import evas_box; import ecore_types; class Elm.Box (Elm.Widget) { eo_prefix: elm_obj_box; methods { @property homogeneous { set { [[Set the box to arrange its children homogeneously If enabled, homogeneous layout makes all items the same size, according to the size of the largest of its children. Note: This flag is ignored if a custom layout function is set. ]] } get { [[Get whether the box is using homogeneous mode or not ($true if it's homogeneous, $false otherwise)]] } values { homogeneous: bool; [[The homogeneous flag]] } } @property align { set { [[Set the alignment of the whole bounding box of contents. Sets how the bounding box containing all the elements of the box, after their sizes and position has been calculated, will be aligned within the space given for the whole box widget. ]] } get { [[Get the alignment of the whole bounding box of contents. See also @.align.set. ]] } values { horizontal: double; [[The horizontal alignment of elements]] vertical: double; [[The vertical alignment of elements]] } } @property horizontal { set { [[Set the horizontal orientation By default, box object arranges their contents vertically from top to bottom. By calling this function with $horizontal as $true, the box will become horizontal, arranging contents from left to right. Note: This flag is ignored if a custom layout function is set. ]] } get { [[Get the horizontal orientation ($true if the box is set to horizontal mode, $false otherwise)]] } values { horizontal: bool; [[The horizontal flag]] } } @property padding { set { [[Set the space (padding) between the box's elements. Extra space in pixels that will be added between a box child and its neighbors after its containing cell has been calculated. This padding is set for all elements in the box, besides any possible padding that individual elements may have through their size hints. ]] } get { [[Get the space (padding) between the box's elements. See also @.padding.set. ]] } values { horizontal: Evas.Coord; [[The horizontal space between elements]] vertical: Evas.Coord; [[The vertical space between elements]] } } @property layout { set { [[Set the layout defining function to be used by the box Whenever anything changes that requires the box in $obj to recalculate the size and position of its elements, the function $cb will be called to determine what the layout of the children will be. Once a custom function is set, everything about the children layout is defined by it. The flags set by @.horizontal.set and @.homogeneous.set no longer have any meaning, and the values given by @.padding.set and @.align.set are up to this layout function to decide if they are used and how. These last two will be found in the $priv parameter, of type $Evas_Object_Box_Data, passed to $cb. The $Evas_Object the function receives is not the Elementary widget, but the internal Evas Box it uses, so none of the functions described here can be used on it. Any of the layout functions in $Evas can be used here, as well as the special \@ref elm_box_layout_transition. The final $data argument received by $cb is the same $data passed here, and the $free_data function will be called to free it whenever the box is destroyed or another layout function is set. Setting $cb to $null will revert back to the default layout function. See also \@ref elm_box_layout_transition. ]] } values { cb: Evas_Object_Box_Layout @nullable; [[The callback function used for layout]] data: const(void)* @optional; [[Data that will be passed to layout function]] free_data: Ecore_Cb @optional; [[Function called to free $data]] } } @property children { get { [[Get a list of the objects packed into the box Returns a new $list with a pointer to $Evas_Object in its nodes. The order of the list corresponds to the packing order the box uses. You must free this list with eina_list_free() once you are done with it. ]] return: free(own(list*), eina_list_free) @warn_unused; } } pack_end { [[Add an object at the end of the pack list Pack $subobj into the box $obj, placing it last in the list of children objects. The actual position the object will get on screen depends on the layout used. If no custom layout is set, it will be at the bottom or right, depending if the box is vertical or horizontal, respectively. See also @.pack_start, @.pack_before, @.pack_after, @.unpack, @.unpack_all, @.clear. ]] params { @in subobj: Evas.Object *; [[The object to add to the box]] } } unpack_all { [[Remove all items from the box, without deleting them Clear the box from all children, but don't delete the respective objects. If no other references of the box children exist, the objects will never be deleted, and thus the application will leak the memory. Make sure when using this function that you hold a reference to all the objects in the box $obj. See also @.clear, @.unpack. ]] } unpack { [[Unpack a box item Remove the object given by $subobj from the box $obj without deleting it. See also @.unpack_all, @.clear. ]] params { @in subobj: Evas.Object *; [[The object to unpack]] } } pack_after { [[Adds an object to the box after the indicated object This will add the $subobj to the box indicated after the object indicated with $after. If $after is not already in the box, results are undefined. After means either to the right of the indicated object or below it depending on orientation. See also @.pack_start, @.pack_end, @.pack_before, @.unpack, @.unpack_all, @.clear. ]] params { @in subobj: Evas.Object *; [[The object to add to the box]] @in after: Evas.Object *; [[The object after which to add it]] } } pack_start { [[Add an object to the beginning of the pack list Pack $subobj into the box $obj, placing it first in the list of children objects. The actual position the object will get on screen depends on the layout used. If no custom layout is set, it will be at the top or left, depending if the box is vertical or horizontal, respectively. See also @.pack_end, @.pack_before, @.pack_after, @.unpack, @.unpack_all, @.clear. ]] params { @in subobj: Evas.Object *; [[The object to add to the box]] } } recalculate { [[Force the box to recalculate its children packing. If any children was added or removed, box will not calculate the values immediately rather leaving it to the next main loop iteration. While this is great as it would save lots of recalculation, whenever you need to get the position of a just added item you must force recalculate before doing so. ]] } pack_before { [[Adds an object to the box before the indicated object This will add the $subobj to the box indicated before the object indicated with $before. If $before is not already in the box, results are undefined. Before means either to the left of the indicated object or above it depending on orientation. See also @.pack_start, @.pack_end, @.pack_after, @.unpack, @.unpack_all, @.clear. ]] params { @in subobj: Evas.Object *; [[The object to add to the box]] @in before: Evas.Object *; [[The object before which to add it]] } } clear { [[Clear the box of all children Remove all the elements contained by the box, deleting the respective objects. See also @.unpack, @.unpack_all. ]] } } implements { class.constructor; Eo.Base.constructor; Evas.Object_Smart.add; Evas.Object_Smart.del; Evas.Object_Smart.calculate; Elm.Widget.focus_direction; Elm.Widget.focus_next_manager_is; Elm.Widget.focus_direction_manager_is; Elm.Widget.focus_next; Elm.Widget.theme_apply; Elm.Widget.sub_object_del; } events { child,added; child,removed; } }