;;; ucs-normalize --- tests for international/ucs-normalize.el -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; The Part1 test takes a long time because it goes over the whole ;; unicode character set; you should build Emacs with optimization ;; enabled before running it. ;; ;; If there are lines marked as failing (see ;; `ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part1' and ;; `ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part2'), they may need to be ;; adjusted when NormalizationTest.txt is updated. Run the function ;; `ucs-normalize-check-failing-lines' to see what changes are needed. ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib)) (require 'seq) (require 'ert) (require 'ucs-normalize) (defconst ucs-normalize-test-data-file (expand-file-name "admin/unidata/NormalizationTest.txt" source-directory)) (defun ucs-normalize-tests--parse-column () (let ((chars nil) (term nil)) (while (and (not (eq term ?\;)) (looking-at "\\([[:xdigit:]]\\{4,6\\}\\)\\([; ]\\)")) (let ((code-point (match-string-no-properties 1))) (setq term (char-after (match-beginning 2))) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (push (string-to-number code-point 16) chars))) (apply #'string (nreverse chars)))) (defconst ucs-normalize-tests--norm-buf (generate-new-buffer " *ucs-normalizing-buffer*")) (defmacro ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p (norm str equal-to) "Like `ucs-normalize-string' but reuse current buffer for efficiency. And NORM is one of the symbols `NFC', `NFD', `NFKC', `NFKD' for brevity." (let ((norm-alist '((NFC . ucs-normalize-NFC-region) (NFD . ucs-normalize-NFD-region) (NFKC . ucs-normalize-NFKC-region) (NFKD . ucs-normalize-NFKD-region)))) `(with-current-buffer ucs-normalize-tests--norm-buf (erase-buffer) (insert ,str) (,(cdr (assq norm norm-alist)) (point-min) (point-max)) (goto-char (point-min)) (insert ,equal-to) (eq (compare-buffer-substrings nil nil (point) nil (point) nil) 0)))) (defmacro ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-chareq-p (norm char char-eq-to) "Like `ucs-normalize-string' but reuse current buffer for efficiency. And NORM is one of the symbols `NFC', `NFD', `NFKC', `NFKD' for brevity." (let ((norm-alist '((NFC . ucs-normalize-NFC-region) (NFD . ucs-normalize-NFD-region) (NFKC . ucs-normalize-NFKC-region) (NFKD . ucs-normalize-NFKD-region)))) `(with-current-buffer ucs-normalize-tests--norm-buf (erase-buffer) (insert ,char) (,(cdr (assq norm norm-alist)) (point-min) (point-max)) (and (eq (buffer-size) 1) (eq (char-after (point-min)) ,char-eq-to))))) (defvar ucs-normalize-tests--chars-part1 nil) (defsubst ucs-normalize-tests--rule1-holds-p (source nfc nfd nfkc nfkd) "Check 1st conformance rule. The following invariants must be true for all conformant implementations..." (when ucs-normalize-tests--chars-part1 ;; See `ucs-normalize-tests--rule2-holds-p'. (aset ucs-normalize-tests--chars-part1 (aref source 0) 1)) (and ;; c2 == toNFC(c1) == toNFC(c2) == toNFC(c3) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFC source nfc) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFC nfc nfc) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFC nfd nfc) ;; c4 == toNFC(c4) == toNFC(c5) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFC nfkc nfkc) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFC nfkd nfkc) ;; c3 == toNFD(c1) == toNFD(c2) == toNFD(c3) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFD source nfd) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFD nfc nfd) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFD nfd nfd) ;; c5 == toNFD(c4) == toNFD(c5) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFD nfkc nfkd) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFD nfkd nfkd) ;; c4 == toNFKC(c1) == toNFKC(c2) == toNFKC(c3) == toNFKC(c4) == toNFKC(c5) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFKC source nfkc) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFKC nfc nfkc) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFKC nfd nfkc) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFKC nfkc nfkc) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFKC nfkd nfkc) ;; c5 == toNFKD(c1) == toNFKD(c2) == toNFKD(c3) == toNFKD(c4) == toNFKD(c5) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFKD source nfkd) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFKD nfc nfkd) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFKD nfd nfkd) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFKD nfkc nfkd) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-equal-p NFKD nfkd nfkd))) (defsubst ucs-normalize-tests--rule2-holds-p (X) "Check 2nd conformance rule. For every code point X assigned in this version of Unicode that is not specifically listed in Part 1, the following invariants must be true for all conformant implementations: X == toNFC(X) == toNFD(X) == toNFKC(X) == toNFKD(X)" (and (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-chareq-p NFC X X) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-chareq-p NFD X X) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-chareq-p NFKC X X) (ucs-normalize-tests--normalization-chareq-p NFKD X X))) (cl-defun ucs-normalize-tests--rule1-failing-for-partX (part &optional skip-lines &key progress-str) "Returns a list of failed line numbers." (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents ucs-normalize-test-data-file) (let ((beg-line (progn (search-forward (format "@Part%d" part)) (forward-line) (line-number-at-pos))) (end-line (progn (or (search-forward (format "@Part%d" (1+ part)) nil t) (goto-char (point-max))) (line-number-at-pos)))) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line (1- beg-line)) (cl-loop with reporter = (if progress-str (make-progress-reporter progress-str beg-line end-line 0 nil 0.5)) for line from beg-line to (1- end-line) unless (or (eq (following-char) ?#) (ucs-normalize-tests--rule1-holds-p (ucs-normalize-tests--parse-column) (ucs-normalize-tests--parse-column) (ucs-normalize-tests--parse-column) (ucs-normalize-tests--parse-column) (ucs-normalize-tests--parse-column)) (memq line skip-lines)) collect line do (forward-line) if reporter do (progress-reporter-update reporter line))))) (defun ucs-normalize-tests--rule1-failing-for-lines (lines) "Returns a list of failed line numbers." (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents ucs-normalize-test-data-file) (goto-char (point-min)) (cl-loop for prev-line = 1 then line for line in lines do (forward-line (- line prev-line)) unless (ucs-normalize-tests--rule1-holds-p (ucs-normalize-tests--parse-column) (ucs-normalize-tests--parse-column) (ucs-normalize-tests--parse-column) (ucs-normalize-tests--parse-column) (ucs-normalize-tests--parse-column)) collect line))) (ert-deftest ucs-normalize-part0 () (should-not (ucs-normalize-tests--rule1-failing-for-partX 0))) (defconst ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part1 (list 15131 15132 15133 15134 15135 15136 15137 15138 15139 16149 16150 16151 16152 16153 16154 16155 16156 16157 16158 16159 16160 16161 16162 16163 16164 16165 16166 16167 16168 16169 16170 16171 16172 16173 16174 16175 16176 16177 16178 16179 16180 16181 16182 16183 16184 16185 16186 16187 16188 16189 16190 16191 16192 16193 16194 16195 16196 16197 16198 16199 16200 16201 16202 16203 16204 16205 16206 16207 16208 16209 16210 16211 16212 16213 16214 16215 16216 16217 16218 16219 16220 16221 16222 16223 16224 16225 16226 16227 16228 16229 16230 16231 16232 16233 16234 16235 16236 16237 16238 16239 16240 16241 16242 16243 16244 16245 16246 16247 16248 16249 16250 16251 16252 16253 16254 16255 16256 16257 16258 16259 16260 16261 16262 16263 16264 16265 16266 16267 16268 16269 16270 16271 16272 16273 16274 16275 16276 16277 16278 16279 16280 16281 16282 16283 16284 16285 16286 16287 16288 16289)) ;; Keep a record of failures, for consulting afterwards (the ert ;; backtrace only shows a truncated version of these lists). (defvar ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule1-failed-lines nil "A list of line numbers.") (defvar ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule2-failed-chars nil "A list of code points.") (defvar ucs-normalize-tests--part2-rule1-failed-lines nil "A list of line numbers.") (defun ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule2 (chars-part1) (let ((reporter (make-progress-reporter "UCS Normalize Test Part1, rule 2" 0 (max-char))) (failed-chars nil)) (map-char-table (lambda (char-range listed-in-part) (unless (eq listed-in-part 1) (if (characterp char-range) (progn (unless (ucs-normalize-tests--rule2-holds-p char-range) (push char-range failed-chars)) (progress-reporter-update reporter char-range)) (cl-loop for char from (car char-range) to (cdr char-range) unless (ucs-normalize-tests--rule2-holds-p char) do (push char failed-chars) do (progress-reporter-update reporter char))))) chars-part1) (progress-reporter-done reporter) failed-chars)) (ert-deftest ucs-normalize-part1 () :tags '(:expensive-test) ;; This takes a long time, so make sure we're compiled. (dolist (fun '(ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule2 ucs-normalize-tests--rule1-failing-for-partX ucs-normalize-tests--rule1-holds-p ucs-normalize-tests--rule2-holds-p)) (or (byte-code-function-p (symbol-function fun)) (byte-compile fun))) (let ((ucs-normalize-tests--chars-part1 (make-char-table 'ucs-normalize-tests t))) (setq ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule1-failed-lines (ucs-normalize-tests--rule1-failing-for-partX 1 ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part1 :progress-str "UCS Normalize Test Part1, rule 1")) (setq ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule2-failed-chars (ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule2 ucs-normalize-tests--chars-part1)) (should-not ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule1-failed-lines) (should-not ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule2-failed-chars))) (ert-deftest ucs-normalize-part1-failing () :expected-result :failed (skip-unless ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part1) (should-not (ucs-normalize-tests--rule1-failing-for-lines ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part1))) (defconst ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part2 (list 17656 17658 18006 18007 18008 18009 18010 18011 18012 18340 18342 18344 18346 18348 18350 18352 18354 18356 18358 18360 18362 18364 18366 18368 18370 18372 18374 18376 18378 18380 18382 18384 18386 18388 18390 18392 18394 18396 18398 18400 18402 18404 18406 18408 18410 18412 18414 18416 18418 18420 18422 18424 18426 18428 18430 18432 18434 18436 18438 18440 18442 18444 18446 18448 18450 18518 18520 18522 18524 18526 18528 18530 18532 18534 18536 18538 18540 18542 18544 18546 18548 18550 18552 18554 18556 18558 18560 18562 18564 18566 18568 18570 18572 18574 18576 18578 18580 18582 18584 18586 18588 18590 18592 18594 18596 18598 18600 18602 18604 18606 18608 18610 18612 18614 18616 18618 18620)) (ert-deftest ucs-normalize-part2 () :tags '(:expensive-test) (should-not (setq ucs-normalize-tests--part2-rule1-failed-lines (ucs-normalize-tests--rule1-failing-for-partX 2 ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part2 :progress-str "UCS Normalize Test Part2")))) (ert-deftest ucs-normalize-part2-failing () :expected-result :failed (skip-unless ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part2) (should-not (ucs-normalize-tests--rule1-failing-for-lines ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part2))) (ert-deftest ucs-normalize-part3 () (should-not (ucs-normalize-tests--rule1-failing-for-partX 3))) (defun ucs-normalize-tests--insert-failing-lines (var newval) (insert (format "`%s' should be updated to:\n \(defconst %s (list " var var)) (dolist (linos (seq-partition newval 8)) (insert (mapconcat #'number-to-string linos " ") "\n")) (insert ")\)")) (defun ucs-normalize-check-failing-lines () (interactive) (let ((ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part1 nil) (ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part2 nil)) (setq ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule1-failed-lines nil) (setq ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule2-failed-chars nil) (setq ucs-normalize-tests--part2-rule1-failed-lines nil) (ert "\\`ucs-normalize")) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ucs normalize change bad lines*") (erase-buffer) (unless (equal ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule1-failed-lines ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part1) (ucs-normalize-tests--insert-failing-lines 'ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part1 ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule1-failed-lines)) (when ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule2-failed-chars (insert (format "Some characters failed rule 2!\n\n%S" `(list ,@ucs-normalize-tests--part1-rule2-failed-chars)))) (unless (equal ucs-normalize-tests--part2-rule1-failed-lines ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part2) (ucs-normalize-tests--insert-failing-lines 'ucs-normalize-tests--failing-lines-part2 ucs-normalize-tests--part2-rule1-failed-lines)) (if (> (buffer-size) 0) (if noninteractive (princ (buffer-string) standard-output) (display-buffer (current-buffer))) (message "No changes to failing lines needed")))) ;;; ucs-normalize-tests.el ends here