid_body_ci; } rigid_body = new btRigidBody(*rigid_body_ci); if (!rigid_body) { ERR("Couldn't create a rigid body."); goto err_rigid_body; } body->type = EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID; body->collision_shape = collision_shape; body->rigid_body = rigid_body; body->rigid_body->setUserPointer(body); body->rigid_body->setLinearFactor(btVector3(1, 1, 0)); body->rigid_body->setAngularFactor(btVector3(0, 0, 1)); if (!ephysics_world_body_add(body->world, body)) { ERR("Couldn't add body to world's bodies list"); goto err_world_add; } delete rigid_body_ci; INF("Body %p of type %s added.", body, type); return body; err_world_add: delete rigid_body; err_rigid_body: delete rigid_body_ci; err_rigid_body_ci: delete motion_state; err_motion_state: free(body); err_body: delete collision_shape; return NULL; } static void _ephysics_body_efl_canvas_object_del_cb(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED) { EPhysics_Body *body = (EPhysics_Body *) data; if (body->default_face) _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_clean(body->default_face->slices); body->evas_obj = NULL; DBG("Evas object deleted. Updating body: %p", body); } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_anchors_rebuild(int node, btRigidBody *rigid_body, btSoftBody *soft_body) { btTransform world_trans = rigid_body->getWorldTransform(); btVector3 local = world_trans.inverse() * soft_body->m_nodes[node].m_x; for (int i = 0; i < soft_body->m_anchors.size(); i++) { if (soft_body->m_anchors[i].m_node == &soft_body->m_nodes[node]) soft_body->m_anchors[i].m_local = local; } } void ephysics_body_soft_body_bending_constraints_generate(EPhysics_Body *body) { btSoftBody *soft_body = body->soft_body; for (; body->bending_constraints; body->bending_constraints--) soft_body->generateBendingConstraints(2, soft_body->m_materials [body->material_index]); } static void _ephysics_body_cloth_constraints_rebuild(EPhysics_Body *body) { btRigidBody *rigid_body; btSoftBody *soft_body; btSoftBody::Node *node; btSoftBody::Anchor anchor; int anchors_size = body->soft_body->m_anchors.size(); soft_body = body->soft_body; if (anchors_size) { rigid_body = soft_body->m_anchors[0].m_body; for (int m = 0; m < anchors_size; m++) { anchor = soft_body->m_anchors[m]; node = anchor.m_node; for (int n = 0; n < soft_body->m_nodes.size(); n++) { if (node == &soft_body->m_nodes[n]) _ephysics_body_soft_body_anchors_rebuild(n, rigid_body, soft_body); } } } soft_body->generateClusters(0); ephysics_body_soft_body_bending_constraints_generate(body); } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_constraints_rebuild(EPhysics_Body *body) { btSoftBody *soft_body = body->soft_body; btRigidBody *rigid_body = body->rigid_body; if (soft_body->m_anchors.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < soft_body->m_nodes.size(); i++) _ephysics_body_soft_body_anchors_rebuild(i, rigid_body, soft_body); } else { for (int i = 0; i < soft_body->m_nodes.size(); i++) soft_body->appendAnchor(i, rigid_body); } soft_body->generateClusters(0); ephysics_body_soft_body_bending_constraints_generate(body); } inline static double _ephysics_body_volume_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { btVector3 vector = body->collision_shape->getLocalScaling(); return vector.x() * vector.y() * vector.z(); } void _ephysics_body_soft_body_dragging_set(EPhysics_Body *body, int triangle) { btSoftBody::Face face; btSoftBody::Node *node; body->dragging_data.triangle = triangle; body->dragging_data.dragging = EINA_TRUE; face = body->soft_body->m_faces[triangle]; node = face.m_n[0]; body->dragging_data.mass = node->m_im; } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_mass_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double mass) { int valid_nodes; btSoftBody::Node node; double inverse_mass = 0.0; if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_SOFT) body->soft_body->setTotalMass(mass); else if (mass > 0.0) { valid_nodes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < body->soft_body->m_nodes.size(); i++) { node = body->soft_body->m_nodes[i]; if (node.m_im && !node.m_battach) valid_nodes++; } if (valid_nodes > 0) { inverse_mass = 1 / (mass / valid_nodes); if (body->dragging_data.dragging) { valid_nodes++; inverse_mass = 1 / (mass / valid_nodes); body->dragging_data.mass = inverse_mass; } } for (int i = 0; i < body->soft_body->m_nodes.size(); i++) { node = body->soft_body->m_nodes[i]; if (node.m_im && !node.m_battach) node.m_im = inverse_mass; } } } static void _ephysics_body_mass_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double mass) { btVector3 inertia(0, 0, 0); if (body->density) mass = body->density * _ephysics_body_volume_get(body); if (body->soft_body) _ephysics_body_soft_body_mass_set(body, mass); else { body->collision_shape->calculateLocalInertia(mass, inertia); body->rigid_body->setMassProps(mass, inertia); body->rigid_body->updateInertiaTensor(); } body->mass = mass; DBG("Body %p mass changed to %lf.", body, mass); } static void _ephysics_body_geometry_set(EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord z, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Evas_Coord d, double rate) { double mx, my, mz, sx, sy, sz; btTransform trans; int wy, height; btVector3 body_scale, old_scale; ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(body->world, NULL, &wy, NULL, NULL, &height, NULL); height += wy; mx = (x + w * body->cm.x) / rate; my = (height - (y + h * body->cm.y)) / rate; mz = (z + d * body->cm.z) / rate; sx = (w <= 0) ? 1 : w / rate; sy = (h <= 0) ? 1 : h / rate; sz = (d <= 0) ? 1 : d / rate; trans = _ephysics_body_transform_get(body); trans.setOrigin(btVector3(mx, my, mz)); body_scale = btVector3(sx, sy, sz); old_scale = btVector3(body->scale[0], body->scale[1], body->scale[2]); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_SOFT) { body->soft_body->scale(btVector3(1, 1, 1) / old_scale); body->soft_body->scale(body_scale); body->rigid_body->proceedToTransform(trans); _ephysics_body_transform_set(body, trans); _ephysics_body_soft_body_constraints_rebuild(body); } else if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH) { body->soft_body->setTotalMass(body->mass, true); body->soft_body->scale(btVector3(1, 1, 1) / old_scale); body->soft_body->scale(body_scale); _ephysics_body_transform_set(body, trans); _ephysics_body_cloth_constraints_rebuild(body); body->soft_body->setTotalMass(body->mass, false); _ephysics_body_cloth_anchor_mass_reset(body); } else { body->collision_shape->setLocalScaling(body_scale); body->rigid_body->proceedToTransform(trans); if (!body->rigid_body->isStaticObject()) _ephysics_body_mass_set(body, ephysics_body_mass_get(body)); } _ephysics_body_transform_set(body, trans); ephysics_body_activate(body, EINA_TRUE); body->size.w = w; body->size.h = h; body->size.d = d; body->scale[0] = sx; body->scale[1] = sy; body->scale[2] = sz; DBG("Body %p position changed to (%lf, %lf, %lf).", body, mx, my, mz); DBG("Body %p scale changed to (%lf, %lf, %lf).", body, sx, sy, sz); } static void _ephysics_body_resize(EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Evas_Coord d) { Evas_Coord bx, by, bz; double rate, sx, sy, sz; btVector3 body_scale, center; btTransform trans; rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); sx = w / rate; sy = h / rate; sz = d / rate; DBG("Body %p scale changed to (%lf, %lf, %lf).", body, sx, sy, sz); body_scale = btVector3(sx, sy, sz); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_SOFT) { btVector3 old_scale(body->scale[0], body->scale[1], body->scale[2]); trans = _ephysics_body_transform_get(body); body->soft_body->scale(btVector3(1, 1, 1) / old_scale); body->soft_body->scale(body_scale); _ephysics_body_transform_set(body, trans); body->rigid_body->proceedToTransform(trans); _ephysics_body_soft_body_constraints_rebuild(body); } else if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH) { ephysics_body_geometry_get(body, &bx, &by, &bz, NULL, NULL, NULL); _ephysics_body_geometry_set(body, bx, by, bz, w, h, d, rate); return; } else { body->collision_shape->setLocalScaling(body_scale); if(!body->rigid_body->isStaticObject()) _ephysics_body_mass_set(body, ephysics_body_mass_get(body)); } body->size.w = w; body->size.h = h; body->size.d = d; body->scale[0] = sx; body->scale[1] = sy; body->scale[2] = sz; ephysics_body_activate(body, EINA_TRUE); } static void _ephysics_body_move(EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord z) { double rate, mx, my, mz; btTransform trans; int wy, height; btVector3 body_scale; rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(body->world, NULL, &wy, NULL, NULL, &height, NULL); height += wy; mx = (x + body->size.w * body->cm.x) / rate; my = (height - (y + body->size.h * body->cm.y)) / rate; mz = (z + body->size.d * body->cm.z) / rate; trans = _ephysics_body_transform_get(body); trans.setOrigin(btVector3(mx, my, mz)); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH) _ephysics_body_transform_set(body, trans); else if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_SOFT) { _ephysics_body_transform_set(body, trans); body->rigid_body->proceedToTransform(trans); body->rigid_body->getMotionState()->setWorldTransform(trans); } else { body->rigid_body->proceedToTransform(trans); body->rigid_body->getMotionState()->setWorldTransform(trans); } ephysics_body_activate(body, EINA_TRUE); DBG("Body %p position changed to (%lf, %lf, %lf).", body, mx, my, mz); } static void _ephysics_body_efl_canvas_object_resize_cb(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED) { EPhysics_Body *body = (EPhysics_Body *) data; int w, h; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); if ((w == body->size.w) && (h == body->size.h)) return; DBG("Resizing body %p to w=%i, h=%i, d=%i", body, w, h, body->size.d); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_resize(body, w, h, body->size.d); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH) { _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_clean(body->default_face->slices); _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_init(body, body->evas_obj, body->default_face->slices); } ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_evas_restack_cb(void *data, Evas *evas EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED) { EPhysics_Body *body = (EPhysics_Body *)data; Eina_List *slices; void *ldata; EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *slice; short layer = evas_object_layer_get(obj); slices = _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_get(body); EINA_LIST_FREE(slices, ldata) { slice = (EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *)ldata; evas_object_layer_set(slice->evas_obj, layer); } DBG("Body's slices layer reset to: %d", layer); } static void _ephysics_body_face_slice_del(EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice) { _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_free(face_slice->slices); free(face_slice->points_deform); free(face_slice); } static EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice * _ephysics_body_face_slice_add(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face) { EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice; face_slice = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *)calloc(1, sizeof(EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice)); if (!face_slice) return NULL; face_slice->face = face; body->faces_slices = eina_list_append(body->faces_slices, face_slice); face_slice->body = body; return face_slice; DBG("New face slice added to body %p", body); } static EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice * _ephysics_body_face_slice_get(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face) { Eina_List *l; void *ldata; EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice = NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->faces_slices, l, ldata) { if (((EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *)ldata)->face == face) { face_slice = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *)ldata; break; } } return face_slice; } static EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj * _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_get(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face) { Eina_List *l; void *ldata; EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; if (face_obj->face == face) return face_obj; } DBG("Could not find requested face"); return NULL; } static void _ephysics_body_del(EPhysics_Body *body) { EPhysics_Body_Callback *cb; void *ldata; void *group; EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice; if (body->evas_obj) { evas_object_event_callback_del(body->evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _ephysics_body_efl_canvas_object_del_cb); evas_object_event_callback_del(body->evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESIZE, _ephysics_body_efl_canvas_object_resize_cb); if (body->faces_slices) evas_object_event_callback_del(body->evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESTACK, _ephysics_body_soft_body_evas_restack_cb); } while (body->callbacks) { cb = EINA_INLIST_CONTAINER_GET(body->callbacks, EPhysics_Body_Callback); body->callbacks = eina_inlist_remove(body->callbacks, body->callbacks); free(cb); } ephysics_constraint_body_del(body); EINA_LIST_FREE(body->collision_groups, group) eina_stringshare_del((Eina_Stringshare *)group); EINA_LIST_FREE(body->faces_slices, ldata) { face_slice = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *)ldata; if (_ephysics_body_face_evas_object_get(body, face_slice->face)) ephysics_body_face_evas_object_unset(body, face_slice->face); _ephysics_body_face_slice_del(face_slice); } if (body->rigid_body) { delete body->rigid_body->getMotionState(); delete body->collision_shape; delete body->rigid_body; } delete body->soft_body; free(body); } static void _ephysics_body_evas_object_map_apply(EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Map *map, Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool bfc, Eina_Bool update_cw) { EPhysics_Camera *camera = ephysics_world_camera_get(body->world); if (ephysics_camera_perspective_enabled_get(camera)) { int px, py, z0, foc; ephysics_camera_perspective_get(camera, &px, &py, &z0, &foc); evas_map_util_3d_perspective(map, px, py, z0, foc); } if (bfc) { if (evas_map_util_clockwise_get(map)) { if (update_cw) body->clockwise = EINA_TRUE; evas_object_show(obj); } else { if (update_cw) body->clockwise = EINA_FALSE; evas_map_free(map); evas_object_hide(obj); return; } } else evas_object_show(obj); if ((body->light_apply) || (ephysics_world_light_all_bodies_get(body->world))) { int lr, lg, lb, ar, ag, ab; Evas_Coord lx, ly, lz; ephysics_world_point_light_position_get(body->world, &lx, &ly, &lz); ephysics_world_point_light_color_get(body->world, &lr, &lg, &lb); ephysics_world_ambient_light_color_get(body->world, &ar, &ag, &ab); evas_map_util_3d_lighting(map, lx, ly, lz, lr, lg, lb, ar, ag, ab); } evas_object_map_set(obj, map); evas_object_map_enable_set(obj, EINA_TRUE); evas_map_free(map); } static void _ephysics_cloth_face_objs_update(EPhysics_Body *body EINA_UNUSED) { } static void _ephysics_cylinder_face_objs_update(EPhysics_Body *body) { int bx, by, x, y, z, wx, wy, wh, cx, cy; EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; EPhysics_Camera *camera; btQuaternion quat; btTransform trans; Evas_Map *map; Eina_List *l; double rate; void *ldata; ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(body->world, &wx, &wy, NULL, NULL, &wh, NULL); camera = ephysics_world_camera_get(body->world); ephysics_camera_position_get(camera, &cx, &cy); cx -= wx; cy -= wy; rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); trans = _ephysics_body_transform_get(body); bx = (int) (trans.getOrigin().getX() * rate) - cx; by = wh + wy - (int) (trans.getOrigin().getY() * rate) - cy; x = bx - body->size.w / 2; y = by - body->size.h / 2; z = (int) (trans.getOrigin().getZ() * rate); quat = trans.getRotation(); quat.normalize(); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { Evas_Object *obj; Evas_Coord w, h; face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; obj = face_obj->obj; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); evas_object_move(obj, x, y); if ((!w) || (!h)) { DBG("Evas object with no geometry: %p, w=%i h=%i", obj, w, h); continue; } map = evas_map_new(4); switch(face_obj->face) { case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_MIDDLE_FRONT: evas_map_util_points_populate_from_object_full(map, obj, z); break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_MIDDLE_BACK: evas_map_util_points_populate_from_object_full(map, obj, z + 1); evas_map_util_3d_rotate(map, 0, 180, 0, bx, by, z + 1); break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_FRONT: evas_map_util_points_populate_from_object_full( map, obj, z - body->size.d / 2); break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_BACK: evas_map_util_points_populate_from_object_full( map, obj, z + body->size.d / 2); evas_map_util_3d_rotate(map, 0, 180, 0, bx, by, z + body->size.d / 2); break; default: WRN("Face %i not updated", face_obj->face); evas_map_free(map); continue; } evas_map_util_quat_rotate(map, quat.x(), -quat.y(), quat.z(), -quat.w(), bx, by, z); _ephysics_body_evas_object_map_apply(body, map, obj, EINA_TRUE, EINA_FALSE); } } static void _ephysics_box_face_objs_update(EPhysics_Body *body) { EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; int i, x, y, z, wx, wy, wh, cx, cy; EPhysics_Camera *camera; Evas_Coord v[8][3]; btQuaternion quat; btTransform trans; btBoxShape *shape; Evas_Map *map; Eina_List *l; double rate; void *ldata; ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(body->world, &wx, &wy, NULL, NULL, &wh, NULL); camera = ephysics_world_camera_get(body->world); ephysics_camera_position_get(camera, &cx, &cy); cx -= wx; cy -= wy; rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); trans = _ephysics_body_transform_get(body); x = (int) (trans.getOrigin().getX() * rate) - cx; y = wh + wy - (int) (trans.getOrigin().getY() * rate) - cy; z = (int) (trans.getOrigin().getZ() * rate); shape = (btBoxShape *) body->collision_shape; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { btVector3 vertice; shape->getVertex(i, vertice); v[i][0] = vertice.getX() * rate + x; v[i][1] = - vertice.getY() * rate + y; v[i][2] = vertice.getZ() * rate + z; } quat = trans.getRotation(); quat.normalize(); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { Evas_Object *obj; Evas_Coord w, h; face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; obj = face_obj->obj; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); map = evas_map_new(4); evas_map_point_image_uv_set(map, 0, 0, 0); evas_map_point_image_uv_set(map, 1, w, 0); evas_map_point_image_uv_set(map, 2, w, h); evas_map_point_image_uv_set(map, 3, 0, h); switch(face_obj->face) { case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_MIDDLE_FRONT: evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 0, v[5][0], v[5][1], z); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 1, v[4][0], v[4][1], z); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 2, v[6][0], v[6][1], z); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 3, v[7][0], v[7][1], z); break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_MIDDLE_BACK: evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 0, v[0][0], v[0][1], z); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 1, v[1][0], v[1][1], z); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 2, v[3][0], v[3][1], z); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 3, v[2][0], v[2][1], z); break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_FRONT: evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 0, v[5][0], v[5][1], v[5][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 1, v[4][0], v[4][1], v[4][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 2, v[6][0], v[6][1], v[6][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 3, v[7][0], v[7][1], v[7][2]); break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_BACK: evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 0, v[0][0], v[0][1], v[0][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 1, v[1][0], v[1][1], v[1][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 2, v[3][0], v[3][1], v[3][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 3, v[2][0], v[2][1], v[2][2]); break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_RIGHT: evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 0, v[4][0], v[4][1], v[4][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 1, v[0][0], v[0][1], v[0][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 2, v[2][0], v[2][1], v[2][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 3, v[6][0], v[6][1], v[6][2]); break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_LEFT: evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 0, v[1][0], v[1][1], v[1][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 1, v[5][0], v[5][1], v[5][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 2, v[7][0], v[7][1], v[7][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 3, v[3][0], v[3][1], v[3][2]); break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_TOP: evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 0, v[1][0], v[1][1], v[1][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 1, v[0][0], v[0][1], v[0][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 2, v[4][0], v[4][1], v[4][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 3, v[5][0], v[5][1], v[5][2]); break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_BOTTOM: evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 0, v[7][0], v[7][1], v[7][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 1, v[6][0], v[6][1], v[6][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 2, v[2][0], v[2][1], v[2][2]); evas_map_point_coord_set(map, 3, v[3][0], v[3][1], v[3][2]); break; default: WRN("Face %i not updated", face_obj->face); evas_map_free(map); continue; } evas_map_util_quat_rotate(map, quat.x(), -quat.y(), quat.z(), -quat.w(), x, y, z); _ephysics_body_evas_object_map_apply(body, map, obj, EINA_TRUE, EINA_FALSE); } } static void _ephysics_body_evas_object_update(EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Object *evas_obj) { int bx, by, x, y, z, w, h, wx, wy, wh, cx, cy; EPhysics_Camera *camera; btTransform trans; btQuaternion quat; Evas_Map *map; double rate; trans = _ephysics_body_transform_get(body); ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(body->world, &wx, &wy, NULL, NULL, &wh, NULL); camera = ephysics_world_camera_get(body->world); ephysics_camera_position_get(camera, &cx, &cy); cx -= wx; cy -= wy; evas_object_geometry_get(evas_obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); bx = (int) (trans.getOrigin().getX() * rate) - cx; by = wh + wy - (int) (trans.getOrigin().getY() * rate) - cy; x = bx - w * body->cm.x; y = by - h * body->cm.y; z = (int) (trans.getOrigin().getZ() * rate); evas_object_move(evas_obj, x, y); if ((!w) || (!h)) { DBG("Evas object with no geometry: %p, w=%i h=%i", evas_obj, w, h); return; } if (body->type != EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { if (!body->back_face_culling) evas_object_show(body->evas_obj); _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_apply(body, body->evas_obj, body->default_face->slices); return; } map = evas_map_new(4); evas_map_util_points_populate_from_object(map, body->evas_obj); quat = trans.getRotation(); quat.normalize(); evas_map_util_quat_rotate(map, quat.x(), -quat.y(), quat.z(), -quat.w(), bx, by, z); _ephysics_body_evas_object_map_apply(body, map, evas_obj, body->back_face_culling, EINA_TRUE); } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_update(EPhysics_Body *body) { Eina_List *l; void *ldata; EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice; EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->faces_slices, l, ldata) { face_slice = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *)ldata; face_obj = _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_get(body, face_slice->face); if (!face_obj) continue; _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_apply(body, face_obj->obj, face_slice->slices); } } static void _ephysics_body_evas_object_default_update(EPhysics_Body *body) { if (body->face_objs) { if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH) _ephysics_cloth_face_objs_update(body); else if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { if (body->shape == EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_CYLINDER) _ephysics_cylinder_face_objs_update(body); else if (body->shape == EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_BOX) _ephysics_box_face_objs_update(body); } else if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_SOFT) _ephysics_body_soft_body_update(body); if (body->evas_obj) evas_object_hide(body->evas_obj); return; } if (!body->evas_obj) return; _ephysics_body_evas_object_update(body, body->evas_obj); } static void _ephysics_body_outside_render_area_check(EPhysics_Body *body) { int wx, wy, wz, ww, wh, wd, bx, by, bz, bw, bh, bd; ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(body->world, &wx, &wy, &wz, &ww, &wh, &wd); ephysics_body_geometry_get(body, &bx, &by, &bz, &bw, &bh, &bd); // FIXME: check what should be done regarding rotated bodies if (((ephysics_world_bodies_outside_top_autodel_get(body->world)) && (by + bh < wy)) || ((ephysics_world_bodies_outside_bottom_autodel_get(body->world)) && (by > wy + wh)) || ((ephysics_world_bodies_outside_left_autodel_get(body->world)) && (bx + bh < wx)) || ((ephysics_world_bodies_outside_right_autodel_get(body->world)) && (bx > wx + ww)) || ((ephysics_world_bodies_outside_front_autodel_get(body->world)) && (bz + bd < wz)) || ((ephysics_world_bodies_outside_back_autodel_get(body->world)) && (bz > wz + wd))) { DBG("Body %p out of render area", body); ephysics_body_del(body); } } void ephysics_body_forces_apply(EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!((body->force.x) || (body->force.y) || (body->force.z) || (body->force.torque_x) || (body->force.torque_y) || (body->force.torque_z))) return; DBG("body: %p, applying forces: %lf, %lf, %lf", body, body->force.x, body->force.y, body->force.z); ephysics_body_activate(body, EINA_TRUE); body->rigid_body->applyCentralForce(btVector3(body->force.x, body->force.y, body->force.z)); body->rigid_body->applyTorque(btVector3(body->force.torque_x, body->force.torque_y, body->force.torque_z)); } void ephysics_body_recalc(EPhysics_Body *body, double rate) { Evas_Coord x, y, z, w, h, d; double vx, vy, vz, lt, at; ephysics_body_geometry_get(body, &x, &y, &z, &w, &h, &d); ephysics_body_linear_velocity_get(body, &vx, &vy, &vz); ephysics_body_sleeping_threshold_get(body, <, &at); _ephysics_body_geometry_set(body, x, y, z, w, h, d, rate); _ephysics_body_linear_velocity_set(body, vx, vy, vz, rate); _ephysics_body_sleeping_threshold_set(body, lt, at, rate); } void ephysics_body_evas_object_update_select(EPhysics_Body *body) { Eina_Bool callback_called = EINA_FALSE; if (!body || body->deleted) return; callback_called = _ephysics_body_event_callback_call( body, EPHYSICS_CALLBACK_BODY_UPDATE, (void *) body->evas_obj); if (!callback_called) _ephysics_body_evas_object_default_update(body); if (ephysics_world_bodies_outside_autodel_get(body->world)) _ephysics_body_outside_render_area_check(body); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_collision_position_get(const EPhysics_Body_Collision *collision, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y, Evas_Coord *z) { if (!collision) { ERR("Can't get body's collision data, collision is null."); return; } if (x) *x = collision->x; if (y) *y = collision->y; if (z) *z = collision->z; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_collision_contact_body_get(const EPhysics_Body_Collision *collision) { if (!collision) { ERR("Can't get body's collision contact body, collision is null."); return NULL; } return collision->contact_body; } void ephysics_body_contact_processed(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body *contact_body, btVector3 position) { EPhysics_Body_Collision *collision; EPhysics_World *world;; double rate; int wy, wh; if ((!body) || (!contact_body) || (body->collision_cb < 1)) return; collision = (EPhysics_Body_Collision *)calloc( 1, sizeof(EPhysics_Body_Collision)); if (!collision) { ERR("Can't allocate collision data structure."); return; } world = contact_body->world; ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(world, NULL, &wy, NULL, NULL, &wh, NULL); rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(world); collision->contact_body = contact_body; collision->x = position.getX() * rate; collision->y = wh + wy - (position.getY() * rate); collision->z = position.getZ() * rate; _ephysics_body_event_callback_call(body, EPHYSICS_CALLBACK_BODY_COLLISION, (void *) collision); free(collision); } btRigidBody * ephysics_body_rigid_body_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { return body->rigid_body; } btSoftBody * ephysics_body_soft_body_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { return body->soft_body; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_soft_body_anchor_hardness_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double hardness) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set soft body's anchor hardness, body is null."); return; } if (!body->soft_body) { ERR("Can't set soft body's anchor hardness, body seems not to be a soft" " body."); return; } if (hardness < 0 || hardness > 100) { ERR("Can't set soft body's anchor hardness, it must be between 0 and" " 100."); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); body->anchor_hardness = EINA_TRUE; body->soft_body->m_cfg.kAHR = 1 - (hardness / 100); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); DBG("Soft body anchor hardness set to: %lf", hardness); } EPHYSICS_API double ephysics_body_soft_body_anchor_hardness_get(EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get soft body's anchor hardness, body is null."); return -1; } if (!body->soft_body) { ERR("Can't get soft body's anchor hardness, body seems not to be a soft" " body."); return -1; } return body->soft_body->m_cfg.kAHR * 100; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_soft_body_drag_coefficient_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double coefficient) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set soft body's drag coefficient, body is null."); return; } if (!body->soft_body) { ERR("Can't set soft body's drag coefficient, body seems not to be a soft" " body."); return; } body->soft_body->m_cfg.kDG = coefficient; DBG("Soft body drag coefficient set to: %lf", coefficient); } EPHYSICS_API double ephysics_body_soft_body_drag_coefficient_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get soft body's drag coefficient, body is null."); return -1; } if (!body->soft_body) { ERR("Can't get soft body's drag coefficient, body seems not to be a soft" " body."); return -1; } return body->soft_body->m_cfg.kDG; } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_hardness_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double hardness) { int m = body->material_index; btSoftBody *soft_body = body->soft_body; if (!body->anchor_hardness) { if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH) soft_body->m_cfg.kAHR = 0.8; else soft_body->m_cfg.kAHR = (hardness / 1000) * 0.6; } soft_body->m_materials[m]->m_kVST = (hardness / 1000); soft_body->m_materials[m]->m_kLST = (hardness / 1000); soft_body->m_materials[m]->m_kAST = (hardness / 1000); DBG("Soft body %p hardness set to %lf.", body, hardness); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_soft_body_hardness_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double hardness) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set soft body's hardness, body is null."); return; } if (!body->soft_body) { ERR("Can't set soft body's hardness, body seems not to be a soft body."); return; } if (hardness < 0 || hardness > 100) { ERR("Can't set soft body's hardness, it must be between 0 and 100."); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_soft_body_hardness_set(body, hardness); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_soft_body_dragging_set(EPhysics_Body *body, int triangle) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set soft body dragging status, body is null."); return; } if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { ERR("Can set soft body dragging status, body must not be a rigid body."); return; } if (triangle < 0 || triangle >= body->soft_body->m_faces.size()) { ERR("Could not move soft body triangle, provided body triangle index " "ranges from 0 to %d", body->soft_body->m_faces.size()); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_soft_body_dragging_set(body, triangle); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); DBG("Body %p appended to world's dragging bodies list.", body); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_soft_body_dragging_unset(EPhysics_Body *body) { btSoftBody::Face face; btSoftBody::Node *node; if (!body) { ERR("Can't unset soft body dragging status, body is null."); return; } if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { ERR("Can unset soft body dragging status, body must not be a rigid" " body."); return; } if (!body->dragging_data.dragging) { INF("Dragging isn't set"); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); face = body->soft_body->m_faces[body->dragging_data.triangle]; node = face.m_n[0]; node->m_im = body->dragging_data.mass; body->dragging_data.mass = 0; body->dragging_data.dragging = EINA_FALSE; body->dragging_data.triangle = 0; ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API double ephysics_body_soft_body_hardness_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get soft body's hardness, body is null."); return 0; } if (!body->soft_body) { ERR("Can't get soft body's hardness, body seems not to be a soft body."); return 0; } return (body->soft_body->m_materials[body->material_index]->m_kVST * 100); } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_default_config(EPhysics_Body *body, btSoftBody *soft_body) { body->bending_constraints = 1; body->soft_body = soft_body; body->soft_body->getCollisionShape()->setMargin(btScalar(0.02)); body->soft_body->setUserPointer(body); body->soft_body->setTotalMass(body->mass); body->soft_body->m_cfg.collisions += btSoftBody::fCollision::SDF_RS; body->soft_body->m_cfg.collisions += btSoftBody::fCollision::VF_SS; _ephysics_body_soft_body_hardness_set(body, 100); } static EPhysics_Body * _ephysics_body_soft_body_add(EPhysics_World *world, btCollisionShape *collision_shape, btSoftBody *soft_body) { EPhysics_Body *body; body = _ephysics_body_rigid_body_add(world, collision_shape, "soft box", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); if (!body) return NULL; body->material_index = 0; body->type = EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_SOFT; _ephysics_body_soft_body_default_config(body, soft_body); body->rigid_body->setCollisionFlags( btCollisionObject::CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE); _ephysics_body_soft_body_constraints_rebuild(body); ephysics_world_soft_body_add(world, body); return body; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_cloth_anchor_full_add(EPhysics_Body *body1, EPhysics_Body *body2, EPhysics_Body_Cloth_Anchor_Side side) { int rows; int columns; if (!body1 || !body2) { ERR("Could not add anchors, body1 or body2 is null"); return; } if (body1->type != EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH || body2->type != EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { ERR("Cloth anchors are allowed only between cloth and rigid body."); return; } if ((side < 0) || (side >= EPHYSICS_BODY_CLOTH_ANCHOR_SIDE_LAST)) { ERR("Could not add anchors, side is invalid."); return; } rows = body1->cloth_rows + 1; columns = body1->cloth_columns + 1; if (side == EPHYSICS_BODY_CLOTH_ANCHOR_SIDE_RIGHT) { for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) body1->soft_body->appendAnchor(i, body2->rigid_body); goto mass_reset; } if (side == EPHYSICS_BODY_CLOTH_ANCHOR_SIDE_LEFT) { for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++) body1->soft_body->appendAnchor((rows * columns) - i, body2->rigid_body); goto mass_reset; } if (side == EPHYSICS_BODY_CLOTH_ANCHOR_SIDE_BOTTOM) { for (int i = 0; i <= rows; i++) body1->soft_body->appendAnchor(i * rows, body2->rigid_body); goto mass_reset; } if (side == EPHYSICS_BODY_CLOTH_ANCHOR_SIDE_TOP) { for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) body1->soft_body->appendAnchor((rows - 1) + rows * i, body2->rigid_body); } mass_reset: _ephysics_body_cloth_anchor_mass_reset(body1); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_cloth_anchor_add(EPhysics_Body *body1, EPhysics_Body *body2, int node) { if (!body1 || !body2) { ERR("Could not add anchors, body1 or body2 is null"); return; } if (body1->type != EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH || body2->type != EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { ERR("Cloth anchors are allowed only between cloth and rigid body."); return; } body1->soft_body->appendAnchor(node, body2->rigid_body); _ephysics_body_cloth_anchor_mass_reset(body1); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_cloth_anchor_del(EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Could not delete anchor, body is null."); return; } if (body->type != EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH) { ERR("Could not delete anchors, body is not a cloth."); return; } body->soft_body->m_anchors.resize(0); body->soft_body->setTotalMass(body->mass); } static Eina_List * _ephysics_body_slices_add(EPhysics_Body *body, int slices_cnt, int *points, double delta, double max) { Eina_List *slices = NULL; EPhysics_Body_Soft_Body_Slice *slice; btSoftBody::tFaceArray faces; for (int i = 0; i < slices_cnt; i++) { faces = body->soft_body->m_faces; slice = _ephysics_body_soft_body_slice_new(body, delta, max, points[i]); if (!slice) goto no_slices; slices = eina_list_append(slices, slice); } return slices; no_slices: _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_clean(slices); return NULL; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_soft_body_position_iterations_set(EPhysics_Body *body, int iterations) { if (!body) { ERR("Could not set the number of iterations for position solver, body " "is null."); return; } if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { ERR("Could not set the number of iterations for position solver, body " "must be a soft body or a cloth"); return; } body->soft_body->m_cfg.piterations = iterations; DBG("Soft body position solver iterations set to: %d", iterations); } EPHYSICS_API int ephysics_body_soft_body_position_iterations_get(EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Could not get the number of iterations for position solver, body " "is null."); return 0; } if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { ERR("Could not get the number of iterations for position solver, body " "must be a soft body or a cloth"); return 0; } return body->soft_body->m_cfg.piterations; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_soft_body_bending_constraints_add(EPhysics_Body *body, int number) { if (!body) { ERR("Could add new bending constraint, body is null."); return; } if (number <= 0) { ERR("Could not add new bending constraints, number must be greater" " than 0"); return; } body->bending_constraints += number; DBG("Added new bending constraints to body: %p", body); } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_cloth_add(EPhysics_World *world, unsigned short rows, unsigned short columns) { EPhysics_Body *body; EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice; btSoftBodyWorldInfo *world_info; btSoftBody *soft_body; const int body_rows = (!rows) ? 15 : rows; const int body_columns = (!columns) ? 15 : columns; if (!world) { ERR("Can't add circle, world is null."); return NULL; } world_info = ephysics_world_info_get(world); soft_body = btSoftBodyHelpers::CreatePatch(*world_info, btVector3(2, 2, 0), btVector3(2, 1, 0), btVector3(1, 2, 0), btVector3(1, 1, 0), body_rows + 1, body_columns + 1, 0, false); if (!soft_body) { ERR("Couldn't create a new soft body."); return NULL; } body = _ephysics_body_new(world, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); if (!body) goto no_body; soft_body->setPose(false, true); soft_body->appendMaterial(); body->material_index = 1; soft_body->m_cfg.piterations = body_rows / 5; _ephysics_body_soft_body_default_config(body, soft_body); _ephysics_body_cloth_constraints_rebuild(body); face_slice = _ephysics_body_face_slice_add(body, EPHYSICS_BODY_CLOTH_FACE_FRONT); if (!face_slice) { ERR("Could not allocate face slice data structure."); goto no_face_slice; } face_slice->slices_cnt = soft_body->m_faces.size(); face_slice->points_deform = (int *)malloc(face_slice->slices_cnt * sizeof(int)); if (!face_slice->points_deform) { ERR("Couldn't create points of deformation."); goto no_deform; } for (int i = 0; i < face_slice->slices_cnt; i++) face_slice->points_deform[i] = i; face_slice->slices = _ephysics_body_slices_add(body, face_slice->slices_cnt, face_slice->points_deform, -1, 1); if (!face_slice->slices) { ERR("Couldn't create slices."); goto no_slices; } body->default_face = face_slice; body->cloth_columns = body_columns; body->cloth_rows = body_rows; body->type = EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH; ephysics_world_soft_body_add(world, body); return body; no_slices: no_deform: _ephysics_body_face_slice_del(face_slice); no_face_slice: free(body); no_body: delete soft_body; return NULL; } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_single_face_transform(btSoftBody *soft_body, int face_idx, int node_idx, btTransform trans) { btSoftBody::Node *node; ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(btDbvtVolume) vol; const btScalar margin = soft_body->getCollisionShape()->getMargin(); node = soft_body->m_faces[face_idx].m_n[node_idx]; if (node->m_battach) return; node->m_x = trans * node->m_x; node->m_q = trans * node->m_q; node->m_n = trans.getBasis() * node->m_n; vol = btDbvtVolume::FromCR(node->m_x, margin); soft_body->m_ndbvt.update(node->m_leaf, vol); } void ephysics_body_soft_body_dragging_apply(EPhysics_Body *body) { btSoftBody::Face face; btSoftBody::Node *node; face = body->soft_body->m_faces[body->dragging_data.triangle]; node = face.m_n[0]; node->m_v *= 0; node->m_im *= 0; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_soft_body_triangle_move(EPhysics_Body *body, int idx, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord z) { btScalar xx, yy, zz; Evas_Coord wh, wy; double rate; btVector3 new_pos; btTransform diff; btSoftBody::Face face; btSoftBody::Node *node; if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { ERR("Could not move soft body triangle, body must be soft or cloth."); return; } if (idx < 0 || idx >= body->soft_body->m_faces.size()) { ERR("Could not move soft body triangle, provided body triangle index " "ranges from 0 to %d", body->soft_body->m_faces.size()); return; } rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(body->world, NULL, &wy, NULL, NULL, &wh, NULL); xx = x / rate; yy = ((wh + wy) - y) / rate; zz = z / rate; new_pos = btVector3(xx, yy, zz); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); face = body->soft_body->m_faces[idx]; node = face.m_n[0]; diff.setIdentity(); diff.setOrigin(new_pos - node->m_x); _ephysics_body_soft_body_single_face_transform(body->soft_body, idx, 0, diff); diff.setOrigin(diff.getOrigin() * 0.1); for (int m = 0; m < body->soft_body->m_faces.size(); m++) { if (m == idx) continue; _ephysics_body_soft_body_single_face_transform(body->soft_body, m, 0, diff); } body->soft_body->updateClusters(); body->soft_body->updateBounds(); body->soft_body->updateNormals(); body->soft_body->updatePose(); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API Eina_List * ephysics_body_soft_body_triangles_inside_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord z, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Evas_Coord d) { Eina_List *face_list = NULL; btSoftBody::Face *bt_face; btSoftBody::Node *node; int out, *idx; btScalar nx, ny, nz, xx, yy, zz, dd, ww, hh; Evas_Coord wy, wh; double rate; if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { ERR("Can't get triangle indexes, operation not permited to rigid" " bodies."); return NULL; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(body->world, NULL, &wy, NULL, NULL, &wh, NULL); xx = x / rate; yy = (wy + (wh - y)) / rate; zz = z / rate; dd = d / rate; ww = w / rate; hh = h / rate; for (int m = 0; m < body->soft_body->m_faces.size(); m++) { out = 0; bt_face = &body->soft_body->m_faces[m]; for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) { node = bt_face->m_n[n]; nx = node->m_x.x(); ny = node->m_x.y(); nz = node->m_x.z(); if ((nz < zz || nz > zz + dd) || (nx < xx || nx > xx + ww) || (ny > yy || ny < yy - hh)) out++; } if (!out) { idx = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); *idx = m; face_list = eina_list_append(face_list, idx); } } ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); return face_list; } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_triangle_impulse_apply(EPhysics_Body *body, int idx, double x, double y, double z) { btSoftBody::Face face; btSoftBody::Node *node; double rate; btVector3 impulse; rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); impulse = btVector3(x / rate, - y / rate, z / rate); face = body->soft_body->m_faces[idx]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { node = face.m_n[i]; node->m_v = impulse * node->m_im; } DBG("Impulse applied to soft body node(%d): %lf, %lf, %lf", idx, impulse.x(), impulse.y(), impulse.z()); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_soft_body_triangle_impulse_apply(EPhysics_Body * body, int idx, double x, double y, double z) { if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { ERR("Can't apply impulse, operation not permited to rigid bodies."); return; } if (idx < 0 || idx >= body->soft_body->m_faces.size()) { ERR("Could not apply impulse, provided body triangle index ranges from" " 0 to %d", body->soft_body->m_faces.size()); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_soft_body_triangle_impulse_apply(body, idx, x, y, z); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_soft_body_triangle_list_impulse_apply(EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_List *triangles, double x, double y, double z) { Eina_List *l; void *ldata; int idx, faces_cnt; if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { ERR("Can't apply impulse, operation not permited to rigid bodies."); return; } faces_cnt = body->soft_body->m_faces.size(); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(triangles, l, ldata) { idx = *(int *)ldata; if (idx < 0 || idx >= faces_cnt) { INF("Could not apply impulse to triangle %d, provided body" " triangle index ranges from 0 to %d", idx, faces_cnt); continue; } _ephysics_body_soft_body_triangle_impulse_apply(body, idx, x, y, z); DBG("Applied impulse on body %p, triangle: %d", body, idx); } ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API int ephysics_body_soft_body_triangle_index_get(EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y) { int w, h, r, c, index = -1; if (!body->evas_obj) { ERR("No evas object associated to body"); return -1; } if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { ERR("Can't get node index, operation not permited to rigid bodies"); return -1; } if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_SOFT) { ERR("Can't get node index, not implemented for soft bodies yet."); return -1; } evas_object_geometry_get(body->evas_obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); r = y * body->cloth_rows / h; c = (w - x) * body->cloth_columns / w; index = 2 * r + c * body->cloth_rows * 2; return index; } static EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice * _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_slices_add(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face, btVector3 center) { btSoftBody::Face *bt_face; btSoftBody::Node *node; int out; btScalar depth_limit; Eina_List *face_list = NULL; void *data; int *idx, i = 0; EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice; depth_limit = center.z(); for (int m = 0; m < body->soft_body->m_faces.size(); m++) { out = 0; bt_face = &body->soft_body->m_faces[m]; for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) { node = bt_face->m_n[n]; if ((face == EPHYSICS_BODY_SPHERE_FACE_FRONT && node->m_x.z() > depth_limit) || (face == EPHYSICS_BODY_SPHERE_FACE_BACK && node->m_x.z() < depth_limit)) out++; } if (out < 2) { idx = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); if (!idx) goto no_deform; *idx = m; face_list = eina_list_append(face_list, idx); } } face_slice = _ephysics_body_face_slice_add(body, face); if (!face_slice) { ERR("Could not allocate face slice data structure."); goto no_deform; } face_slice->slices_cnt = eina_list_count(face_list); face_slice->points_deform = (int *)malloc(face_slice->slices_cnt * sizeof(int)); if (!face_slice->points_deform) goto no_points_deform; EINA_LIST_FREE(face_list, data) { face_slice->points_deform[i] = *((int *)data); i++; } face_slice->slices = _ephysics_body_slices_add(body, face_slice->slices_cnt, face_slice->points_deform, -0.5, 1); if (!face_slice->slices) { ERR("Couldn't create slices."); goto no_points_deform; } return face_slice; no_points_deform: _ephysics_body_face_slice_del(face_slice); no_deform: EINA_LIST_FREE(face_list, data) free(data); return NULL; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_soft_sphere_add(EPhysics_World *world, int granularity) { EPhysics_Body *body; EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *front_face, *back_face; btCollisionShape *shape; btSoftBodyWorldInfo *world_info; btSoftBody *soft_body; btVector3 center, radius; int body_granularity = (!granularity) ? 100 : granularity; if (!world) { ERR("Can't add soft sphere, world is null."); return NULL; } ephysics_world_lock_take(world); shape = new btCylinderShapeZ(btVector3(0.25, 0.25, 0.25)); if (!shape) { ERR("Couldn't create a new cylinder shape."); goto no_collision_shape; } world_info = ephysics_world_info_get(world); center = btVector3(1, 1, 1); radius = btVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); soft_body = btSoftBodyHelpers::CreateEllipsoid(*world_info, center, radius, body_granularity); if (!soft_body) { ERR("Couldn't create a new soft body."); goto no_soft_body; } body = _ephysics_body_soft_body_add(world, shape, soft_body); if (!body) goto no_body; body->soft_body->setPose(false, true); front_face = _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_slices_add(body, EPHYSICS_BODY_SPHERE_FACE_FRONT, center); if (!front_face) { ERR("Could not create points of deformation mapping for front face."); goto no_front_face; } body->default_face = front_face; back_face = _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_slices_add(body, EPHYSICS_BODY_SPHERE_FACE_BACK, center); if (!back_face) { ERR("Could not create points of deformation mapping for back face."); goto no_back_face; } body->shape = EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_SPHERE; ephysics_world_lock_release(world); return body; no_back_face: _ephysics_body_face_slice_del(front_face); no_front_face: ephysics_world_body_del(world, body); no_body: delete soft_body; no_soft_body: delete shape; no_collision_shape: ephysics_world_lock_release(world); return NULL; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_soft_cylinder_add(EPhysics_World *world) { EPhysics_Body *body; EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice; btCollisionShape *shape; btSoftBodyWorldInfo *world_info; btSoftBody *soft_body; int points[19] = {16, 58, 44, 79, 97, 35, 6, 27, 45, 1, 38, 18, 21, 10, 26, 7, 86, 37, 55}; if (!world) { ERR("Can't add circle, world is null."); return NULL; } ephysics_world_lock_take(world); shape = new btCylinderShapeZ(btVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); if (!shape) { ERR("Couldn't create a new cylinder shape."); goto no_collision_shape; } world_info = ephysics_world_info_get(world); soft_body = btSoftBodyHelpers::CreateFromTriMesh(*world_info, cylinder_vertices, &cylinder_indices[0][0], CYLINDER_NUM_TRIANGLES); if (!soft_body) { ERR("Couldn't create a new soft body."); goto no_soft_body; } body = _ephysics_body_soft_body_add(world, shape, soft_body); if (!body) goto no_body; body->shape = EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_CYLINDER; face_slice = _ephysics_body_face_slice_add(body, EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_FRONT); if (!face_slice) { ERR("Could not allocate face slice data structure."); goto no_face_slice; } face_slice->slices_cnt = 19; face_slice->points_deform = (int *)malloc(face_slice->slices_cnt * sizeof(int)); if (!face_slice->points_deform) { ERR("Couldn't create points of deformation."); goto no_deform; } for (int i = 0; i < face_slice->slices_cnt; i++) face_slice->points_deform[i] = points[i]; face_slice->slices = _ephysics_body_slices_add(body, face_slice->slices_cnt, face_slice->points_deform, 0.55, 1.1); if (!face_slice->slices) { ERR("Couldn't create slices."); goto no_slices; } body->default_face = face_slice; ephysics_world_lock_release(world); return body; no_slices: no_deform: _ephysics_body_face_slice_del(face_slice); no_face_slice: ephysics_world_body_del(world, body); no_body: delete soft_body; no_soft_body: delete shape; no_collision_shape: ephysics_world_lock_release(world); return NULL; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_sphere_add(EPhysics_World *world) { btCollisionShape *collision_shape; EPhysics_Body *body; if (!world) { ERR("Can't add sphere, world is null."); return NULL; } collision_shape = new btSphereShape(0.5); if (!collision_shape) { ERR("Couldn't create a new sphere shape."); return NULL; } ephysics_world_lock_take(world); body = _ephysics_body_rigid_body_add(world, collision_shape, "sphere", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); body->shape = EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_SPHERE; ephysics_world_lock_release(world); return body; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_cylinder_add(EPhysics_World *world) { btCollisionShape *collision_shape; EPhysics_Body *body; if (!world) { ERR("Can't add cylinder, world is null."); return NULL; } collision_shape = new btCylinderShapeZ(btVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); if (!collision_shape) { ERR("Couldn't create a new cylinder shape."); return NULL; } ephysics_world_lock_take(world); body = _ephysics_body_rigid_body_add(world, collision_shape, "cylinder", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); body->shape = EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_CYLINDER; ephysics_world_lock_release(world); return body; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_soft_box_add(EPhysics_World *world) { EPhysics_Body *body; EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice = NULL; btCollisionShape *shape; btSoftBodyWorldInfo *world_info; btSoftBody *soft_body; int points[16] = {14, 85, 88, 28, 41, 55, 10, 24, 93, 79, 56, 86, 91, 8, 27, 1}; if (!world) { ERR("Can't add circle, world is null."); return NULL; } ephysics_world_lock_take(world); shape = new btBoxShape(btVector3(0.25, 0.25, 0.25)); if (!shape) { ERR("Couldn't create a new box shape."); goto no_collision_shape; } world_info = ephysics_world_info_get(world); soft_body = btSoftBodyHelpers::CreateFromTriMesh(*world_info, cube_vertices, &cube_indices[0][0], CUBE_NUM_TRIANGLES); if (!soft_body) { ERR("Couldn't create a new soft body."); goto no_soft_body; } body = _ephysics_body_soft_body_add(world, shape, soft_body); if (!body) goto no_body; body->shape = EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_BOX; face_slice = _ephysics_body_face_slice_add(body, EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_FRONT); if (!face_slice) { ERR("Could not allocate face slice data structure."); goto no_face_slice; } face_slice->slices_cnt = 16; face_slice->points_deform = (int *)malloc(face_slice->slices_cnt * sizeof(int)); if (!face_slice->points_deform) { ERR("Couldn't create points of deformation."); goto no_deform; } for (int i = 0; i < face_slice->slices_cnt; i++) face_slice->points_deform[i] = points[i]; face_slice->slices = _ephysics_body_slices_add(body, face_slice->slices_cnt, face_slice->points_deform, 0.55, 1.1); if (!face_slice->slices) { ERR("Couldn't create slices."); goto no_slices; } body->default_face = face_slice; ephysics_world_lock_release(world); return body; no_slices: no_face_slice: if (face_slice) _ephysics_body_face_slice_del(face_slice); no_deform: ephysics_world_body_del(world, body); no_body: delete soft_body; no_soft_body: delete shape; no_collision_shape: ephysics_world_lock_release(world); return NULL; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_box_add(EPhysics_World *world) { btCollisionShape *collision_shape; EPhysics_Body *body; if (!world) { ERR("Can't add box, world is null."); return NULL; } collision_shape = new btBoxShape(btVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); ephysics_world_lock_take(world); body = _ephysics_body_rigid_body_add(world, collision_shape, "box", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); body->shape = EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_BOX; ephysics_world_lock_release(world); return body; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_shape_add(EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_Shape *shape) { double max_x, max_y, max_z, min_x, min_y, min_z, cm_x, cm_y, cm_z, range_x, range_y, range_z; btConvexHullShape *full_shape, *simplified_shape; btAlignedObjectArray vertexes, planes; const Eina_Inlist *points; EPhysics_Point *point; EPhysics_Body *body; int array_size, i; btShapeHull *hull; btVector3 point3d; btScalar margin; if (!world) { ERR("Can't add shape, world is null."); return NULL; } if (!shape) { ERR("Can't add shape, shape is null."); return NULL; } points = ephysics_shape_points_get(shape); if (eina_inlist_count(points) < 3) { ERR("At least 3 points are required to add a shape"); return NULL; } full_shape = new btConvexHullShape(); if (!full_shape) { ERR("Couldn't create a generic convex shape."); return NULL; } point = EINA_INLIST_CONTAINER_GET(points, EPhysics_Point); max_x = min_x = point->x; max_y = min_y = point->y; max_z = min_z = point->z; cm_x = cm_y = cm_z = 0; /* FIXME : only vertices should be used to calculate the center of mass */ EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(points, point) { if (point->x > max_x) max_x = point->x; if (point->x < min_x) min_x = point->x; if (point->y > max_y) max_y = point->y; if (point->y < min_y) min_y = point->y; if (point->z > max_z) max_z = point->z; if (point->z < min_z) min_z = point->z; cm_x += point->x; cm_y += point->y; cm_z += point->z; } cm_x /= eina_inlist_count(points); cm_y /= eina_inlist_count(points); cm_z /= eina_inlist_count(points); range_x = max_x - min_x; range_y = max_y - min_y; range_z = max_z - min_z; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(points, point) { double x, y, z; x = (point->x - cm_x) / range_x; y = - (point->y - cm_y) / range_y; z = (point->z - cm_z) / range_z; point3d = btVector3(x, y, z); vertexes.push_back(point3d); } /* Shrink convex shape to consider margin. Otherwise it would have a gap */ btGeometryUtil::getPlaneEquationsFromVertices(vertexes, planes); array_size = planes.size(); for (i = 0; i < array_size; ++i) planes[i][3] += full_shape->getMargin(); vertexes.clear(); btGeometryUtil::getVerticesFromPlaneEquations(planes, vertexes); array_size = vertexes.size(); for (i = 0; i < array_size; ++i) full_shape->addPoint(vertexes[i]); hull = new btShapeHull(full_shape); if (!hull) { delete full_shape; ERR("Couldn't create a shape hull."); return NULL; } margin = full_shape->getMargin(); hull->buildHull(margin); simplified_shape = new btConvexHullShape(&(hull->getVertexPointer()->getX()), hull->numVertices()); delete hull; delete full_shape; if (!simplified_shape) { ERR("Couldn't create a simplified shape."); return NULL; } ephysics_world_lock_take(world); body = _ephysics_body_rigid_body_add(world, (btCollisionShape *)simplified_shape, "generic", (cm_x - min_x) / range_x, 1 - (cm_y - min_y) / range_y, (cm_z - min_z) / range_z); body->shape = EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_CUSTOM; ephysics_world_lock_release(world); return body; } void ephysics_body_world_boundaries_resize(EPhysics_World *world) { Evas_Coord x, y, z, w, h, d; EPhysics_Body *bound; ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(world, &x, &y, &z, &w, &h, &d); bound = ephysics_world_boundary_get(world, EPHYSICS_WORLD_BOUNDARY_BOTTOM); if (bound) ephysics_body_geometry_set(bound, x, y + h, z, w, 10, d); bound = ephysics_world_boundary_get(world, EPHYSICS_WORLD_BOUNDARY_RIGHT); if (bound) ephysics_body_geometry_set(bound, x + w, y, z, 10, h, d); bound = ephysics_world_boundary_get(world, EPHYSICS_WORLD_BOUNDARY_LEFT); if (bound) ephysics_body_geometry_set(bound, x - 10, y, z, 10, h, d); bound = ephysics_world_boundary_get(world, EPHYSICS_WORLD_BOUNDARY_TOP); if (bound) ephysics_body_geometry_set(bound, x, y - 10, z, w, 10, d); bound = ephysics_world_boundary_get(world, EPHYSICS_WORLD_BOUNDARY_FRONT); if (bound) ephysics_body_geometry_set(bound, x, y, z - 10, w, h, 10); bound = ephysics_world_boundary_get(world, EPHYSICS_WORLD_BOUNDARY_BACK); if (bound) ephysics_body_geometry_set(bound, x, y, z + d, w, h, 10); } static EPhysics_Body * _ephysics_body_boundary_add(EPhysics_World *world, EPhysics_World_Boundary boundary, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord z, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Evas_Coord d) { EPhysics_Body *body; if (!world) { ERR("Can't add boundary, world is null."); return NULL; } body = ephysics_world_boundary_get(world, boundary); if (body) return body; body = ephysics_body_box_add(world); if (!body) return NULL; body->boundary = EINA_TRUE; ephysics_body_mass_set(body, 0); ephysics_world_boundary_set(world, boundary, body); if ((w <= 0) || (h <= 0) || (d <= 0)) INF("Boundary added with default geometry. Render geometry not set yet"); else ephysics_body_geometry_set(body, x, y, z, w, h, d); return body; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_top_boundary_add(EPhysics_World *world) { Evas_Coord x, y, z, w, d; EPhysics_Body *body; ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(world, &x, &y, &z, &w, NULL, &d); body = _ephysics_body_boundary_add(world, EPHYSICS_WORLD_BOUNDARY_TOP, x, y - 10, z, w, 10, d); return body; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_bottom_boundary_add(EPhysics_World *world) { Evas_Coord x, y, z, w, h, d; EPhysics_Body *body; ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(world, &x, &y, &z, &w, &h, &d); body = _ephysics_body_boundary_add(world, EPHYSICS_WORLD_BOUNDARY_BOTTOM, x, y + h, z, w, 10, d); return body; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_left_boundary_add(EPhysics_World *world) { Evas_Coord x, y, z, h, d; EPhysics_Body *body; ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(world, &x, &y, &z, NULL, &h, &d); body = _ephysics_body_boundary_add(world, EPHYSICS_WORLD_BOUNDARY_LEFT, x - 10, y, z, 10, h, d); return body; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_right_boundary_add(EPhysics_World *world) { Evas_Coord x, y, z, w, h, d; EPhysics_Body *body; ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(world, &x, &y, &z, &w, &h, &d); body = _ephysics_body_boundary_add(world, EPHYSICS_WORLD_BOUNDARY_RIGHT, x + w, y, z, 10, h, d); return body; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_front_boundary_add(EPhysics_World *world) { Evas_Coord x, y, z, w, h; EPhysics_Body *body; ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(world, &x, &y, &z, &w, &h, NULL); body = _ephysics_body_boundary_add(world, EPHYSICS_WORLD_BOUNDARY_FRONT, x, y, z - 10, w, h, 10); return body; } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body * ephysics_body_back_boundary_add(EPhysics_World *world) { Evas_Coord x, y, z, w, h, d; EPhysics_Body *body; ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(world, &x, &y, &z, &w, &h, &d); body = _ephysics_body_boundary_add(world, EPHYSICS_WORLD_BOUNDARY_BACK, x, y, z + d, w, h, 10); return body; } void ephysics_orphan_body_del(EPhysics_Body *body) { _ephysics_body_event_callback_call(body, EPHYSICS_CALLBACK_BODY_DEL, (void *) body->evas_obj); INF("Body %p deleted.", body); _ephysics_body_del(body); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_del(EPhysics_Body *body) { EPhysics_World *world; if (!body) { ERR("Can't delete body, it wasn't provided."); return; } if (body->deleted) return; world = body->world; ephysics_world_lock_take(world); body->deleted = EINA_TRUE; ephysics_world_body_del(world, body); ephysics_world_lock_release(world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_evas_object_set(EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Object *evas_obj, Eina_Bool use_obj_pos) { int obj_x, obj_y, obj_w, obj_h, bz, bd; double rate; if (!body) { ERR("Can't set evas object to body, the last wasn't provided."); return; } if (!evas_obj) { ERR("Can't set evas object to body, the first wasn't provided."); return; } if (body->evas_obj) { evas_object_map_enable_set(body->evas_obj, EINA_FALSE); evas_object_event_callback_del(body->evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _ephysics_body_efl_canvas_object_del_cb); evas_object_event_callback_del(body->evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESIZE, _ephysics_body_efl_canvas_object_resize_cb); if (body->default_face) { evas_object_event_callback_del(body->evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESTACK, _ephysics_body_soft_body_evas_restack_cb); _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_clean(body->default_face->slices); } } body->evas_obj = evas_obj; evas_object_event_callback_add(evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _ephysics_body_efl_canvas_object_del_cb, body); if (body->soft_body) { evas_object_geometry_get(body->evas_obj, &obj_x, &obj_y, &obj_w, &obj_h); if (!obj_w && !obj_h) evas_object_resize(body->evas_obj, 1, 1); evas_object_event_callback_add(body->evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESTACK, _ephysics_body_soft_body_evas_restack_cb, body); _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_init(body, body->evas_obj, body->default_face->slices); } if (!use_obj_pos) return; rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); evas_object_geometry_get(body->evas_obj, &obj_x, &obj_y, &obj_w, &obj_h); ephysics_body_geometry_get(body, NULL, NULL, &bz, NULL, NULL, &bd); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_geometry_set(body, obj_x, obj_y, bz, obj_w, obj_h, bd, rate); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); evas_object_event_callback_add(body->evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESIZE, _ephysics_body_efl_canvas_object_resize_cb, body); } EPHYSICS_API Evas_Object * ephysics_body_evas_object_unset(EPhysics_Body *body) { Evas_Object *obj; if (!body) { ERR("Can't unset evas object from body, it wasn't provided."); return NULL; } obj = body->evas_obj; body->evas_obj = NULL; if (obj) { evas_object_event_callback_del(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _ephysics_body_efl_canvas_object_del_cb); evas_object_event_callback_del(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESIZE, _ephysics_body_efl_canvas_object_resize_cb); evas_object_map_enable_set(obj, EINA_FALSE); } if (body->default_face) { evas_object_event_callback_del(body->evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESTACK, _ephysics_body_soft_body_evas_restack_cb); _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_clean(body->default_face->slices); } return obj; } EPHYSICS_API Evas_Object * ephysics_body_evas_object_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get evas object from body, it wasn't provided."); return NULL; } return body->evas_obj; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_geometry_set(EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord z, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Evas_Coord d) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set body geometry, body is null."); return; } INF("Body: %p geometry set to x=%i y=%i z=%i w=%i h=%i d=%i.", body, x, y, z, w, h, d); if ((w <= 0) || (h <= 0) || (d <= 0)) { ERR("Width, height and depth must to be a non-null, positive value."); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_geometry_set(body, x, y, z, w, h, d, ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world)); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_resize(EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h, Evas_Coord d) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set body size, body is null."); return; } if ((w <= 0) || (h <= 0) || (d <= 0)) { ERR("Width, height and depth must to be a non-null, positive value."); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_resize(body, w, h, d); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_move(EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y, Evas_Coord z) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set body position, body is null."); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_move(body, x, y, z); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_geometry_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y, Evas_Coord *z, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h, Evas_Coord *d) { btTransform trans; btVector3 scale; double rate; int wy, height; if (!body) { ERR("Can't get body position, body is null."); return; } trans = _ephysics_body_transform_get(body); scale = btVector3(body->scale[0], body->scale[1], body->scale[2]); rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); ephysics_world_render_geometry_get(body->world, NULL, &wy, NULL, NULL, &height, NULL); height += wy; if (x) *x = round((trans.getOrigin().getX() - scale[0] / 2) * rate); if (y) *y = height - round((trans.getOrigin().getY() + scale[1] / 2) * rate); if (z) *z = round((trans.getOrigin().getZ() - scale[2] / 2) * rate); if (w) *w = body->size.w; if (h) *h = body->size.h; if (d) *d = body->size.d; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_mass_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double mass) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set body mass, body is null."); return; } if (mass < 0) { ERR("Can't set body's mass, it must to be non-negative."); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); body->material = EPHYSICS_BODY_MATERIAL_CUSTOM; body->density = 0; _ephysics_body_mass_set(body, mass); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API double ephysics_body_mass_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get body mass, body is null."); return 0; } return body->mass; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_linear_velocity_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double x, double y, double z) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set body linear velocity, body is null."); return; } _ephysics_body_linear_velocity_set(body, x, y, z, ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world)); DBG("Linear velocity of body %p set to (%lf, %lf, %lf).", body, x, y, z); } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_linear_velocity_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, double *x, double *y, double *z, double rate) { btVector3 total_velocity = btVector3(0, 0, 0); int nodes_size = body->soft_body->m_nodes.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes_size; i++) total_velocity += body->soft_body->m_nodes[i].m_v; total_velocity /= nodes_size; if (x) *x = total_velocity.getX() * rate; if (y) *y = -total_velocity.getY() * rate; if (z) *z = total_velocity.getZ() * rate; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_linear_velocity_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, double *x, double *y, double *z) { double rate; if (!body) { ERR("Can't get linear velocity, body is null."); return; } rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); if (body->rigid_body) { if (x) *x = body->rigid_body->getLinearVelocity().getX() * rate; if (y) *y = -body->rigid_body->getLinearVelocity().getY() * rate; if (z) *z = body->rigid_body->getLinearVelocity().getZ() * rate; return; } _ephysics_body_soft_body_linear_velocity_get(body, x, y, z, rate); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_angular_velocity_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double x, double y, double z) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set angular velocity, body is null."); return; } BODY_CLOTH_CHECK(); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); ephysics_body_activate(body, EINA_TRUE); body->rigid_body->setAngularVelocity(btVector3(-x / RAD_TO_DEG, -y / RAD_TO_DEG, -z/RAD_TO_DEG)); DBG("Angular velocity of body %p set to (%lf, %lf, %lf).", body, x, y, z); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_angular_velocity_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, double *x, double *y, double *z) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get angular velocity, body is null."); return; } BODY_CLOTH_CHECK(); if (x) *x = -body->rigid_body->getAngularVelocity().getX() * RAD_TO_DEG; if (y) *y = -body->rigid_body->getAngularVelocity().getY() * RAD_TO_DEG; if (z) *z = -body->rigid_body->getAngularVelocity().getZ() * RAD_TO_DEG; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_sleeping_threshold_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double linear_threshold, double angular_threshold) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set sleeping thresholds, body is null."); return; } BODY_CLOTH_CHECK(); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_sleeping_threshold_set(body, linear_threshold, angular_threshold, ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world)); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_sleeping_threshold_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, double *linear_threshold, double *angular_threshold) { double rate; if (!body) { ERR("Can't get linear sleeping threshold, body is null."); return; } BODY_CLOTH_CHECK(); rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); if (linear_threshold) *linear_threshold = body->rigid_body->getLinearSleepingThreshold() * rate; if (angular_threshold) *angular_threshold = body->rigid_body->getAngularSleepingThreshold() * RAD_TO_DEG; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_stop(EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't stop a null body."); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); if (body->rigid_body) { body->rigid_body->setLinearVelocity(btVector3(0, 0, 0)); body->rigid_body->setAngularVelocity(btVector3(0, 0, 0)); } if (body->soft_body) { for (int i = 0; i < body->soft_body->m_nodes.size(); i++) { body->soft_body->m_nodes[i].m_v *= 0; body->soft_body->m_nodes[i].m_f *= 0; } } ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); DBG("Body %p stopped", body); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_damping_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double linear_damping, double angular_damping) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set body damping, body is null."); return; } BODY_CLOTH_CHECK(); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); body->rigid_body->setDamping(btScalar(linear_damping), btScalar(angular_damping)); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_damping_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, double *linear_damping, double *angular_damping) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get damping, body is null."); return; } BODY_CLOTH_CHECK(); if (linear_damping) *linear_damping = body->rigid_body->getLinearDamping(); if (angular_damping) *angular_damping = body->rigid_body->getAngularDamping(); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_evas_object_update(EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Couldn't update a null body."); return; } _ephysics_body_evas_object_default_update(body); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_event_callback_add(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Callback_Body_Type type, EPhysics_Body_Event_Cb func, const void *data) { EPhysics_Body_Callback *cb; if (!body) { ERR("Can't set body event callback, body is null."); return; } if (!func) { ERR("Can't set body event callback, function is null."); return; } if ((type < 0) || (type >= EPHYSICS_CALLBACK_BODY_LAST)) { ERR("Can't set body event callback, callback type is wrong."); return; } cb = (EPhysics_Body_Callback *)calloc(1, sizeof(EPhysics_Body_Callback)); if (!cb) { ERR("Can't set body event callback, can't create cb instance."); return; } cb->func = func; cb->type = type; cb->data = (void *)data; body->callbacks = eina_inlist_append(body->callbacks, EINA_INLIST_GET(cb)); if (type == EPHYSICS_CALLBACK_BODY_COLLISION) body->collision_cb++; } EPHYSICS_API void * ephysics_body_event_callback_del(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Callback_Body_Type type, EPhysics_Body_Event_Cb func) { EPhysics_Body_Callback *cb; void *cb_data = NULL; if (!body) { ERR("Can't delete body event callback, body is null."); return NULL; } EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(body->callbacks, cb) { if ((cb->type != type) || (cb->func != func)) continue; cb_data = cb->data; _ephysics_body_event_callback_del(body, cb); if (type == EPHYSICS_CALLBACK_BODY_COLLISION) body->collision_cb--; break; } return cb_data; } EPHYSICS_API void * ephysics_body_event_callback_del_full(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Callback_Body_Type type, EPhysics_Body_Event_Cb func, void *data) { EPhysics_Body_Callback *cb; void *cb_data = NULL; if (!body) { ERR("Can't delete body event callback, body is null."); return NULL; } EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(body->callbacks, cb) { if ((cb->type != type) || (cb->func != func) || (cb->data != data)) continue; cb_data = cb->data; _ephysics_body_event_callback_del(body, cb); break; } return cb_data; } static void _ephysics_body_restitution_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double restitution) { DBG("Body %p restitution set to %lf", body, restitution); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { body->rigid_body->setRestitution(btScalar(restitution)); return; } body->soft_body->setRestitution(btScalar(restitution)); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_restitution_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double restitution) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set body restitution, body is null."); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); body->material = EPHYSICS_BODY_MATERIAL_CUSTOM; _ephysics_body_restitution_set(body, restitution); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API double ephysics_body_restitution_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get body restitution, body is null."); return 0; } if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) return body->rigid_body->getRestitution(); return body->soft_body->getRestitution(); } static void _ephysics_body_friction_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double friction) { DBG("Body %p friction set to %lf", body, friction); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) { body->rigid_body->setFriction(btScalar(friction)); return; } body->soft_body->setFriction(btScalar(friction)); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_friction_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double friction) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set body friction, body is null."); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); body->material = EPHYSICS_BODY_MATERIAL_CUSTOM; _ephysics_body_friction_set(body, friction); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API double ephysics_body_friction_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get body friction, body is null."); return 0; } if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID) return body->rigid_body->getFriction(); return body->soft_body->getFriction(); } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_World * ephysics_body_world_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get the world a null body belongs to."); return NULL; } return body->world; } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_central_impulse_apply(EPhysics_Body *body, btVector3 impulse) { btSoftBody::Face *face; for (int m = 0; m < body->soft_body->m_faces.size(); m++) { face = &body->soft_body->m_faces[m]; for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) face->m_n[n]->m_v += impulse * face->m_n[n]->m_im; } } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_central_impulse_apply(EPhysics_Body *body, double x, double y, double z) { double rate; btVector3 impulse; if (!body) { ERR("Can't apply impulse to a null body."); return; } rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); ephysics_body_activate(body, EINA_TRUE); impulse = btVector3(x / rate, - y / rate, z / rate); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH) _ephysics_body_soft_body_central_impulse_apply(body, impulse); else body->rigid_body->applyCentralImpulse(impulse); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_impulse_apply(EPhysics_Body *body, double x, double y, double z, Evas_Coord pos_x, Evas_Coord pos_y, Evas_Coord pos_z) { double rate; if (!body) { ERR("Can't apply impulse to a null body."); return; } rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); ephysics_body_activate(body, EINA_TRUE); body->rigid_body->applyImpulse(btVector3(x / rate, - y / rate, z / rate), btVector3((double) pos_x / rate, (double) pos_y / rate, (double) pos_z / rate)); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_linear_movement_enable_set(EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool enable_x, Eina_Bool enable_y, Eina_Bool enable_z) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set linear factor on a null body."); return; } BODY_CLOTH_CHECK(); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); body->rigid_body->setLinearFactor(btVector3(!!enable_x, !!enable_y, !!enable_z)); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_linear_movement_enable_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool *enable_x, Eina_Bool *enable_y, Eina_Bool *enable_z) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't check if linear factor is enabled, body is null."); return; } BODY_CLOTH_CHECK(); if (enable_x) *enable_x = !!body->rigid_body->getLinearFactor().x(); if (enable_y) *enable_y = !!body->rigid_body->getLinearFactor().y(); if (enable_z) *enable_z = !!body->rigid_body->getLinearFactor().z(); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_torque_impulse_apply(EPhysics_Body *body, double pitch, double yaw, double roll) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't apply torque impulse to a null body."); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); ephysics_body_activate(body, EINA_TRUE); body->rigid_body->applyTorqueImpulse(btVector3(-pitch, -yaw, -roll)); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_angular_movement_enable_set(EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool enable_x, Eina_Bool enable_y, Eina_Bool enable_z) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set rotation on a null body."); return; } BODY_CLOTH_CHECK(); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); body->rigid_body->setAngularFactor(btVector3(!!enable_x, !!enable_y, !!enable_z)); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_angular_movement_enable_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool *enable_x, Eina_Bool *enable_y, Eina_Bool *enable_z) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't check if rotation is enabled, body is null."); return; } BODY_CLOTH_CHECK(); if (enable_x) *enable_x = !!body->rigid_body->getAngularFactor().x(); if (enable_y) *enable_y = !!body->rigid_body->getAngularFactor().y(); if (enable_z) *enable_z = !!body->rigid_body->getAngularFactor().z(); } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Quaternion * ephysics_body_rotation_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Quaternion *rotation) { EPhysics_Quaternion *quat; btTransform trans; if (!body) { ERR("Can't get rotation, body is null."); return NULL; } if (!rotation) { quat = ephysics_quaternion_new(); if (!quat) return NULL; } else quat = rotation; trans = _ephysics_body_transform_get(body); quat->x = trans.getRotation().x(); quat->y = trans.getRotation().y(); quat->z = trans.getRotation().z(); quat->w = trans.getRotation().getW(); return quat; } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_rotation_set(EPhysics_Body *body, btTransform trans) { btSoftBody::Node *node; const btScalar margin= body->soft_body->getCollisionShape()->getMargin(); ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(btDbvtVolume) vol; for (int i = 0; i < body->soft_body->m_nodes.size(); i++) { node = &body->soft_body->m_nodes[i]; node->m_n = (trans.getBasis() * btVector3(1, 1, 1)); vol = btDbvtVolume::FromCR(node->m_x, margin); body->soft_body->m_ndbvt.update(node->m_leaf, vol); } body->soft_body->updateNormals(); body->soft_body->updateBounds(); body->soft_body->updateConstants(); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_rotation_set(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Quaternion *quat) { btQuaternion bt_quat; btTransform trans; double x, y, z, w; if (!body) { ERR("Can't set rotation, body is null."); return; } if (!quat) { ERR("Can't set rotation, quaternion is null."); return; } ephysics_quaternion_get(quat, &x, &y, &z, &w); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); ephysics_body_activate(body, EINA_TRUE); bt_quat = btQuaternion(x, y, z, w); trans = _ephysics_body_transform_get(body); trans.setRotation(bt_quat); if (body->soft_body) _ephysics_body_soft_body_rotation_set(body, trans); else { body->rigid_body->proceedToTransform(trans); body->rigid_body->getMotionState()->setWorldTransform(trans); } ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_data_set(EPhysics_Body *body, void *data) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set data, body is null."); return; } body->data = data; } EPHYSICS_API void * ephysics_body_data_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get data, body is null."); return NULL; } return body->data; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_central_force_apply(EPhysics_Body *body, double x, double y, double z) { double rate; if (!body) { ERR("Can't apply force to a null body."); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); ephysics_body_forces_apply(body); body->rigid_body->applyCentralForce(btVector3(x / rate, - y / rate, z / rate)); _ephysics_body_forces_update(body); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_force_apply(EPhysics_Body *body, double x, double y, double z, Evas_Coord pos_x, Evas_Coord pos_y, Evas_Coord pos_z) { double rate; if (!body) { ERR("Can't apply force to a null body."); return; } rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); ephysics_body_forces_apply(body); body->rigid_body->applyForce(btVector3(x / rate, - y / rate, z / rate), btVector3((double) pos_x / rate, (double) pos_y / rate, (double) pos_z / rate)); _ephysics_body_forces_update(body); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_torque_apply(EPhysics_Body *body, double torque_x, double torque_y, double torque_z) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't apply force to a null body."); return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); ephysics_body_forces_apply(body); body->rigid_body->applyTorque(btVector3(-torque_x, -torque_y, -torque_z)); _ephysics_body_forces_update(body); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_forces_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, double *x, double *y, double *z) { double rate, gx, gy, gz; if (!body) { ERR("Can't get forces from a null body."); return; } rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); ephysics_world_gravity_get(body->world, &gx, &gy, &gz); if (x) *x = body->force.x * rate + gx; if (y) *y = -body->force.y * rate + gy; if (z) *z = body->force.z * rate + gz; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_torques_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, double *x, double *y, double *z) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get torques from a null body."); return; } if (x) *x = -body->force.torque_x; if (y) *y = -body->force.torque_y; if (z) *z = -body->force.torque_z; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_forces_clear(EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't clear forces of a null body."); return; } body->force.x = 0; body->force.y = 0; body->force.z = 0; body->force.torque_x = 0; body->force.torque_y = 0; body->force.torque_z = 0; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_center_mass_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, double *x, double *y, double *z) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get center of mass from a null body."); return; } if (x) *x = body->cm.x; if (y) *y = body->cm.y; if (z) *z = body->cm.z; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_density_set(EPhysics_Body *body, double density) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set the density of a null body's material."); return; } body->material = EPHYSICS_BODY_MATERIAL_CUSTOM; body->density = density; ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_mass_set(body, 0); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API double ephysics_body_density_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get the density of a null body's material."); return 0; } return body->density; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_material_set(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Material material) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set body's material."); return; } if (material >= EPHYSICS_BODY_MATERIAL_LAST) { ERR("Invalid material."); return; } if (material != ephysics_material_props[material].material) { ERR("Material properties weren't found."); return; } if (material == EPHYSICS_BODY_MATERIAL_CUSTOM) { body->material = material; return; } ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); body->density = ephysics_material_props[material].density; _ephysics_body_mass_set(body, 0); _ephysics_body_friction_set(body, ephysics_material_props[material].friction); _ephysics_body_restitution_set( body, ephysics_material_props[material].restitution); body->material = material; ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } EPHYSICS_API EPhysics_Body_Material ephysics_body_material_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get body's material."); return EPHYSICS_BODY_MATERIAL_LAST; } return body->material; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_light_set(EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool enable) { if (!body) { ERR("No body, no light."); return; } body->light_apply = !!enable; } EPHYSICS_API Eina_Bool ephysics_body_light_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("No body, no light."); return EINA_FALSE; } return body->light_apply; } EPHYSICS_API double ephysics_body_volume_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("No body, no volume."); return -1; } return _ephysics_body_volume_get(body); } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_back_face_culling_set(EPhysics_Body *body, Eina_Bool enable) { if (!body) { ERR("Body is NULL."); return; } body->back_face_culling = !!enable; } EPHYSICS_API Eina_Bool ephysics_body_back_face_culling_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Body is NULL."); return EINA_FALSE; } return body->back_face_culling; } EPHYSICS_API Eina_Bool ephysics_body_clockwise_get(const EPhysics_Body *body) { if (!body) { ERR("Body is NULL."); return EINA_FALSE; } return body->clockwise; } static void _ephysics_body_face_obj_del_cb(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED) { EPhysics_Body *body = (EPhysics_Body *) data; EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; Eina_List *l; void *ldata; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; if (face_obj->obj == obj) { body->face_objs = eina_list_remove(body->face_objs, face_obj); free(face_obj); return; } } } static void _ephysics_body_face_obj_unset(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Event_Cb resize_func) { evas_object_map_enable_set(obj, EINA_FALSE); evas_object_event_callback_del(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _ephysics_body_face_obj_del_cb); evas_object_event_callback_del(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESIZE, resize_func); } static void _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_del(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj, Evas_Object_Event_Cb resize_func) { _ephysics_body_face_obj_unset(face_obj->obj, resize_func); body->face_objs = eina_list_remove(body->face_objs, face_obj); free(face_obj); } static void _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_add(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face, Evas_Object *evas_obj, Evas_Object_Event_Cb resize_func) { EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; Eina_List *l; void *ldata; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; if (face_obj->face == face) { _ephysics_body_face_obj_unset(face_obj->obj, resize_func); face_obj->obj = evas_obj; return; } } face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)calloc(1, sizeof(EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj)); if (!face_obj) { ERR("Failed to create face object"); return; } face_obj->face = face; face_obj->obj = evas_obj; body->face_objs = eina_list_append(body->face_objs, face_obj); } static void _ephysics_body_box_face_obj_resize_cb(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED) { EPhysics_Body_Face face = EPHYSICS_BODY_FACE_LAST; EPhysics_Body *body = (EPhysics_Body *) data; EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; int w, h, bw, bh, bd; Eina_List *l; void *ldata; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; if (face_obj->obj == obj) { face = face_obj->face; break; } } switch(face) { case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_FRONT: case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_BACK: case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_MIDDLE_FRONT: case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_MIDDLE_BACK: if ((w == body->size.w) && (h == body->size.h)) return; bw = w; bh = h; bd = body->size.d; break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_RIGHT: case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_LEFT: if ((w == body->size.d) && (h == body->size.h)) return; bw = body->size.w; bh = h; bd = w; break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_TOP: case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_BOTTOM: if ((w == body->size.w) && (h == body->size.d)) return; bw = w; bh = body->size.h; bd = h; default: return; } DBG("Resizing body %p to w=%i, h=%i, d=%i", body, bw, bh, bd); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_resize(body, bw, bh, bd); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } static void _ephysics_body_box_face_evas_object_set(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face, Evas_Object *evas_obj, Eina_Bool use_obj_pos) { int obj_x, obj_y, obj_w, obj_h, bx, by, bz, bw, bh, bd; double rate; if ((face < EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_MIDDLE_FRONT) || (face > EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_BOTTOM)) { ERR("Can't set evas object to body, face is invalid."); return; } if (body->soft_body) { ERR("Not implemented for soft bodies yet."); return; } _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_add(body, face, evas_obj, _ephysics_body_box_face_obj_resize_cb); evas_object_event_callback_add(evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _ephysics_body_face_obj_del_cb, body); if (!use_obj_pos) return; rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); evas_object_geometry_get(evas_obj, &obj_x, &obj_y, &obj_w, &obj_h); ephysics_body_geometry_get(body, &bx, &by, &bz, &bw, &bh, &bd); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); switch(face) { case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_FRONT: case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_BACK: case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_MIDDLE_FRONT: case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_MIDDLE_BACK: _ephysics_body_geometry_set(body, obj_x, obj_y, bz, obj_w, obj_h, bd, rate); break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_RIGHT: case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_LEFT: _ephysics_body_geometry_set(body, bx, by, bz, bw, obj_h, obj_w, rate); break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_TOP: case EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_BOTTOM: _ephysics_body_geometry_set(body, bx, by, bz, obj_w, bh, obj_h, rate); break; default: break; } ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); evas_object_event_callback_add(evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESIZE, _ephysics_body_box_face_obj_resize_cb, body); } static Evas_Object * _ephysics_body_box_face_evas_object_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face) { EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; Eina_List *l; void *ldata; if ((face < EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_MIDDLE_FRONT) || (face > EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_BOTTOM)) { ERR("Can't get evas object from body, face is invalid."); return NULL; } EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; if (face_obj->face == face) return face_obj->obj; } ERR("Couldn't find an object associated to face %i.", face); return NULL; } static Evas_Object * _ephysics_body_box_face_evas_object_unset(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face) { EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; Eina_List *l; void *ldata; if ((face < EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_MIDDLE_FRONT) || (face > EPHYSICS_BODY_BOX_FACE_BOTTOM)) { ERR("Can't unset evas object from body, face is invalid."); return NULL; } EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; if (face_obj->face == face) { Evas_Object *obj = face_obj->obj; _ephysics_body_face_obj_unset( obj, _ephysics_body_box_face_obj_resize_cb); body->face_objs = eina_list_remove(body->face_objs, face_obj); free(face_obj); return obj; } } ERR("Couldn't find an object associated to face %i.", face); return NULL; } static void _ephysics_body_cylinder_face_obj_resize_cb(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED) { EPhysics_Body_Face face = EPHYSICS_BODY_FACE_LAST; EPhysics_Body *body = (EPhysics_Body *) data; EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; int w, h, bw, bh, bd; Eina_List *l; void *ldata; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; if (face_obj->obj == obj) { face = face_obj->face; break; } } switch(face) { case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_FRONT: case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_BACK: case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_MIDDLE_FRONT: case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_MIDDLE_BACK: if ((w == body->size.w) && (h == body->size.h)) return; bw = w; bh = h; bd = body->size.d; break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_CURVED: if (h == body->size.d) return; bw = body->size.w; bh = body->size.h; bd = h; default: return; } DBG("Resizing body %p to w=%i, h=%i, d=%i", body, bw, bh, bd); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_resize(body, bw, bh, bd); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } static void _ephysics_body_cylinder_face_evas_object_set(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face, Evas_Object *evas_obj, Eina_Bool use_obj_pos) { int obj_x, obj_y, obj_w, obj_h, bx, by, bz, bw, bh, bd; double rate; if ((face < EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_MIDDLE_FRONT) || (face > EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_CURVED)) { ERR("Can't set evas object to body, face is invalid."); return; } if (body->soft_body) { ERR("Not implemented for soft bodies yet."); return; } _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_add( body, face, evas_obj, _ephysics_body_cylinder_face_obj_resize_cb); evas_object_event_callback_add(evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _ephysics_body_face_obj_del_cb, body); if (!use_obj_pos) return; rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); evas_object_geometry_get(evas_obj, &obj_x, &obj_y, &obj_w, &obj_h); ephysics_body_geometry_get(body, &bx, &by, &bz, &bw, &bh, &bd); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); switch(face) { case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_FRONT: case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_BACK: case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_MIDDLE_FRONT: case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_MIDDLE_BACK: _ephysics_body_geometry_set(body, obj_x, obj_y, bz, obj_w, obj_h, bd, rate); break; case EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_CURVED: _ephysics_body_geometry_set(body, bx, by, bz, bw, bh, obj_h, rate); default: break; } ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); evas_object_event_callback_add(evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESIZE, _ephysics_body_cylinder_face_obj_resize_cb, body); } static Evas_Object * _ephysics_body_cylinder_face_evas_object_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face) { EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; Eina_List *l; void *ldata; if ((face < EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_MIDDLE_FRONT) || (face > EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_CURVED)) { ERR("Can't get evas object from body, face is invalid."); return NULL; } EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; if (face_obj->face == face) return face_obj->obj; } ERR("Couldn't find an object associated to face %i.", face); return NULL; } static Evas_Object * _ephysics_body_cylinder_face_evas_object_unset(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face) { EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; Eina_List *l; void *ldata; if ((face < EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_MIDDLE_FRONT) || (face > EPHYSICS_BODY_CYLINDER_FACE_CURVED)) { ERR("Can't unset evas object from body, face is invalid."); return NULL; } EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; if (face_obj->face == face) { Evas_Object *obj = face_obj->obj; _ephysics_body_face_obj_unset( obj, _ephysics_body_cylinder_face_obj_resize_cb); body->face_objs = eina_list_remove(body->face_objs, face_obj); free(face_obj); return obj; } } ERR("Couldn't find an object associated to face %i.", face); return NULL; } static void _ephysics_body_soft_body_face_resize_cb(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED) { int w, h; EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face; EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *)data; EPhysics_Body *body = face_slice->body; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); if ((w == body->size.w) && (h == body->size.h)) return; DBG("Resizing body %p to w=%i, h=%i, d=%i", body, w, h, body->size.d); face = _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_get(body, face_slice->face); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_resize(body, w, h, body->size.d); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH) { _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_clean(face_slice->slices); _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_init(body, face->obj, face_slice->slices); } ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } static void _ephysics_body_cloth_face_evas_object_set(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face, Evas_Object *evas_obj, Eina_Bool use_obj_pos) { EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice; int obj_x, obj_y, obj_w, obj_h, bz, bd; double rate; if ((face < EPHYSICS_BODY_CLOTH_FACE_FRONT) || (face > EPHYSICS_BODY_CLOTH_FACE_BACK)) { ERR("Can't set evas object to body, face is invalid."); return; } _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_add(body, face, evas_obj, _ephysics_body_soft_body_face_resize_cb); evas_object_event_callback_add(evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _ephysics_body_face_obj_del_cb, body); if (!use_obj_pos) return; face_slice = _ephysics_body_face_slice_get(body, face); rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); evas_object_geometry_get(evas_obj, &obj_x, &obj_y, &obj_w, &obj_h); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); ephysics_body_geometry_get(body, NULL, NULL, &bz, NULL, NULL, &bd); _ephysics_body_geometry_set(body, obj_x, obj_y, bz, obj_w, obj_h, bd, rate); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); evas_object_event_callback_add(evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESIZE, _ephysics_body_soft_body_face_resize_cb, face_slice); } static Evas_Object * _ephysics_body_cloth_face_evas_object_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face) { EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; Eina_List *l; void *ldata; if ((face < EPHYSICS_BODY_CLOTH_FACE_FRONT) || (face > EPHYSICS_BODY_CLOTH_FACE_BACK)) { ERR("Can't get evas object from body, face is invalid."); return NULL; } EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; if (face_obj->face == face) return face_obj->obj; } ERR("Couldn't find an object associated to face %i.", face); return NULL; } static Evas_Object * _ephysics_body_cloth_face_evas_object_unset(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face) { EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; Eina_List *l; void *ldata; if ((face < EPHYSICS_BODY_CLOTH_FACE_FRONT) || (face > EPHYSICS_BODY_CLOTH_FACE_BACK)) { ERR("Can't unset evas object from body, face is invalid."); return NULL; } EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; if (face_obj->face == face) { Evas_Object *obj = face_obj->obj; _ephysics_body_face_obj_unset( obj, _ephysics_body_soft_body_face_resize_cb); body->face_objs = eina_list_remove(body->face_objs, face_obj); free(face_obj); return obj; } } ERR("Couldn't find an object associated to face %i.", face); return NULL; } static void _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_obj_resize_cb(void *data, Evas *e EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED) { EPhysics_Body *body = (EPhysics_Body *) data; Evas_Coord bd, w, h; evas_object_geometry_get(obj, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); ephysics_body_geometry_get(body, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &bd); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); ephysics_body_resize(body, w, h, bd); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); } static void _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_evas_object_del_cb(void *data, Evas *evas EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED) { Eina_List *l; void *ldata; EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj = NULL; EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *)data; EPhysics_Body *body = face_slice->body; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(body->face_objs, l, ldata) { if (((EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata)->face == face_slice->face) { face_obj = (EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *)ldata; break; } } if (!face_obj) return; _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_del(body, face_obj, _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_obj_resize_cb); _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_clean(face_slice->slices); DBG("Soft sphere's face cleaned up."); } static void _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_evas_object_clean(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj, Eina_List *slices) { evas_object_map_enable_set(face_obj->obj, EINA_FALSE); evas_object_event_callback_del(face_obj->obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_evas_object_del_cb); evas_object_event_callback_del(face_obj->obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESTACK, _ephysics_body_soft_body_evas_restack_cb); _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_clean(slices); _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_del(body, face_obj, _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_obj_resize_cb); } static void _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_evas_object_set(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face, Evas_Object *evas_obj, Eina_Bool use_obj_pos) { int obj_x, obj_y, obj_w, obj_h, bz, bd; double rate; EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice = NULL; EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj; if ((face < EPHYSICS_BODY_SPHERE_FACE_FRONT) || (face > EPHYSICS_BODY_SPHERE_FACE_BACK)) { ERR("Can't set evas object to body, face is invalid."); return; } if (!body) { ERR("Can't set evas object to body, the last wasn't provided."); return; } if (!evas_obj) { ERR("Can't set evas object to body, the first wasn't provided."); return; } face_slice = _ephysics_body_face_slice_get(body, face); if (!face_slice) { ERR("Could not find pre initialized face slice for the wanted face."); return; } face_obj = _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_get(body, face); if (face_obj) _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_evas_object_clean(body, face_obj, face_slice->slices); evas_object_geometry_get(evas_obj, NULL, NULL, &obj_w, &obj_h); if (!obj_w && !obj_h) evas_object_resize(evas_obj, 1, 1); _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_add(body, face, evas_obj, _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_obj_resize_cb); evas_object_event_callback_add(evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_DEL, _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_evas_object_del_cb, face_slice); evas_object_event_callback_add(evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESTACK, _ephysics_body_soft_body_evas_restack_cb, body); _ephysics_body_soft_body_slices_init(body, evas_obj, face_slice->slices); if (!use_obj_pos) return; rate = ephysics_world_rate_get(body->world); evas_object_geometry_get(evas_obj, &obj_x, &obj_y, &obj_w, &obj_h); ephysics_body_geometry_get(body, NULL, NULL, &bz, NULL, NULL, &bd); ephysics_world_lock_take(body->world); _ephysics_body_geometry_set(body, obj_x, obj_y, bz, obj_w, obj_h, bd, rate); ephysics_world_lock_release(body->world); evas_object_event_callback_add(evas_obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_RESIZE, _ephysics_body_efl_canvas_object_resize_cb, body); DBG("Soft sphere's face evas object set."); } static Evas_Object * _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_evas_object_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face) { EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj = NULL; if ((face < EPHYSICS_BODY_SPHERE_FACE_FRONT) || (face > EPHYSICS_BODY_SPHERE_FACE_BACK)) { ERR("Can't get evas object from body, face is invalid."); return NULL; } face_obj = _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_get((EPhysics_Body *)body, face); if (face_obj) return face_obj->obj; ERR("Couldn't find an object associated to face %i.", face); return NULL; } static Evas_Object * _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_evas_object_unset(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face) { EPhysics_Body_Face_Slice *face_slice; EPhysics_Body_Face_Obj *face_obj = NULL; Evas_Object *obj; if ((face < EPHYSICS_BODY_SPHERE_FACE_FRONT) || (face > EPHYSICS_BODY_SPHERE_FACE_BACK)) { ERR("Can't unset evas object from body, face is invalid."); return NULL; } face_obj = _ephysics_body_face_evas_object_get(body, face); if (!face_obj) return NULL; obj = face_obj->obj; face_slice = _ephysics_body_face_slice_get(body, face); _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_evas_object_clean(body, face_obj, face_slice->slices); DBG("EPhysics Body face unset."); return obj; } EPHYSICS_API void ephysics_body_face_evas_object_set(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face, Evas_Object *evas_obj, Eina_Bool use_obj_pos) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't set evas object to body, the last wasn't provided."); return; } if (!evas_obj) { ERR("Can't set evas object to body, the first wasn't provided."); return; } if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH) return _ephysics_body_cloth_face_evas_object_set(body, face, evas_obj, use_obj_pos); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID && body->shape == EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_CYLINDER) return _ephysics_body_cylinder_face_evas_object_set(body, face, evas_obj, use_obj_pos); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID && body->shape == EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_BOX) return _ephysics_body_box_face_evas_object_set(body, face, evas_obj, use_obj_pos); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_SOFT && body->shape == EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_SPHERE) return _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_evas_object_set(body, face, evas_obj, use_obj_pos); ERR("Can't handle body %p type.", body); } EPHYSICS_API Evas_Object * ephysics_body_face_evas_object_get(const EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't get evas object from body, it wasn't provided."); return NULL; } if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH) return _ephysics_body_cloth_face_evas_object_get(body, face); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID && body->shape == EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_CYLINDER) return _ephysics_body_cylinder_face_evas_object_get(body, face); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID && body->shape == EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_BOX) return _ephysics_body_box_face_evas_object_get(body, face); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_SOFT && body->shape == EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_SPHERE) return _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_evas_object_get(body, face); ERR("Can't handle body %p type.", body); return NULL; } EPHYSICS_API Evas_Object * ephysics_body_face_evas_object_unset(EPhysics_Body *body, EPhysics_Body_Face face) { if (!body) { ERR("Can't unset evas object from body, it wasn't provided."); return NULL; } if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_CLOTH) return _ephysics_body_cloth_face_evas_object_unset(body, face); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID && body->shape == EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_CYLINDER) return _ephysics_body_cylinder_face_evas_object_unset(body, face); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_RIGID && body->shape == EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_BOX) return _ephysics_body_box_face_evas_object_unset(body, face); if (body->type == EPHYSICS_BODY_TYPE_SOFT && body->shape == EPHYSICS_BODY_SHAPE_SPHERE) return _ephysics_body_soft_sphere_face_evas_object_unset(body, face); ERR("Can't handle body %p type.", body); return NULL; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif