pub_eo_file = [ 'efl_canvas_video.eo' ] pub_eo_file_target = [] priv_eo_file_target = [] foreach eo_file : pub_eo_file pub_eo_file_target += custom_target('eolian_gen_' + eo_file, input : eo_file, output : [eo_file + '.h'], depfile : eo_file + '.d', install : true, install_dir : dir_package_include, command : eolian_gen + [ '-I', meson.current_source_dir(), eolian_include_directories, '-o', 'h:' + join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), eo_file + '.h'), '-o', 'c:' + join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), eo_file + '.c'), '-o', 'd:' + join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), eo_file + '.d'), '-e', 'EMOTION_API', '-gchd', '@INPUT@']) endforeach eolian_include_directories += ['-I', meson.current_source_dir()] emotion_header_src = [ 'Emotion.h', 'Emotion_Legacy.h', 'Emotion_Eo.h', 'efl_canvas_video_eo.legacy.h', 'emotion_api.h', ] emotion_src = files([ 'emotion_modules.h', 'emotion_private.h', 'emotion_smart.c', 'emotion_webcam.c', 'emotion_modules.c', 'emotion_main.c' ]) emotion_deps = [ecore, eet, evas, eio, emile, buildsystem] emotion_pub_deps = [eina, eo, efl] emotion_ext_deps = [buildsystem_simple] if get_option('eeze') == true emotion_deps += [eeze] endif # Save in extra variable here to pass to edje_externa emotion_package_c_args = package_c_args emotion_lib = library('emotion', emotion_src, pub_eo_file_target, priv_eo_file_target, dependencies: emotion_deps + emotion_pub_deps + emotion_ext_deps, include_directories : config_dir + [include_directories('.')], install: true, c_args : [emotion_package_c_args, '-DEMOTION_BUILD'], version : meson.project_version() ) emotion = declare_dependency( include_directories: [include_directories('.')], link_with: emotion_lib, sources : pub_eo_file_target + priv_eo_file_target, dependencies: emotion_pub_deps, ) if get_option('install-eo-files') install_data(pub_eo_file, install_dir: join_paths(eolian_include_dir, package_version_name) ) endif install_headers(emotion_header_src, install_dir : dir_package_include, )