;;;; testcover.el -- Visual code-coverage tool ;; Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Jonathan Yavner ;; Maintainer: Jonathan Yavner ;; Keywords: lisp utility ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; * Use `testcover-start' to instrument a Lisp file for coverage testing. ;; * Use `testcover-mark-all' to add overlay "splotches" to the Lisp file's ;; buffer to show where coverage is lacking. Normally, a red splotch ;; indicates the form was never evaluated; a brown splotch means it always ;; evaluted to the same value. ;; * Use `testcover-next-mark' (bind it to a key!) to jump to the next spot ;; that has a splotch. ;; * Basic algorithm: use `edebug' to mark up the function text with ;; instrumentation callbacks, then replace edebug's callbacks with ours. ;; * To show good coverage, we want to see two values for every form, except ;; functions that always return the same value and `defconst' variables ;; need show only value for good coverage. To avoid the brown splotch, the ;; definitions for constants and 1-valued functions must precede the ;; references. ;; * Use the macro `1value' in your Lisp code to mark spots where the local ;; code environment causes a function or variable to always have the same ;; value, but the function or variable is not intrinsically 1-valued. ;; * Use the macro `noreturn' in your Lisp code to mark function calls that ;; never return, because of the local code environment, even though the ;; function being called is capable of returning in other cases. ;; Problems: ;; * To detect different values, we store the form's result in a vector and ;; compare the next result using `equal'. We don't copy the form's ;; result, so if caller alters it (`setcar', etc.) we'll think the next ;; call has the same value! Also, equal thinks two strings are the same ;; if they differ only in properties. ;; * Because we have only a "1value" class and no "always nil" class, we have ;; to treat as 1-valued any `and' whose last term is 1-valued, in case the ;; last term is always nil. Example: ;; (and (< (point) 1000) (forward-char 10)) ;; This form always returns nil. Similarly, `if' and `cond' are ;; treated as 1-valued if all clauses are, in case those values are ;; always nil. (require 'edebug) (provide 'testcover) ;;;========================================================================== ;;; User options ;;;========================================================================== (defgroup testcover nil "Code-coverage tester" :group 'lisp :prefix "testcover-" :version "21.1") (defcustom testcover-constants '(nil t emacs-build-time emacs-version emacs-major-version emacs-minor-version) "Variables whose values never change. No brown splotch is shown for these. This list is quite incomplete!" :group 'testcover :type '(repeat variable)) (defcustom testcover-1value-functions '(backward-char barf-if-buffer-read-only beginning-of-line buffer-disable-undo buffer-enable-undo current-global-map deactivate-mark delete-char delete-region ding error forward-char function* insert insert-and-inherit kill-all-local-variables lambda mapc narrow-to-region noreturn push-mark put-text-property run-hooks set-text-properties signal substitute-key-definition suppress-keymap throw undo use-local-map while widen yank) "Functions that always return the same value. No brown splotch is shown for these. This list is quite incomplete! Notes: Nobody ever changes the current global map. The macro `lambda' is self-evaluating, hence always returns the same value (the function it defines may return varying values when called)." :group 'testcover :type 'hook) (defcustom testcover-noreturn-functions '(error noreturn throw signal) "Subset of `testcover-1value-functions' -- these never return. We mark them as having returned nil just before calling them." :group 'testcover :type 'hook) (defcustom testcover-compose-functions '(+ - * / length list make-keymap make-sparse-keymap message propertize replace-regexp-in-string run-with-idle-timer set-buffer-modified-p) "Functions that are 1-valued if all their args are either constants or calls to one of the `testcover-1value-functions', so if that's true then no brown splotch is shown for these. This list is quite incomplete! Most side-effect-free functions should be here." :group 'testcover :type 'hook) (defcustom testcover-progn-functions '(define-key fset function goto-char or overlay-put progn save-current-buffer save-excursion save-match-data save-restriction save-selected-window save-window-excursion set set-default setq setq-default with-output-to-temp-buffer with-syntax-table with-temp-buffer with-temp-file with-temp-message with-timeout) "Functions whose return value is the same as their last argument. No brown splotch is shown for these if the last argument is a constant or a call to one of the `testcover-1value-functions'. This list is probably incomplete! Note: `or' is here in case the last argument is a function that always returns nil." :group 'testcover :type 'hook) (defcustom testcover-prog1-functions '(prog1 unwind-protect) "Functions whose return value is the same as their first argument. No brown splotch is shown for these if the first argument is a constant or a call to one of the `testcover-1value-functions'." :group 'testcover :type 'hook) (defface testcover-nohits-face '((t (:background "DeepPink2"))) "Face for forms that had no hits during coverage test" :group 'testcover) (defface testcover-1value-face '((t (:background "Wheat2"))) "Face for forms that always produced the same value during coverage test" :group 'testcover) ;;;========================================================================= ;;; Other variables ;;;========================================================================= (defvar testcover-module-constants nil "Symbols declared with defconst in the last file processed by `testcover-start'.") (defvar testcover-module-1value-functions nil "Symbols declared with defun in the last file processed by `testcover-start', whose functions always return the same value.") (defvar testcover-vector nil "Locally bound to coverage vector for function in progress.") ;;;========================================================================= ;;; Add instrumentation to your module ;;;========================================================================= ;;;###autoload (defun testcover-start (filename &optional byte-compile) "Uses edebug to instrument all macros and functions in FILENAME, then changes the instrumentation from edebug to testcover--much faster, no problems with type-ahead or post-command-hook, etc. If BYTE-COMPILE is non-nil, byte-compiles each function after instrumenting." (interactive "f") (let ((buf (find-file filename)) (load-read-function 'testcover-read) (edebug-all-defs t)) (setq edebug-form-data nil testcover-module-constants nil testcover-module-1value-functions nil) (eval-buffer buf)) (when byte-compile (dolist (x (reverse edebug-form-data)) (when (fboundp (car x)) (message "Compiling %s..." (car x)) (byte-compile (car x)))))) ;;;###autoload (defun testcover-this-defun () "Start coverage on function under point." (interactive) (let* ((edebug-all-defs t) (x (symbol-function (eval-defun nil)))) (testcover-reinstrument x) x)) (defun testcover-read (&optional stream) "Read a form using edebug, changing edebug callbacks to testcover callbacks." (let ((x (edebug-read stream))) (testcover-reinstrument x) x)) (defun testcover-reinstrument (form) "Reinstruments FORM to use testcover instead of edebug. This function modifies the list that FORM points to. Result is non-nil if FORM will always return the same value." (let ((fun (car-safe form))) (cond ((not fun) ;Atom (or (not (symbolp form)) (memq form testcover-constants) (memq form testcover-module-constants))) ((consp fun) ;Embedded list (testcover-reinstrument fun) (testcover-reinstrument-list (cdr form)) nil) ((or (memq fun testcover-1value-functions) (memq fun testcover-module-1value-functions)) ;;Always return same value (testcover-reinstrument-list (cdr form)) t) ((memq fun testcover-progn-functions) ;;1-valued if last argument is (testcover-reinstrument-list (cdr form))) ((memq fun testcover-prog1-functions) ;;1-valued if first argument is (testcover-reinstrument-list (cddr form)) (testcover-reinstrument (cadr form))) ((memq fun testcover-compose-functions) ;;1-valued if all arguments are (setq fun t) (mapc #'(lambda (x) (setq fun (or (testcover-reinstrument x) fun))) (cdr form)) fun) ((eq fun 'edebug-enter) ;;(edebug-enter 'SYM ARGS #'(lambda nil FORMS)) ;; => (testcover-enter 'SYM #'(lambda nil FORMS)) (setcar form 'testcover-enter) (setcdr (nthcdr 1 form) (nthcdr 3 form)) (let ((testcover-vector (get (cadr (cadr form)) 'edebug-coverage))) (testcover-reinstrument-list (nthcdr 2 (cadr (nth 2 form)))))) ((eq fun 'edebug-after) ;;(edebug-after (edebug-before XXX) YYY FORM) ;; => (testcover-after YYY FORM), mark XXX as ok-coverage (unless (eq (cadr form) 0) (aset testcover-vector (cadr (cadr form)) 'ok-coverage)) (setq fun (nth 2 form)) (setcdr form (nthcdr 2 form)) (if (not (memq (car-safe (nth 2 form)) testcover-noreturn-functions)) (setcar form 'testcover-after) ;;This function won't return, so set the value in advance ;;(edebug-after (edebug-before XXX) YYY FORM) ;; => (progn (edebug-after YYY nil) FORM) (setcar form 'progn) (setcar (cdr form) `(testcover-after ,fun nil))) (when (testcover-reinstrument (nth 2 form)) (aset testcover-vector fun '1value))) ((eq fun 'defun) (if (testcover-reinstrument-list (nthcdr 3 form)) (push (cadr form) testcover-module-1value-functions))) ((eq fun 'defconst) ;;Define this symbol as 1-valued (push (cadr form) testcover-module-constants) (testcover-reinstrument-list (cddr form))) ((memq fun '(dotimes dolist)) ;;Always returns third value from SPEC (testcover-reinstrument-list (cddr form)) (setq fun (testcover-reinstrument-list (cadr form))) (if (nth 2 (cadr form)) fun ;;No third value, always returns nil t)) ((memq fun '(let let*)) ;;Special parsing for second argument (mapc 'testcover-reinstrument-list (cadr form)) (testcover-reinstrument-list (cddr form))) ((eq fun 'if) ;;1-valued if both THEN and ELSE clauses are (testcover-reinstrument (cadr form)) (let ((then (testcover-reinstrument (nth 2 form))) (else (testcover-reinstrument-list (nthcdr 3 form)))) (and then else))) ((memq fun '(when unless and)) ;;1-valued if last clause of BODY is (testcover-reinstrument-list (cdr form))) ((eq fun 'cond) ;;1-valued if all clauses are (testcover-reinstrument-clauses (cdr form))) ((eq fun 'condition-case) ;;1-valued if BODYFORM is and all HANDLERS are (let ((body (testcover-reinstrument (nth 2 form))) (errs (testcover-reinstrument-clauses (mapcar #'cdr (nthcdr 3 form))))) (and body errs))) ((eq fun 'quote) ;;Don't reinstrument what's inside! ;;This doesn't apply within a backquote t) ((eq fun '\`) ;;Quotes are not special within backquotes (let ((testcover-1value-functions (cons 'quote testcover-1value-functions))) (testcover-reinstrument (cadr form)))) ((eq fun '\,) ;;In commas inside backquotes, quotes are special again (let ((testcover-1value-functions (remq 'quote testcover-1value-functions))) (testcover-reinstrument (cadr form)))) ((memq fun '(1value noreturn)) ;;Hack - pretend the arg is 1-valued here (if (symbolp (cadr form)) ;A pseudoconstant variable t (let ((testcover-1value-functions (cons (car (cadr form)) testcover-1value-functions))) (testcover-reinstrument (cadr form))))) (t ;Some other function or weird thing (testcover-reinstrument-list (cdr form)) nil)))) (defun testcover-reinstrument-list (list) "Reinstruments each form in LIST to use testcover instead of edebug. This function modifies the forms in LIST. Result is `testcover-reinstrument's value for the last form in LIST. If the LIST is empty, its evaluation will always be nil, so we return t for 1-valued." (let ((result t)) (while (consp list) (setq result (testcover-reinstrument (pop list)))) result)) (defun testcover-reinstrument-clauses (clauselist) "Reinstrument each list in CLAUSELIST. Result is t if every clause is 1-valued." (let ((result t)) (mapc #'(lambda (x) (setq result (and (testcover-reinstrument-list x) result))) clauselist) result)) (defun testcover-end (buffer) "Turn off instrumentation of all macros and functions in FILENAME." (interactive "b") (let ((buf (find-file-noselect buffer))) (eval-buffer buf t))) (defmacro 1value (form) "For coverage testing, indicate FORM should always have the same value." form) (defmacro noreturn (form) "For coverage testing, indicate that FORM will never return." `(prog1 ,form (error "Form marked with `noreturn' did return"))) ;;;========================================================================= ;;; Accumulate coverage data ;;;========================================================================= (defun testcover-enter (testcover-sym testcover-fun) "Internal function for coverage testing. Invokes TESTCOVER-FUN while binding `testcover-vector' to the code-coverage vector for TESTCOVER-SYM \(the name of the current function)." (let ((testcover-vector (get testcover-sym 'edebug-coverage))) (funcall testcover-fun))) (defun testcover-after (idx val) "Internal function for coverage testing. Returns VAL after installing it in `testcover-vector' at offset IDX." (cond ((eq (aref testcover-vector idx) 'unknown) (aset testcover-vector idx val)) ((not (equal (aref testcover-vector idx) val)) (aset testcover-vector idx 'ok-coverage))) val) ;;;========================================================================= ;;; Display the coverage data as color splotches on your code. ;;;========================================================================= (defun testcover-mark (def) "Marks one DEF (a function or macro symbol) to highlight its contained forms that did not get completely tested during coverage tests. A marking of testcover-nohits-face (default = red) indicates that the form was never evaluated. A marking of testcover-1value-face \(default = tan) indicates that the form always evaluated to the same value. The forms throw, error, and signal are not marked. They do not return and would always get a red mark. Some forms that always return the same value (e.g., setq of a constant), always get a tan mark that can't be eliminated by adding more test cases." (let* ((data (get def 'edebug)) (def-mark (car data)) (points (nth 2 data)) (len (length points)) (changed (buffer-modified-p)) (coverage (get def 'edebug-coverage)) ov j item) (or (and def-mark points coverage) (error "Missing edebug data for function %s" def)) (when len (set-buffer (marker-buffer def-mark)) (mapc 'delete-overlay (overlays-in def-mark (+ def-mark (aref points (1- len)) 1))) (while (> len 0) (setq len (1- len) data (aref coverage len)) (when (and (not (eq data 'ok-coverage)) (setq j (+ def-mark (aref points len)))) (setq ov (make-overlay (1- j) j)) (overlay-put ov 'face (if (memq data '(unknown 1value)) 'testcover-nohits-face 'testcover-1value-face)))) (set-buffer-modified-p changed)))) (defun testcover-mark-all (&optional buffer) "Mark all forms in BUFFER that did not get completley tested during coverage tests. This function creates many overlays." (interactive "b") (if buffer (switch-to-buffer buffer)) (goto-char 1) (dolist (x edebug-form-data) (if (get (car x) 'edebug) (testcover-mark (car x))))) (defun testcover-unmark-all (buffer) "Remove all overlays from FILENAME." (interactive "b") (condition-case nil (progn (set-buffer buffer) (mapc 'delete-overlay (overlays-in 1 (buffer-size)))) (error nil))) ;Ignore "No such buffer" errors (defun testcover-next-mark () "Moves point to next line in current buffer that has a splotch." (interactive) (goto-char (next-overlay-change (point))) (end-of-line)) ;;; arch-tag: 72324a4a-4a2e-4142-9249-cc56d6757588 ;; testcover.el ends here.