/* Copyright Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1985 */ /* Copyright 1985, 1986, 1987 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. */ /* * XMenu: MIT Project Athena, X Window system menu package * * XMenu.h - Include file for the MIT Project Athena * XMenu X window system menu package. * * Author: Tony Della Fera, DEC * August, 1984 */ #ifndef _XMenu_h_ #define _XMenu_h_ #include #include #include "X10.h" #define FAILURE -1 #define SUCCESS 1 #define POST_ERROR -1 #define NO_SELECTION -1 #define XM_FAILURE -1 #define XM_SUCCESS 1 #define XM_NO_SELECT 2 #define XM_IA_SELECT 3 #define XME_CODE_COUNT 17 #define XME_NO_ERROR 0 #define XME_NOT_INIT 1 #define XME_ARG_BOUNDS 2 #define XME_P_NOT_FOUND 3 #define XME_S_NOT_FOUND 4 #define XME_STYLE_PARAM 5 #define XME_GRAB_MOUSE 6 #define XME_INTERP_LOC 7 #define XME_CALLOC 8 #define XME_CREATE_ASSOC 9 #define XME_STORE_BITMAP 10 #define XME_MAKE_TILES 11 #define XME_MAKE_PIXMAP 12 #define XME_CREATE_CURSOR 13 #define XME_OPEN_FONT 14 #define XME_CREATE_WINDOW 15 #define XME_CREATE_TRANSP 16 /* * XMenu error code and error list definitions. */ extern int _XMErrorCode; extern char const *const _XMErrorList[]; /* * Define the XMWindow datatypes. * * An XMWindow is either an XMPane or an XMSelect. * * XMWindow is wrapper used to identify the constant window * information that makes up XMPane and XMSelect objects. * * An XMPane is a menu pane made up of one or more XMSelect and a label. * * An XMSelect is a menu selection object with a label and a data pointer. */ typedef enum _xmwintype {PANE, SELECTION, PL_HEADER, SL_HEADER, SEPARATOR} XMWType; typedef struct _xmwindow { struct _xmwindow *next; /* Next obj pointer (for emacs_insque). */ struct _xmwindow *prev; /* Prev obj pointer (for emacs_insque). */ XMWType type; /* Type of window. */ Window window; /* X Window Id. */ int window_x; /* Window upper left X coordinate. */ int window_y; /* Window upper left y coordinate. */ int window_w; /* Window width. */ int window_h; /* Window height. */ int active; /* Window active? */ int activated; /* Window activated? */ int pad_l1; /* ---- */ char *pad_l2; /* ---- */ int pad_l3; /* ---- */ int pad_l4; /* ---- */ int pad_l5; /* ---- */ int pad_l6; /* ---- */ int pad_l7; /* ---- */ int pad_l8; /* ---- */ struct _xmwindow *pad_l9; /* ---- */ char *pad_l10; /* ---- */ struct _xmwindow *pad_l11; /* ---- */ } XMWindow; typedef struct _xmpane { struct _xmpane *next; /* Next obj pointer (for emacs_insque). */ struct _xmpane *prev; /* Prev obj pointer (for emacs_insque). */ XMWType type; /* Type of window. */ Window window; /* X Window Id. */ int window_x; /* Window upper left X coordinate. */ int window_y; /* Window upper left y coordinate. */ int window_w; /* Window width. */ int window_h; /* Window height. */ int active; /* Window active? */ int activated; /* Window activated? */ int serial; /* -- Pane serial number. */ char const *label; /* -- Pane label. */ int label_width; /* -- Pane label width in pixels. */ int label_length; /* -- Pane label length in chars. */ int label_x; /* -- Pane label X offset. */ int label_uy; /* -- Pane label upper Y offset. */ int label_ly; /* -- Pane label lower Y offset. */ int s_count; /* -- Selections in this pane. */ struct _xmselect *s_list; /* -- Selection window list. */ char *pad_l10; /* ---- */ struct _xmwindow *pad_l11; /* ---- */ } XMPane; typedef struct _xmselect { struct _xmselect *next; /* Next obj pointer (for emacs_insque). */ struct _xmselect *prev; /* Prev obj pointer (for emacs_insque). */ XMWType type; /* Type of window. */ Window window; /* X Window Id. */ Window parent; /* X Window id of parent window. */ int window_x; /* Window upper left X coordinate. */ int window_y; /* Window upper left y coordinate. */ int window_w; /* Window width. */ int window_h; /* Window height. */ int active; /* Window active? */ int activated; /* Window activated? */ int serial; /* -- Selection serial number. */ char *label; /* -- Selection label. */ int label_width; /* -- Selection label width in pixels. */ int label_length; /* -- Selection label length in chars. */ int label_x; /* -- Selection label X offset. */ int label_y; /* -- Selection label Y offset. */ int pad_l7; /* ---- */ int pad_l8; /* ---- */ struct _xmwindow *pad_l9; /* ---- */ char *data; /* -- Selection data pointer. */ struct _xmpane *parent_p; /* -- Selection parent pane structure. */ char const *help_string; /* Help string or null. */ } XMSelect; /* * Define the XMStyle datatype. * * Menu presentation style information. * */ typedef enum _xmstyle { LEFT, /* Left oriented object. */ RIGHT, /* Right oriented object. */ CENTER /* Center oriented object. */ } XMStyle; /* * Define the XMMode datatype. * * Menu presentation mode information. * */ typedef enum _xmmode { BOX, /* BOXed graphic rendition. */ INVERT /* INVERTed graphic rendition. */ } XMMode; /* * Define the XMenu datatype. * * All dimensions are in pixels unless otherwise noted. */ typedef struct _xmenu { /* -------------------- Menu data -------------------- */ XMStyle menu_style; /* Menu display style. */ XMMode menu_mode; /* Menu display mode. */ int freeze; /* Freeze server mode? */ int aeq; /* Asynchronous Event Queuing mode? */ int recompute; /* Recompute menu dependencies? */ Window parent; /* Menu's parent window. */ int width; /* Overall menu width. */ int height; /* Overall menu height. */ int x_pos; /* Overall menu origin. */ int y_pos; /* Overall menu origin. */ Cursor mouse_cursor; /* Mouse cursor raster. */ XAssocTable *assoc_tab; /* XMWindow association table. */ XMPane *p_list; /* List of XMPanes. */ /* -------------------- Pane window data -------------------- */ XMStyle p_style; /* Pane display style. */ int p_events; /* Pane window X events. */ XFontStruct *p_fnt_info; /* Flag font info structure. */ GC pane_GC; /* Pane graphics context. */ int p_fnt_pad; /* Fixed flag font padding in pixels. */ double p_spread; /* Pane spread in flag height fractions. */ int p_bdr_width; /* Pane border width. */ int flag_height; /* Flag height. */ int p_width; /* Menu pane width. */ int p_height; /* Menu pane height. */ int p_x_off; /* Pane window X offset. */ int p_y_off; /* Pane window Y offset. */ int p_count; /* Number of panes per menu. */ /* -------------------- Selection window data -------------------- */ XMStyle s_style; /* Selection display style. */ int s_events; /* Selection window X events. */ XFontStruct *s_fnt_info; /* Body font info structure. */ int s_fnt_pad; /* Fixed body font padding in pixels. */ double s_spread; /* Select spread in line height fractions. */ int s_bdr_width; /* Select border width. */ int s_width; /* Selection window width. */ int s_height; /* Selection window height. */ int s_x_off; /* Selection window X offset. */ int s_y_off; /* Selection window Y offset. */ int s_count; /* Maximum number of selections per pane. */ GC normal_select_GC; /* GC used for inactive selections. */ GC inverse_select_GC; /* GC used for active (current) selection. */ GC inact_GC; /* GC used for inactive selections and */ /* panes headers. */ /* -------------------- Color data -------------------- */ unsigned long p_bdr_color; /* Color of pane border pixmap. */ unsigned long s_bdr_color; /* Color of selection border pixmap. */ unsigned long p_frg_color; /* Color of pane foreground pixmap. */ unsigned long s_frg_color; /* Color of selection pixmap. */ unsigned long bkgnd_color; /* Color of menu background pixmap. */ /* -------------------- Pixmap data -------------------- */ Pixmap p_bdr_pixmap; /* Pane border pixmap. */ Pixmap s_bdr_pixmap; /* Selection border pixmap. */ Pixmap p_frg_pixmap; /* Pane foreground pixmap. */ Pixmap s_frg_pixmap; /* Selection foreground pixmap. */ Pixmap bkgnd_pixmap; /* Menu background pixmap. */ Pixmap inact_pixmap; /* Menu inactive pixmap. */ } XMenu; typedef void (*Wait_func)(void*); /* Function for translating GenericEvents. It is should call XPutBackEvent on an equivalent artificial core event on any function it wants to translate. */ typedef void (*Translate_func)(XEvent *); typedef void (*Expose_func)(XEvent *); /* * XMenu library routine declarations. */ XMenu *XMenuCreate(Display *display, Window parent, char const *def_env); int XMenuAddPane(Display *display, XMenu *menu, char const *label, int active); int XMenuAddSelection(Display *display, XMenu *menu, int p_num, char *data, char *label, int active, char const *help); int XMenuInsertPane(XMenu *menu, int p_num, char *label, int active); int XMenuInsertSelection(XMenu *menu, int p_num, int s_num, char *data, char *label, int active); int XMenuFindPane(XMenu *menu, char *label); int XMenuFindSelection(XMenu *menu, int p_num, char *label); int XMenuChangePane(XMenu *menu, int p_num, char *label); int XMenuChangeSelection(Display *display, XMenu *menu, int p_num, int s_num, char *data, int data_sw, char *label, int label_sw); int XMenuSetPane(XMenu *menu, int p_num, int active); int XMenuSetSelection(XMenu *menu, int p_num, int s_num, int active); int XMenuRecompute(Display *display, XMenu *menu); void XMenuEventHandler(int (*handler) (XEvent *)); int XMenuLocate(Display *display, XMenu *menu, int p_num, int s_num, int x_pos, int y_pos, int *ul_x, int *ul_y, int *width, int *height); void XMenuSetFreeze(XMenu *menu, int freeze); void XMenuActivateSetWaitFunction(Wait_func func, void *data); void XMenuActivateSetTranslateFunction(Translate_func func); void XMenuActivateSetExposeFunction(Expose_func func); int XMenuActivate(Display *display, XMenu *menu, int *p_num, int *s_num, int x_pos, int y_pos, unsigned int event_mask, char **data, void (*help_callback) (char const *, int, int)); char *XMenuPost(Display *display, XMenu *menu, int *p_num, int *s_num, int x_pos, int y_pos, int event_mask); int XMenuDeletePane(Display *display, XMenu *menu, int p_num); int XMenuDeleteSelection(Display *display, XMenu *menu, int p_num, int s_num); void XMenuDestroy(Display *display, XMenu *menu); char const *XMenuError(void); void XMenuSetAEQ(XMenu *menu, int aeq); #endif /* Don't add after this point. */