@echo off REM Change this to the directory into which you installed Emacs: set emacs_path=C:\emacs REM REM You shouldn't have to change any of the below. REM REM Set OS specific values. set ARCH_SAVE=%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% set PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE= if "%ARCH_SAVE%" == "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" goto win95 set PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=%ARCH_SAVE% set SHELL=cmd goto next :win95 set SHELL=command :next set EMACSLOADPATH=%emacs_path%\lisp set EMACSDATA=%emacs_path%\etc set EMACSPATH=%emacs_path%\bin set EMACSLOCKDIR=%emacs_path%\lock set INFOPATH=%emacs_path%\info set EMACSDOC=%emacs_path%\etc set TERM=CMD REM The variable HOME is used to find the startup file, ~\_emacs. Ideally, REM this will not be set in this file but should already be set before REM this file is invoked. If HOME is not set, use some generic default. set HOME_SAVE=%HOME% set HOME_EXISTS=yes set HOME_DEFAULT=C:\ set HOME= if "%HOME%" == "%HOME_SAVE%" set HOME_EXISTS=no if "%HOME_EXISTS%" == "yes" set HOME=%HOME_SAVE% if "%HOME_EXISTS%" == "no" set HOME=%HOME_DEFAULT% if "%HOME_EXISTS%" == "no" echo HOME is not set! Using %HOME% as a default... %emacs_path%\bin\emacs.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9