/* machine description file for Mips running RISCOS version 4. */ #include "mips.h" /* The following line tells the configuration script what sort of operating system this machine is likely to run. USUAL-OPSYS="note" NOTE-START Use -opsystem=usg5-2-2 normally, or -opsystem=bsd4-3 with the BSD world. NOTE-END */ /* Define MIPS2 if you have an R6000 or R4000. */ /* #define MIPS2 */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #define C_DEBUG_SWITCH -g -O #else #ifdef MIPS2 #define C_DEBUG_SWITCH -systype bsd43 -O -Olimit 791 -g3 -mips2 #else #define C_DEBUG_SWITCH -systype bsd43 -O -Olimit 791 -g3 #endif #endif #ifdef TERMINFO #undef TERMINFO #endif #define START_FILES pre-crt0.o /lib/crt1.o #define LIB_STANDARD -lmld -lc /lib/crtn.o #define COFF #undef LD_SWITCH_MACHINE #define LD_SWITCH_MACHINE -systype bsd43 -g3 -D 800000