/* Definitions and headers for communication with NeXT/Open/GNUstep API.
Copyright (C) 1989, 1993, 2005, 2008-2013 Free Software Foundation,
This file is part of GNU Emacs.
GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . */
#include "dispextern.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "character.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "sysselect.h"
#ifdef HAVE_NS
#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4
#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 1040
#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5
#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 1050
#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6
#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 1060
#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7
#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7 1070
#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_8
#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_8 1080
#endif /* NS_IMPL_COCOA */
#ifdef __OBJC__
/* CGFloat on GNUStep may be 4 or 8 byte, but functions expect float* for some
On Cocoa >= 10.5, functions expect CGFloat*. Make compatible type. */
#if defined (__LP64__) && __LP64__
typedef double CGFloat;
typedef long NSInteger;
typedef unsigned long NSUInteger;
typedef float CGFloat;
typedef int NSInteger;
typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;
#endif /* not LP64 */
#endif /* not NS_HAVE_NSINTEGER */
typedef CGFloat EmacsCGFloat;
typedef CGFloat EmacsCGFloat;
typedef float EmacsCGFloat;
/* ==========================================================================
The Emacs application
========================================================================== */
/* We override sendEvent: as a means to stop/start the event loop */
@interface EmacsApp : NSApplication
int nextappdefined;
- (void)logNotification: (NSNotification *)notification;
- (void)sendEvent: (NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)showPreferencesWindow: (id)sender;
- (BOOL) openFile: (NSString *)fileName;
- (void)fd_handler: (id)unused;
- (void)timeout_handler: (NSTimer *)timedEntry;
- (BOOL)fulfillService: (NSString *)name withArg: (NSString *)arg;
- (void)sendFromMainThread:(id)unused;
/* Dummy class to get rid of startup warnings. */
@interface EmacsDocument : NSDocument
/* ==========================================================================
The main Emacs view
========================================================================== */
@class EmacsToolbar;
@interface EmacsView : NSView
@interface EmacsView : NSView
char *old_title;
BOOL maximizing_resize;
BOOL windowClosing;
NSString *workingText;
BOOL processingCompose;
int fs_state, fs_before_fs, next_maximized;
int tibar_height, tobar_height, bwidth;
int maximized_width, maximized_height;
NSWindow *nonfs_window;
BOOL fs_is_native;
struct frame *emacsframe;
int rows, cols;
int scrollbarsNeedingUpdate;
EmacsToolbar *toolbar;
NSRect ns_userRect;
/* AppKit-side interface */
- menuDown: (id)sender;
- toolbarClicked: (id)item;
- toggleToolbar: (id)sender;
- (void)keyDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)mouseDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)mouseUp: (NSEvent *)theEvent;
- setMiniwindowImage: (BOOL)setMini;
/* Emacs-side interface */
- initFrameFromEmacs: (struct frame *) f;
- (void) setRows: (int) r andColumns: (int) c;
- (void) setWindowClosing: (BOOL)closing;
- (EmacsToolbar *) toolbar;
- (void) deleteWorkingText;
- (void) updateFrameSize: (BOOL) delay;
- (void) handleFS;
- (void) setFSValue: (int)value;
- (void) toggleFullScreen: (id) sender;
- (BOOL) fsIsNative;
- (BOOL) isFullscreen;
- (void) updateCollectionBehaviour;
- (void)windowDidMove: (id)sender;
/* Small utility used for processing resize events under Cocoa. */
@interface EmacsWindow : NSWindow
NSPoint grabOffset;
/* Fullscreen version of the above. */
@interface EmacsFSWindow : EmacsWindow
/* ==========================================================================
The main menu implementation
========================================================================== */
@interface EmacsMenu : NSMenu
@interface EmacsMenu : NSMenu
struct frame *frame;
unsigned long keyEquivModMask;
- initWithTitle: (NSString *)title frame: (struct frame *)f;
- (void)setFrame: (struct frame *)f;
- (void)menuNeedsUpdate: (NSMenu *)menu; /* (delegate method) */
- (NSString *)parseKeyEquiv: (const char *)key;
- (NSMenuItem *)addItemWithWidgetValue: (void *)wvptr;
- (void)fillWithWidgetValue: (void *)wvptr;
- (void)fillWithWidgetValue: (void *)wvptr frame: (struct frame *)f;
- (EmacsMenu *)addSubmenuWithTitle: (const char *)title forFrame: (struct frame *)f;
- (void) clear;
- (Lisp_Object)runMenuAt: (NSPoint)p forFrame: (struct frame *)f
keymaps: (bool)keymaps;
/* ==========================================================================
========================================================================== */
@class EmacsImage;
@interface EmacsToolbar : NSToolbar
@interface EmacsToolbar : NSToolbar
EmacsView *emacsView;
NSMutableDictionary *identifierToItem;
NSMutableArray *activeIdentifiers;
NSArray *prevIdentifiers;
unsigned long enablement, prevEnablement;
- initForView: (EmacsView *)view withIdentifier: (NSString *)identifier;
- (void) clearActive;
- (void) clearAll;
- (BOOL) changed;
- (void) addDisplayItemWithImage: (EmacsImage *)img
idx: (int)idx
tag: (int)tag
helpText: (const char *)help
enabled: (BOOL)enabled;
/* delegate methods */
- (NSToolbarItem *)toolbar: (NSToolbar *)toolbar
itemForItemIdentifier: (NSString *)itemIdentifier
willBeInsertedIntoToolbar: (BOOL)flag;
- (NSArray *)toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar *)toolbar;
- (NSArray *)toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar *)toolbar;
/* ==========================================================================
Message / question windows
========================================================================== */
@interface EmacsDialogPanel : NSPanel
NSTextField *command;
NSTextField *title;
NSMatrix *matrix;
int rows, cols;
BOOL timer_fired, window_closed;
Lisp_Object dialog_return;
Lisp_Object *button_values;
- initFromContents: (Lisp_Object)menu isQuestion: (BOOL)isQ;
- (void)process_dialog: (Lisp_Object)list;
- (void)addButton: (char *)str value: (int)tag row: (int)row;
- (void)addString: (char *)str row: (int)row;
- (void)addSplit;
- (Lisp_Object)runDialogAt: (NSPoint)p;
- (void)timeout_handler: (NSTimer *)timedEntry;
@interface EmacsTooltip : NSObject
@interface EmacsTooltip : NSObject
NSWindow *win;
NSTextField *textField;
NSTimer *timer;
- init;
- (void) setText: (char *)text;
- (void) showAtX: (int)x Y: (int)y for: (int)seconds;
- (void) hide;
- (BOOL) isActive;
- (NSRect) frame;
/* ==========================================================================
File open/save panels
This and next override methods to handle keyboard input in panels.
========================================================================== */
@interface EmacsSavePanel : NSSavePanel
@interface EmacsOpenPanel : NSOpenPanel
@interface EmacsFileDelegate : NSObject
- (BOOL)panel: (id)sender isValidFilename: (NSString *)filename;
- (BOOL)panel: (id)sender shouldShowFilename: (NSString *)filename;
- (NSString *)panel: (id)sender userEnteredFilename: (NSString *)filename
confirmed: (BOOL)okFlag;
/* ==========================================================================
Images and stippling
========================================================================== */
@interface EmacsImage : NSImage
id imageListNext;
int refCount;
NSBitmapImageRep *bmRep; /* used for accessing pixel data */
unsigned char *pixmapData[5]; /* shortcut to access pixel data */
NSColor *stippleMask;
+ allocInitFromFile: (Lisp_Object)file;
- reference;
- imageListSetNext: (id)arg;
- imageListNext;
- (void)dealloc;
- initFromXBM: (unsigned char *)bits width: (int)w height: (int)h
flip: (BOOL)flip;
- initFromSkipXBM: (unsigned char *)bits width: (int)w height: (int)h
flip: (BOOL)flip length: (int)length;
- setXBMColor: (NSColor *)color;
- initForXPMWithDepth: (int)depth width: (int)width height: (int)height;
- (void)setPixmapData;
- (unsigned long)getPixelAtX: (int)x Y: (int)y;
- (void)setPixelAtX: (int)x Y: (int)y toRed: (unsigned char)r
green: (unsigned char)g blue: (unsigned char)b
alpha:(unsigned char)a;
- (void)setAlphaAtX: (int)x Y: (int)y to: (unsigned char)a;
- (NSColor *)stippleMask;
/* ==========================================================================
========================================================================== */
@interface EmacsScroller : NSScroller
Lisp_Object win;
struct frame *frame;
NSResponder *prevResponder;
/* offset to the bottom of knob of last mouse down */
CGFloat last_mouse_offset;
float min_portion;
int pixel_height;
int last_hit_part;
BOOL condemned;
/* optimize against excessive positioning calls generated by emacs */
int em_position;
int em_portion;
int em_whole;
- initFrame: (NSRect )r window: (Lisp_Object)win;
- (void)setFrame: (NSRect)r;
- (void)dealloc;
- setPosition: (int) position portion: (int) portion whole: (int) whole;
- (int) checkSamePosition: (int)position portion: (int)portion
whole: (int)whole;
- (void) getMouseMotionPart: (int *)part window: (Lisp_Object *)window
x: (Lisp_Object *)x y: ( Lisp_Object *)y;
- (void) sendScrollEventAtLoc: (float)loc fromEvent: (NSEvent *)e;
- repeatScroll: (NSTimer *)sender;
- condemn;
- reprieve;
- judge;
/* ==========================================================================
========================================================================== */
/* rendering util */
@interface EmacsGlyphStorage : NSObject
NSAttributedString *attrStr;
NSMutableDictionary *dict;
CGGlyph *cglyphs;
unsigned long maxChar, maxGlyph;
long i, len;
- initWithCapacity: (unsigned long) c;
- (void) setString: (NSString *)str font: (NSFont *)font;
#endif /* NS_IMPL_COCOA */
extern NSArray *ns_send_types, *ns_return_types;
extern NSString *ns_app_name;
extern EmacsMenu *mainMenu, *svcsMenu, *dockMenu;
/* Apple removed the declaration, but kept the implementation */
#if defined (NS_IMPL_COCOA)
@interface NSApplication (EmacsApp)
- (void)setAppleMenu: (NSMenu *)menu;
#endif /* __OBJC__ */
/* ==========================================================================
Non-OO stuff
========================================================================== */
/* Special keycodes that we pass down the event chain */
#define KEY_NS_POWER_OFF ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|1)
#define KEY_NS_OPEN_FILE ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|2)
#define KEY_NS_OPEN_TEMP_FILE ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|3)
#define KEY_NS_DRAG_FILE ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|4)
#define KEY_NS_DRAG_COLOR ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|5)
#define KEY_NS_DRAG_TEXT ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|6)
#define KEY_NS_CHANGE_FONT ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|7)
#define KEY_NS_OPEN_FILE_LINE ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|8)
#define KEY_NS_PUT_WORKING_TEXT ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|9)
#define KEY_NS_UNPUT_WORKING_TEXT ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|10)
#define KEY_NS_SPI_SERVICE_CALL ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|11)
#define KEY_NS_NEW_FRAME ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|12)
#define KEY_NS_TOGGLE_TOOLBAR ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|13)
#define KEY_NS_SHOW_PREFS ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|14)
/* could use list to store these, but rest of emacs has a big infrastructure
for managing a table of bitmap "records" */
struct ns_bitmap_record
#ifdef __OBJC__
EmacsImage *img;
void *img;
char *file;
int refcount;
int height, width, depth;
/* this to map between emacs color indices and NSColor objects */
struct ns_color_table
ptrdiff_t size;
ptrdiff_t avail;
#ifdef __OBJC__
NSColor **colors;
NSMutableSet *empty_indices;
void **items;
void *availIndices;
#define RGB_TO_ULONG(r, g, b) (((r) << 16) | ((g) << 8) | (b))
#define ARGB_TO_ULONG(a, r, g, b) (((a) << 24) | ((r) << 16) | ((g) << 8) | (b))
#define ALPHA_FROM_ULONG(color) ((color) >> 24)
#define RED_FROM_ULONG(color) (((color) >> 16) & 0xff)
#define GREEN_FROM_ULONG(color) (((color) >> 8) & 0xff)
#define BLUE_FROM_ULONG(color) ((color) & 0xff)
/* Do not change `* 0x101' in the following lines to `<< 8'. If
changed, image masks in 1-bit depth will not work. */
#define RED16_FROM_ULONG(color) (RED_FROM_ULONG(color) * 0x101)
#define GREEN16_FROM_ULONG(color) (GREEN_FROM_ULONG(color) * 0x101)
#define BLUE16_FROM_ULONG(color) (BLUE_FROM_ULONG(color) * 0x101)
/* this extends font backend font */
struct nsfont_info
struct font font;
char *name; /* PostScript name, uniquely identifies on NS systems */
/* The following metrics are stored as float rather than int. */
float width; /* Maximum advance for the font. */
float height;
float underpos;
float underwidth;
float size;
#ifdef __OBJC__
NSFont *nsfont;
#if defined (NS_IMPL_COCOA)
CGFontRef cgfont;
#else /* GNUstep */
void *cgfont;
#else /* ! OBJC */
void *nsfont;
void *cgfont;
char bold, ital; /* convenience flags */
char synthItal;
XCharStruct max_bounds;
/* we compute glyph codes and metrics on-demand in blocks of 256 indexed
by hibyte, lobyte */
unsigned short **glyphs; /* map Unicode index to glyph */
struct font_metrics **metrics;
/* init'd in ns_initialize_display_info () */
struct ns_display_info
/* Chain of all ns_display_info structures. */
struct ns_display_info *next;
/* The generic display parameters corresponding to this NS display. */
struct terminal *terminal;
/* This is a cons cell of the form (NAME . FONT-LIST-CACHE).
The same cons cell also appears in ns_display_name_list. */
Lisp_Object name_list_element;
/* The number of fonts loaded. */
int n_fonts;
/* Minimum width over all characters in all fonts in font_table. */
int smallest_char_width;
/* Minimum font height over all fonts in font_table. */
int smallest_font_height;
struct ns_bitmap_record *bitmaps;
ptrdiff_t bitmaps_size;
ptrdiff_t bitmaps_last;
struct image_cache *image_cache;
struct ns_color_table *color_table;
/* DPI resolution of this screen */
double resx, resy;
/* Mask of things that cause the mouse to be grabbed */
int grabbed;
int n_planes;
int color_p;
Window root_window;
/* Xism */
XrmDatabase xrdb;
/* The cursor to use for vertical scroll bars. */
Cursor vertical_scroll_bar_cursor;
/* Information about the range of text currently shown in
mouse-face. */
Mouse_HLInfo mouse_highlight;
struct frame *x_highlight_frame;
struct frame *x_focus_frame;
/* The frame where the mouse was last time we reported a mouse event. */
struct frame *last_mouse_frame;
/* The frame where the mouse was last time we reported a mouse motion. */
struct frame *last_mouse_motion_frame;
/* Position where the mouse was last time we reported a motion.
This is a position on last_mouse_motion_frame. */
int last_mouse_motion_x;
int last_mouse_motion_y;
/* Where the mouse was last time we reported a mouse position. */
NSRect last_mouse_glyph;
/* Time of last mouse movement. */
Time last_mouse_movement_time;
/* The scroll bar in which the last motion event occurred. */
#ifdef __OBJC__
EmacsScroller *last_mouse_scroll_bar;
void *last_mouse_scroll_bar;
/* This is a chain of structures for all the NS displays currently in use. */
extern struct ns_display_info *x_display_list;
extern Lisp_Object ns_display_name_list;
extern struct ns_display_info *ns_display_info_for_name (Lisp_Object name);
struct ns_output
#ifdef __OBJC__
EmacsView *view;
id miniimage;
NSColor *cursor_color;
NSColor *foreground_color;
NSColor *background_color;
EmacsToolbar *toolbar;
void *view;
void *miniimage;
void *cursor_color;
void *foreground_color;
void *background_color;
void *toolbar;
/* NSCursors init'ed in initFrameFromEmacs */
Cursor text_cursor;
Cursor nontext_cursor;
Cursor modeline_cursor;
Cursor hand_cursor;
Cursor hourglass_cursor;
Cursor horizontal_drag_cursor;
/* NS-specific */
Cursor current_pointer;
/* lord knows why Emacs needs to know about our Window ids.. */
Window window_desc, parent_desc;
char explicit_parent;
struct font *font;
int baseline_offset;
/* If a fontset is specified for this frame instead of font, this
value contains an ID of the fontset, else -1. */
int fontset; /* only used with font_backend */
Lisp_Object icon_top;
Lisp_Object icon_left;
/* The size of the extra width currently allotted for vertical
scroll bars, in pixels. */
int vertical_scroll_bar_extra;
/* The height of the titlebar decoration (included in NSWindow's frame). */
int titlebar_height;
/* The height of the toolbar if displayed, else 0. */
int toolbar_height;
/* This is the Emacs structure for the NS display this frame is on. */
struct ns_display_info *display_info;
/* Non-zero if we want to constrain the frame to the screen. */
int dont_constrain;
/* Non-zero if we are zooming (maximizing) the frame. */
int zooming;
/* this dummy decl needed to support TTYs */
struct x_output
int unused;
/* This gives the ns_display_info structure for the display F is on. */
#define FRAME_DISPLAY_INFO(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->display_info)
#define FRAME_X_OUTPUT(f) ((f)->output_data.ns)
#define FRAME_NS_WINDOW(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->window_desc)
#define FRAME_X_WINDOW(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->window_desc)
/* This is the `Display *' which frame F is on. */
#define FRAME_NS_DISPLAY(f) (0)
#define FRAME_X_DISPLAY(f) (0)
#define FRAME_X_SCREEN(f) (0)
#define FRAME_FOREGROUND_COLOR(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->foreground_color)
#define FRAME_BACKGROUND_COLOR(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->background_color)
#define FRAME_X_IMAGE_CACHE(F) FRAME_DISPLAY_INFO ((F))->image_cache
#define NS_FACE_FOREGROUND(f) ((f)->foreground)
#define NS_FACE_BACKGROUND(f) ((f)->background)
#define FRAME_NS_TITLEBAR_HEIGHT(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->titlebar_height)
#define FRAME_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->toolbar_height)
#define FONT_WIDTH(f) ((f)->max_width)
#define FONT_HEIGHT(f) ((f)->height)
#define FONT_BASE(f) ((f)->ascent)
#define FONT_DESCENT(f) ((f)->descent)
#define FRAME_NS_VIEW(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->view)
#define FRAME_CURSOR_COLOR(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->cursor_color)
#define FRAME_POINTER_TYPE(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->current_pointer)
#define FRAME_FONT(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->font)
#ifdef __OBJC__
#define XNS_SCROLL_BAR(vec) ((id) XSAVE_POINTER (vec, 0))
#define XNS_SCROLL_BAR(vec) XSAVE_POINTER (vec, 0)
/* Compute pixel size for vertical scroll bars */
#define NS_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH(f) \
: 0)
/* Difference btwn char-column-calculated and actual SB widths.
This is only a concern for rendering when SB on left. */
#define NS_SCROLL_BAR_ADJUST(w, f) \
/* XXX: fix for GNUstep inconsistent accounting for titlebar */
#define NS_TOP_POS(f) ((f)->top_pos + 18)
#define NS_TOP_POS(f) ((f)->top_pos)
#define FRAME_NS_FONT_TABLE(f) (FRAME_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->font_table)
#define FRAME_FONTSET(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->fontset)
#define FRAME_BASELINE_OFFSET(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->baseline_offset)
#define BLACK_PIX_DEFAULT(f) 0x000000
/* First position where characters can be shown (instead of scrollbar, if
it is on left. */
extern struct ns_display_info *ns_term_init (Lisp_Object display_name);
extern void ns_term_shutdown (int sig);
/* constants for text rendering */
/* In nsfont, called from fontset.c */
extern void nsfont_make_fontset_for_font (Lisp_Object name,
Lisp_Object font_object);
/* In nsfont, for debugging */
struct glyph_string;
void ns_dump_glyphstring (struct glyph_string *s);
/* Implemented in nsterm, published in or needed from nsfns. */
extern Lisp_Object Qfontsize;
extern Lisp_Object ns_list_fonts (struct frame *f, Lisp_Object pattern,
int size, int maxnames);
extern void ns_clear_frame (struct frame *f);
extern const char *ns_xlfd_to_fontname (const char *xlfd);
extern Lisp_Object ns_map_event_to_object (void);
#ifdef __OBJC__
extern Lisp_Object ns_string_from_pasteboard (id pb);
extern void ns_string_to_pasteboard (id pb, Lisp_Object str);
extern Lisp_Object ns_get_local_selection (Lisp_Object selection_name,
Lisp_Object target_type);
extern void nxatoms_of_nsselect (void);
extern int ns_lisp_to_cursor_type (Lisp_Object arg);
extern Lisp_Object ns_cursor_type_to_lisp (int arg);
extern void ns_set_name_as_filename (struct frame *f);
extern void ns_set_doc_edited (struct frame *f, Lisp_Object arg);
extern bool
ns_defined_color (struct frame *f,
const char *name,
XColor *color_def, bool alloc,
bool makeIndex);
extern void
ns_query_color (void *col, XColor *color_def, int setPixel);
#ifdef __OBJC__
extern Lisp_Object ns_color_to_lisp (NSColor *col);
extern int ns_lisp_to_color (Lisp_Object color, NSColor **col);
extern NSColor *ns_lookup_indexed_color (unsigned long idx, struct frame *f);
extern unsigned long ns_index_color (NSColor *color, struct frame *f);
extern void ns_free_indexed_color (unsigned long idx, struct frame *f);
extern const char *ns_get_pending_menu_title (void);
extern void ns_check_menu_open (NSMenu *menu);
extern void ns_check_pending_open_menu (void);
/* C access to ObjC functionality */
extern void ns_release_object (void *obj);
extern void ns_retain_object (void *obj);
extern void *ns_alloc_autorelease_pool (void);
extern void ns_release_autorelease_pool (void *);
extern const char *ns_get_defaults_value (const char *key);
/* in nsmenu */
extern void update_frame_tool_bar (struct frame *f);
extern void free_frame_tool_bar (struct frame *f);
extern void find_and_call_menu_selection (struct frame *f,
int menu_bar_items_used, Lisp_Object vector, void *client_data);
extern Lisp_Object find_and_return_menu_selection (struct frame *f,
bool keymaps,
void *client_data);
extern Lisp_Object ns_popup_dialog (Lisp_Object position, Lisp_Object header,
Lisp_Object contents);
extern void ns_run_ascript (void);
extern void ns_run_file_dialog (void);
extern const char *ns_etc_directory (void);
extern const char *ns_exec_path (void);
extern const char *ns_load_path (void);
extern void syms_of_nsterm (void);
extern void syms_of_nsfns (void);
extern void syms_of_nsmenu (void);
extern void syms_of_nsselect (void);
/* From nsimage.m, needed in image.c */
struct image;
extern void *ns_image_from_XBM (unsigned char *bits, int width, int height);
extern void *ns_image_for_XPM (int width, int height, int depth);
extern void *ns_image_from_file (Lisp_Object file);
extern bool ns_load_image (struct frame *f, struct image *img,
Lisp_Object spec_file, Lisp_Object spec_data);
extern int ns_image_width (void *img);
extern int ns_image_height (void *img);
extern unsigned long ns_get_pixel (void *img, int x, int y);
extern void ns_put_pixel (void *img, int x, int y, unsigned long argb);
extern void ns_set_alpha (void *img, int x, int y, unsigned char a);
extern int x_display_pixel_height (struct ns_display_info *);
extern int x_display_pixel_width (struct ns_display_info *);
/* This in nsterm.m */
extern void x_destroy_window (struct frame *f);
extern int ns_select (int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds,
fd_set *exceptfds, struct timespec const *timeout,
sigset_t const *sigmask);
extern unsigned long ns_get_rgb_color (struct frame *f,
float r, float g, float b, float a);
/* From nsterm.m, needed in nsfont.m. */
#ifdef __OBJC__
extern void
ns_draw_text_decoration (struct glyph_string *s, struct face *face,
NSColor *defaultCol, CGFloat width, CGFloat x);
extern char gnustep_base_version[]; /* version tracking */
#define MINWIDTH 10
#define MINHEIGHT 10
/* Screen max coordinate
Using larger coordinates causes movewindow/placewindow to abort */
#define SCREENMAX 16000
#define NS_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH_DEFAULT [EmacsScroller scrollerWidth]
/* This is to match emacs on other platforms, ugly though it is. */
#define NS_SELECTION_BG_COLOR_DEFAULT @"LightGoldenrod2";
/* Little utility macros */
#define IN_BOUND(min, x, max) (((x) < (min)) \
? (min) : (((x)>(max)) ? (max) : (x)))
#endif /* HAVE_NS */