/* vim: set sw=8: -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* enchant * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Joan Moratinos , Dom Lachowicz * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Dom Lachowicz * gives permission to link the code of this program with * non-LGPL Spelling Provider libraries (eg: a MSFT Office * spell checker backend) and distribute linked combinations including * the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all * respects for all of the code used other than said providers. If you modify * this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "enchant.h" #include "enchant-provider.h" #ifdef near #undef near #endif /* built against hunspell 1.2.2 on 2008-04-12 */ #ifdef HUNSPELL_STATIC #include "hunspell.hxx" #else #include #endif ENCHANT_PLUGIN_DECLARE("Myspell") #define G_ICONV_INVALID (GIConv)-1 #include /***************************************************************************/ class MySpellChecker { public: MySpellChecker(EnchantBroker * broker); ~MySpellChecker(); bool checkWord (const char *word, size_t len); char **suggestWord (const char* const word, size_t len, size_t *out_n_suggs); bool requestDictionary (const char * szLang); private: GIConv m_translate_in; /* Selected translation from/to Unicode */ GIConv m_translate_out; Hunspell *myspell; EnchantBroker *m_broker; }; /***************************************************************************/ #if defined(_WIN32) static WCHAR* GetRegistryValue(HKEY baseKey, const WCHAR * uKeyName, const WCHAR * uKey) { HKEY hKey; unsigned long lType; DWORD dwSize; WCHAR* wszValue = NULL; if(RegOpenKeyExW(baseKey, uKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* Determine size of string */ if(RegQueryValueExW( hKey, uKey, NULL, &lType, NULL, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { wszValue = g_new0(WCHAR, dwSize + 1); RegQueryValueExW(hKey, uKey, NULL, &lType, (LPBYTE) wszValue, &dwSize); } } return wszValue; } static char * myspell_checker_get_open_office_dicts_dir(void) { WCHAR* wszDirectory; char* open_office_dir, * open_office_dicts_dir; /*start by trying current user*/ wszDirectory = GetRegistryValue (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\soffice.exe", L"Path"); if(wszDirectory == NULL) { /*next try local machine*/ wszDirectory = GetRegistryValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\soffice.exe", L"Path"); } if(wszDirectory == NULL) { return NULL; } else { open_office_dir = g_utf16_to_utf8 ((gunichar2*)wszDirectory, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); open_office_dicts_dir = g_build_filename(open_office_dir, "share", "dict", "ooo", NULL); g_free(wszDirectory); g_free(open_office_dir); return open_office_dicts_dir; } } #endif static bool g_iconv_is_valid(GIConv i) { return (i != G_ICONV_INVALID); } MySpellChecker::MySpellChecker(EnchantBroker * broker) : m_translate_in(G_ICONV_INVALID), m_translate_out(G_ICONV_INVALID), myspell(0), m_broker(broker) { } MySpellChecker::~MySpellChecker() { delete myspell; if (g_iconv_is_valid (m_translate_in )) g_iconv_close(m_translate_in); if (g_iconv_is_valid(m_translate_out)) g_iconv_close(m_translate_out); } bool MySpellChecker::checkWord(const char *utf8Word, size_t len) { if (len > MAXWORDLEN || !g_iconv_is_valid(m_translate_in)) return false; // the 8bit encodings use precomposed forms char *normalizedWord = g_utf8_normalize (utf8Word, len, G_NORMALIZE_NFC); char *in = normalizedWord; char word8[MAXWORDLEN + 1]; char *out = word8; size_t len_in = strlen(in); size_t len_out = sizeof( word8 ) - 1; size_t result = g_iconv(m_translate_in, &in, &len_in, &out, &len_out); g_free(normalizedWord); if ((size_t)-1 == result) return false; *out = '\0'; if (myspell->spell(word8)) return true; else return false; } char** MySpellChecker::suggestWord(const char* const utf8Word, size_t len, size_t *nsug) { if (len > MAXWORDLEN || !g_iconv_is_valid(m_translate_in) || !g_iconv_is_valid(m_translate_out)) return 0; // the 8bit encodings use precomposed forms char *normalizedWord = g_utf8_normalize (utf8Word, len, G_NORMALIZE_NFC); char *in = normalizedWord; char word8[MAXWORDLEN + 1]; char *out = word8; size_t len_in = strlen(in); size_t len_out = sizeof(word8) - 1; size_t result = g_iconv(m_translate_in, &in, &len_in, &out, &len_out); g_free(normalizedWord); if ((size_t)-1 == result) return NULL; *out = '\0'; char **sugMS; *nsug = myspell->suggest(&sugMS, word8); if (*nsug > 0) { char **sug = g_new0 (char *, *nsug + 1); for (size_t i=0; i<*nsug; i++) { in = sugMS[i]; len_in = strlen(in); len_out = MAXWORDLEN; char *word = g_new0(char, len_out + 1); out = reinterpret_cast(word); if ((size_t)-1 == g_iconv(m_translate_out, &in, &len_in, &out, &len_out)) { for (size_t j = i; j < *nsug; j++) free(sugMS[j]); free(sugMS); *nsug = i; return sug; } *(out) = 0; sug[i] = word; free(sugMS[i]); } free(sugMS); return sug; } else return 0; } static GSList * myspell_checker_get_dictionary_dirs (EnchantBroker * broker) { GSList *dirs = NULL; { GSList *config_dirs, *iter; config_dirs = enchant_get_user_config_dirs (); for (iter = config_dirs; iter; iter = iter->next) { dirs = g_slist_append (dirs, g_build_filename ((const gchar *)iter->data, "myspell", NULL)); } g_slist_foreach (config_dirs, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (config_dirs); } { const gchar* const * system_data_dirs = g_get_system_data_dirs (); const gchar* const * iter; for (iter = system_data_dirs; *iter; iter++) { dirs = g_slist_append (dirs, g_build_filename (*iter, "myspell", "dicts", NULL)); } } /* until I work out how to link the modules against enchant in MacOSX - fjf */ #ifndef XP_TARGET_COCOA char * myspell_prefix = NULL; /* Look for explicitly set registry values */ myspell_prefix = enchant_get_registry_value ("Myspell", "Data_Dir"); if (myspell_prefix) dirs = g_slist_append (dirs, myspell_prefix); /* Dynamically locate library and search for modules relative to it. */ char * enchant_prefix = enchant_get_prefix_dir(); if(enchant_prefix) { myspell_prefix = g_build_filename(enchant_prefix, "share", "enchant", "myspell", NULL); g_free(enchant_prefix); dirs = g_slist_append (dirs, myspell_prefix); } #endif #ifdef ENCHANT_MYSPELL_DICT_DIR dirs = g_slist_append (dirs, g_strdup (ENCHANT_MYSPELL_DICT_DIR)); #endif #if defined(_WIN32) char* open_office_dicts_dir = myspell_checker_get_open_office_dicts_dir (); if (open_office_dicts_dir) { dirs = g_slist_append (dirs, open_office_dicts_dir); } #endif { GSList *config_dirs, *iter; config_dirs = enchant_get_dirs_from_param (broker, "enchant.myspell.dictionary.path"); for (iter = config_dirs; iter; iter = iter->next) { dirs = g_slist_append (dirs, g_strdup ((const gchar *)iter->data)); } g_slist_foreach (config_dirs, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (config_dirs); } return dirs; } static void s_buildDictionaryDirs (std::vector & dirs, EnchantBroker * broker) { GSList *myspell_dirs, *iter; dirs.clear (); myspell_dirs = myspell_checker_get_dictionary_dirs (broker); for (iter = myspell_dirs; iter; iter = iter->next) { dirs.push_back ((const char *)iter->data); } g_slist_foreach (myspell_dirs, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_slist_free (myspell_dirs); } static void s_buildHashNames (std::vector & names, EnchantBroker * broker, const char * dict) { names.clear (); std::vector dirs; s_buildDictionaryDirs (dirs, broker); char *dict_dic = g_strconcat(dict, ".dic", NULL); for (size_t i = 0; i < dirs.size(); i++) { char *tmp = g_build_filename (dirs[i].c_str(), dict_dic, NULL); names.push_back (tmp); g_free (tmp); } g_free(dict_dic); } static bool s_hasCorrespondingAffFile(const std::string & dicFile) { std::string aff = dicFile; aff.replace(aff.end()-3,aff.end(), "aff"); return g_file_test(aff.c_str(), G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) != 0; } static bool is_plausible_dict_for_tag(const char *dir_entry, const char *tag) { const char *dic_suffix = ".dic"; size_t dic_suffix_len = strlen(dic_suffix); size_t dir_entry_len = strlen(dir_entry); size_t tag_len = strlen(tag); if (dir_entry_len - dic_suffix_len < tag_len) return false; if (strcmp(dir_entry+dir_entry_len-dic_suffix_len, dic_suffix) != 0) return false; if (strncmp (dir_entry, tag, tag_len) != 0) return false; //e.g. requested dict for "fi", //reject "fil_PH.dic" //allow "fi-FOO.dic", "fi_FOO.dic", "fi.dic", etc. if (!ispunct(dir_entry[tag_len])) return false; return true; } static char * myspell_request_dictionary (EnchantBroker * broker, const char * tag) { std::vector names; s_buildHashNames (names, broker, tag); for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size (); i++) { if (g_file_test(names[i].c_str(), G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { if(s_hasCorrespondingAffFile(names[i])){ return g_strdup (names[i].c_str()); } } } std::vector dirs; s_buildDictionaryDirs (dirs, broker); for (size_t i = 0; i < dirs.size(); i++) { GDir *dir = g_dir_open (dirs[i].c_str(), 0, NULL); if (dir) { const char *dir_entry; while ((dir_entry = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) { if (is_plausible_dict_for_tag(dir_entry, tag)) { char *dict = g_build_filename (dirs[i].c_str(), dir_entry, NULL); if(s_hasCorrespondingAffFile(dict)){ g_dir_close (dir); return dict; } } } g_dir_close (dir); } } return NULL; } bool MySpellChecker::requestDictionary(const char *szLang) { char *dic = NULL, *aff = NULL; dic = myspell_request_dictionary (m_broker, szLang); if (!dic) return false; aff = g_strdup(dic); int len_dic = strlen(dic); strcpy(aff+len_dic-3, "aff"); if (g_file_test(aff, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { myspell = new Hunspell(aff, dic); } g_free(dic); g_free(aff); if(myspell == NULL){ return false; } char *enc = myspell->get_dic_encoding(); m_translate_in = g_iconv_open(enc, "UTF-8"); m_translate_out = g_iconv_open("UTF-8", enc); return true; } /* * Enchant */ static char ** myspell_dict_suggest (EnchantDict * me, const char *const word, size_t len, size_t * out_n_suggs) { MySpellChecker * checker; checker = (MySpellChecker *) me->user_data; return checker->suggestWord (word, len, out_n_suggs); } static int myspell_dict_check (EnchantDict * me, const char *const word, size_t len) { MySpellChecker * checker; checker = (MySpellChecker *) me->user_data; if (checker->checkWord(word, len)) return 0; return 1; } static void myspell_provider_enum_dicts (const char * const directory, std::vector & out_dicts) { GDir * dir = g_dir_open (directory, 0, NULL); if (dir) { const char * entry; while ((entry = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) { char * utf8_entry = g_filename_to_utf8 (entry, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (utf8_entry) { std::string dir_entry (utf8_entry); g_free (utf8_entry); int hit = dir_entry.rfind (".dic"); if (hit != -1) { /* don't include hyphenation dictionaries and require .aff file to be present*/ if(dir_entry.compare (0, 5, "hyph_") != 0) { std::string name(dir_entry.substr (0, hit)); std::string affFileName(name + ".aff"); char * aff = g_build_filename(directory, affFileName.c_str(), NULL); if (g_file_test(aff, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { out_dicts.push_back (dir_entry.substr (0, hit)); } g_free(aff); } } } } g_dir_close (dir); } } extern "C" { ENCHANT_MODULE_EXPORT (EnchantProvider *) init_enchant_provider (void); static char ** myspell_provider_list_dicts (EnchantProvider * me, size_t * out_n_dicts) { std::vector dict_dirs, dicts; char ** dictionary_list = NULL; s_buildDictionaryDirs (dict_dirs, me->owner); for (size_t i = 0; i < dict_dirs.size(); i++) { myspell_provider_enum_dicts (dict_dirs[i].c_str(), dicts); } if (dicts.size () > 0) { dictionary_list = g_new0 (char *, dicts.size() + 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < dicts.size(); i++) dictionary_list[i] = g_strdup (dicts[i].c_str()); } *out_n_dicts = dicts.size (); return dictionary_list; } static void myspell_provider_free_string_list (EnchantProvider * me, char **str_list) { g_strfreev (str_list); } static EnchantDict * myspell_provider_request_dict(EnchantProvider * me, const char *const tag) { EnchantDict *dict; MySpellChecker * checker; checker = new MySpellChecker(me->owner); if (!checker) return NULL; if (!checker->requestDictionary(tag)) { delete checker; return NULL; } dict = g_new0(EnchantDict, 1); dict->user_data = (void *) checker; dict->check = myspell_dict_check; dict->suggest = myspell_dict_suggest; // don't implement personal, session return dict; } static void myspell_provider_dispose_dict (EnchantProvider * me, EnchantDict * dict) { MySpellChecker *checker; checker = (MySpellChecker *) dict->user_data; delete checker; g_free (dict); } static int myspell_provider_dictionary_exists (struct str_enchant_provider * me, const char *const tag) { std::vector names; s_buildHashNames (names, me->owner, tag); for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { if (g_file_test (names[i].c_str(), G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { std::string aff(names[i]); aff.replace(aff.end() - 3, aff.end(), "aff"); if (g_file_test(aff.c_str(), G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) return 1; } } return 0; } static void myspell_provider_dispose (EnchantProvider * me) { g_free (me); } static const char * myspell_provider_identify (EnchantProvider * me) { return "myspell"; } static const char * myspell_provider_describe (EnchantProvider * me) { return "Myspell Provider"; } EnchantProvider * init_enchant_provider (void) { EnchantProvider *provider; provider = g_new0(EnchantProvider, 1); provider->dispose = myspell_provider_dispose; provider->request_dict = myspell_provider_request_dict; provider->dispose_dict = myspell_provider_dispose_dict; provider->dictionary_exists = myspell_provider_dictionary_exists; provider->identify = myspell_provider_identify; provider->describe = myspell_provider_describe; provider->free_string_list = myspell_provider_free_string_list; provider->list_dicts = myspell_provider_list_dicts; return provider; } } // extern C linkage