libenchant -- Generic spell checking library Maintainer: Reuben Thomas Home page: libenchant is licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL (see the file COPYING.LIB), with a special exception allowing the use of proprietary spell-checking systems. Enchant aims to provide a simple but comprehensive abstraction for dealing with different spell checking libraries in a consistent way. A client, such as a text editor or word processor, need not know anything about a specific spell-checker, and since all back-ends are plugins, new spell-checkers can be added without needing any change to the program using Enchant. Enchant can be configured by the user, who can even add spell-checker plugins if desired. Enchant currently works with the following spell-checkers: * Hunspell (formerly Myspell) * Nuspell * GNU Aspell * Hspell * Voikko * Apple Spell (macOS only) * Zemberek Enchant is written in C and C++, and its only external dependency is glib. Enchant bindings are supplied for C and C++; there are third-party bindings for various languages (see the home page). Installation ------------ Users should install from a release tarball. See the file INSTALL for instructions. Developers or others wishing to install from a git repository, see HACKING. Usage ----- See the man pages for information on how to use Enchant. In particular, information about how to configure which spelling checker to use for each language and how to work with personal word lists is in the man page enchant(5). To see this man page, in a terminal, give the command: man 5 enchant Bug reports and development --------------------------- To report libenchant bugs or request features, please visit If you can't use GitHub do get in touch with the maintainer, Reuben Thomas: .