;;; eieio-opt.el -- eieio optional functions (debug, printing, speedbar)

;; Copyright (C) 1996, 1998-2003, 2005, 2008-2020 Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <zappo@gnu.org>
;; Keywords: OO, lisp
;; Package: eieio

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:
;;   This contains support functions to eieio.  These functions contain
;; some small class browser and class printing functions.

(require 'eieio)
(require 'find-func)
(require 'speedbar)

;; We require cl-extra here instead of cl-lib because we need the
;; internal `cl--describe-class' function.
(require 'cl-extra)

;;; Code:
(defun eieio-browse (&optional root-class)
  "Create an object browser window to show all objects.
If optional ROOT-CLASS, then start with that, otherwise start with
variable `eieio-default-superclass'."
  (interactive (if current-prefix-arg
		   (list (read (completing-read "Class: "
						nil t)))
  (if (not root-class) (setq root-class 'eieio-default-superclass))
  (cl-check-type root-class class)
  (display-buffer (get-buffer-create "*EIEIO OBJECT BROWSE*") t)
  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer "*EIEIO OBJECT BROWSE*")
    (goto-char 0)
    (eieio-browse-tree root-class "" "")

(defun eieio-browse-tree (this-root prefix ch-prefix)
  "Recursively draw the children of the given class on the screen.
Argument THIS-ROOT is the local root of the tree.
Argument PREFIX is the character prefix to use.
Argument CH-PREFIX is another character prefix to display."
  (cl-check-type this-root class)
  (let ((myname (symbol-name this-root))
	(chl (eieio--class-children (cl--find-class this-root)))
	(fprefix (concat ch-prefix "  +--"))
	(mprefix (concat ch-prefix "  |  "))
	(lprefix (concat ch-prefix "     ")))
    (insert prefix myname "\n")
    (while (cdr chl)
      (eieio-browse-tree (car chl) fprefix mprefix)
      (setq chl (cdr chl)))
    (if chl
	(eieio-browse-tree (car chl) fprefix lprefix))


;; Called via help-fns-describe-function-functions.
(declare-function help-fns-short-filename "help-fns" (filename))

(define-obsolete-function-alias 'eieio-help-class 'cl--describe-class "25.1")

(defun eieio-build-class-alist (&optional class instantiable-only buildlist)
  "Return an alist of all currently active classes for completion purposes.
Optional argument CLASS is the class to start with.
If INSTANTIABLE-ONLY is non-nil, only allow names of classes which
are not abstract, otherwise allow all classes.
Optional argument BUILDLIST is more list to attach and is used internally."
  (let* ((cc (or class 'eieio-default-superclass))
	 (sublst (eieio--class-children (cl--find-class cc))))
    (unless (assoc (symbol-name cc) buildlist)
      (when (or (not instantiable-only) (not (class-abstract-p cc)))
        ;; FIXME: Completion tables don't need alists, and ede/generic.el needs
        ;; the symbols rather than their names.
	(setq buildlist (cons (cons (symbol-name cc) 1) buildlist))))
    (dolist (elem sublst)
      (setq buildlist (eieio-build-class-alist
		       elem instantiable-only buildlist)))

(defvar eieio-read-class nil
  "History of the function `eieio-read-class' prompt.")

(defun eieio-read-class (prompt &optional histvar instantiable-only)
  "Return a class chosen by the user using PROMPT.
Optional argument HISTVAR is a variable to use as history.
If INSTANTIABLE-ONLY is non-nil, only allow names of classes which
are not abstract."
  (intern (completing-read prompt (eieio-build-class-alist nil instantiable-only)
			   nil t nil
			   (or histvar 'eieio-read-class))))

(defun eieio-read-subclass (prompt class &optional histvar instantiable-only)
  "Return a class chosen by the user using PROMPT.
CLASS is the base class, and completion occurs across all subclasses.
Optional argument HISTVAR is a variable to use as history.
If INSTANTIABLE-ONLY is non-nil, only allow names of classes which
are not abstract."
  (intern (completing-read prompt
			   (eieio-build-class-alist class instantiable-only)
			   nil t nil
			   (or histvar 'eieio-read-class))))


(defun eieio-help-constructor (ctr)
  "Describe CTR if it is a class constructor."
  (when (class-p ctr)
    (let ((location (find-lisp-object-file-name ctr 'define-type))
	  (def (symbol-function ctr)))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (prin1 ctr)
      (insert (format " is an %s object constructor function"
		      (if (autoloadp def)
      (when (and (autoloadp def)
		 (null location))
	(setq location
	      (find-lisp-object-file-name ctr def)))
      (when location
	(insert (substitute-command-keys " in `"))
	;; The `cl-type-definition' button type can't be autoloaded
	;; due to circularity during bootstrap (Bug#28899).
        (require 'cl-extra)
	 (help-fns-short-filename location)
	 'cl-type-definition ctr location 'define-type)
	(insert (substitute-command-keys "'")))
      (insert ".\nCreates an object of class " (symbol-name ctr) ".")
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (if (autoloadp def)
	  (insert "\n\n[Class description not available until class definition is loaded.]\n")
	  (insert (propertize "\n\nClass description:\n" 'face 'bold))
	  (cl--describe-class ctr))))))

;; Dump out statistics about all the active methods in a session.
(defun eieio-display-method-list ()
  "Display a list of all the methods and what features are used."
  (let* ((meth1 (cl-generic-all-functions))
	 (meth (sort meth1 (lambda (a b)
			     (string< (symbol-name a)
				      (symbol-name b)))))
	 (buff (get-buffer-create "*EIEIO Method List*"))
	 (methidx 0)
	 (standard-output buff)
	 (slots '(method-static
	 (slotn '("static"
		  "G bef"
		  "G prim"
		  "G aft"))
	 (idxarray (make-vector (length slots) 0))
	 (primaryonly 0)
	 (oneprimary 0)
    (switch-to-buffer-other-window buff)
    (dolist (S slotn)
      (princ S)
      (princ "\t")
    (princ "Method Name")
    (princ "--------------------------------------------------------------------")
    (dolist (M meth)
      (let ((mtree (get M 'eieio-method-tree))
	    (P nil) (numP)
	    (!P nil))
	(dolist (S slots)
	  (let ((num (length (aref mtree (symbol-value S)))))
	    (aset idxarray (symbol-value S)
		  (+ num (aref idxarray (symbol-value S))))
	    (prin1 num)
	    (princ "\t")
	    (when (< 0 num)
	      (if (eq S 'method-primary)
		  (setq P t numP num)
		(setq !P t)))
	;; Is this a primary-only impl method?
	(when (and P (not !P))
	  (setq primaryonly (1+ primaryonly))
	  (when (= numP 1)
	    (setq oneprimary (1+ oneprimary))
	    (princ "*"))
	  (princ "* ")
	(prin1 M)
	(setq methidx (1+ methidx))
    (princ "--------------------------------------------------------------------")
    (dolist (S slots)
      (prin1 (aref idxarray (symbol-value S)))
      (princ "\t")
    (prin1 methidx)
    (princ " Total symbols")
    (dolist (S slotn)
      (princ S)
      (princ "\t")
    (princ "Methods Primary Only: ")
    (prin1 primaryonly)
    (princ "\t")
    (princ (format "%d" (floor (* 100.0 primaryonly) methidx)))
    (princ "% of total methods")
    (princ "Only One Primary Impl: ")
    (prin1 oneprimary)
    (princ "\t")
    (princ (format "%d" (floor (* 100.0 oneprimary) primaryonly)))
    (princ "% of total primary methods")


(defvar eieio-class-speedbar-key-map nil
  "Keymap used when working with a project in speedbar.")

(defun eieio-class-speedbar-make-map ()
  "Make a keymap for EIEIO under speedbar."
  (setq eieio-class-speedbar-key-map (speedbar-make-specialized-keymap))

  ;; General viewing stuff
  (define-key eieio-class-speedbar-key-map "\C-m" 'speedbar-edit-line)
  (define-key eieio-class-speedbar-key-map "+" 'speedbar-expand-line)
  (define-key eieio-class-speedbar-key-map "-" 'speedbar-contract-line)

(if eieio-class-speedbar-key-map
  (with-eval-after-load 'speedbar
    (speedbar-add-expansion-list '("EIEIO"

(defvar eieio-class-speedbar-menu
  "Menu part in easymenu format used in speedbar while in `eieio' mode.")

(defun eieio-class-speedbar (_dir-or-object _depth)
  "Create buttons in speedbar that represents the current project.
DIR-OR-OBJECT is the object to expand, or nil, and DEPTH is the
current expansion depth."
  (when (eq (point-min) (point-max))
    ;; This function is only called once, to start the whole deal.
    ;; Create and expand the default object.
    (eieio-class-button 'eieio-default-superclass 0)
    (forward-line -1)

(defun eieio-class-button (class depth)
  "Draw a speedbar button at the current point for CLASS at DEPTH."
  (cl-check-type class class)
  (let ((subclasses (eieio--class-children (cl--find-class class))))
    (if subclasses
	(speedbar-make-tag-line 'angle ?+
				(symbol-name class)
      (speedbar-make-tag-line 'angle ?  nil nil
			      (symbol-name class)

(defun eieio-sb-expand (text class indent)
  "For button TEXT, expand CLASS at the current location.
Argument INDENT is the depth of indentation."
  (cond ((string-match "\\+" text)	;we have to expand this file
	 (speedbar-change-expand-button-char ?-)
	     (end-of-line) (forward-char 1)
	     (let ((subclasses (eieio--class-children (cl--find-class class))))
	       (while subclasses
		 (eieio-class-button (car subclasses) (1+ indent))
		 (setq subclasses (cdr subclasses)))))))
	((string-match "-" text)	;we have to contract this node
	 (speedbar-change-expand-button-char ?+)
	 (speedbar-delete-subblock indent))
	(t (error "Ooops...  not sure what to do")))

(defun eieio-describe-class-sb (_text token _indent)
  "Describe the class TEXT in TOKEN.
INDENT is the current indentation level."
   (describe-function token))

(provide 'eieio-opt)

;; Local variables:
;; generated-autoload-file: "eieio-loaddefs.el"
;; End:

;;; eieio-opt.el ends here