NOTES ON THE EMACS PACKAGE ARCHIVE Here are instructions on uploading files to the package archive at, for Emacs maintainers. (If you are not a maintainer, contact us if you want to submit a package.) 1. You will need login access to You will also need to get the FSF sysadmins to allow ssh access through the FSF firewall for your local machine. Ensure that your uid, USER, is in the `elpa' group on; this gives you write access to the bzr repository from which the packages are managed. 2. Go to your bzr repository on your local machine. Of, if you don't have one (you should, if you're tracking Emacs bzr), make one: cd $DEVHOME bzr init-repo elpa/ cd elpa Create a branch for elpa: bzr branch bzr+ssh:// package-repo Bind the branch: cd package-repo/ echo "public_branch = bzr+ssh://" >> .bzr/branch/branch.conf bzr bind bzr+ssh:// Now you should be able to do `bzr up' and `bzr commit'. 3. Changes in bzr do not immediately propagate to the user-facing tree (i.e., what users see when they do `M-x list-packages'). That tree is created by a (daily) cron job that does "bzr export". If for some reason you need to refresh the user-facing tree immediately, run /home/elpa/bin/ as the "elpa" user. The Org mode dailies are not part of the repository. After the script creates the user-facing tree, it copies the daily tarfile hosted on directly into that tree. 4. FIXME: How to actually upload a package file.