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authorRobert J. Chassell <>2006-10-31 17:00:32 +0000
committerRobert J. Chassell <>2006-10-31 17:00:32 +0000
commitfb1ab3385cfabe0301a6f421d900c2d59ef6c690 (patch)
parent2fa286843cadc74dc8454c5962cf780b88e5e9a2 (diff)
info/eintr-2: Updated Info file to Third Edition for
`Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp'
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+This is ../info/eintr, produced by makeinfo version 4.8 from
+* Emacs Lisp Intro: (eintr).
+ A simple introduction to Emacs Lisp programming.
+This is an `Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp', for people who
+are not programmers.
+Edition 3.00, 2006 Oct 31
+Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 2001, 2002,
+2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Published by the:
+ GNU Press, Website:
+ a division of the General:
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc. Orders:
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Tel: +1 (617) 542-5942
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Fax: +1 (617) 542-2652
+ISBN 1-882114-43-4
+Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
+any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; there
+being no Invariant Section, with the Front-Cover Texts being "A GNU
+Manual", and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the
+license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation
+(a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have freedom to copy and modify
+this GNU Manual, like GNU software. Copies published by the Free
+Software Foundation raise funds for GNU development."
+File: eintr, Node: defvar and asterisk, Prev: See variable current value, Up: defvar
+8.5.1 `defvar' and an asterisk
+In the past, Emacs used the `defvar' special form both for internal
+variables that you would not expect a user to change and for variables
+that you do expect a user to change. Although you can still use
+`defvar' for user customizable variables, please use `defcustom'
+instead, since that special form provides a path into the Customization
+commands. (*Note Specifying Variables using `defcustom': defcustom.)
+When you specified a variable using the `defvar' special form, you
+could distinguish a readily settable variable from others by typing an
+asterisk, `*', in the first column of its documentation string. For
+ (defvar shell-command-default-error-buffer nil
+ "*Buffer name for `shell-command' ... error output.
+ ... ")
+You could (and still can) use the `set-variable' command to change the
+value of `shell-command-default-error-buffer' temporarily. However,
+options set using `set-variable' are set only for the duration of your
+editing session. The new values are not saved between sessions. Each
+time Emacs starts, it reads the original value, unless you change the
+value within your `.emacs' file, either by setting it manually or by
+using `customize'. *Note Your `.emacs' File: Emacs Initialization.
+For me, the major use of the `set-variable' command is to suggest
+variables that I might want to set in my `.emacs' file. There are now
+more than 700 such variables -- far too many to remember readily.
+Fortunately, you can press <TAB> after calling the `M-x set-variable'
+command to see the list of variables. (*Note Examining and Setting
+Variables: (emacs)Examining.)
+File: eintr, Node: cons & search-fwd Review, Next: search Exercises, Prev: defvar, Up: Cutting & Storing Text
+8.6 Review
+Here is a brief summary of some recently introduced functions.
+ `car' returns the first element of a list; `cdr' returns the
+ second and subsequent elements of a list.
+ For example:
+ (car '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+ => 1
+ (cdr '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+ => (2 3 4 5 6 7)
+ `cons' constructs a list by prepending its first argument to its
+ second argument.
+ For example:
+ (cons 1 '(2 3 4))
+ => (1 2 3 4)
+ Return the result of taking CDR `n' times on a list. The `rest of
+ the rest', as it were.
+ For example:
+ (nthcdr 3 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+ => (4 5 6 7)
+ `setcar' changes the first element of a list; `setcdr' changes the
+ second and subsequent elements of a list.
+ For example:
+ (setq triple '(1 2 3))
+ (setcar triple '37)
+ triple
+ => (37 2 3)
+ (setcdr triple '("foo" "bar"))
+ triple
+ => (37 "foo" "bar")
+ Evaluate each argument in sequence and then return the value of the
+ last.
+ For example:
+ (progn 1 2 3 4)
+ => 4
+ Record whatever narrowing is in effect in the current buffer, if
+ any, and restore that narrowing after evaluating the arguments.
+ Search for a string, and if the string is found, move point.
+ Takes four arguments:
+ 1. The string to search for.
+ 2. Optionally, the limit of the search.
+ 3. Optionally, what to do if the search fails, return `nil' or an
+ error message.
+ 4. Optionally, how many times to repeat the search; if negative,
+ the search goes backwards.
+ `kill-region' cuts the text between point and mark from the buffer
+ and stores that text in the kill ring, so you can get it back by
+ yanking.
+ `copy-region-as-kill' copies the text between point and mark into
+ the kill ring, from which you can get it by yanking. The function
+ does not cut or remove the text from the buffer.
+`delete-and-extract-region' removes the text between point and mark
+from the buffer and throws it away. You cannot get it back. (This is
+not an interactive command.)
+File: eintr, Node: search Exercises, Prev: cons & search-fwd Review, Up: Cutting & Storing Text
+8.7 Searching Exercises
+ * Write an interactive function that searches for a string. If the
+ search finds the string, leave point after it and display a message
+ that says "Found!". (Do not use `search-forward' for the name of
+ this function; if you do, you will overwrite the existing version
+ of `search-forward' that comes with Emacs. Use a name such as
+ `test-search' instead.)
+ * Write a function that prints the third element of the kill ring in
+ the echo area, if any; if the kill ring does not contain a third
+ element, print an appropriate message.
+File: eintr, Node: List Implementation, Next: Yanking, Prev: Cutting & Storing Text, Up: Top
+9 How Lists are Implemented
+In Lisp, atoms are recorded in a straightforward fashion; if the
+implementation is not straightforward in practice, it is, nonetheless,
+straightforward in theory. The atom `rose', for example, is recorded
+as the four contiguous letters `r', `o', `s', `e'. A list, on the
+other hand, is kept differently. The mechanism is equally simple, but
+it takes a moment to get used to the idea. A list is kept using a
+series of pairs of pointers. In the series, the first pointer in each
+pair points to an atom or to another list, and the second pointer in
+each pair points to the next pair, or to the symbol `nil', which marks
+the end of the list.
+A pointer itself is quite simply the electronic address of what is
+pointed to. Hence, a list is kept as a series of electronic addresses.
+* Menu:
+* Lists diagrammed::
+* Symbols as Chest::
+* List Exercise::
+File: eintr, Node: Lists diagrammed, Next: Symbols as Chest, Prev: List Implementation, Up: List Implementation
+Lists diagrammed
+For example, the list `(rose violet buttercup)' has three elements,
+`rose', `violet', and `buttercup'. In the computer, the electronic
+address of `rose' is recorded in a segment of computer memory along
+with the address that gives the electronic address of where the atom
+`violet' is located; and that address (the one that tells where
+`violet' is located) is kept along with an address that tells where the
+address for the atom `buttercup' is located.
+This sounds more complicated than it is and is easier seen in a diagram:
+ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
+ |___|___|--> |___|___|--> |___|___|--> nil
+ | | |
+ | | |
+ --> rose --> violet --> buttercup
+In the diagram, each box represents a word of computer memory that
+holds a Lisp object, usually in the form of a memory address. The
+boxes, i.e. the addresses, are in pairs. Each arrow points to what the
+address is the address of, either an atom or another pair of addresses.
+The first box is the electronic address of `rose' and the arrow points
+to `rose'; the second box is the address of the next pair of boxes, the
+first part of which is the address of `violet' and the second part of
+which is the address of the next pair. The very last box points to the
+symbol `nil', which marks the end of the list.
+When a variable is set to a list with a function such as `setq', it
+stores the address of the first box in the variable. Thus, evaluation
+of the expression
+ (setq bouquet '(rose violet buttercup))
+creates a situation like this:
+ bouquet
+ |
+ | ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
+ --> |___|___|--> |___|___|--> |___|___|--> nil
+ | | |
+ | | |
+ --> rose --> violet --> buttercup
+In this example, the symbol `bouquet' holds the address of the first
+pair of boxes.
+This same list can be illustrated in a different sort of box notation
+like this:
+ bouquet
+ |
+ | -------------- --------------- ----------------
+ | | car | cdr | | car | cdr | | car | cdr |
+ -->| rose | o------->| violet | o------->| butter- | nil |
+ | | | | | | | cup | |
+ -------------- --------------- ----------------
+(Symbols consist of more than pairs of addresses, but the structure of
+a symbol is made up of addresses. Indeed, the symbol `bouquet'
+consists of a group of address-boxes, one of which is the address of
+the printed word `bouquet', a second of which is the address of a
+function definition attached to the symbol, if any, a third of which is
+the address of the first pair of address-boxes for the list `(rose
+violet buttercup)', and so on. Here we are showing that the symbol's
+third address-box points to the first pair of address-boxes for the
+If a symbol is set to the CDR of a list, the list itself is not
+changed; the symbol simply has an address further down the list. (In
+the jargon, CAR and CDR are `non-destructive'.) Thus, evaluation of
+the following expression
+ (setq flowers (cdr bouquet))
+produces this:
+ bouquet flowers
+ | |
+ | ___ ___ | ___ ___ ___ ___
+ --> | | | --> | | | | | |
+ |___|___|----> |___|___|--> |___|___|--> nil
+ | | |
+ | | |
+ --> rose --> violet --> buttercup
+The value of `flowers' is `(violet buttercup)', which is to say, the
+symbol `flowers' holds the address of the pair of address-boxes, the
+first of which holds the address of `violet', and the second of which
+holds the address of `buttercup'.
+A pair of address-boxes is called a "cons cell" or "dotted pair".
+*Note Cons Cell and List Types: (elisp)Cons Cell Type, and *Note Dotted
+Pair Notation: (elisp)Dotted Pair Notation, for more information about
+cons cells and dotted pairs.
+The function `cons' adds a new pair of addresses to the front of a
+series of addresses like that shown above. For example, evaluating the
+ (setq bouquet (cons 'lily bouquet))
+ bouquet flowers
+ | |
+ | ___ ___ ___ ___ | ___ ___ ___ ___
+ --> | | | | | | --> | | | | | |
+ |___|___|----> |___|___|----> |___|___|---->|___|___|--> nil
+ | | | |
+ | | | |
+ --> lily --> rose --> violet --> buttercup
+However, this does not change the value of the symbol `flowers', as you
+can see by evaluating the following,
+ (eq (cdr (cdr bouquet)) flowers)
+which returns `t' for true.
+Until it is reset, `flowers' still has the value `(violet buttercup)';
+that is, it has the address of the cons cell whose first address is of
+`violet'. Also, this does not alter any of the pre-existing cons
+cells; they are all still there.
+Thus, in Lisp, to get the CDR of a list, you just get the address of
+the next cons cell in the series; to get the CAR of a list, you get the
+address of the first element of the list; to `cons' a new element on a
+list, you add a new cons cell to the front of the list. That is all
+there is to it! The underlying structure of Lisp is brilliantly simple!
+And what does the last address in a series of cons cells refer to? It
+is the address of the empty list, of `nil'.
+In summary, when a Lisp variable is set to a value, it is provided with
+the address of the list to which the variable refers.
+File: eintr, Node: Symbols as Chest, Next: List Exercise, Prev: Lists diagrammed, Up: List Implementation
+9.1 Symbols as a Chest of Drawers
+In an earlier section, I suggested that you might imagine a symbol as
+being a chest of drawers. The function definition is put in one
+drawer, the value in another, and so on. What is put in the drawer
+holding the value can be changed without affecting the contents of the
+drawer holding the function definition, and vice-verse.
+Actually, what is put in each drawer is the address of the value or
+function definition. It is as if you found an old chest in the attic,
+and in one of its drawers you found a map giving you directions to
+where the buried treasure lies.
+(In addition to its name, symbol definition, and variable value, a
+symbol has a `drawer' for a "property list" which can be used to record
+other information. Property lists are not discussed here; see *Note
+Property Lists: (elisp)Property Lists.)
+Here is a fanciful representation:
+ Chest of Drawers Contents of Drawers
+ __ o0O0o __
+ / \
+ ---------------------
+ | directions to | [map to]
+ | symbol name | bouquet
+ | |
+ +---------------------+
+ | directions to |
+ | symbol definition | [none]
+ | |
+ +---------------------+
+ | directions to | [map to]
+ | variable value | (rose violet buttercup)
+ | |
+ +---------------------+
+ | directions to |
+ | property list | [not described here]
+ | |
+ +---------------------+
+ |/ \|
+File: eintr, Node: List Exercise, Prev: Symbols as Chest, Up: List Implementation
+9.2 Exercise
+Set `flowers' to `violet' and `buttercup'. Cons two more flowers on to
+this list and set this new list to `more-flowers'. Set the CAR of
+`flowers' to a fish. What does the `more-flowers' list now contain?
+File: eintr, Node: Yanking, Next: Loops & Recursion, Prev: List Implementation, Up: Top
+10 Yanking Text Back
+Whenever you cut text out of a buffer with a `kill' command in GNU
+Emacs, you can bring it back with a `yank' command. The text that is
+cut out of the buffer is put in the kill ring and the yank commands
+insert the appropriate contents of the kill ring back into a buffer
+(not necessarily the original buffer).
+A simple `C-y' (`yank') command inserts the first item from the kill
+ring into the current buffer. If the `C-y' command is followed
+immediately by `M-y', the first element is replaced by the second
+element. Successive `M-y' commands replace the second element with the
+third, fourth, or fifth element, and so on. When the last element in
+the kill ring is reached, it is replaced by the first element and the
+cycle is repeated. (Thus the kill ring is called a `ring' rather than
+just a `list'. However, the actual data structure that holds the text
+is a list. *Note Handling the Kill Ring: Kill Ring, for the details of
+how the list is handled as a ring.)
+* Menu:
+* Kill Ring Overview::
+* kill-ring-yank-pointer::
+* yank nthcdr Exercises::
+File: eintr, Node: Kill Ring Overview, Next: kill-ring-yank-pointer, Prev: Yanking, Up: Yanking
+10.1 Kill Ring Overview
+The kill ring is a list of textual strings. This is what it looks like:
+ ("some text" "a different piece of text" "yet more text")
+If this were the contents of my kill ring and I pressed `C-y', the
+string of characters saying `some text' would be inserted in this
+buffer where my cursor is located.
+The `yank' command is also used for duplicating text by copying it.
+The copied text is not cut from the buffer, but a copy of it is put on
+the kill ring and is inserted by yanking it back.
+Three functions are used for bringing text back from the kill ring:
+`yank', which is usually bound to `C-y'; `yank-pop', which is usually
+bound to `M-y'; and `rotate-yank-pointer', which is used by the two
+other functions.
+These functions refer to the kill ring through a variable called the
+`kill-ring-yank-pointer'. Indeed, the insertion code for both the
+`yank' and `yank-pop' functions is:
+ (insert (car kill-ring-yank-pointer))
+(Well, no more. In GNU Emacs 22, the function has been replaced by
+`insert-for-yank' which calls `insert-for-yank-1' repetitively for each
+`yank-handler' segment. In turn, `insert-for-yank-1' strips text
+properties from the inserted text according to
+`yank-excluded-properties'. Otherwise, it is just like `insert'. We
+will stick with plain `insert' since it is easier to understand.)
+To begin to understand how `yank' and `yank-pop' work, it is first
+necessary to look at the `kill-ring-yank-pointer' variable and the
+`rotate-yank-pointer' function.
+File: eintr, Node: kill-ring-yank-pointer, Next: yank nthcdr Exercises, Prev: Kill Ring Overview, Up: Yanking
+10.2 The `kill-ring-yank-pointer' Variable
+`kill-ring-yank-pointer' is a variable, just as `kill-ring' is a
+variable. It points to something by being bound to the value of what
+it points to, like any other Lisp variable.
+Thus, if the value of the kill ring is:
+ ("some text" "a different piece of text" "yet more text")
+and the `kill-ring-yank-pointer' points to the second clause, the value
+of `kill-ring-yank-pointer' is:
+ ("a different piece of text" "yet more text")
+As explained in the previous chapter (*note List Implementation::), the
+computer does not keep two different copies of the text being pointed to
+by both the `kill-ring' and the `kill-ring-yank-pointer'. The words "a
+different piece of text" and "yet more text" are not duplicated.
+Instead, the two Lisp variables point to the same pieces of text. Here
+is a diagram:
+ kill-ring kill-ring-yank-pointer
+ | |
+ | ___ ___ | ___ ___ ___ ___
+ ---> | | | --> | | | | | |
+ |___|___|----> |___|___|--> |___|___|--> nil
+ | | |
+ | | |
+ | | --> "yet more text"
+ | |
+ | --> "a different piece of text
+ |
+ --> "some text"
+Both the variable `kill-ring' and the variable `kill-ring-yank-pointer'
+are pointers. But the kill ring itself is usually described as if it
+were actually what it is composed of. The `kill-ring' is spoken of as
+if it were the list rather than that it points to the list.
+Conversely, the `kill-ring-yank-pointer' is spoken of as pointing to a
+These two ways of talking about the same thing sound confusing at first
+but make sense on reflection. The kill ring is generally thought of as
+the complete structure of data that holds the information of what has
+recently been cut out of the Emacs buffers. The
+`kill-ring-yank-pointer' on the other hand, serves to indicate--that
+is, to `point to'--that part of the kill ring of which the first
+element (the CAR) will be inserted.
+File: eintr, Node: yank nthcdr Exercises, Prev: kill-ring-yank-pointer, Up: Yanking
+10.3 Exercises with `yank' and `nthcdr'
+ * Using `C-h v' (`describe-variable'), look at the value of your
+ kill ring. Add several items to your kill ring; look at its value
+ again. Using `M-y' (`yank-pop)', move all the way around the kill
+ ring. How many items were in your kill ring? Find the value of
+ `kill-ring-max'. Was your kill ring full, or could you have kept
+ more blocks of text within it?
+ * Using `nthcdr' and `car', construct a series of expressions to
+ return the first, second, third, and fourth elements of a list.
+File: eintr, Node: Loops & Recursion, Next: Regexp Search, Prev: Yanking, Up: Top
+11 Loops and Recursion
+Emacs Lisp has two primary ways to cause an expression, or a series of
+expressions, to be evaluated repeatedly: one uses a `while' loop, and
+the other uses "recursion".
+Repetition can be very valuable. For example, to move forward four
+sentences, you need only write a program that will move forward one
+sentence and then repeat the process four times. Since a computer does
+not get bored or tired, such repetitive action does not have the
+deleterious effects that excessive or the wrong kinds of repetition can
+have on humans.
+People mostly write Emacs Lisp functions using `while' loops and their
+kin; but you can use recursion, which provides a very powerful way to
+think about and then to solve problems(1).
+* Menu:
+* while::
+* dolist dotimes::
+* Recursion::
+* Looping exercise::
+---------- Footnotes ----------
+(1) You can write recursive functions to be frugal or wasteful of
+mental or computer resources; as it happens, methods that people find
+easy--that are frugal of `mental resources'--sometimes use considerable
+computer resources. Emacs was designed to run on machines that we now
+consider limited and its default settings are conservative. You may
+want to increase the values of `max-specpdl-size' and
+`max-lisp-eval-depth'. In my `.emacs' file, I set them to 15 and 30
+times their default value.
+File: eintr, Node: while, Next: dolist dotimes, Prev: Loops & Recursion, Up: Loops & Recursion
+11.1 `while'
+The `while' special form tests whether the value returned by evaluating
+its first argument is true or false. This is similar to what the Lisp
+interpreter does with an `if'; what the interpreter does next, however,
+is different.
+In a `while' expression, if the value returned by evaluating the first
+argument is false, the Lisp interpreter skips the rest of the
+expression (the "body" of the expression) and does not evaluate it.
+However, if the value is true, the Lisp interpreter evaluates the body
+of the expression and then again tests whether the first argument to
+`while' is true or false. If the value returned by evaluating the
+first argument is again true, the Lisp interpreter again evaluates the
+body of the expression.
+The template for a `while' expression looks like this:
+ BODY...)
+* Menu:
+* Looping with while::
+* Loop Example::
+* print-elements-of-list::
+* Incrementing Loop::
+* Decrementing Loop::
+File: eintr, Node: Looping with while, Next: Loop Example, Prev: while, Up: while
+Looping with `while'
+So long as the true-or-false-test of the `while' expression returns a
+true value when it is evaluated, the body is repeatedly evaluated.
+This process is called a loop since the Lisp interpreter repeats the
+same thing again and again, like an airplane doing a loop. When the
+result of evaluating the true-or-false-test is false, the Lisp
+interpreter does not evaluate the rest of the `while' expression and
+`exits the loop'.
+Clearly, if the value returned by evaluating the first argument to
+`while' is always true, the body following will be evaluated again and
+again ... and again ... forever. Conversely, if the value returned is
+never true, the expressions in the body will never be evaluated. The
+craft of writing a `while' loop consists of choosing a mechanism such
+that the true-or-false-test returns true just the number of times that
+you want the subsequent expressions to be evaluated, and then have the
+test return false.
+The value returned by evaluating a `while' is the value of the
+true-or-false-test. An interesting consequence of this is that a
+`while' loop that evaluates without error will return `nil' or false
+regardless of whether it has looped 1 or 100 times or none at all. A
+`while' expression that evaluates successfully never returns a true
+value! What this means is that `while' is always evaluated for its
+side effects, which is to say, the consequences of evaluating the
+expressions within the body of the `while' loop. This makes sense. It
+is not the mere act of looping that is desired, but the consequences of
+what happens when the expressions in the loop are repeatedly evaluated.
+File: eintr, Node: Loop Example, Next: print-elements-of-list, Prev: Looping with while, Up: while
+11.1.1 A `while' Loop and a List
+A common way to control a `while' loop is to test whether a list has
+any elements. If it does, the loop is repeated; but if it does not,
+the repetition is ended. Since this is an important technique, we will
+create a short example to illustrate it.
+A simple way to test whether a list has elements is to evaluate the
+list: if it has no elements, it is an empty list and will return the
+empty list, `()', which is a synonym for `nil' or false. On the other
+hand, a list with elements will return those elements when it is
+evaluated. Since Emacs Lisp considers as true any value that is not
+`nil', a list that returns elements will test true in a `while' loop.
+For example, you can set the variable `empty-list' to `nil' by
+evaluating the following `setq' expression:
+ (setq empty-list ())
+After evaluating the `setq' expression, you can evaluate the variable
+`empty-list' in the usual way, by placing the cursor after the symbol
+and typing `C-x C-e'; `nil' will appear in your echo area:
+ empty-list
+On the other hand, if you set a variable to be a list with elements, the
+list will appear when you evaluate the variable, as you can see by
+evaluating the following two expressions:
+ (setq animals '(gazelle giraffe lion tiger))
+ animals
+Thus, to create a `while' loop that tests whether there are any items
+in the list `animals', the first part of the loop will be written like
+ (while animals
+ ...
+When the `while' tests its first argument, the variable `animals' is
+evaluated. It returns a list. So long as the list has elements, the
+`while' considers the results of the test to be true; but when the list
+is empty, it considers the results of the test to be false.
+To prevent the `while' loop from running forever, some mechanism needs
+to be provided to empty the list eventually. An oft-used technique is
+to have one of the subsequent forms in the `while' expression set the
+value of the list to be the CDR of the list. Each time the `cdr'
+function is evaluated, the list will be made shorter, until eventually
+only the empty list will be left. At this point, the test of the
+`while' loop will return false, and the arguments to the `while' will
+no longer be evaluated.
+For example, the list of animals bound to the variable `animals' can be
+set to be the CDR of the original list with the following expression:
+ (setq animals (cdr animals))
+If you have evaluated the previous expressions and then evaluate this
+expression, you will see `(giraffe lion tiger)' appear in the echo
+area. If you evaluate the expression again, `(lion tiger)' will appear
+in the echo area. If you evaluate it again and yet again, `(tiger)'
+appears and then the empty list, shown by `nil'.
+A template for a `while' loop that uses the `cdr' function repeatedly
+to cause the true-or-false-test eventually to test false looks like
+ BODY...
+This test and use of `cdr' can be put together in a function that goes
+through a list and prints each element of the list on a line of its own.
+File: eintr, Node: print-elements-of-list, Next: Incrementing Loop, Prev: Loop Example, Up: while
+11.1.2 An Example: `print-elements-of-list'
+The `print-elements-of-list' function illustrates a `while' loop with a
+The function requires several lines for its output. If you are reading
+this in a recent instance of GNU Emacs, you can evaluate the following
+expression inside of Info, as usual.
+If you are using an earlier version of Emacs, you need to copy the
+necessary expressions to your `*scratch*' buffer and evaluate them
+there. This is because the echo area had only one line in the earlier
+You can copy the expressions by marking the beginning of the region
+with `C-<SPC>' (`set-mark-command'), moving the cursor to the end of
+the region and then copying the region using `M-w' (`kill-ring-save',
+which calls `copy-region-as-kill' and then provides visual feedback).
+In the `*scratch*' buffer, you can yank the expressions back by typing
+`C-y' (`yank').
+After you have copied the expressions to the `*scratch*' buffer,
+evaluate each expression in turn. Be sure to evaluate the last
+expression, `(print-elements-of-list animals)', by typing `C-u C-x
+C-e', that is, by giving an argument to `eval-last-sexp'. This will
+cause the result of the evaluation to be printed in the `*scratch*'
+buffer instead of being printed in the echo area. (Otherwise you will
+see something like this in your echo area:
+`^Jgazelle^J^Jgiraffe^J^Jlion^J^Jtiger^Jnil', in which each `^J' stands
+for a `newline'.)
+In a recent instance of GNU Emacs, you can evaluate these expressions
+directly in the Info buffer, and the echo area will grow to show the
+ (setq animals '(gazelle giraffe lion tiger))
+ (defun print-elements-of-list (list)
+ "Print each element of LIST on a line of its own."
+ (while list
+ (print (car list))
+ (setq list (cdr list))))
+ (print-elements-of-list animals)
+When you evaluate the three expressions in sequence, you will see this:
+ gazelle
+ giraffe
+ lion
+ tiger
+ nil
+Each element of the list is printed on a line of its own (that is what
+the function `print' does) and then the value returned by the function
+is printed. Since the last expression in the function is the `while'
+loop, and since `while' loops always return `nil', a `nil' is printed
+after the last element of the list.
+File: eintr, Node: Incrementing Loop, Next: Decrementing Loop, Prev: print-elements-of-list, Up: while
+11.1.3 A Loop with an Incrementing Counter
+A loop is not useful unless it stops when it ought. Besides
+controlling a loop with a list, a common way of stopping a loop is to
+write the first argument as a test that returns false when the correct
+number of repetitions are complete. This means that the loop must have
+a counter--an expression that counts how many times the loop repeats
+The test can be an expression such as `(< count desired-number)' which
+returns `t' for true if the value of `count' is less than the
+`desired-number' of repetitions and `nil' for false if the value of
+`count' is equal to or is greater than the `desired-number'. The
+expression that increments the count can be a simple `setq' such as
+`(setq count (1+ count))', where `1+' is a built-in function in Emacs
+Lisp that adds 1 to its argument. (The expression `(1+ count)' has the
+same result as `(+ count 1)', but is easier for a human to read.)
+The template for a `while' loop controlled by an incrementing counter
+looks like this:
+ (while (< count desired-number) ; true-or-false-test
+ BODY...
+ (setq count (1+ count))) ; incrementer
+Note that you need to set the initial value of `count'; usually it is
+set to 1.
+* Menu:
+* Incrementing Example::
+* Inc Example parts::
+* Inc Example altogether::
+File: eintr, Node: Incrementing Example, Next: Inc Example parts, Prev: Incrementing Loop, Up: Incrementing Loop
+Example with incrementing counter
+Suppose you are playing on the beach and decide to make a triangle of
+pebbles, putting one pebble in the first row, two in the second row,
+three in the third row and so on, like this:
+ *
+ * *
+ * * *
+ * * * *
+(About 2500 years ago, Pythagoras and others developed the beginnings of
+number theory by considering questions such as this.)
+Suppose you want to know how many pebbles you will need to make a
+triangle with 7 rows?
+Clearly, what you need to do is add up the numbers from 1 to 7. There
+are two ways to do this; start with the smallest number, one, and add up
+the list in sequence, 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on; or start with the largest
+number and add the list going down: 7, 6, 5, 4 and so on. Because both
+mechanisms illustrate common ways of writing `while' loops, we will
+create two examples, one counting up and the other counting down. In
+this first example, we will start with 1 and add 2, 3, 4 and so on.
+If you are just adding up a short list of numbers, the easiest way to do
+it is to add up all the numbers at once. However, if you do not know
+ahead of time how many numbers your list will have, or if you want to be
+prepared for a very long list, then you need to design your addition so
+that what you do is repeat a simple process many times instead of doing
+a more complex process once.
+For example, instead of adding up all the pebbles all at once, what you
+can do is add the number of pebbles in the first row, 1, to the number
+in the second row, 2, and then add the total of those two rows to the
+third row, 3. Then you can add the number in the fourth row, 4, to the
+total of the first three rows; and so on.
+The critical characteristic of the process is that each repetitive
+action is simple. In this case, at each step we add only two numbers,
+the number of pebbles in the row and the total already found. This
+process of adding two numbers is repeated again and again until the last
+row has been added to the total of all the preceding rows. In a more
+complex loop the repetitive action might not be so simple, but it will
+be simpler than doing everything all at once.
+File: eintr, Node: Inc Example parts, Next: Inc Example altogether, Prev: Incrementing Example, Up: Incrementing Loop
+The parts of the function definition
+The preceding analysis gives us the bones of our function definition:
+first, we will need a variable that we can call `total' that will be
+the total number of pebbles. This will be the value returned by the
+Second, we know that the function will require an argument: this
+argument will be the total number of rows in the triangle. It can be
+called `number-of-rows'.
+Finally, we need a variable to use as a counter. We could call this
+variable `counter', but a better name is `row-number'. That is because
+what the counter does in this function is count rows, and a program
+should be written to be as understandable as possible.
+When the Lisp interpreter first starts evaluating the expressions in the
+function, the value of `total' should be set to zero, since we have not
+added anything to it. Then the function should add the number of
+pebbles in the first row to the total, and then add the number of
+pebbles in the second to the total, and then add the number of pebbles
+in the third row to the total, and so on, until there are no more rows
+left to add.
+Both `total' and `row-number' are used only inside the function, so
+they can be declared as local variables with `let' and given initial
+values. Clearly, the initial value for `total' should be 0. The
+initial value of `row-number' should be 1, since we start with the
+first row. This means that the `let' statement will look like this:
+ (let ((total 0)
+ (row-number 1))
+ BODY...)
+After the internal variables are declared and bound to their initial
+values, we can begin the `while' loop. The expression that serves as
+the test should return a value of `t' for true so long as the
+`row-number' is less than or equal to the `number-of-rows'. (If the
+expression tests true only so long as the row number is less than the
+number of rows in the triangle, the last row will never be added to the
+total; hence the row number has to be either less than or equal to the
+number of rows.)
+Lisp provides the `<=' function that returns true if the value of its
+first argument is less than or equal to the value of its second
+argument and false otherwise. So the expression that the `while' will
+evaluate as its test should look like this:
+ (<= row-number number-of-rows)
+The total number of pebbles can be found by repeatedly adding the number
+of pebbles in a row to the total already found. Since the number of
+pebbles in the row is equal to the row number, the total can be found by
+adding the row number to the total. (Clearly, in a more complex
+situation, the number of pebbles in the row might be related to the row
+number in a more complicated way; if this were the case, the row number
+would be replaced by the appropriate expression.)
+ (setq total (+ total row-number))
+What this does is set the new value of `total' to be equal to the sum
+of adding the number of pebbles in the row to the previous total.
+After setting the value of `total', the conditions need to be
+established for the next repetition of the loop, if there is one. This
+is done by incrementing the value of the `row-number' variable, which
+serves as a counter. After the `row-number' variable has been
+incremented, the true-or-false-test at the beginning of the `while'
+loop tests whether its value is still less than or equal to the value
+of the `number-of-rows' and if it is, adds the new value of the
+`row-number' variable to the `total' of the previous repetition of the
+The built-in Emacs Lisp function `1+' adds 1 to a number, so the
+`row-number' variable can be incremented with this expression:
+ (setq row-number (1+ row-number))
+File: eintr, Node: Inc Example altogether, Prev: Inc Example parts, Up: Incrementing Loop
+Putting the function definition together
+We have created the parts for the function definition; now we need to
+put them together.
+First, the contents of the `while' expression:
+ (while (<= row-number number-of-rows) ; true-or-false-test
+ (setq total (+ total row-number))
+ (setq row-number (1+ row-number))) ; incrementer
+Along with the `let' expression varlist, this very nearly completes the
+body of the function definition. However, it requires one final
+element, the need for which is somewhat subtle.
+The final touch is to place the variable `total' on a line by itself
+after the `while' expression. Otherwise, the value returned by the
+whole function is the value of the last expression that is evaluated in
+the body of the `let', and this is the value returned by the `while',
+which is always `nil'.
+This may not be evident at first sight. It almost looks as if the
+incrementing expression is the last expression of the whole function.
+But that expression is part of the body of the `while'; it is the last
+element of the list that starts with the symbol `while'. Moreover, the
+whole of the `while' loop is a list within the body of the `let'.
+In outline, the function will look like this:
+ (let (VARLIST)
+ ... )) ; Need final expression here.
+The result of evaluating the `let' is what is going to be returned by
+the `defun' since the `let' is not embedded within any containing list,
+except for the `defun' as a whole. However, if the `while' is the last
+element of the `let' expression, the function will always return `nil'.
+This is not what we want! Instead, what we want is the value of the
+variable `total'. This is returned by simply placing the symbol as the
+last element of the list starting with `let'. It gets evaluated after
+the preceding elements of the list are evaluated, which means it gets
+evaluated after it has been assigned the correct value for the total.
+It may be easier to see this by printing the list starting with `let'
+all on one line. This format makes it evident that the VARLIST and
+`while' expressions are the second and third elements of the list
+starting with `let', and the `total' is the last element:
+ (let (VARLIST) (while (TRUE-OR-FALSE-TEST) BODY-OF-WHILE... ) total)
+Putting everything together, the `triangle' function definition looks
+like this:
+ (defun triangle (number-of-rows) ; Version with
+ ; incrementing counter.
+ "Add up the number of pebbles in a triangle.
+ The first row has one pebble, the second row two pebbles,
+ the third row three pebbles, and so on.
+ The argument is NUMBER-OF-ROWS."
+ (let ((total 0)
+ (row-number 1))
+ (while (<= row-number number-of-rows)
+ (setq total (+ total row-number))
+ (setq row-number (1+ row-number)))
+ total))
+After you have installed `triangle' by evaluating the function, you can
+try it out. Here are two examples:
+ (triangle 4)
+ (triangle 7)
+The sum of the first four numbers is 10 and the sum of the first seven
+numbers is 28.
+File: eintr, Node: Decrementing Loop, Prev: Incrementing Loop, Up: while
+11.1.4 Loop with a Decrementing Counter
+Another common way to write a `while' loop is to write the test so that
+it determines whether a counter is greater than zero. So long as the
+counter is greater than zero, the loop is repeated. But when the
+counter is equal to or less than zero, the loop is stopped. For this
+to work, the counter has to start out greater than zero and then be
+made smaller and smaller by a form that is evaluated repeatedly.
+The test will be an expression such as `(> counter 0)' which returns
+`t' for true if the value of `counter' is greater than zero, and `nil'
+for false if the value of `counter' is equal to or less than zero. The
+expression that makes the number smaller and smaller can be a simple
+`setq' such as `(setq counter (1- counter))', where `1-' is a built-in
+function in Emacs Lisp that subtracts 1 from its argument.
+The template for a decrementing `while' loop looks like this:
+ (while (> counter 0) ; true-or-false-test
+ BODY...
+ (setq counter (1- counter))) ; decrementer
+* Menu:
+* Decrementing Example::
+* Dec Example parts::
+* Dec Example altogether::
+File: eintr, Node: Decrementing Example, Next: Dec Example parts, Prev: Decrementing Loop, Up: Decrementing Loop
+Example with decrementing counter
+To illustrate a loop with a decrementing counter, we will rewrite the
+`triangle' function so the counter decreases to zero.
+This is the reverse of the earlier version of the function. In this
+case, to find out how many pebbles are needed to make a triangle with 3
+rows, add the number of pebbles in the third row, 3, to the number in
+the preceding row, 2, and then add the total of those two rows to the
+row that precedes them, which is 1.
+Likewise, to find the number of pebbles in a triangle with 7 rows, add
+the number of pebbles in the seventh row, 7, to the number in the
+preceding row, which is 6, and then add the total of those two rows to
+the row that precedes them, which is 5, and so on. As in the previous
+example, each addition only involves adding two numbers, the total of
+the rows already added up and the number of pebbles in the row that is
+being added to the total. This process of adding two numbers is
+repeated again and again until there are no more pebbles to add.
+We know how many pebbles to start with: the number of pebbles in the
+last row is equal to the number of rows. If the triangle has seven
+rows, the number of pebbles in the last row is 7. Likewise, we know how
+many pebbles are in the preceding row: it is one less than the number in
+the row.
+File: eintr, Node: Dec Example parts, Next: Dec Example altogether, Prev: Decrementing Example, Up: Decrementing Loop
+The parts of the function definition
+We start with three variables: the total number of rows in the
+triangle; the number of pebbles in a row; and the total number of
+pebbles, which is what we want to calculate. These variables can be
+named `number-of-rows', `number-of-pebbles-in-row', and `total',
+Both `total' and `number-of-pebbles-in-row' are used only inside the
+function and are declared with `let'. The initial value of `total'
+should, of course, be zero. However, the initial value of
+`number-of-pebbles-in-row' should be equal to the number of rows in the
+triangle, since the addition will start with the longest row.
+This means that the beginning of the `let' expression will look like
+ (let ((total 0)
+ (number-of-pebbles-in-row number-of-rows))
+ BODY...)
+The total number of pebbles can be found by repeatedly adding the number
+of pebbles in a row to the total already found, that is, by repeatedly
+evaluating the following expression:
+ (setq total (+ total number-of-pebbles-in-row))
+After the `number-of-pebbles-in-row' is added to the `total', the
+`number-of-pebbles-in-row' should be decremented by one, since the next
+time the loop repeats, the preceding row will be added to the total.
+The number of pebbles in a preceding row is one less than the number of
+pebbles in a row, so the built-in Emacs Lisp function `1-' can be used
+to compute the number of pebbles in the preceding row. This can be
+done with the following expression:
+ (setq number-of-pebbles-in-row
+ (1- number-of-pebbles-in-row))
+Finally, we know that the `while' loop should stop making repeated
+additions when there are no pebbles in a row. So the test for the
+`while' loop is simply:
+ (while (> number-of-pebbles-in-row 0)
+File: eintr, Node: Dec Example altogether, Prev: Dec Example parts, Up: Decrementing Loop
+Putting the function definition together
+We can put these expressions together to create a function definition
+that works. However, on examination, we find that one of the local
+variables is unneeded!
+The function definition looks like this:
+ ;;; First subtractive version.
+ (defun triangle (number-of-rows)
+ "Add up the number of pebbles in a triangle."
+ (let ((total 0)
+ (number-of-pebbles-in-row number-of-rows))
+ (while (> number-of-pebbles-in-row 0)
+ (setq total (+ total number-of-pebbles-in-row))
+ (setq number-of-pebbles-in-row
+ (1- number-of-pebbles-in-row)))
+ total))
+As written, this function works.
+However, we do not need `number-of-pebbles-in-row'.
+When the `triangle' function is evaluated, the symbol `number-of-rows'
+will be bound to a number, giving it an initial value. That number can
+be changed in the body of the function as if it were a local variable,
+without any fear that such a change will effect the value of the
+variable outside of the function. This is a very useful characteristic
+of Lisp; it means that the variable `number-of-rows' can be used
+anywhere in the function where `number-of-pebbles-in-row' is used.
+Here is a second version of the function written a bit more cleanly:
+ (defun triangle (number) ; Second version.
+ "Return sum of numbers 1 through NUMBER inclusive."
+ (let ((total 0))
+ (while (> number 0)
+ (setq total (+ total number))
+ (setq number (1- number)))
+ total))
+In brief, a properly written `while' loop will consist of three parts:
+ 1. A test that will return false after the loop has repeated itself
+ the correct number of times.
+ 2. An expression the evaluation of which will return the value desired
+ after being repeatedly evaluated.
+ 3. An expression to change the value passed to the true-or-false-test
+ so that the test returns false after the loop has repeated itself
+ the right number of times.
+File: eintr, Node: dolist dotimes, Next: Recursion, Prev: while, Up: Loops & Recursion
+11.2 Save your time: `dolist' and `dotimes'
+In addition to `while', both `dolist' and `dotimes' provide for
+looping. Sometimes these are quicker to write than the equivalent
+`while' loop. Both are Lisp macros. (*Note Macros: (elisp)Macros. )
+`dolist' works like a `while' loop that `CDRs down a list': `dolist'
+automatically shortens the list each time it loops--takes the CDR of
+the list--and binds the CAR of each shorter version of the list to the
+first of its arguments.
+`dotimes' loops a specific number of times: you specify the number.
+* Menu:
+* dolist::
+* dotimes::
+File: eintr, Node: dolist, Next: dotimes, Prev: dolist dotimes, Up: dolist dotimes
+The `dolist' Macro
+Suppose, for example, you want to reverse a list, so that "first"
+"second" "third" becomes "third" "second" "first".
+In practice, you would use the `reverse' function, like this:
+ (setq animals '(gazelle giraffe lion tiger))
+ (reverse animals)
+Here is how you could reverse the list using a `while' loop:
+ (setq animals '(gazelle giraffe lion tiger))
+ (defun reverse-list-with-while (list)
+ "Using while, reverse the order of LIST."
+ (let (value) ; make sure list starts empty
+ (while list
+ (setq value (cons (car list) value))
+ (setq list (cdr list)))
+ value))
+ (reverse-list-with-while animals)
+And here is how you could use the `dolist' macro:
+ (setq animals '(gazelle giraffe lion tiger))
+ (defun reverse-list-with-dolist (list)
+ "Using dolist, reverse the order of LIST."
+ (let (value) ; make sure list starts empty
+ (dolist (element list value)
+ (setq value (cons element value)))))
+ (reverse-list-with-dolist animals)
+In Info, you can place your cursor after the closing parenthesis of
+each expression and type `C-x C-e'; in each case, you should see
+ (tiger lion giraffe gazelle)
+in the echo area.
+For this example, the existing `reverse' function is obviously best.
+The `while' loop is just like our first example (*note A `while' Loop
+and a List: Loop Example.). The `while' first checks whether the list
+has elements; if so, it constructs a new list by adding the first
+element of the list to the existing list (which in the first iteration
+of the loop is `nil'). Since the second element is prepended in front
+of the first element, and the third element is prepended in front of
+the second element, the list is reversed.
+In the expression using a `while' loop, the `(setq list (cdr list))'
+expression shortens the list, so the `while' loop eventually stops. In
+addition, it provides the `cons' expression with a new first element by
+creating a new and shorter list at each repetition of the loop.
+The `dolist' expression does very much the same as the `while'
+expression, except that the `dolist' macro does some of the work you
+have to do when writing a `while' expression.
+Like a `while' loop, a `dolist' loops. What is different is that it
+automatically shortens the list each time it loops -- it `CDRs down the
+list' on its own -- and it automatically binds the CAR of each shorter
+version of the list to the first of its arguments.
+In the example, the CAR of each shorter version of the list is referred
+to using the symbol `element', the list itself is called `list', and
+the value returned is called `value'. The remainder of the `dolist'
+expression is the body.
+The `dolist' expression binds the CAR of each shorter version of the
+list to `element' and then evaluates the body of the expression; and
+repeats the loop. The result is returned in `value'.
+File: eintr, Node: dotimes, Prev: dolist, Up: dolist dotimes
+The `dotimes' Macro
+The `dotimes' macro is similar to `dolist', except that it loops a
+specific number of times.
+The first argument to `dotimes' is assigned the numbers 0, 1, 2 and so
+forth each time around the loop, and the value of the third argument is
+returned. You need to provide the value of the second argument, which
+is how many times the macro loops.
+For example, the following binds the numbers from 0 up to, but not
+including, the number 3 to the first argument, NUMBER, and then
+constructs a list of the three numbers. (The first number is 0, the
+second number is 1, and the third number is 2; this makes a total of
+three numbers in all, starting with zero as the first number.)
+ (let (value) ; otherwise a value is a void variable
+ (dotimes (number 3 value)
+ (setq value (cons number value))))
+ => (2 1 0)
+`dotimes' returns `value', so the way to use `dotimes' is to operate on
+some expression NUMBER number of times and then return the result,
+either as a list or an atom.
+Here is an example of a `defun' that uses `dotimes' to add up the
+number of pebbles in a triangle.
+ (defun triangle-using-dotimes (number-of-rows)
+ "Using dotimes, add up the number of pebbles in a triangle."
+ (let ((total 0)) ; otherwise a total is a void variable
+ (dotimes (number number-of-rows total)
+ (setq total (+ total (1+ number))))))
+ (triangle-using-dotimes 4)
+File: eintr, Node: Recursion, Next: Looping exercise, Prev: dolist dotimes, Up: Loops & Recursion
+11.3 Recursion
+A recursive function contains code that tells the Lisp interpreter to
+call a program that runs exactly like itself, but with slightly
+different arguments. The code runs exactly the same because it has the
+same name. However, even though the program has the same name, it is
+not the same entity. It is different. In the jargon, it is a
+different `instance'.
+Eventually, if the program is written correctly, the `slightly
+different arguments' will become sufficiently different from the first
+arguments that the final instance will stop.
+* Menu:
+* Building Robots::
+* Recursive Definition Parts::
+* Recursion with list::
+* Recursive triangle function::
+* Recursion with cond::
+* Recursive Patterns::
+* No Deferment::
+* No deferment solution::
+File: eintr, Node: Building Robots, Next: Recursive Definition Parts, Prev: Recursion, Up: Recursion
+11.3.1 Building Robots: Extending the Metaphor
+It is sometimes helpful to think of a running program as a robot that
+does a job. In doing its job, a recursive function calls on a second
+robot to help it. The second robot is identical to the first in every
+way, except that the second robot helps the first and has been passed
+different arguments than the first.
+In a recursive function, the second robot may call a third; and the
+third may call a fourth, and so on. Each of these is a different
+entity; but all are clones.
+Since each robot has slightly different instructions--the arguments
+will differ from one robot to the next--the last robot should know when
+to stop.
+Let's expand on the metaphor in which a computer program is a robot.
+A function definition provides the blueprints for a robot. When you
+install a function definition, that is, when you evaluate a `defun'
+special form, you install the necessary equipment to build robots. It
+is as if you were in a factory, setting up an assembly line. Robots
+with the same name are built according to the same blueprints. So they
+have, as it were, the same `model number', but a different `serial
+We often say that a recursive function `calls itself'. What we mean is
+that the instructions in a recursive function cause the Lisp
+interpreter to run a different function that has the same name and does
+the same job as the first, but with different arguments.
+It is important that the arguments differ from one instance to the
+next; otherwise, the process will never stop.
+File: eintr, Node: Recursive Definition Parts, Next: Recursion with list, Prev: Building Robots, Up: Recursion
+11.3.2 The Parts of a Recursive Definition
+A recursive function typically contains a conditional expression which
+has three parts:
+ 1. A true-or-false-test that determines whether the function is called
+ again, here called the "do-again-test".
+ 2. The name of the function. When this name is called, a new
+ instance of the function--a new robot, as it were--is created and
+ told what to do.
+ 3. An expression that returns a different value each time the
+ function is called, here called the "next-step-expression".
+ Consequently, the argument (or arguments) passed to the new
+ instance of the function will be different from that passed to the
+ previous instance. This causes the conditional expression, the
+ "do-again-test", to test false after the correct number of
+ repetitions.
+Recursive functions can be much simpler than any other kind of
+function. Indeed, when people first start to use them, they often look
+so mysteriously simple as to be incomprehensible. Like riding a
+bicycle, reading a recursive function definition takes a certain knack
+which is hard at first but then seems simple.
+There are several different common recursive patterns. A very simple
+pattern looks like this:
+ BODY...
+Each time a recursive function is evaluated, a new instance of it is
+created and told what to do. The arguments tell the instance what to
+An argument is bound to the value of the next-step-expression. Each
+instance runs with a different value of the next-step-expression.
+The value in the next-step-expression is used in the do-again-test.
+The value returned by the next-step-expression is passed to the new
+instance of the function, which evaluates it (or some
+transmogrification of it) to determine whether to continue or stop.
+The next-step-expression is designed so that the do-again-test returns
+false when the function should no longer be repeated.
+The do-again-test is sometimes called the "stop condition", since it
+stops the repetitions when it tests false.
+File: eintr, Node: Recursion with list, Next: Recursive triangle function, Prev: Recursive Definition Parts, Up: Recursion
+11.3.3 Recursion with a List
+The example of a `while' loop that printed the elements of a list of
+numbers can be written recursively. Here is the code, including an
+expression to set the value of the variable `animals' to a list.
+If you are using GNU Emacs 20 or before, this example must be copied to
+the `*scratch*' buffer and each expression must be evaluated there.
+Use `C-u C-x C-e' to evaluate the `(print-elements-recursively
+animals)' expression so that the results are printed in the buffer;
+otherwise the Lisp interpreter will try to squeeze the results into the
+one line of the echo area.
+Also, place your cursor immediately after the last closing parenthesis
+of the `print-elements-recursively' function, before the comment.
+Otherwise, the Lisp interpreter will try to evaluate the comment.
+If you are using a more recent version, you can evaluate this
+expression directly in Info.
+ (setq animals '(gazelle giraffe lion tiger))
+ (defun print-elements-recursively (list)
+ "Print each element of LIST on a line of its own.
+ Uses recursion."
+ (if list ; do-again-test
+ (progn
+ (print (car list)) ; body
+ (print-elements-recursively ; recursive call
+ (cdr list))))) ; next-step-expression
+ (print-elements-recursively animals)
+The `print-elements-recursively' function first tests whether there is
+any content in the list; if there is, the function prints the first
+element of the list, the CAR of the list. Then the function `invokes
+itself', but gives itself as its argument, not the whole list, but the
+second and subsequent elements of the list, the CDR of the list.
+Put another way, if the list is not empty, the function invokes another
+instance of code that is similar to the initial code, but is a
+different thread of execution, with different arguments than the first
+Put in yet another way, if the list is not empty, the first robot
+assemblies a second robot and tells it what to do; the second robot is
+a different individual from the first, but is the same model.
+When the second evaluation occurs, the `if' expression is evaluated and
+if true, prints the first element of the list it receives as its
+argument (which is the second element of the original list). Then the
+function `calls itself' with the CDR of the list it is invoked with,
+which (the second time around) is the CDR of the CDR of the original
+Note that although we say that the function `calls itself', what we
+mean is that the Lisp interpreter assembles and instructs a new
+instance of the program. The new instance is a clone of the first, but
+is a separate individual.
+Each time the function `invokes itself', it invokes itself on a shorter
+version of the original list. It creates a new instance that works on
+a shorter list.
+Eventually, the function invokes itself on an empty list. It creates a
+new instance whose argument is `nil'. The conditional expression tests
+the value of `list'. Since the value of `list' is `nil', the `if'
+expression tests false so the then-part is not evaluated. The function
+as a whole then returns `nil'.
+When you evaluate `(print-elements-recursively animals)' in the
+`*scratch*' buffer, you see this result:
+ gazelle
+ giraffe
+ lion
+ tiger
+ nil
+File: eintr, Node: Recursive triangle function, Next: Recursion with cond, Prev: Recursion with list, Up: Recursion
+11.3.4 Recursion in Place of a Counter
+The `triangle' function described in a previous section can also be
+written recursively. It looks like this:
+ (defun triangle-recursively (number)
+ "Return the sum of the numbers 1 through NUMBER inclusive.
+ Uses recursion."
+ (if (= number 1) ; do-again-test
+ 1 ; then-part
+ (+ number ; else-part
+ (triangle-recursively ; recursive call
+ (1- number))))) ; next-step-expression
+ (triangle-recursively 7)
+You can install this function by evaluating it and then try it by
+evaluating `(triangle-recursively 7)'. (Remember to put your cursor
+immediately after the last parenthesis of the function definition,
+before the comment.) The function evaluates to 28.
+To understand how this function works, let's consider what happens in
+the various cases when the function is passed 1, 2, 3, or 4 as the
+value of its argument.
+* Menu:
+* Recursive Example arg of 1 or 2::
+* Recursive Example arg of 3 or 4::
+File: eintr, Node: Recursive Example arg of 1 or 2, Next: Recursive Example arg of 3 or 4, Prev: Recursive triangle function, Up: Recursive triangle function
+An argument of 1 or 2
+First, what happens if the value of the argument is 1?
+The function has an `if' expression after the documentation string. It
+tests whether the value of `number' is equal to 1; if so, Emacs
+evaluates the then-part of the `if' expression, which returns the
+number 1 as the value of the function. (A triangle with one row has
+one pebble in it.)
+Suppose, however, that the value of the argument is 2. In this case,
+Emacs evaluates the else-part of the `if' expression.
+The else-part consists of an addition, the recursive call to
+`triangle-recursively' and a decrementing action; and it looks like
+ (+ number (triangle-recursively (1- number)))
+When Emacs evaluates this expression, the innermost expression is
+evaluated first; then the other parts in sequence. Here are the steps
+in detail:
+Step 1 Evaluate the innermost expression.
+ The innermost expression is `(1- number)' so Emacs decrements the
+ value of `number' from 2 to 1.
+Step 2 Evaluate the `triangle-recursively' function.
+ The Lisp interpreter creates an individual instance of
+ `triangle-recursively'. It does not matter that this function is
+ contained within itself. Emacs passes the result Step 1 as the
+ argument used by this instance of the `triangle-recursively'
+ function
+ In this case, Emacs evaluates `triangle-recursively' with an
+ argument of 1. This means that this evaluation of
+ `triangle-recursively' returns 1.
+Step 3 Evaluate the value of `number'.
+ The variable `number' is the second element of the list that
+ starts with `+'; its value is 2.
+Step 4 Evaluate the `+' expression.
+ The `+' expression receives two arguments, the first from the
+ evaluation of `number' (Step 3) and the second from the evaluation
+ of `triangle-recursively' (Step 2).
+ The result of the addition is the sum of 2 plus 1, and the number
+ 3 is returned, which is correct. A triangle with two rows has
+ three pebbles in it.
+File: eintr, Node: Recursive Example arg of 3 or 4, Prev: Recursive Example arg of 1 or 2, Up: Recursive triangle function
+An argument of 3 or 4
+Suppose that `triangle-recursively' is called with an argument of 3.
+Step 1 Evaluate the do-again-test.
+ The `if' expression is evaluated first. This is the do-again test
+ and returns false, so the else-part of the `if' expression is
+ evaluated. (Note that in this example, the do-again-test causes
+ the function to call itself when it tests false, not when it tests
+ true.)
+Step 2 Evaluate the innermost expression of the else-part.
+ The innermost expression of the else-part is evaluated, which
+ decrements 3 to 2. This is the next-step-expression.
+Step 3 Evaluate the `triangle-recursively' function.
+ The number 2 is passed to the `triangle-recursively' function.
+ We know what happens when Emacs evaluates `triangle-recursively'
+ with an argument of 2. After going through the sequence of
+ actions described earlier, it returns a value of 3. So that is
+ what will happen here.
+Step 4 Evaluate the addition.
+ 3 will be passed as an argument to the addition and will be added
+ to the number with which the function was called, which is 3.
+The value returned by the function as a whole will be 6.
+Now that we know what will happen when `triangle-recursively' is called
+with an argument of 3, it is evident what will happen if it is called
+with an argument of 4:
+ In the recursive call, the evaluation of
+ (triangle-recursively (1- 4))
+ will return the value of evaluating
+ (triangle-recursively 3)
+ which is 6 and this value will be added to 4 by the addition in the
+ third line.
+The value returned by the function as a whole will be 10.
+Each time `triangle-recursively' is evaluated, it evaluates a version
+of itself--a different instance of itself--with a smaller argument,
+until the argument is small enough so that it does not evaluate itself.
+Note that this particular design for a recursive function requires that
+operations be deferred.
+Before `(triangle-recursively 7)' can calculate its answer, it must
+call `(triangle-recursively 6)'; and before `(triangle-recursively 6)'
+can calculate its answer, it must call `(triangle-recursively 5)'; and
+so on. That is to say, the calculation that `(triangle-recursively 7)'
+makes must be deferred until `(triangle-recursively 6)' makes its
+calculation; and `(triangle-recursively 6)' must defer until
+`(triangle-recursively 5)' completes; and so on.
+If each of these instances of `triangle-recursively' are thought of as
+different robots, the first robot must wait for the second to complete
+its job, which must wait until the third completes, and so on.
+There is a way around this kind of waiting, which we will discuss in
+*Note Recursion without Deferments: No Deferment.
+File: eintr, Node: Recursion with cond, Next: Recursive Patterns, Prev: Recursive triangle function, Up: Recursion
+11.3.5 Recursion Example Using `cond'
+The version of `triangle-recursively' described earlier is written with
+the `if' special form. It can also be written using another special
+form called `cond'. The name of the special form `cond' is an
+abbreviation of the word `conditional'.
+Although the `cond' special form is not used as often in the Emacs Lisp
+sources as `if', it is used often enough to justify explaining it.
+The template for a `cond' expression looks like this:
+ (cond
+ BODY...)
+where the BODY is a series of lists.
+Written out more fully, the template looks like this:
+ (cond
+ ...)
+When the Lisp interpreter evaluates the `cond' expression, it evaluates
+the first element (the CAR or true-or-false-test) of the first
+expression in a series of expressions within the body of the `cond'.
+If the true-or-false-test returns `nil' the rest of that expression,
+the consequent, is skipped and the true-or-false-test of the next
+expression is evaluated. When an expression is found whose
+true-or-false-test returns a value that is not `nil', the consequent of
+that expression is evaluated. The consequent can be one or more
+expressions. If the consequent consists of more than one expression,
+the expressions are evaluated in sequence and the value of the last one
+is returned. If the expression does not have a consequent, the value
+of the true-or-false-test is returned.
+If none of the true-or-false-tests test true, the `cond' expression
+returns `nil'.
+Written using `cond', the `triangle' function looks like this:
+ (defun triangle-using-cond (number)
+ (cond ((<= number 0) 0)
+ ((= number 1) 1)
+ ((> number 1)
+ (+ number (triangle-using-cond (1- number))))))
+In this example, the `cond' returns 0 if the number is less than or
+equal to 0, it returns 1 if the number is 1 and it evaluates `(+ number
+(triangle-using-cond (1- number)))' if the number is greater than 1.
+File: eintr, Node: Recursive Patterns, Next: No Deferment, Prev: Recursion with cond, Up: Recursion
+11.3.6 Recursive Patterns
+Here are three common recursive patterns. Each involves a list.
+Recursion does not need to involve lists, but Lisp is designed for lists
+and this provides a sense of its primal capabilities.
+* Menu:
+* Every::
+* Accumulate::
+* Keep::
+File: eintr, Node: Every, Next: Accumulate, Prev: Recursive Patterns, Up: Recursive Patterns
+Recursive Pattern: _every_
+In the `every' recursive pattern, an action is performed on every
+element of a list.
+The basic pattern is:
+ * If a list be empty, return `nil'.
+ * Else, act on the beginning of the list (the CAR of the list)
+ - through a recursive call by the function on the rest (the
+ CDR) of the list,
+ - and, optionally, combine the acted-on element, using
+ `cons', with the results of acting on the rest.
+Here is example:
+ (defun square-each (numbers-list)
+ "Square each of a NUMBERS LIST, recursively."
+ (if (not numbers-list) ; do-again-test
+ nil
+ (cons
+ (* (car numbers-list) (car numbers-list))
+ (square-each (cdr numbers-list))))) ; next-step-expression
+ (square-each '(1 2 3))
+ => (1 4 9)
+If `numbers-list' is empty, do nothing. But if it has content,
+construct a list combining the square of the first number in the list
+with the result of the recursive call.
+(The example follows the pattern exactly: `nil' is returned if the
+numbers' list is empty. In practice, you would write the conditional
+so it carries out the action when the numbers' list is not empty.)
+The `print-elements-recursively' function (*note Recursion with a List:
+Recursion with list.) is another example of an `every' pattern, except
+in this case, rather than bring the results together using `cons', we
+print each element of output.
+The `print-elements-recursively' function looks like this:
+ (setq animals '(gazelle giraffe lion tiger))
+ (defun print-elements-recursively (list)
+ "Print each element of LIST on a line of its own.
+ Uses recursion."
+ (if list ; do-again-test
+ (progn
+ (print (car list)) ; body
+ (print-elements-recursively ; recursive call
+ (cdr list))))) ; next-step-expression
+ (print-elements-recursively animals)
+The pattern for `print-elements-recursively' is:
+ * If the list be empty, do nothing.
+ * But if the list has at least one element,
+ - act on the beginning of the list (the CAR of the list),
+ - and make a recursive call on the rest (the CDR) of the
+ list.
+File: eintr, Node: Accumulate, Next: Keep, Prev: Every, Up: Recursive Patterns
+Recursive Pattern: _accumulate_
+Another recursive pattern is called the `accumulate' pattern. In the
+`accumulate' recursive pattern, an action is performed on every element
+of a list and the result of that action is accumulated with the results
+of performing the action on the other elements.
+This is very like the `every' pattern using `cons', except that `cons'
+is not used, but some other combiner.
+The pattern is:
+ * If a list be empty, return zero or some other constant.
+ * Else, act on the beginning of the list (the CAR of the list),
+ - and combine that acted-on element, using `+' or some
+ other combining function, with
+ - a recursive call by the function on the rest (the CDR) of
+ the list.
+Here is an example:
+ (defun add-elements (numbers-list)
+ "Add the elements of NUMBERS-LIST together."
+ (if (not numbers-list)
+ 0
+ (+ (car numbers-list) (add-elements (cdr numbers-list)))))
+ (add-elements '(1 2 3 4))
+ => 10
+*Note Making a List of Files: Files List, for an example of the
+accumulate pattern.
+File: eintr, Node: Keep, Prev: Accumulate, Up: Recursive Patterns
+Recursive Pattern: _keep_
+A third recursive pattern is called the `keep' pattern. In the `keep'
+recursive pattern, each element of a list is tested; the element is
+acted on and the results are kept only if the element meets a criterion.
+Again, this is very like the `every' pattern, except the element is
+skipped unless it meets a criterion.
+The pattern has three parts:
+ * If a list be empty, return `nil'.
+ * Else, if the beginning of the list (the CAR of the list) passes
+ a test
+ - act on that element and combine it, using `cons' with
+ - a recursive call by the function on the rest (the CDR) of
+ the list.
+ * Otherwise, if the beginning of the list (the CAR of the list) fails
+ the test
+ - skip on that element,
+ - and, recursively call the function on the rest (the CDR)
+ of the list.
+Here is an example that uses `cond':
+ (defun keep-three-letter-words (word-list)
+ "Keep three letter words in WORD-LIST."
+ (cond
+ ;; First do-again-test: stop-condition
+ ((not word-list) nil)
+ ;; Second do-again-test: when to act
+ ((eq 3 (length (symbol-name (car word-list))))
+ ;; combine acted-on element with recursive call on shorter list
+ (cons (car word-list) (keep-three-letter-words (cdr word-list))))
+ ;; Third do-again-test: when to skip element;
+ ;; recursively call shorter list with next-step expression
+ (t (keep-three-letter-words (cdr word-list)))))
+ (keep-three-letter-words '(one two three four five six))
+ => (one two six)
+It goes without saying that you need not use `nil' as the test for when
+to stop; and you can, of course, combine these patterns.
+File: eintr, Node: No Deferment, Next: No deferment solution, Prev: Recursive Patterns, Up: Recursion
+11.3.7 Recursion without Deferments
+Let's consider again what happens with the `triangle-recursively'
+function. We will find that the intermediate calculations are deferred
+until all can be done.
+Here is the function definition:
+ (defun triangle-recursively (number)
+ "Return the sum of the numbers 1 through NUMBER inclusive.
+ Uses recursion."
+ (if (= number 1) ; do-again-test
+ 1 ; then-part
+ (+ number ; else-part
+ (triangle-recursively ; recursive call
+ (1- number))))) ; next-step-expression
+What happens when we call this function with a argument of 7?
+The first instance of the `triangle-recursively' function adds the
+number 7 to the value returned by a second instance of
+`triangle-recursively', an instance that has been passed an argument of
+6. That is to say, the first calculation is:
+ (+ 7 (triangle-recursively 6))
+The first instance of `triangle-recursively'--you may want to think of
+it as a little robot--cannot complete its job. It must hand off the
+calculation for `(triangle-recursively 6)' to a second instance of the
+program, to a second robot. This second individual is completely
+different from the first one; it is, in the jargon, a `different
+instantiation'. Or, put another way, it is a different robot. It is
+the same model as the first; it calculates triangle numbers
+recursively; but it has a different serial number.
+And what does `(triangle-recursively 6)' return? It returns the number
+6 added to the value returned by evaluating `triangle-recursively' with
+an argument of 5. Using the robot metaphor, it asks yet another robot
+to help it.
+Now the total is:
+ (+ 7 6 (triangle-recursively 5))
+And what happens next?
+ (+ 7 6 5 (triangle-recursively 4))
+Each time `triangle-recursively' is called, except for the last time,
+it creates another instance of the program--another robot--and asks it
+to make a calculation.
+Eventually, the full addition is set up and performed:
+ (+ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1)
+This design for the function defers the calculation of the first step
+until the second can be done, and defers that until the third can be
+done, and so on. Each deferment means the computer must remember what
+is being waited on. This is not a problem when there are only a few
+steps, as in this example. But it can be a problem when there are more
+File: eintr, Node: No deferment solution, Prev: No Deferment, Up: Recursion
+11.3.8 No Deferment Solution
+The solution to the problem of deferred operations is to write in a
+manner that does not defer operations(1). This requires writing to a
+different pattern, often one that involves writing two function
+definitions, an `initialization' function and a `helper' function.
+The `initialization' function sets up the job; the `helper' function
+does the work.
+Here are the two function definitions for adding up numbers. They are
+so simple, I find them hard to understand.
+ (defun triangle-initialization (number)
+ "Return the sum of the numbers 1 through NUMBER inclusive.
+ This is the `initialization' component of a two function
+ duo that uses recursion."
+ (triangle-recursive-helper 0 0 number))
+ (defun triangle-recursive-helper (sum counter number)
+ "Return SUM, using COUNTER, through NUMBER inclusive.
+ This is the `helper' component of a two function duo
+ that uses recursion."
+ (if (> counter number)
+ sum
+ (triangle-recursive-helper (+ sum counter) ; sum
+ (1+ counter) ; counter
+ number))) ; number
+Install both function definitions by evaluating them, then call
+`triangle-initialization' with 2 rows:
+ (triangle-initialization 2)
+ => 3
+The `initialization' function calls the first instance of the `helper'
+function with three arguments: zero, zero, and a number which is the
+number of rows in the triangle.
+The first two arguments passed to the `helper' function are
+initialization values. These values are changed when
+`triangle-recursive-helper' invokes new instances.(2)
+Let's see what happens when we have a triangle that has one row. (This
+triangle will have one pebble in it!)
+`triangle-initialization' will call its helper with the arguments
+`0 0 1'. That function will run the conditional test whether `(>
+counter number)':
+ (> 0 1)
+and find that the result is false, so it will invoke the else-part of
+the `if' clause:
+ (triangle-recursive-helper
+ (+ sum counter) ; sum plus counter => sum
+ (1+ counter) ; increment counter => counter
+ number) ; number stays the same
+which will first compute:
+ (triangle-recursive-helper (+ 0 0) ; sum
+ (1+ 0) ; counter
+ 1) ; number
+which is:
+ (triangle-recursive-helper 0 1 1)
+Again, `(> counter number)' will be false, so again, the Lisp
+interpreter will evaluate `triangle-recursive-helper', creating a new
+instance with new arguments.
+This new instance will be;
+ (triangle-recursive-helper
+ (+ sum counter) ; sum plus counter => sum
+ (1+ counter) ; increment counter => counter
+ number) ; number stays the same
+which is:
+ (triangle-recursive-helper 1 2 1)
+In this case, the `(> counter number)' test will be true! So the
+instance will return the value of the sum, which will be 1, as expected.
+Now, let's pass `triangle-initialization' an argument of 2, to find out
+how many pebbles there are in a triangle with two rows.
+That function calls `(triangle-recursive-helper 0 0 2)'.
+In stages, the instances called will be:
+ sum counter number
+ (triangle-recursive-helper 0 1 2)
+ (triangle-recursive-helper 1 2 2)
+ (triangle-recursive-helper 3 3 2)
+When the last instance is called, the `(> counter number)' test will be
+true, so the instance will return the value of `sum', which will be 3.
+This kind of pattern helps when you are writing functions that can use
+many resources in a computer.
+---------- Footnotes ----------
+(1) The phrase "tail recursive" is used to describe such a process, one
+that uses `constant space'.
+(2) The jargon is mildly confusing: `triangle-recursive-helper' uses a
+process that is iterative in a procedure that is recursive. The
+process is called iterative because the computer need only record the
+three values, `sum', `counter', and `number'; the procedure is
+recursive because the function `calls itself'. On the other hand, both
+the process and the procedure used by `triangle-recursively' are called
+recursive. The word `recursive' has different meanings in the two
+File: eintr, Node: Looping exercise, Prev: Recursion, Up: Loops & Recursion
+11.4 Looping Exercise
+ * Write a function similar to `triangle' in which each row has a
+ value which is the square of the row number. Use a `while' loop.
+ * Write a function similar to `triangle' that multiplies instead of
+ adds the values.
+ * Rewrite these two functions recursively. Rewrite these functions
+ using `cond'.
+ * Write a function for Texinfo mode that creates an index entry at
+ the beginning of a paragraph for every `@dfn' within the paragraph.
+ (In a Texinfo file, `@dfn' marks a definition. This book is
+ written in Texinfo.)
+ Many of the functions you will need are described in two of the
+ previous chapters, *Note Cutting and Storing Text: Cutting &
+ Storing Text, and *Note Yanking Text Back: Yanking. If you use
+ `forward-paragraph' to put the index entry at the beginning of the
+ paragraph, you will have to use `C-h f' (`describe-function') to
+ find out how to make the command go backwards.
+ For more information, see *Note Indicating Definitions:
+ (texinfo)Indicating.
+File: eintr, Node: Regexp Search, Next: Counting Words, Prev: Loops & Recursion, Up: Top
+12 Regular Expression Searches
+Regular expression searches are used extensively in GNU Emacs. The two
+functions, `forward-sentence' and `forward-paragraph', illustrate these
+searches well. They use regular expressions to find where to move
+point. The phrase `regular expression' is often written as `regexp'.
+Regular expression searches are described in *Note Regular Expression
+Search: (emacs)Regexp Search, as well as in *Note Regular Expressions:
+(elisp)Regular Expressions. In writing this chapter, I am presuming
+that you have at least a mild acquaintance with them. The major point
+to remember is that regular expressions permit you to search for
+patterns as well as for literal strings of characters. For example,
+the code in `forward-sentence' searches for the pattern of possible
+characters that could mark the end of a sentence, and moves point to
+that spot.
+Before looking at the code for the `forward-sentence' function, it is
+worth considering what the pattern that marks the end of a sentence
+must be. The pattern is discussed in the next section; following that
+is a description of the regular expression search function,
+`re-search-forward'. The `forward-sentence' function is described in
+the section following. Finally, the `forward-paragraph' function is
+described in the last section of this chapter. `forward-paragraph' is
+a complex function that introduces several new features.
+* Menu:
+* sentence-end::
+* re-search-forward::
+* forward-sentence::
+* forward-paragraph::
+* etags::
+* Regexp Review::
+* re-search Exercises::
+File: eintr, Node: sentence-end, Next: re-search-forward, Prev: Regexp Search, Up: Regexp Search
+12.1 The Regular Expression for `sentence-end'
+The symbol `sentence-end' is bound to the pattern that marks the end of
+a sentence. What should this regular expression be?
+Clearly, a sentence may be ended by a period, a question mark, or an
+exclamation mark. Indeed, only clauses that end with one of those three
+characters should be considered the end of a sentence. This means that
+the pattern should include the character set:
+ [.?!]
+However, we do not want `forward-sentence' merely to jump to a period,
+a question mark, or an exclamation mark, because such a character might
+be used in the middle of a sentence. A period, for example, is used
+after abbreviations. So other information is needed.
+According to convention, you type two spaces after every sentence, but
+only one space after a period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark
+in the body of a sentence. So a period, a question mark, or an
+exclamation mark followed by two spaces is a good indicator of an end
+of sentence. However, in a file, the two spaces may instead be a tab
+or the end of a line. This means that the regular expression should
+include these three items as alternatives.
+This group of alternatives will look like this:
+ \\($\\| \\| \\)
+ ^ ^^
+Here, `$' indicates the end of the line, and I have pointed out where
+the tab and two spaces are inserted in the expression. Both are
+inserted by putting the actual characters into the expression.
+Two backslashes, `\\', are required before the parentheses and vertical
+bars: the first backslash quotes the following backslash in Emacs; and
+the second indicates that the following character, the parenthesis or
+the vertical bar, is special.
+Also, a sentence may be followed by one or more carriage returns, like
+ [
+ ]*
+Like tabs and spaces, a carriage return is inserted into a regular
+expression by inserting it literally. The asterisk indicates that the
+<RET> is repeated zero or more times.
+But a sentence end does not consist only of a period, a question mark or
+an exclamation mark followed by appropriate space: a closing quotation
+mark or a closing brace of some kind may precede the space. Indeed more
+than one such mark or brace may precede the space. These require a
+expression that looks like this:
+ []\"')}]*
+In this expression, the first `]' is the first character in the
+expression; the second character is `"', which is preceded by a `\' to
+tell Emacs the `"' is _not_ special. The last three characters are
+`'', `)', and `}'.
+All this suggests what the regular expression pattern for matching the
+end of a sentence should be; and, indeed, if we evaluate `sentence-end'
+we find that it returns the following value:
+ sentence-end
+ => "[.?!][]\"')}]*\\($\\| \\| \\)[
+ ]*"
+(Well, not in GNU Emacs 22; that is because of an effort to make the
+process simpler. When its value is `nil', then use the value defined
+by the function `sentence-end', and that returns a value constructed
+from the variables `sentence-end-base', `sentence-end-double-space',
+`sentence-end-without-period', and `sentence-end-without-space'. The
+critical variable is `sentence-end-base'; its global value is similar
+to the one described above but it also contains two additional
+quotation marks. These have differing degrees of curliness. The
+`sentence-end-without-period' variable, when true, tells Emacs that a
+sentence may end without a period, such as text in Thai.)
+File: eintr, Node: re-search-forward, Next: forward-sentence, Prev: sentence-end, Up: Regexp Search
+12.2 The `re-search-forward' Function
+The `re-search-forward' function is very like the `search-forward'
+function. (*Note The `search-forward' Function: search-forward.)
+`re-search-forward' searches for a regular expression. If the search
+is successful, it leaves point immediately after the last character in
+the target. If the search is backwards, it leaves point just before
+the first character in the target. You may tell `re-search-forward' to
+return `t' for true. (Moving point is therefore a `side effect'.)
+Like `search-forward', the `re-search-forward' function takes four
+ 1. The first argument is the regular expression that the function
+ searches for. The regular expression will be a string between
+ quotations marks.
+ 2. The optional second argument limits how far the function will
+ search; it is a bound, which is specified as a position in the
+ buffer.
+ 3. The optional third argument specifies how the function responds to
+ failure: `nil' as the third argument causes the function to signal
+ an error (and print a message) when the search fails; any other
+ value causes it to return `nil' if the search fails and `t' if the
+ search succeeds.
+ 4. The optional fourth argument is the repeat count. A negative
+ repeat count causes `re-search-forward' to search backwards.
+The template for `re-search-forward' looks like this:
+ (re-search-forward "REGULAR-EXPRESSION"
+The second, third, and fourth arguments are optional. However, if you
+want to pass a value to either or both of the last two arguments, you
+must also pass a value to all the preceding arguments. Otherwise, the
+Lisp interpreter will mistake which argument you are passing the value
+In the `forward-sentence' function, the regular expression will be the
+value of the variable `sentence-end'. In simple form, that is:
+ "[.?!][]\"')}]*\\($\\| \\| \\)[
+ ]*"
+The limit of the search will be the end of the paragraph (since a
+sentence cannot go beyond a paragraph). If the search fails, the
+function will return `nil'; and the repeat count will be provided by
+the argument to the `forward-sentence' function.
+File: eintr, Node: forward-sentence, Next: forward-paragraph, Prev: re-search-forward, Up: Regexp Search
+12.3 `forward-sentence'
+The command to move the cursor forward a sentence is a straightforward
+illustration of how to use regular expression searches in Emacs Lisp.
+Indeed, the function looks longer and more complicated than it is; this
+is because the function is designed to go backwards as well as forwards;
+and, optionally, over more than one sentence. The function is usually
+bound to the key command `M-e'.
+* Menu:
+* Complete forward-sentence::
+* fwd-sentence while loops::
+* fwd-sentence re-search::
+File: eintr, Node: Complete forward-sentence, Next: fwd-sentence while loops, Prev: forward-sentence, Up: forward-sentence
+Complete `forward-sentence' function definition
+Here is the code for `forward-sentence':
+ (defun forward-sentence (&optional arg)
+ "Move forward to next `sentence-end'. With argument, repeat.
+ With negative argument, move backward repeatedly to `sentence-beginning'.
+ The variable `sentence-end' is a regular expression that matches ends of
+ sentences. Also, every paragraph boundary terminates sentences as well."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (or arg (setq arg 1))
+ (let ((opoint (point))
+ (sentence-end (sentence-end)))
+ (while (< arg 0)
+ (let ((pos (point))
+ (par-beg (save-excursion (start-of-paragraph-text) (point))))
+ (if (and (re-search-backward sentence-end par-beg t)
+ (or (< (match-end 0) pos)
+ (re-search-backward sentence-end par-beg t)))
+ (goto-char (match-end 0))
+ (goto-char par-beg)))
+ (setq arg (1+ arg)))
+ (while (> arg 0)
+ (let ((par-end (save-excursion (end-of-paragraph-text) (point))))
+ (if (re-search-forward sentence-end par-end t)
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
+ (goto-char par-end)))
+ (setq arg (1- arg)))
+ (constrain-to-field nil opoint t)))
+The function looks long at first sight and it is best to look at its
+skeleton first, and then its muscle. The way to see the skeleton is to
+look at the expressions that start in the left-most columns:
+ (defun forward-sentence (&optional arg)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (or arg (setq arg 1))
+ (let ((opoint (point)) (sentence-end (sentence-end)))
+ (while (< arg 0)
+ (let ((pos (point))
+ (par-beg (save-excursion (start-of-paragraph-text) (point))))
+ (while (> arg 0)
+ (let ((par-end (save-excursion (end-of-paragraph-text) (point))))
+This looks much simpler! The function definition consists of
+documentation, an `interactive' expression, an `or' expression, a `let'
+expression, and `while' loops.
+Let's look at each of these parts in turn.
+We note that the documentation is thorough and understandable.
+The function has an `interactive "p"' declaration. This means that the
+processed prefix argument, if any, is passed to the function as its
+argument. (This will be a number.) If the function is not passed an
+argument (it is optional) then the argument `arg' will be bound to 1.
+When `forward-sentence' is called non-interactively without an
+argument, `arg' is bound to `nil'. The `or' expression handles this.
+What it does is either leave the value of `arg' as it is, but only if
+`arg' is bound to a value; or it sets the value of `arg' to 1, in the
+case when `arg' is bound to `nil'.
+Next is a `let'. That specifies the values of two local variables,
+`point' and `sentence-end'. The local value of point, from before the
+search, is used in the `constrain-to-field' function which handles
+forms and equivalents. The `sentence-end' variable is set by the
+`sentence-end' function.
+File: eintr, Node: fwd-sentence while loops, Next: fwd-sentence re-search, Prev: Complete forward-sentence, Up: forward-sentence
+The `while' loops
+Two `while' loops follow. The first `while' has a true-or-false-test
+that tests true if the prefix argument for `forward-sentence' is a
+negative number. This is for going backwards. The body of this loop
+is similar to the body of the second `while' clause, but it is not
+exactly the same. We will skip this `while' loop and concentrate on
+the second `while' loop.
+The second `while' loop is for moving point forward. Its skeleton
+looks like this:
+ (while (> arg 0) ; true-or-false-test
+ (let VARLIST
+ (setq arg (1- arg)))) ; `while' loop decrementer
+The `while' loop is of the decrementing kind. (*Note A Loop with a
+Decrementing Counter: Decrementing Loop.) It has a true-or-false-test
+that tests true so long as the counter (in this case, the variable
+`arg') is greater than zero; and it has a decrementer that subtracts 1
+from the value of the counter every time the loop repeats.
+If no prefix argument is given to `forward-sentence', which is the most
+common way the command is used, this `while' loop will run once, since
+the value of `arg' will be 1.
+The body of the `while' loop consists of a `let' expression, which
+creates and binds a local variable, and has, as its body, an `if'
+The body of the `while' loop looks like this:
+ (let ((par-end
+ (save-excursion (end-of-paragraph-text) (point))))
+ (if (re-search-forward sentence-end par-end t)
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
+ (goto-char par-end)))
+The `let' expression creates and binds the local variable `par-end'.
+As we shall see, this local variable is designed to provide a bound or
+limit to the regular expression search. If the search fails to find a
+proper sentence ending in the paragraph, it will stop on reaching the
+end of the paragraph.
+But first, let us examine how `par-end' is bound to the value of the
+end of the paragraph. What happens is that the `let' sets the value of
+`par-end' to the value returned when the Lisp interpreter evaluates the
+ (save-excursion (end-of-paragraph-text) (point))
+In this expression, `(end-of-paragraph-text)' moves point to the end of
+the paragraph, `(point)' returns the value of point, and then
+`save-excursion' restores point to its original position. Thus, the
+`let' binds `par-end' to the value returned by the `save-excursion'
+expression, which is the position of the end of the paragraph. (The
+`(end-of-paragraph-text)' function uses `forward-paragraph', which we
+will discuss shortly.)
+Emacs next evaluates the body of the `let', which is an `if' expression
+that looks like this:
+ (if (re-search-forward sentence-end par-end t) ; if-part
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t\n") ; then-part
+ (goto-char par-end))) ; else-part
+The `if' tests whether its first argument is true and if so, evaluates
+its then-part; otherwise, the Emacs Lisp interpreter evaluates the
+else-part. The true-or-false-test of the `if' expression is the
+regular expression search.
+It may seem odd to have what looks like the `real work' of the
+`forward-sentence' function buried here, but this is a common way this
+kind of operation is carried out in Lisp.
+File: eintr, Node: fwd-sentence re-search, Prev: fwd-sentence while loops, Up: forward-sentence
+The regular expression search
+The `re-search-forward' function searches for the end of the sentence,
+that is, for the pattern defined by the `sentence-end' regular
+expression. If the pattern is found--if the end of the sentence is
+found--then the `re-search-forward' function does two things:
+ 1. The `re-search-forward' function carries out a side effect, which
+ is to move point to the end of the occurrence found.
+ 2. The `re-search-forward' function returns a value of true. This is
+ the value received by the `if', and means that the search was
+ successful.
+The side effect, the movement of point, is completed before the `if'
+function is handed the value returned by the successful conclusion of
+the search.
+When the `if' function receives the value of true from a successful
+call to `re-search-forward', the `if' evaluates the then-part, which is
+the expression `(skip-chars-backward " \t\n")'. This expression moves
+backwards over any blank spaces, tabs or carriage returns until a
+printed character is found and then leaves point after the character.
+Since point has already been moved to the end of the pattern that marks
+the end of the sentence, this action leaves point right after the
+closing printed character of the sentence, which is usually a period.
+On the other hand, if the `re-search-forward' function fails to find a
+pattern marking the end of the sentence, the function returns false.
+The false then causes the `if' to evaluate its third argument, which is
+`(goto-char par-end)': it moves point to the end of the paragraph.
+(And if the text is in a form or equivalent, and point may not move
+fully, then the `constrain-to-field' function comes into play.)
+Regular expression searches are exceptionally useful and the pattern
+illustrated by `re-search-forward', in which the search is the test of
+an `if' expression, is handy. You will see or write code incorporating
+this pattern often.
+File: eintr, Node: forward-paragraph, Next: etags, Prev: forward-sentence, Up: Regexp Search
+12.4 `forward-paragraph': a Goldmine of Functions
+The `forward-paragraph' function moves point forward to the end of the
+paragraph. It is usually bound to `M-}' and makes use of a number of
+functions that are important in themselves, including `let*',
+`match-beginning', and `looking-at'.
+The function definition for `forward-paragraph' is considerably longer
+than the function definition for `forward-sentence' because it works
+with a paragraph, each line of which may begin with a fill prefix.
+A fill prefix consists of a string of characters that are repeated at
+the beginning of each line. For example, in Lisp code, it is a
+convention to start each line of a paragraph-long comment with `;;; '.
+In Text mode, four blank spaces make up another common fill prefix,
+creating an indented paragraph. (*Note Fill Prefix: (emacs)Fill
+Prefix, for more information about fill prefixes.)
+The existence of a fill prefix means that in addition to being able to
+find the end of a paragraph whose lines begin on the left-most column,
+the `forward-paragraph' function must be able to find the end of a
+paragraph when all or many of the lines in the buffer begin with the
+fill prefix.
+Moreover, it is sometimes practical to ignore a fill prefix that
+exists, especially when blank lines separate paragraphs. This is an
+added complication.
+* Menu:
+* forward-paragraph in brief::
+* fwd-para let::
+* fwd-para while::
+File: eintr, Node: forward-paragraph in brief, Next: fwd-para let, Prev: forward-paragraph, Up: forward-paragraph
+Shortened `forward-paragraph' function definition
+Rather than print all of the `forward-paragraph' function, we will only
+print parts of it. Read without preparation, the function can be
+In outline, the function looks like this:
+ (defun forward-paragraph (&optional arg)
+ (interactive "p")
+ (or arg (setq arg 1))
+ (let*
+ (while (and (< arg 0) (not (bobp))) ; backward-moving-code
+ ...
+ (while (and (> arg 0) (not (eobp))) ; forward-moving-code
+ ...
+The first parts of the function are routine: the function's argument
+list consists of one optional argument. Documentation follows.
+The lower case `p' in the `interactive' declaration means that the
+processed prefix argument, if any, is passed to the function. This
+will be a number, and is the repeat count of how many paragraphs point
+will move. The `or' expression in the next line handles the common
+case when no argument is passed to the function, which occurs if the
+function is called from other code rather than interactively. This
+case was described earlier. (*Note The `forward-sentence' function:
+forward-sentence.) Now we reach the end of the familiar part of this
+File: eintr, Node: fwd-para let, Next: fwd-para while, Prev: forward-paragraph in brief, Up: forward-paragraph
+The `let*' expression
+The next line of the `forward-paragraph' function begins a `let*'
+expression. This is a different than `let'. The symbol is `let*' not
+The `let*' special form is like `let' except that Emacs sets each
+variable in sequence, one after another, and variables in the latter
+part of the varlist can make use of the values to which Emacs set
+variables in the earlier part of the varlist.
+(*Note `save-excursion' in `append-to-buffer': append save-excursion.)
+In the `let*' expression in this function, Emacs binds a total of seven
+variables: `opoint', `fill-prefix-regexp', `parstart', `parsep',
+`sp-parstart', `start', and `found-start'.
+The variable `parsep' appears twice, first, to remove instances of `^',
+and second, to handle fill prefixes.
+The variable `opoint' is just the value of `point'. As you can guess,
+it is used in a `constrain-to-field' expression, just as in
+The variable `fill-prefix-regexp' is set to the value returned by
+evaluating the following list:
+ (and fill-prefix
+ (not (equal fill-prefix ""))
+ (not paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix)
+ (regexp-quote fill-prefix))
+This is an expression whose first element is the `and' special form.
+As we learned earlier (*note The `kill-new' function: kill-new
+function.), the `and' special form evaluates each of its arguments
+until one of the arguments returns a value of `nil', in which case the
+`and' expression returns `nil'; however, if none of the arguments
+returns a value of `nil', the value resulting from evaluating the last
+argument is returned. (Since such a value is not `nil', it is
+considered true in Lisp.) In other words, an `and' expression returns
+a true value only if all its arguments are true.
+In this case, the variable `fill-prefix-regexp' is bound to a non-`nil'
+value only if the following four expressions produce a true (i.e., a
+non-`nil') value when they are evaluated; otherwise,
+`fill-prefix-regexp' is bound to `nil'.
+ When this variable is evaluated, the value of the fill prefix, if
+ any, is returned. If there is no fill prefix, this variable
+ returns `nil'.
+`(not (equal fill-prefix "")'
+ This expression checks whether an existing fill prefix is an empty
+ string, that is, a string with no characters in it. An empty
+ string is not a useful fill prefix.
+`(not paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix)'
+ This expression returns `nil' if the variable
+ `paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix' has been turned on by being set to a
+ true value such as `t'.
+`(regexp-quote fill-prefix)'
+ This is the last argument to the `and' special form. If all the
+ arguments to the `and' are true, the value resulting from
+ evaluating this expression will be returned by the `and' expression
+ and bound to the variable `fill-prefix-regexp',
+The result of evaluating this `and' expression successfully is that
+`fill-prefix-regexp' will be bound to the value of `fill-prefix' as
+modified by the `regexp-quote' function. What `regexp-quote' does is
+read a string and return a regular expression that will exactly match
+the string and match nothing else. This means that
+`fill-prefix-regexp' will be set to a value that will exactly match the
+fill prefix if the fill prefix exists. Otherwise, the variable will be
+set to `nil'.
+The next two local variables in the `let*' expression are designed to
+remove instances of `^' from `parstart' and `parsep', the local
+variables indicate the paragraph start and the paragraph separator.
+The next expression sets `parsep' again. That is to handle fill
+This is the setting that requires the definition call `let*' rather
+than `let'. The true-or-false-test for the `if' depends on whether the
+variable `fill-prefix-regexp' evaluates to `nil' or some other value.
+If `fill-prefix-regexp' does not have a value, Emacs evaluates the
+else-part of the `if' expression and binds `parsep' to its local value.
+(`parsep' is a regular expression that matches what separates
+But if `fill-prefix-regexp' does have a value, Emacs evaluates the
+then-part of the `if' expression and binds `parsep' to a regular
+expression that includes the `fill-prefix-regexp' as part of the
+Specifically, `parsep' is set to the original value of the paragraph
+separate regular expression concatenated with an alternative expression
+that consists of the `fill-prefix-regexp' followed by optional
+whitespace to the end of the line. The whitespace is defined by
+`"[ \t]*$"'.) The `\\|' defines this portion of the regexp as an
+alternative to `parsep'.
+According to a comment in the code, the next local variable,
+`sp-parstart', is used for searching, and then the final two, `start'
+and `found-start', are set to `nil'.
+Now we get into the body of the `let*'. The first part of the body of
+the `let*' deals with the case when the function is given a negative
+argument and is therefore moving backwards. We will skip this section.
+File: eintr, Node: fwd-para while, Prev: fwd-para let, Up: forward-paragraph
+The forward motion `while' loop
+The second part of the body of the `let*' deals with forward motion.
+It is a `while' loop that repeats itself so long as the value of `arg'
+is greater than zero. In the most common use of the function, the
+value of the argument is 1, so the body of the `while' loop is
+evaluated exactly once, and the cursor moves forward one paragraph.
+This part handles three situations: when point is between paragraphs,
+when there is a fill prefix and when there is no fill prefix.
+The `while' loop looks like this:
+ ;; going forwards and not at the end of the buffer
+ (while (and (> arg 0) (not (eobp)))
+ ;; between paragraphs
+ ;; Move forward over separator lines...
+ (while (and (not (eobp))
+ (progn (move-to-left-margin) (not (eobp)))
+ (looking-at parsep))
+ (forward-line 1))
+ ;; This decrements the loop
+ (unless (eobp) (setq arg (1- arg)))
+ ;; ... and one more line.
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (if fill-prefix-regexp
+ ;; There is a fill prefix; it overrides parstart;
+ ;; we go forward line by line
+ (while (and (not (eobp))
+ (progn (move-to-left-margin) (not (eobp)))
+ (not (looking-at parsep))
+ (looking-at fill-prefix-regexp))
+ (forward-line 1))
+ ;; There is no fill prefix;
+ ;; we go forward character by character
+ (while (and (re-search-forward sp-parstart nil 1)
+ (progn (setq start (match-beginning 0))
+ (goto-char start)
+ (not (eobp)))
+ (progn (move-to-left-margin)
+ (not (looking-at parsep)))
+ (or (not (looking-at parstart))
+ (and use-hard-newlines
+ (not (get-text-property (1- start) 'hard)))))
+ (forward-char 1))
+ ;; and if there is no fill prefix and if we are not at the end,
+ ;; go to whatever was found in the regular expression search
+ ;; for sp-parstart
+ (if (< (point) (point-max))
+ (goto-char start))))
+We can see that this is a decrementing counter `while' loop, using the
+expression `(setq arg (1- arg))' as the decrementer. That expression
+is not far from the `while', but is hidden in another Lisp macro, an
+`unless' macro. Unless we are at the end of the buffer -- that is what
+the `eobp' function determines; it is an abbreviation of `End Of Buffer
+P' -- we decrease the value of `arg' by one.
+(If we are at the end of the buffer, we cannot go forward any more and
+the next loop of the `while' expression will test false since the test
+is an `and' with `(not (eobp))'. The `not' function means exactly as
+you expect; it is another name for `null', a function that returns true
+when its argument is false.)
+Interestingly, the loop count is not decremented until we leave the
+space between paragraphs, unless we come to the end of buffer or stop
+seeing the local value of the paragraph separator.
+That second `while' also has a `(move-to-left-margin)' expression. The
+function is self-explanatory. It is inside a `progn' expression and
+not the last element of its body, so it is only invoked for its side
+effect, which is to move point to the left margin of the current line.
+The `looking-at' function is also self-explanatory; it returns true if
+the text after point matches the regular expression given as its
+The rest of the body of the loop looks difficult at first, but makes
+sense as you come to understand it.
+First consider what happens if there is a fill prefix:
+ (if fill-prefix-regexp
+ ;; There is a fill prefix; it overrides parstart;
+ ;; we go forward line by line
+ (while (and (not (eobp))
+ (progn (move-to-left-margin) (not (eobp)))
+ (not (looking-at parsep))
+ (looking-at fill-prefix-regexp))
+ (forward-line 1))
+This expression moves point forward line by line so long as four
+conditions are true:
+ 1. Point is not at the end of the buffer.
+ 2. We can move to the left margin of the text and are not at the end
+ of the buffer.
+ 3. The text following point does not separate paragraphs.
+ 4. The pattern following point is the fill prefix regular expression.
+The last condition may be puzzling, until you remember that point was
+moved to the beginning of the line early in the `forward-paragraph'
+function. This means that if the text has a fill prefix, the
+`looking-at' function will see it.
+Consider what happens when there is no fill prefix.
+ (while (and (re-search-forward sp-parstart nil 1)
+ (progn (setq start (match-beginning 0))
+ (goto-char start)
+ (not (eobp)))
+ (progn (move-to-left-margin)
+ (not (looking-at parsep)))
+ (or (not (looking-at parstart))
+ (and use-hard-newlines
+ (not (get-text-property (1- start) 'hard)))))
+ (forward-char 1))
+This `while' loop has us searching forward for `sp-parstart', which is
+the combination of possible whitespace with a the local value of the
+start of a paragraph or of a paragraph separator. (The latter two are
+within an expression starting `\(?:' so that they are not referenced by
+the `match-beginning' function.)
+The two expressions,
+ (setq start (match-beginning 0))
+ (goto-char start)
+mean go to the start of the text matched by the regular expression
+The `(match-beginning 0)' expression is new. It returns a number
+specifying the location of the start of the text that was matched by
+the last search.
+The `match-beginning' function is used here because of a characteristic
+of a forward search: a successful forward search, regardless of whether
+it is a plain search or a regular expression search, moves point to the
+end of the text that is found. In this case, a successful search moves
+point to the end of the pattern for `sp-parstart'.
+However, we want to put point at the end of the current paragraph, not
+somewhere else. Indeed, since the search possibly includes the
+paragraph separator, point may end up at the beginning of the next one
+unless we use an expression that includes `match-beginning'.
+When given an argument of 0, `match-beginning' returns the position
+that is the start of the text matched by the most recent search. In
+this case, the most recent search looks for `sp-parstart'. The
+`(match-beginning 0)' expression returns the beginning position of that
+pattern, rather than the end position of that pattern.
+(Incidentally, when passed a positive number as an argument, the
+`match-beginning' function returns the location of point at that
+parenthesized expression in the last search unless that parenthesized
+expression begins with `\(?:'. I don't know why `\(?:' appears here
+since the argument is 0.)
+The last expression when there is no fill prefix is
+ (if (< (point) (point-max))
+ (goto-char start))))
+This says that if there is no fill prefix and if we are not at the end,
+point should move to the beginning of whatever was found by the regular
+expression search for `sp-parstart'.
+The full definition for the `forward-paragraph' function not only
+includes code for going forwards, but also code for going backwards.
+If you are reading this inside of GNU Emacs and you want to see the
+whole function, you can type `C-h f' (`describe-function') and the name
+of the function. This gives you the function documentation and the
+name of the library containing the function's source. Place point over
+the name of the library and press the RET key; you will be taken
+directly to the source. (Be sure to install your sources! Without
+them, you are like a person who tries to drive a car with his eyes
+File: eintr, Node: etags, Next: Regexp Review, Prev: forward-paragraph, Up: Regexp Search
+12.5 Create Your Own `TAGS' File
+Besides `C-h f' (`describe-function'), another way to see the source of
+a function is to type `M-.' (`find-tag') and the name of the function
+when prompted for it. This is a good habit to get into. This will
+take you directly to the source. If the `find-tag' function first asks
+you for the name of a `TAGS' table, give it the name of a `TAGS' file
+such as `/usr/local/src/emacs/src/TAGS'. (The exact path to your
+`TAGS' file depends on how your copy of Emacs was installed. I just
+told you the location that provides both my C and my Emacs Lisp
+You can also create your own `TAGS' file for directories that lack one.
+The `M-.' (`find-tag') command takes you directly to the source for a
+function, variable, node, or other source. The function depends on
+tags tables to tell it where to go.
+You often need to build and install tags tables yourself. They are not
+built automatically. A tags table is called a `TAGS' file; the name is
+in upper case letters.
+You can create a `TAGS' file by calling the `etags' program that comes
+as a part of the Emacs distribution. Usually, `etags' is compiled and
+installed when Emacs is built. (`etags' is not an Emacs Lisp function
+or a part of Emacs; it is a C program.)
+To create a `TAGS' file, first switch to the directory in which you
+want to create the file. In Emacs you can do this with the `M-x cd'
+command, or by visiting a file in the directory, or by listing the
+directory with `C-x d' (`dired'). Then run the compile command, with
+`etags *.el' as the command to execute
+ M-x compile RET etags *.el RET
+to create a `TAGS' file.
+For example, if you have a large number of files in your `~/emacs'
+directory, as I do--I have 137 `.el' files in it, of which I load
+12--you can create a `TAGS' file for the Emacs Lisp files in that
+The `etags' program takes all the usual shell `wildcards'. For
+example, if you have two directories for which you want a single `TAGS
+file', type `etags *.el ../elisp/*.el', where `../elisp/' is the second
+ M-x compile RET etags *.el ../elisp/*.el RET
+ M-x compile RET etags --help RET
+to see a list of the options accepted by `etags' as well as a list of
+supported languages.
+The `etags' program handles more than 20 languages, including Emacs
+Lisp, Common Lisp, Scheme, C, C++, Ada, Fortran, Java, LaTeX, Pascal,
+Perl, Python, Texinfo, makefiles, and most assemblers. The program has
+no switches for specifying the language; it recognizes the language in
+an input file according to its file name and contents.
+`etags' is very helpful when you are writing code yourself and want to
+refer back to functions you have already written. Just run `etags'
+again at intervals as you write new functions, so they become part of
+the `TAGS' file.
+If you think an appropriate `TAGS' file already exists for what you
+want, but do not know where it is, you can use the `locate' program to
+attempt to find it.
+Type `M-x locate <RET> TAGS <RET>' and Emacs will list for you the full
+path names of all your `TAGS' files. On my system, this command lists
+34 `TAGS' files. On the other hand, a `plain vanilla' system I
+recently installed did not contain any `TAGS' files.
+If the tags table you want has been created, you can use the `M-x
+visit-tags-table' command to specify it. Otherwise, you will need to
+create the tag table yourself and then use `M-x visit-tags-table'.
+Building Tags in the Emacs sources
+The GNU Emacs sources come with a `Makefile' that contains a
+sophisticated `etags' command that creates, collects, and merges tags
+tables from all over the Emacs sources and puts the information into
+one `TAGS' file in the `src/' directory below the top level of your
+Emacs source directory.
+To build this `TAGS' file, go to the top level of your Emacs source
+directory and run the compile command `make tags':
+ M-x compile RET make tags RET
+(The `make tags' command works well with the GNU Emacs sources, as well
+as with some other source packages.)
+For more information, see *Note Tag Tables: (emacs)Tags.
+File: eintr, Node: Regexp Review, Next: re-search Exercises, Prev: etags, Up: Regexp Search
+12.6 Review
+Here is a brief summary of some recently introduced functions.
+ Repeatedly evaluate the body of the expression so long as the first
+ element of the body tests true. Then return `nil'. (The
+ expression is evaluated only for its side effects.)
+ For example:
+ (let ((foo 2))
+ (while (> foo 0)
+ (insert (format "foo is %d.\n" foo))
+ (setq foo (1- foo))))
+ => foo is 2.
+ foo is 1.
+ nil
+ (The `insert' function inserts its arguments at point; the
+ `format' function returns a string formatted from its arguments
+ the way `message' formats its arguments; `\n' produces a new line.)
+ Search for a pattern, and if the pattern is found, move point to
+ rest just after it.
+ Takes four arguments, like `search-forward':
+ 1. A regular expression that specifies the pattern to search for.
+ (Remember to put quotation marks around this argument!)
+ 2. Optionally, the limit of the search.
+ 3. Optionally, what to do if the search fails, return `nil' or an
+ error message.
+ 4. Optionally, how many times to repeat the search; if negative,
+ the search goes backwards.
+ Bind some variables locally to particular values, and then
+ evaluate the remaining arguments, returning the value of the last
+ one. While binding the local variables, use the local values of
+ variables bound earlier, if any.
+ For example:
+ (let* ((foo 7)
+ (bar (* 3 foo)))
+ (message "`bar' is %d." bar))
+ => `bar' is 21.
+ Return the position of the start of the text found by the last
+ regular expression search.
+ Return `t' for true if the text after point matches the argument,
+ which should be a regular expression.
+ Return `t' for true if point is at the end of the accessible part
+ of a buffer. The end of the accessible part is the end of the
+ buffer if the buffer is not narrowed; it is the end of the
+ narrowed part if the buffer is narrowed.
+File: eintr, Node: re-search Exercises, Prev: Regexp Review, Up: Regexp Search
+12.7 Exercises with `re-search-forward'
+ * Write a function to search for a regular expression that matches
+ two or more blank lines in sequence.
+ * Write a function to search for duplicated words, such as `the the'.
+ *Note Syntax of Regular Expressions: (emacs)Regexps, for
+ information on how to write a regexp (a regular expression) to
+ match a string that is composed of two identical halves. You can
+ devise several regexps; some are better than others. The function
+ I use is described in an appendix, along with several regexps.
+ *Note `the-the' Duplicated Words Function: the-the.
+File: eintr, Node: Counting Words, Next: Words in a defun, Prev: Regexp Search, Up: Top
+13 Counting: Repetition and Regexps
+Repetition and regular expression searches are powerful tools that you
+often use when you write code in Emacs Lisp. This chapter illustrates
+the use of regular expression searches through the construction of word
+count commands using `while' loops and recursion.
+* Menu:
+* Why Count Words::
+* count-words-region::
+* recursive-count-words::
+* Counting Exercise::
+File: eintr, Node: Why Count Words, Next: count-words-region, Prev: Counting Words, Up: Counting Words
+Counting words
+The standard Emacs distribution contains a function for counting the
+number of lines within a region. However, there is no corresponding
+function for counting words.
+Certain types of writing ask you to count words. Thus, if you write an
+essay, you may be limited to 800 words; if you write a novel, you may
+discipline yourself to write 1000 words a day. It seems odd to me that
+Emacs lacks a word count command. Perhaps people use Emacs mostly for
+code or types of documentation that do not require word counts; or
+perhaps they restrict themselves to the operating system word count
+command, `wc'. Alternatively, people may follow the publishers'
+convention and compute a word count by dividing the number of
+characters in a document by five. In any event, here are commands to
+count words.
+File: eintr, Node: count-words-region, Next: recursive-count-words, Prev: Why Count Words, Up: Counting Words
+13.1 The `count-words-region' Function
+A word count command could count words in a line, paragraph, region, or
+buffer. What should the command cover? You could design the command
+to count the number of words in a complete buffer. However, the Emacs
+tradition encourages flexibility--you may want to count words in just a
+section, rather than all of a buffer. So it makes more sense to design
+the command to count the number of words in a region. Once you have a
+`count-words-region' command, you can, if you wish, count words in a
+whole buffer by marking it with `C-x h' (`mark-whole-buffer').
+Clearly, counting words is a repetitive act: starting from the
+beginning of the region, you count the first word, then the second
+word, then the third word, and so on, until you reach the end of the
+region. This means that word counting is ideally suited to recursion
+or to a `while' loop.
+* Menu:
+* Design count-words-region::
+* Whitespace Bug::
+File: eintr, Node: Design count-words-region, Next: Whitespace Bug, Prev: count-words-region, Up: count-words-region
+Designing `count-words-region'
+First, we will implement the word count command with a `while' loop,
+then with recursion. The command will, of course, be interactive.
+The template for an interactive function definition is, as always:
+ BODY...)
+What we need to do is fill in the slots.
+The name of the function should be self-explanatory and similar to the
+existing `count-lines-region' name. This makes the name easier to
+remember. `count-words-region' is a good choice.
+The function counts words within a region. This means that the
+argument list must contain symbols that are bound to the two positions,
+the beginning and end of the region. These two positions can be called
+`beginning' and `end' respectively. The first line of the
+documentation should be a single sentence, since that is all that is
+printed as documentation by a command such as `apropos'. The
+interactive expression will be of the form `(interactive "r")', since
+that will cause Emacs to pass the beginning and end of the region to
+the function's argument list. All this is routine.
+The body of the function needs to be written to do three tasks: first,
+to set up conditions under which the `while' loop can count words,
+second, to run the `while' loop, and third, to send a message to the
+When a user calls `count-words-region', point may be at the beginning
+or the end of the region. However, the counting process must start at
+the beginning of the region. This means we will want to put point
+there if it is not already there. Executing `(goto-char beginning)'
+ensures this. Of course, we will want to return point to its expected
+position when the function finishes its work. For this reason, the
+body must be enclosed in a `save-excursion' expression.
+The central part of the body of the function consists of a `while' loop
+in which one expression jumps point forward word by word, and another
+expression counts those jumps. The true-or-false-test of the `while'
+loop should test true so long as point should jump forward, and false
+when point is at the end of the region.
+We could use `(forward-word 1)' as the expression for moving point
+forward word by word, but it is easier to see what Emacs identifies as a
+`word' if we use a regular expression search.
+A regular expression search that finds the pattern for which it is
+searching leaves point after the last character matched. This means
+that a succession of successful word searches will move point forward
+word by word.
+As a practical matter, we want the regular expression search to jump
+over whitespace and punctuation between words as well as over the words
+themselves. A regexp that refuses to jump over interword whitespace
+would never jump more than one word! This means that the regexp should
+include the whitespace and punctuation that follows a word, if any, as
+well as the word itself. (A word may end a buffer and not have any
+following whitespace or punctuation, so that part of the regexp must be
+Thus, what we want for the regexp is a pattern defining one or more
+word constituent characters followed, optionally, by one or more
+characters that are not word constituents. The regular expression for
+this is:
+ \w+\W*
+The buffer's syntax table determines which characters are and are not
+word constituents. (*Note What Constitutes a Word or Symbol?: Syntax,
+for more about syntax. Also, see *Note Syntax: (emacs)Syntax, and
+*Note Syntax Tables: (elisp)Syntax Tables.)
+The search expression looks like this:
+ (re-search-forward "\\w+\\W*")
+(Note that paired backslashes precede the `w' and `W'. A single
+backslash has special meaning to the Emacs Lisp interpreter. It
+indicates that the following character is interpreted differently than
+usual. For example, the two characters, `\n', stand for `newline',
+rather than for a backslash followed by `n'. Two backslashes in a row
+stand for an ordinary, `unspecial' backslash, which in this case is
+followed by a letter, the combination of which is important to
+We need a counter to count how many words there are; this variable must
+first be set to 0 and then incremented each time Emacs goes around the
+`while' loop. The incrementing expression is simply:
+ (setq count (1+ count))
+Finally, we want to tell the user how many words there are in the
+region. The `message' function is intended for presenting this kind of
+information to the user. The message has to be phrased so that it
+reads properly regardless of how many words there are in the region: we
+don't want to say that "there are 1 words in the region". The conflict
+between singular and plural is ungrammatical. We can solve this
+problem by using a conditional expression that evaluates different
+messages depending on the number of words in the region. There are
+three possibilities: no words in the region, one word in the region,
+and more than one word. This means that the `cond' special form is
+All this leads to the following function definition:
+ ;;; First version; has bugs!
+ (defun count-words-region (beginning end)
+ "Print number of words in the region.
+ Words are defined as at least one word-constituent
+ character followed by at least one character that
+ is not a word-constituent. The buffer's syntax
+ table determines which characters these are."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (message "Counting words in region ... ")
+ ;;; 1. Set up appropriate conditions.
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char beginning)
+ (let ((count 0))
+ ;;; 2. Run the while loop.
+ (while (< (point) end)
+ (re-search-forward "\\w+\\W*")
+ (setq count (1+ count)))
+ ;;; 3. Send a message to the user.
+ (cond ((zerop count)
+ (message
+ "The region does NOT have any words."))
+ ((= 1 count)
+ (message
+ "The region has 1 word."))
+ (t
+ (message
+ "The region has %d words." count))))))
+As written, the function works, but not in all circumstances.
+File: eintr, Node: Whitespace Bug, Prev: Design count-words-region, Up: count-words-region
+13.1.1 The Whitespace Bug in `count-words-region'
+The `count-words-region' command described in the preceding section has
+two bugs, or rather, one bug with two manifestations. First, if you
+mark a region containing only whitespace in the middle of some text,
+the `count-words-region' command tells you that the region contains one
+word! Second, if you mark a region containing only whitespace at the
+end of the buffer or the accessible portion of a narrowed buffer, the
+command displays an error message that looks like this:
+ Search failed: "\\w+\\W*"
+If you are reading this in Info in GNU Emacs, you can test for these
+bugs yourself.
+First, evaluate the function in the usual manner to install it. Here
+is a copy of the definition. Place your cursor after the closing
+parenthesis and type `C-x C-e' to install it.
+ ;; First version; has bugs!
+ (defun count-words-region (beginning end)
+ "Print number of words in the region.
+ Words are defined as at least one word-constituent character followed
+ by at least one character that is not a word-constituent. The buffer's
+ syntax table determines which characters these are."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (message "Counting words in region ... ")
+ ;;; 1. Set up appropriate conditions.
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char beginning)
+ (let ((count 0))
+ ;;; 2. Run the while loop.
+ (while (< (point) end)
+ (re-search-forward "\\w+\\W*")
+ (setq count (1+ count)))
+ ;;; 3. Send a message to the user.
+ (cond ((zerop count)
+ (message "The region does NOT have any words."))
+ ((= 1 count) (message "The region has 1 word."))
+ (t (message "The region has %d words." count))))))
+If you wish, you can also install this keybinding by evaluating it:
+ (global-set-key "\C-c=" 'count-words-region)
+To conduct the first test, set mark and point to the beginning and end
+of the following line and then type `C-c =' (or `M-x
+count-words-region' if you have not bound `C-c ='):
+ one two three
+Emacs will tell you, correctly, that the region has three words.
+Repeat the test, but place mark at the beginning of the line and place
+point just _before_ the word `one'. Again type the command `C-c =' (or
+`M-x count-words-region'). Emacs should tell you that the region has
+no words, since it is composed only of the whitespace at the beginning
+of the line. But instead Emacs tells you that the region has one word!
+For the third test, copy the sample line to the end of the `*scratch*'
+buffer and then type several spaces at the end of the line. Place mark
+right after the word `three' and point at the end of line. (The end of
+the line will be the end of the buffer.) Type `C-c =' (or `M-x
+count-words-region') as you did before. Again, Emacs should tell you
+that the region has no words, since it is composed only of the
+whitespace at the end of the line. Instead, Emacs displays an error
+message saying `Search failed'.
+The two bugs stem from the same problem.
+Consider the first manifestation of the bug, in which the command tells
+you that the whitespace at the beginning of the line contains one word.
+What happens is this: The `M-x count-words-region' command moves point
+to the beginning of the region. The `while' tests whether the value of
+point is smaller than the value of `end', which it is. Consequently,
+the regular expression search looks for and finds the first word. It
+leaves point after the word. `count' is set to one. The `while' loop
+repeats; but this time the value of point is larger than the value of
+`end', the loop is exited; and the function displays a message saying
+the number of words in the region is one. In brief, the regular
+expression search looks for and finds the word even though it is outside
+the marked region.
+In the second manifestation of the bug, the region is whitespace at the
+end of the buffer. Emacs says `Search failed'. What happens is that
+the true-or-false-test in the `while' loop tests true, so the search
+expression is executed. But since there are no more words in the
+buffer, the search fails.
+In both manifestations of the bug, the search extends or attempts to
+extend outside of the region.
+The solution is to limit the search to the region--this is a fairly
+simple action, but as you may have come to expect, it is not quite as
+simple as you might think.
+As we have seen, the `re-search-forward' function takes a search
+pattern as its first argument. But in addition to this first,
+mandatory argument, it accepts three optional arguments. The optional
+second argument bounds the search. The optional third argument, if
+`t', causes the function to return `nil' rather than signal an error if
+the search fails. The optional fourth argument is a repeat count. (In
+Emacs, you can see a function's documentation by typing `C-h f', the
+name of the function, and then <RET>.)
+In the `count-words-region' definition, the value of the end of the
+region is held by the variable `end' which is passed as an argument to
+the function. Thus, we can add `end' as an argument to the regular
+expression search expression:
+ (re-search-forward "\\w+\\W*" end)
+However, if you make only this change to the `count-words-region'
+definition and then test the new version of the definition on a stretch
+of whitespace, you will receive an error message saying `Search failed'.
+What happens is this: the search is limited to the region, and fails as
+you expect because there are no word-constituent characters in the
+region. Since it fails, we receive an error message. But we do not
+want to receive an error message in this case; we want to receive the
+message that "The region does NOT have any words."
+The solution to this problem is to provide `re-search-forward' with a
+third argument of `t', which causes the function to return `nil' rather
+than signal an error if the search fails.
+However, if you make this change and try it, you will see the message
+"Counting words in region ... " and ... you will keep on seeing that
+message ..., until you type `C-g' (`keyboard-quit').
+Here is what happens: the search is limited to the region, as before,
+and it fails because there are no word-constituent characters in the
+region, as expected. Consequently, the `re-search-forward' expression
+returns `nil'. It does nothing else. In particular, it does not move
+point, which it does as a side effect if it finds the search target.
+After the `re-search-forward' expression returns `nil', the next
+expression in the `while' loop is evaluated. This expression
+increments the count. Then the loop repeats. The true-or-false-test
+tests true because the value of point is still less than the value of
+end, since the `re-search-forward' expression did not move point. ...
+and the cycle repeats ...
+The `count-words-region' definition requires yet another modification,
+to cause the true-or-false-test of the `while' loop to test false if
+the search fails. Put another way, there are two conditions that must
+be satisfied in the true-or-false-test before the word count variable
+is incremented: point must still be within the region and the search
+expression must have found a word to count.
+Since both the first condition and the second condition must be true
+together, the two expressions, the region test and the search
+expression, can be joined with an `and' special form and embedded in
+the `while' loop as the true-or-false-test, like this:
+ (and (< (point) end) (re-search-forward "\\w+\\W*" end t))
+(*Note The `kill-new' function: kill-new function, for information
+about `and'.)
+The `re-search-forward' expression returns `t' if the search succeeds
+and as a side effect moves point. Consequently, as words are found,
+point is moved through the region. When the search expression fails to
+find another word, or when point reaches the end of the region, the
+true-or-false-test tests false, the `while' loop exits, and the
+`count-words-region' function displays one or other of its messages.
+After incorporating these final changes, the `count-words-region' works
+without bugs (or at least, without bugs that I have found!). Here is
+what it looks like:
+ ;;; Final version: `while'
+ (defun count-words-region (beginning end)
+ "Print number of words in the region."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (message "Counting words in region ... ")
+ ;;; 1. Set up appropriate conditions.
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((count 0))
+ (goto-char beginning)
+ ;;; 2. Run the while loop.
+ (while (and (< (point) end)
+ (re-search-forward "\\w+\\W*" end t))
+ (setq count (1+ count)))
+ ;;; 3. Send a message to the user.
+ (cond ((zerop count)
+ (message
+ "The region does NOT have any words."))
+ ((= 1 count)
+ (message
+ "The region has 1 word."))
+ (t
+ (message
+ "The region has %d words." count))))))
+File: eintr, Node: recursive-count-words, Next: Counting Exercise, Prev: count-words-region, Up: Counting Words
+13.2 Count Words Recursively
+You can write the function for counting words recursively as well as
+with a `while' loop. Let's see how this is done.
+First, we need to recognize that the `count-words-region' function has
+three jobs: it sets up the appropriate conditions for counting to
+occur; it counts the words in the region; and it sends a message to the
+user telling how many words there are.
+If we write a single recursive function to do everything, we will
+receive a message for every recursive call. If the region contains 13
+words, we will receive thirteen messages, one right after the other.
+We don't want this! Instead, we must write two functions to do the
+job, one of which (the recursive function) will be used inside of the
+other. One function will set up the conditions and display the
+message; the other will return the word count.
+Let us start with the function that causes the message to be displayed.
+We can continue to call this `count-words-region'.
+This is the function that the user will call. It will be interactive.
+Indeed, it will be similar to our previous versions of this function,
+except that it will call `recursive-count-words' to determine how many
+words are in the region.
+We can readily construct a template for this function, based on our
+previous versions:
+ ;; Recursive version; uses regular expression search
+ (defun count-words-region (beginning end)
+ ;;; 1. Set up appropriate conditions.
+ ;;; 2. Count the words.
+ ;;; 3. Send a message to the user.
+The definition looks straightforward, except that somehow the count
+returned by the recursive call must be passed to the message displaying
+the word count. A little thought suggests that this can be done by
+making use of a `let' expression: we can bind a variable in the varlist
+of a `let' expression to the number of words in the region, as returned
+by the recursive call; and then the `cond' expression, using binding,
+can display the value to the user.
+Often, one thinks of the binding within a `let' expression as somehow
+secondary to the `primary' work of a function. But in this case, what
+you might consider the `primary' job of the function, counting words,
+is done within the `let' expression.
+Using `let', the function definition looks like this:
+ (defun count-words-region (beginning end)
+ "Print number of words in the region."
+ (interactive "r")
+ ;;; 1. Set up appropriate conditions.
+ (message "Counting words in region ... ")
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char beginning)
+ ;;; 2. Count the words.
+ (let ((count (recursive-count-words end)))
+ ;;; 3. Send a message to the user.
+ (cond ((zerop count)
+ (message
+ "The region does NOT have any words."))
+ ((= 1 count)
+ (message
+ "The region has 1 word."))
+ (t
+ (message
+ "The region has %d words." count))))))
+Next, we need to write the recursive counting function.
+A recursive function has at least three parts: the `do-again-test', the
+`next-step-expression', and the recursive call.
+The do-again-test determines whether the function will or will not be
+called again. Since we are counting words in a region and can use a
+function that moves point forward for every word, the do-again-test can
+check whether point is still within the region. The do-again-test
+should find the value of point and determine whether point is before,
+at, or after the value of the end of the region. We can use the
+`point' function to locate point. Clearly, we must pass the value of
+the end of the region to the recursive counting function as an argument.
+In addition, the do-again-test should also test whether the search
+finds a word. If it does not, the function should not call itself
+The next-step-expression changes a value so that when the recursive
+function is supposed to stop calling itself, it stops. More precisely,
+the next-step-expression changes a value so that at the right time, the
+do-again-test stops the recursive function from calling itself again.
+In this case, the next-step-expression can be the expression that moves
+point forward, word by word.
+The third part of a recursive function is the recursive call.
+Somewhere, also, we also need a part that does the `work' of the
+function, a part that does the counting. A vital part!
+But already, we have an outline of the recursive counting function:
+ (defun recursive-count-words (region-end)
+Now we need to fill in the slots. Let's start with the simplest cases
+first: if point is at or beyond the end of the region, there cannot be
+any words in the region, so the function should return zero. Likewise,
+if the search fails, there are no words to count, so the function
+should return zero.
+On the other hand, if point is within the region and the search
+succeeds, the function should call itself again.
+Thus, the do-again-test should look like this:
+ (and (< (point) region-end)
+ (re-search-forward "\\w+\\W*" region-end t))
+Note that the search expression is part of the do-again-test--the
+function returns `t' if its search succeeds and `nil' if it fails.
+(*Note The Whitespace Bug in `count-words-region': Whitespace Bug, for
+an explanation of how `re-search-forward' works.)
+The do-again-test is the true-or-false test of an `if' clause.
+Clearly, if the do-again-test succeeds, the then-part of the `if'
+clause should call the function again; but if it fails, the else-part
+should return zero since either point is outside the region or the
+search failed because there were no words to find.
+But before considering the recursive call, we need to consider the
+next-step-expression. What is it? Interestingly, it is the search
+part of the do-again-test.
+In addition to returning `t' or `nil' for the do-again-test,
+`re-search-forward' moves point forward as a side effect of a
+successful search. This is the action that changes the value of point
+so that the recursive function stops calling itself when point
+completes its movement through the region. Consequently, the
+`re-search-forward' expression is the next-step-expression.
+In outline, then, the body of the `recursive-count-words' function
+looks like this:
+ ;; then
+ ;; else
+How to incorporate the mechanism that counts?
+If you are not used to writing recursive functions, a question like
+this can be troublesome. But it can and should be approached
+We know that the counting mechanism should be associated in some way
+with the recursive call. Indeed, since the next-step-expression moves
+point forward by one word, and since a recursive call is made for each
+word, the counting mechanism must be an expression that adds one to the
+value returned by a call to `recursive-count-words'.
+Consider several cases:
+ * If there are two words in the region, the function should return a
+ value resulting from adding one to the value returned when it
+ counts the first word, plus the number returned when it counts the
+ remaining words in the region, which in this case is one.
+ * If there is one word in the region, the function should return a
+ value resulting from adding one to the value returned when it
+ counts that word, plus the number returned when it counts the
+ remaining words in the region, which in this case is zero.
+ * If there are no words in the region, the function should return
+ zero.
+From the sketch we can see that the else-part of the `if' returns zero
+for the case of no words. This means that the then-part of the `if'
+must return a value resulting from adding one to the value returned
+from a count of the remaining words.
+The expression will look like this, where `1+' is a function that adds
+one to its argument.
+ (1+ (recursive-count-words region-end))
+The whole `recursive-count-words' function will then look like this:
+ (defun recursive-count-words (region-end)
+ ;;; 1. do-again-test
+ (if (and (< (point) region-end)
+ (re-search-forward "\\w+\\W*" region-end t))
+ ;;; 2. then-part: the recursive call
+ (1+ (recursive-count-words region-end))
+ ;;; 3. else-part
+ 0))
+Let's examine how this works:
+If there are no words in the region, the else part of the `if'
+expression is evaluated and consequently the function returns zero.
+If there is one word in the region, the value of point is less than the
+value of `region-end' and the search succeeds. In this case, the
+true-or-false-test of the `if' expression tests true, and the then-part
+of the `if' expression is evaluated. The counting expression is
+evaluated. This expression returns a value (which will be the value
+returned by the whole function) that is the sum of one added to the
+value returned by a recursive call.
+Meanwhile, the next-step-expression has caused point to jump over the
+first (and in this case only) word in the region. This means that when
+`(recursive-count-words region-end)' is evaluated a second time, as a
+result of the recursive call, the value of point will be equal to or
+greater than the value of region end. So this time,
+`recursive-count-words' will return zero. The zero will be added to
+one, and the original evaluation of `recursive-count-words' will return
+one plus zero, which is one, which is the correct amount.
+Clearly, if there are two words in the region, the first call to
+`recursive-count-words' returns one added to the value returned by
+calling `recursive-count-words' on a region containing the remaining
+word--that is, it adds one to one, producing two, which is the correct
+Similarly, if there are three words in the region, the first call to
+`recursive-count-words' returns one added to the value returned by
+calling `recursive-count-words' on a region containing the remaining
+two words--and so on and so on.
+With full documentation the two functions look like this:
+The recursive function:
+ (defun recursive-count-words (region-end)
+ "Number of words between point and REGION-END."
+ ;;; 1. do-again-test
+ (if (and (< (point) region-end)
+ (re-search-forward "\\w+\\W*" region-end t))
+ ;;; 2. then-part: the recursive call
+ (1+ (recursive-count-words region-end))
+ ;;; 3. else-part
+ 0))
+The wrapper:
+ ;;; Recursive version
+ (defun count-words-region (beginning end)
+ "Print number of words in the region.
+ Words are defined as at least one word-constituent
+ character followed by at least one character that is
+ not a word-constituent. The buffer's syntax table
+ determines which characters these are."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (message "Counting words in region ... ")
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char beginning)
+ (let ((count (recursive-count-words end)))
+ (cond ((zerop count)
+ (message
+ "The region does NOT have any words."))
+ ((= 1 count)
+ (message "The region has 1 word."))
+ (t
+ (message
+ "The region has %d words." count))))))
+File: eintr, Node: Counting Exercise, Prev: recursive-count-words, Up: Counting Words
+13.3 Exercise: Counting Punctuation
+Using a `while' loop, write a function to count the number of
+punctuation marks in a region--period, comma, semicolon, colon,
+exclamation mark, and question mark. Do the same using recursion.
+File: eintr, Node: Words in a defun, Next: Readying a Graph, Prev: Counting Words, Up: Top
+14 Counting Words in a `defun'
+Our next project is to count the number of words in a function
+definition. Clearly, this can be done using some variant of
+`count-word-region'. *Note Counting Words: Repetition and Regexps:
+Counting Words. If we are just going to count the words in one
+definition, it is easy enough to mark the definition with the `C-M-h'
+(`mark-defun') command, and then call `count-word-region'.
+However, I am more ambitious: I want to count the words and symbols in
+every definition in the Emacs sources and then print a graph that shows
+how many functions there are of each length: how many contain 40 to 49
+words or symbols, how many contain 50 to 59 words or symbols, and so
+on. I have often been curious how long a typical function is, and this
+will tell.
+* Menu:
+* Divide and Conquer::
+* Words and Symbols::
+* Syntax::
+* count-words-in-defun::
+* Several defuns::
+* Find a File::
+* lengths-list-file::
+* Several files::
+* Several files recursively::
+* Prepare the data::
+File: eintr, Node: Divide and Conquer, Next: Words and Symbols, Prev: Words in a defun, Up: Words in a defun
+Divide and Conquer
+Described in one phrase, the histogram project is daunting; but divided
+into numerous small steps, each of which we can take one at a time, the
+project becomes less fearsome. Let us consider what the steps must be:
+ * First, write a function to count the words in one definition. This
+ includes the problem of handling symbols as well as words.
+ * Second, write a function to list the numbers of words in each
+ function in a file. This function can use the
+ `count-words-in-defun' function.
+ * Third, write a function to list the numbers of words in each
+ function in each of several files. This entails automatically
+ finding the various files, switching to them, and counting the
+ words in the definitions within them.
+ * Fourth, write a function to convert the list of numbers that we
+ created in step three to a form that will be suitable for printing
+ as a graph.
+ * Fifth, write a function to print the results as a graph.
+This is quite a project! But if we take each step slowly, it will not
+be difficult.
+File: eintr, Node: Words and Symbols, Next: Syntax, Prev: Divide and Conquer, Up: Words in a defun
+14.1 What to Count?
+When we first start thinking about how to count the words in a function
+definition, the first question is (or ought to be) what are we going to
+count? When we speak of `words' with respect to a Lisp function
+definition, we are actually speaking, in large part, of `symbols'. For
+example, the following `multiply-by-seven' function contains the five
+symbols `defun', `multiply-by-seven', `number', `*', and `7'. In
+addition, in the documentation string, it contains the four words
+`Multiply', `NUMBER', `by', and `seven'. The symbol `number' is
+repeated, so the definition contains a total of ten words and symbols.
+ (defun multiply-by-seven (number)
+ "Multiply NUMBER by seven."
+ (* 7 number))
+However, if we mark the `multiply-by-seven' definition with `C-M-h'
+(`mark-defun'), and then call `count-words-region' on it, we will find
+that `count-words-region' claims the definition has eleven words, not
+ten! Something is wrong!
+The problem is twofold: `count-words-region' does not count the `*' as
+a word, and it counts the single symbol, `multiply-by-seven', as
+containing three words. The hyphens are treated as if they were
+interword spaces rather than intraword connectors: `multiply-by-seven'
+is counted as if it were written `multiply by seven'.
+The cause of this confusion is the regular expression search within the
+`count-words-region' definition that moves point forward word by word.
+In the canonical version of `count-words-region', the regexp is:
+ "\\w+\\W*"
+This regular expression is a pattern defining one or more word
+constituent characters possibly followed by one or more characters that
+are not word constituents. What is meant by `word constituent
+characters' brings us to the issue of syntax, which is worth a section
+of its own.
+File: eintr, Node: Syntax, Next: count-words-in-defun, Prev: Words and Symbols, Up: Words in a defun
+14.2 What Constitutes a Word or Symbol?
+Emacs treats different characters as belonging to different "syntax
+categories". For example, the regular expression, `\\w+', is a pattern
+specifying one or more _word constituent_ characters. Word constituent
+characters are members of one syntax category. Other syntax categories
+include the class of punctuation characters, such as the period and the
+comma, and the class of whitespace characters, such as the blank space
+and the tab character. (For more information, see *Note Syntax:
+(emacs)Syntax, and *Note Syntax Tables: (elisp)Syntax Tables.)
+Syntax tables specify which characters belong to which categories.
+Usually, a hyphen is not specified as a `word constituent character'.
+Instead, it is specified as being in the `class of characters that are
+part of symbol names but not words.' This means that the
+`count-words-region' function treats it in the same way it treats an
+interword white space, which is why `count-words-region' counts
+`multiply-by-seven' as three words.
+There are two ways to cause Emacs to count `multiply-by-seven' as one
+symbol: modify the syntax table or modify the regular expression.
+We could redefine a hyphen as a word constituent character by modifying
+the syntax table that Emacs keeps for each mode. This action would
+serve our purpose, except that a hyphen is merely the most common
+character within symbols that is not typically a word constituent
+character; there are others, too.
+Alternatively, we can redefine the regular expression used in the
+`count-words' definition so as to include symbols. This procedure has
+the merit of clarity, but the task is a little tricky.
+The first part is simple enough: the pattern must match "at least one
+character that is a word or symbol constituent". Thus:
+ "\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+"
+The `\\(' is the first part of the grouping construct that includes the
+`\\w' and the `\\s_' as alternatives, separated by the `\\|'. The
+`\\w' matches any word-constituent character and the `\\s_' matches any
+character that is part of a symbol name but not a word-constituent
+character. The `+' following the group indicates that the word or
+symbol constituent characters must be matched at least once.
+However, the second part of the regexp is more difficult to design.
+What we want is to follow the first part with "optionally one or more
+characters that are not constituents of a word or symbol". At first, I
+thought I could define this with the following:
+ "\\(\\W\\|\\S_\\)*"
+The upper case `W' and `S' match characters that are _not_ word or
+symbol constituents. Unfortunately, this expression matches any
+character that is either not a word constituent or not a symbol
+constituent. This matches any character!
+I then noticed that every word or symbol in my test region was followed
+by white space (blank space, tab, or newline). So I tried placing a
+pattern to match one or more blank spaces after the pattern for one or
+more word or symbol constituents. This failed, too. Words and symbols
+are often separated by whitespace, but in actual code parentheses may
+follow symbols and punctuation may follow words. So finally, I
+designed a pattern in which the word or symbol constituents are
+followed optionally by characters that are not white space and then
+followed optionally by white space.
+Here is the full regular expression:
+ "\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+[^ \t\n]*[ \t\n]*"
+File: eintr, Node: count-words-in-defun, Next: Several defuns, Prev: Syntax, Up: Words in a defun
+14.3 The `count-words-in-defun' Function
+We have seen that there are several ways to write a `count-word-region'
+function. To write a `count-words-in-defun', we need merely adapt one
+of these versions.
+The version that uses a `while' loop is easy to understand, so I am
+going to adapt that. Because `count-words-in-defun' will be part of a
+more complex program, it need not be interactive and it need not
+display a message but just return the count. These considerations
+simplify the definition a little.
+On the other hand, `count-words-in-defun' will be used within a buffer
+that contains function definitions. Consequently, it is reasonable to
+ask that the function determine whether it is called when point is
+within a function definition, and if it is, to return the count for
+that definition. This adds complexity to the definition, but saves us
+from needing to pass arguments to the function.
+These considerations lead us to prepare the following template:
+ (defun count-words-in-defun ()
+ (SET UP...
+As usual, our job is to fill in the slots.
+First, the set up.
+We are presuming that this function will be called within a buffer
+containing function definitions. Point will either be within a
+function definition or not. For `count-words-in-defun' to work, point
+must move to the beginning of the definition, a counter must start at
+zero, and the counting loop must stop when point reaches the end of the
+The `beginning-of-defun' function searches backwards for an opening
+delimiter such as a `(' at the beginning of a line, and moves point to
+that position, or else to the limit of the search. In practice, this
+means that `beginning-of-defun' moves point to the beginning of an
+enclosing or preceding function definition, or else to the beginning of
+the buffer. We can use `beginning-of-defun' to place point where we
+wish to start.
+The `while' loop requires a counter to keep track of the words or
+symbols being counted. A `let' expression can be used to create a
+local variable for this purpose, and bind it to an initial value of
+The `end-of-defun' function works like `beginning-of-defun' except that
+it moves point to the end of the definition. `end-of-defun' can be
+used as part of an expression that determines the position of the end
+of the definition.
+The set up for `count-words-in-defun' takes shape rapidly: first we
+move point to the beginning of the definition, then we create a local
+variable to hold the count, and finally, we record the position of the
+end of the definition so the `while' loop will know when to stop
+The code looks like this:
+ (beginning-of-defun)
+ (let ((count 0)
+ (end (save-excursion (end-of-defun) (point))))
+The code is simple. The only slight complication is likely to concern
+`end': it is bound to the position of the end of the definition by a
+`save-excursion' expression that returns the value of point after
+`end-of-defun' temporarily moves it to the end of the definition.
+The second part of the `count-words-in-defun', after the set up, is the
+`while' loop.
+The loop must contain an expression that jumps point forward word by
+word and symbol by symbol, and another expression that counts the
+jumps. The true-or-false-test for the `while' loop should test true so
+long as point should jump forward, and false when point is at the end
+of the definition. We have already redefined the regular expression
+for this (*note Syntax::), so the loop is straightforward:
+ (while (and (< (point) end)
+ (re-search-forward
+ "\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+[^ \t\n]*[ \t\n]*" end t)
+ (setq count (1+ count)))
+The third part of the function definition returns the count of words
+and symbols. This part is the last expression within the body of the
+`let' expression, and can be, very simply, the local variable `count',
+which when evaluated returns the count.
+Put together, the `count-words-in-defun' definition looks like this:
+ (defun count-words-in-defun ()
+ "Return the number of words and symbols in a defun."
+ (beginning-of-defun)
+ (let ((count 0)
+ (end (save-excursion (end-of-defun) (point))))
+ (while
+ (and (< (point) end)
+ (re-search-forward
+ "\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+[^ \t\n]*[ \t\n]*"
+ end t))
+ (setq count (1+ count)))
+ count))
+How to test this? The function is not interactive, but it is easy to
+put a wrapper around the function to make it interactive; we can use
+almost the same code as for the recursive version of
+ ;;; Interactive version.
+ (defun count-words-defun ()
+ "Number of words and symbols in a function definition."
+ (interactive)
+ (message
+ "Counting words and symbols in function definition ... ")
+ (let ((count (count-words-in-defun)))
+ (cond
+ ((zerop count)
+ (message
+ "The definition does NOT have any words or symbols."))
+ ((= 1 count)
+ (message
+ "The definition has 1 word or symbol."))
+ (t
+ (message
+ "The definition has %d words or symbols." count)))))
+Let's re-use `C-c =' as a convenient keybinding:
+ (global-set-key "\C-c=" 'count-words-defun)
+Now we can try out `count-words-defun': install both
+`count-words-in-defun' and `count-words-defun', and set the keybinding,
+and then place the cursor within the following definition:
+ (defun multiply-by-seven (number)
+ "Multiply NUMBER by seven."
+ (* 7 number))
+ => 10
+Success! The definition has 10 words and symbols.
+The next problem is to count the numbers of words and symbols in
+several definitions within a single file.
+File: eintr, Node: Several defuns, Next: Find a File, Prev: count-words-in-defun, Up: Words in a defun
+14.4 Count Several `defuns' Within a File
+A file such as `simple.el' may have a hundred or more function
+definitions within it. Our long term goal is to collect statistics on
+many files, but as a first step, our immediate goal is to collect
+statistics on one file.
+The information will be a series of numbers, each number being the
+length of a function definition. We can store the numbers in a list.
+We know that we will want to incorporate the information regarding one
+file with information about many other files; this means that the
+function for counting definition lengths within one file need only
+return the list of lengths. It need not and should not display any
+The word count commands contain one expression to jump point forward
+word by word and another expression to count the jumps. The function
+to return the lengths of definitions can be designed to work the same
+way, with one expression to jump point forward definition by definition
+and another expression to construct the lengths' list.
+This statement of the problem makes it elementary to write the function
+definition. Clearly, we will start the count at the beginning of the
+file, so the first command will be `(goto-char (point-min))'. Next, we
+start the `while' loop; and the true-or-false test of the loop can be a
+regular expression search for the next function definition--so long as
+the search succeeds, point is moved forward and then the body of the
+loop is evaluated. The body needs an expression that constructs the
+lengths' list. `cons', the list construction command, can be used to
+create the list. That is almost all there is to it.
+Here is what this fragment of code looks like:
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "^(defun" nil t)
+ (setq lengths-list
+ (cons (count-words-in-defun) lengths-list)))
+What we have left out is the mechanism for finding the file that
+contains the function definitions.
+In previous examples, we either used this, the Info file, or we
+switched back and forth to some other buffer, such as the `*scratch*'
+Finding a file is a new process that we have not yet discussed.
+File: eintr, Node: Find a File, Next: lengths-list-file, Prev: Several defuns, Up: Words in a defun
+14.5 Find a File
+To find a file in Emacs, you use the `C-x C-f' (`find-file') command.
+This command is almost, but not quite right for the lengths problem.
+Let's look at the source for `find-file':
+ (defun find-file (filename)
+ "Edit file FILENAME.
+ Switch to a buffer visiting file FILENAME,
+ creating one if none already exists."
+ (interactive "FFind file: ")
+ (switch-to-buffer (find-file-noselect filename)))
+(The most recent version of the `find-file' function definition permits
+you to specify optional wildcards visit multiple files; that makes the
+definition more complex and we will not discuss it here, since it is
+not relevant. You can see its source using either `M-.' (`find-tag')
+or `C-h f' (`describe-function').)
+The definition I am showing possesses short but complete documentation
+and an interactive specification that prompts you for a file name when
+you use the command interactively. The body of the definition contains
+two functions, `find-file-noselect' and `switch-to-buffer'.
+According to its documentation as shown by `C-h f' (the
+`describe-function' command), the `find-file-noselect' function reads
+the named file into a buffer and returns the buffer. (Its most recent
+version includes an optional wildcards argument, too, as well as
+another to read a file literally and an other you suppress warning
+messages. These optional arguments are irrelevant.)
+However, the `find-file-noselect' function does not select the buffer
+in which it puts the file. Emacs does not switch its attention (or
+yours if you are using `find-file-noselect') to the named buffer. That
+is what `switch-to-buffer' does: it switches the buffer to which Emacs
+attention is directed; and it switches the buffer displayed in the
+window to the new buffer. We have discussed buffer switching
+elsewhere. (*Note Switching Buffers::.)
+In this histogram project, we do not need to display each file on the
+screen as the program determines the length of each definition within
+it. Instead of employing `switch-to-buffer', we can work with
+`set-buffer', which redirects the attention of the computer program to
+a different buffer but does not redisplay it on the screen. So instead
+of calling on `find-file' to do the job, we must write our own
+The task is easy: use `find-file-noselect' and `set-buffer'.
+File: eintr, Node: lengths-list-file, Next: Several files, Prev: Find a File, Up: Words in a defun
+14.6 `lengths-list-file' in Detail
+The core of the `lengths-list-file' function is a `while' loop
+containing a function to move point forward `defun by defun' and a
+function to count the number of words and symbols in each defun. This
+core must be surrounded by functions that do various other tasks,
+including finding the file, and ensuring that point starts out at the
+beginning of the file. The function definition looks like this:
+ (defun lengths-list-file (filename)
+ "Return list of definitions' lengths within FILE.
+ The returned list is a list of numbers.
+ Each number is the number of words or
+ symbols in one function definition."
+ (message "Working on `%s' ... " filename)
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((buffer (find-file-noselect filename))
+ (lengths-list))
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (widen)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "^(defun" nil t)
+ (setq lengths-list
+ (cons (count-words-in-defun) lengths-list)))
+ (kill-buffer buffer)
+ lengths-list)))
+The function is passed one argument, the name of the file on which it
+will work. It has four lines of documentation, but no interactive
+specification. Since people worry that a computer is broken if they
+don't see anything going on, the first line of the body is a message.
+The next line contains a `save-excursion' that returns Emacs' attention
+to the current buffer when the function completes. This is useful in
+case you embed this function in another function that presumes point is
+restored to the original buffer.
+In the varlist of the `let' expression, Emacs finds the file and binds
+the local variable `buffer' to the buffer containing the file. At the
+same time, Emacs creates `lengths-list' as a local variable.
+Next, Emacs switches its attention to the buffer.
+In the following line, Emacs makes the buffer read-only. Ideally, this
+line is not necessary. None of the functions for counting words and
+symbols in a function definition should change the buffer. Besides,
+the buffer is not going to be saved, even if it were changed. This
+line is entirely the consequence of great, perhaps excessive, caution.
+The reason for the caution is that this function and those it calls
+work on the sources for Emacs and it is very inconvenient if they are
+inadvertently modified. It goes without saying that I did not realize
+a need for this line until an experiment went awry and started to
+modify my Emacs source files ...
+Next comes a call to widen the buffer if it is narrowed. This function
+is usually not needed--Emacs creates a fresh buffer if none already
+exists; but if a buffer visiting the file already exists Emacs returns
+that one. In this case, the buffer may be narrowed and must be
+widened. If we wanted to be fully `user-friendly', we would arrange to
+save the restriction and the location of point, but we won't.
+The `(goto-char (point-min))' expression moves point to the beginning
+of the buffer.
+Then comes a `while' loop in which the `work' of the function is
+carried out. In the loop, Emacs determines the length of each
+definition and constructs a lengths' list containing the information.
+Emacs kills the buffer after working through it. This is to save space
+inside of Emacs. My version of GNU Emacs 19 contained over 300 source
+files of interest; GNU Emacs 22 contains over a thousand source files.
+Another function will apply `lengths-list-file' to each of the files.
+Finally, the last expression within the `let' expression is the
+`lengths-list' variable; its value is returned as the value of the
+whole function.
+You can try this function by installing it in the usual fashion. Then
+place your cursor after the following expression and type `C-x C-e'
+ (lengths-list-file
+ "/usr/local/share/emacs/22.0.100/lisp/emacs-lisp/debug.el")
+(You may need to change the pathname of the file; the one here is for
+GNU Emacs version 22.0.100. To change the expression, copy it to the
+`*scratch*' buffer and edit it.
+(Also, to see the full length of the list, rather than a truncated
+version, you may have to evaluate the following:
+ (custom-set-variables '(eval-expression-print-length nil))
+(*Note Specifying Variables using `defcustom': defcustom.) Then
+evaluate the `lengths-list-file' expression.)
+The lengths' list for `debug.el' takes less than a second to produce
+and looks like this in GNU Emacs 22:
+ (83 113 105 144 289 22 30 97 48 89 25 52 52 88 28 29 77 49 43 290 232 587)
+(Using my old machine, the version 19 lengths' list for `debug.el' took
+seven seconds to produce and looked like this:
+ (75 41 80 62 20 45 44 68 45 12 34 235)
+(The newer version of `debug.el' contains more defuns than the earlier
+one; and my new machine is much faster than the old one.)
+Note that the length of the last definition in the file is first in the
+File: eintr, Node: Several files, Next: Several files recursively, Prev: lengths-list-file, Up: Words in a defun
+14.7 Count Words in `defuns' in Different Files
+In the previous section, we created a function that returns a list of
+the lengths of each definition in a file. Now, we want to define a
+function to return a master list of the lengths of the definitions in a
+list of files.
+Working on each of a list of files is a repetitious act, so we can use
+either a `while' loop or recursion.
+* Menu:
+* lengths-list-many-files::
+* append::
+File: eintr, Node: lengths-list-many-files, Next: append, Prev: Several files, Up: Several files
+Determine the lengths of `defuns'
+The design using a `while' loop is routine. The argument passed the
+function is a list of files. As we saw earlier (*note Loop Example::),
+you can write a `while' loop so that the body of the loop is evaluated
+if such a list contains elements, but to exit the loop if the list is
+empty. For this design to work, the body of the loop must contain an
+expression that shortens the list each time the body is evaluated, so
+that eventually the list is empty. The usual technique is to set the
+value of the list to the value of the CDR of the list each time the
+body is evaluated.
+The template looks like this:
+ BODY...
+Also, we remember that a `while' loop returns `nil' (the result of
+evaluating the true-or-false-test), not the result of any evaluation
+within its body. (The evaluations within the body of the loop are done
+for their side effects.) However, the expression that sets the
+lengths' list is part of the body--and that is the value that we want
+returned by the function as a whole. To do this, we enclose the
+`while' loop within a `let' expression, and arrange that the last
+element of the `let' expression contains the value of the lengths'
+list. (*Note Loop Example with an Incrementing Counter: Incrementing
+These considerations lead us directly to the function itself:
+ ;;; Use `while' loop.
+ (defun lengths-list-many-files (list-of-files)
+ "Return list of lengths of defuns in LIST-OF-FILES."
+ (let (lengths-list)
+ ;;; true-or-false-test
+ (while list-of-files
+ (setq lengths-list
+ (append
+ lengths-list
+ ;;; Generate a lengths' list.
+ (lengths-list-file
+ (expand-file-name (car list-of-files)))))
+ ;;; Make files' list shorter.
+ (setq list-of-files (cdr list-of-files)))
+ ;;; Return final value of lengths' list.
+ lengths-list))
+`expand-file-name' is a built-in function that converts a file name to
+the absolute, long, path name form of the directory in which the
+function is called.
+Thus, if `expand-file-name' is called on `debug.el' when Emacs is
+visiting the `/usr/local/share/emacs/22.0.100/lisp/emacs-lisp/'
+ debug.el
+ /usr/local/share/emacs/22.0.100/lisp/emacs-lisp/debug.el
+The only other new element of this function definition is the as yet
+unstudied function `append', which merits a short section for itself.
+File: eintr, Node: append, Prev: lengths-list-many-files, Up: Several files
+14.7.1 The `append' Function
+The `append' function attaches one list to another. Thus,
+ (append '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8))
+produces the list
+ (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
+This is exactly how we want to attach two lengths' lists produced by
+`lengths-list-file' to each other. The results contrast with `cons',
+ (cons '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8))
+which constructs a new list in which the first argument to `cons'
+becomes the first element of the new list:
+ ((1 2 3 4) 5 6 7 8)
+File: eintr, Node: Several files recursively, Next: Prepare the data, Prev: Several files, Up: Words in a defun
+14.8 Recursively Count Words in Different Files
+Besides a `while' loop, you can work on each of a list of files with
+recursion. A recursive version of `lengths-list-many-files' is short
+and simple.
+The recursive function has the usual parts: the `do-again-test', the
+`next-step-expression', and the recursive call. The `do-again-test'
+determines whether the function should call itself again, which it will
+do if the `list-of-files' contains any remaining elements; the
+`next-step-expression' resets the `list-of-files' to the CDR of itself,
+so eventually the list will be empty; and the recursive call calls
+itself on the shorter list. The complete function is shorter than this
+ (defun recursive-lengths-list-many-files (list-of-files)
+ "Return list of lengths of each defun in LIST-OF-FILES."
+ (if list-of-files ; do-again-test
+ (append
+ (lengths-list-file
+ (expand-file-name (car list-of-files)))
+ (recursive-lengths-list-many-files
+ (cdr list-of-files)))))
+In a sentence, the function returns the lengths' list for the first of
+the `list-of-files' appended to the result of calling itself on the
+rest of the `list-of-files'.
+Here is a test of `recursive-lengths-list-many-files', along with the
+results of running `lengths-list-file' on each of the files
+Install `recursive-lengths-list-many-files' and `lengths-list-file', if
+necessary, and then evaluate the following expressions. You may need
+to change the files' pathnames; those here work when this Info file and
+the Emacs sources are located in their customary places. To change the
+expressions, copy them to the `*scratch*' buffer, edit them, and then
+evaluate them.
+The results are shown after the `=>'. (These results are for files
+from Emacs Version 22.0.100; files from other versions of Emacs may
+produce different results.)
+ (cd "/usr/local/share/emacs/22.0.100/")
+ (lengths-list-file "./lisp/macros.el")
+ => (283 263 480 90)
+ (lengths-list-file "./lisp/mail/mailalias.el")
+ => (38 32 29 95 178 180 321 218 324)
+ (lengths-list-file "./lisp/makesum.el")
+ => (85 181)
+ (recursive-lengths-list-many-files
+ '("./lisp/macros.el"
+ "./lisp/mail/mailalias.el"
+ "./lisp/makesum.el"))
+ => (283 263 480 90 38 32 29 95 178 180 321 218 324 85 181)
+The `recursive-lengths-list-many-files' function produces the output we
+The next step is to prepare the data in the list for display in a graph.
+File: eintr, Node: Prepare the data, Prev: Several files recursively, Up: Words in a defun
+14.9 Prepare the Data for Display in a Graph
+The `recursive-lengths-list-many-files' function returns a list of
+numbers. Each number records the length of a function definition.
+What we need to do now is transform this data into a list of numbers
+suitable for generating a graph. The new list will tell how many
+functions definitions contain less than 10 words and symbols, how many
+contain between 10 and 19 words and symbols, how many contain between
+20 and 29 words and symbols, and so on.
+In brief, we need to go through the lengths' list produced by the
+`recursive-lengths-list-many-files' function and count the number of
+defuns within each range of lengths, and produce a list of those
+Based on what we have done before, we can readily foresee that it
+should not be too hard to write a function that `CDRs' down the
+lengths' list, looks at each element, determines which length range it
+is in, and increments a counter for that range.
+However, before beginning to write such a function, we should consider
+the advantages of sorting the lengths' list first, so the numbers are
+ordered from smallest to largest. First, sorting will make it easier
+to count the numbers in each range, since two adjacent numbers will
+either be in the same length range or in adjacent ranges. Second, by
+inspecting a sorted list, we can discover the highest and lowest
+number, and thereby determine the largest and smallest length range
+that we will need.
+* Menu:
+* Sorting::
+* Files List::
+* Counting function definitions::
+File: eintr, Node: Sorting, Next: Files List, Prev: Prepare the data, Up: Prepare the data
+14.9.1 Sorting Lists
+Emacs contains a function to sort lists, called (as you might guess)
+`sort'. The `sort' function takes two arguments, the list to be
+sorted, and a predicate that determines whether the first of two list
+elements is "less" than the second.
+As we saw earlier (*note Using the Wrong Type Object as an Argument:
+Wrong Type of Argument.), a predicate is a function that determines
+whether some property is true or false. The `sort' function will
+reorder a list according to whatever property the predicate uses; this
+means that `sort' can be used to sort non-numeric lists by non-numeric
+criteria--it can, for example, alphabetize a list.
+The `<' function is used when sorting a numeric list. For example,
+ (sort '(4 8 21 17 33 7 21 7) '<)
+produces this:
+ (4 7 7 8 17 21 21 33)
+(Note that in this example, both the arguments are quoted so that the
+symbols are not evaluated before being passed to `sort' as arguments.)
+Sorting the list returned by the `recursive-lengths-list-many-files'
+function is straightforward; it uses the `<' function:
+ (sort
+ (recursive-lengths-list-many-files
+ '("./lisp/macros.el"
+ "./lisp/mailalias.el"
+ "./lisp/makesum.el"))
+ '<)
+which produces:
+ (29 32 38 85 90 95 178 180 181 218 263 283 321 324 480)
+(Note that in this example, the first argument to `sort' is not quoted,
+since the expression must be evaluated so as to produce the list that
+is passed to `sort'.)
+File: eintr, Node: Files List, Next: Counting function definitions, Prev: Sorting, Up: Prepare the data
+14.9.2 Making a List of Files
+The `recursive-lengths-list-many-files' function requires a list of
+files as its argument. For our test examples, we constructed such a
+list by hand; but the Emacs Lisp source directory is too large for us
+to do for that. Instead, we will write a function to do the job for
+us. In this function, we will use both a `while' loop and a recursive
+We did not have to write a function like this for older versions of GNU
+Emacs, since they placed all the `.el' files in one directory.
+Instead, we were able to use the `directory-files' function, which
+lists the names of files that match a specified pattern within a single
+However, recent versions of Emacs place Emacs Lisp files in
+sub-directories of the top level `lisp' directory. This re-arrangement
+eases navigation. For example, all the mail related files are in a
+`lisp' sub-directory called `mail'. But at the same time, this
+arrangement forces us to create a file listing function that descends
+into the sub-directories.
+We can create this function, called `files-in-below-directory', using
+familiar functions such as `car', `nthcdr', and `substring' in
+conjunction with an existing function called
+`directory-files-and-attributes'. This latter function not only lists
+all the filenames in a directory, including the names of
+sub-directories, but also their attributes.
+To restate our goal: to create a function that will enable us to feed
+filenames to `recursive-lengths-list-many-files' as a list that looks
+like this (but with more elements):
+ ("./lisp/macros.el"
+ "./lisp/mail/rmail.el"
+ "./lisp/makesum.el")
+The `directory-files-and-attributes' function returns a list of lists.
+Each of the lists within the main list consists of 13 elements. The
+first element is a string that contains the name of the file - which,
+in GNU/Linux, may be a `directory file', that is to say, a file with
+the special attributes of a directory. The second element of the list
+is `t' for a directory, a string for symbolic link (the string is the
+name linked to), or `nil'.
+For example, the first `.el' file in the `lisp/' directory is
+`abbrev.el'. Its name is
+`/usr/local/share/emacs/22.0.100/lisp/abbrev.el' and it is not a
+directory or a symbolic link.
+This is how `directory-files-and-attributes' lists that file and its
+ ("abbrev.el"
+ nil
+ 1
+ 1000
+ 100
+ (17733 259)
+ (17491 28834)
+ (17596 62124)
+ 13157
+ "-rw-rw-r--"
+ nil
+ 2971624
+ 773)
+On the other hand, `mail/' is a directory within the `lisp/' directory.
+The beginning of its listing looks like this:
+ ("mail"
+ t
+ ...
+ )
+(To learn about the different attributes, look at the documentation of
+`file-attributes'. Bear in mind that the `file-attributes' function
+does not list the filename, so its first element is
+`directory-files-and-attributes''s second element.)
+We will want our new function, `files-in-below-directory', to list the
+`.el' files in the directory it is told to check, and in any
+directories below that directory.
+This gives us a hint on how to construct `files-in-below-directory':
+within a directory, the function should add `.el' filenames to a list;
+and if, within a directory, the function comes upon a sub-directory, it
+should go into that sub-directory and repeat its actions.
+However, we should note that every directory contains a name that
+refers to itself, called `.', ("dot") and a name that refers to its
+parent directory, called `..' ("double dot"). (In `/', the root
+directory, `..' refers to itself, since `/' has no parent.) Clearly,
+we do not want our `files-in-below-directory' function to enter those
+directories, since they always lead us, directly or indirectly, to the
+current directory.
+Consequently, our `files-in-below-directory' function must do several
+ * Check to see whether it is looking at a filename that ends in
+ `.el'; and if so, add its name to a list.
+ * Check to see whether it is looking at a filename that is the name
+ of a directory; and if so,
+ - Check to see whether it is looking at `.' or `..'; and if so
+ skip it.
+ - Or else, go into that directory and repeat the process.
+Let's write a function definition to do these tasks. We will use a
+`while' loop to move from one filename to another within a directory,
+checking what needs to be done; and we will use a recursive call to
+repeat the actions on each sub-directory. The recursive pattern is
+`accumulate' (*note Recursive Pattern: _accumulate_: Accumulate.),
+using `append' as the combiner.
+Here is the function:
+ (defun files-in-below-directory (directory)
+ "List the .el files in DIRECTORY and in its sub-directories."
+ ;; Although the function will be used non-interactively,
+ ;; it will be easier to test if we make it interactive.
+ ;; The directory will have a name such as
+ ;; "/usr/local/share/emacs/22.0.100/lisp/"
+ (interactive "DDirectory name: ")
+ (let (el-files-list
+ (current-directory-list
+ (directory-files-and-attributes directory t)))
+ ;; while we are in the current directory
+ (while current-directory-list
+ (cond
+ ;; check to see whether filename ends in `.el'
+ ;; and if so, append its name to a list.
+ ((equal ".el" (substring (car (car current-directory-list)) -3))
+ (setq el-files-list
+ (cons (car (car current-directory-list)) el-files-list)))
+ ;; check whether filename is that of a directory
+ ((eq t (car (cdr (car current-directory-list))))
+ ;; decide whether to skip or recurse
+ (if
+ (equal "."
+ (substring (car (car current-directory-list)) -1))
+ ;; then do nothing since filename is that of
+ ;; current directory or parent, "." or ".."
+ ()
+ ;; else descend into the directory and repeat the process
+ (setq el-files-list
+ (append
+ (files-in-below-directory
+ (car (car current-directory-list)))
+ el-files-list)))))
+ ;; move to the next filename in the list; this also
+ ;; shortens the list so the while loop eventually comes to an end
+ (setq current-directory-list (cdr current-directory-list)))
+ ;; return the filenames
+ el-files-list))
+The `files-in-below-directory' `directory-files' function takes one
+argument, the name of a directory.
+Thus, on my system,
+ (length
+ (files-in-below-directory "/usr/local/share/emacs/22.0.100/lisp/"))
+tells me that my Lisp sources directory contains 1031 `.el' files.
+`files-in-below-directory' returns a list in reverse alphabetical
+order. An expression to sort the list in alphabetical order looks like
+ (sort
+ (files-in-below-directory "/usr/local/share/emacs/22.0.100/lisp/")
+ 'string-lessp)
+File: eintr, Node: Counting function definitions, Prev: Files List, Up: Prepare the data
+14.9.3 Counting function definitions
+Our immediate goal is to generate a list that tells us how many
+function definitions contain fewer than 10 words and symbols, how many
+contain between 10 and 19 words and symbols, how many contain between
+20 and 29 words and symbols, and so on.
+With a sorted list of numbers, this is easy: count how many elements of
+the list are smaller than 10, then, after moving past the numbers just
+counted, count how many are smaller than 20, then, after moving past
+the numbers just counted, count how many are smaller than 30, and so
+on. Each of the numbers, 10, 20, 30, 40, and the like, is one larger
+than the top of that range. We can call the list of such numbers the
+`top-of-ranges' list.
+If we wished, we could generate this list automatically, but it is
+simpler to write a list manually. Here it is:
+ (defvar top-of-ranges
+ '(10 20 30 40 50
+ 60 70 80 90 100
+ 110 120 130 140 150
+ 160 170 180 190 200
+ 210 220 230 240 250
+ 260 270 280 290 300)
+ "List specifying ranges for `defuns-per-range'.")
+To change the ranges, we edit this list.
+Next, we need to write the function that creates the list of the number
+of definitions within each range. Clearly, this function must take the
+`sorted-lengths' and the `top-of-ranges' lists as arguments.
+The `defuns-per-range' function must do two things again and again: it
+must count the number of definitions within a range specified by the
+current top-of-range value; and it must shift to the next higher value
+in the `top-of-ranges' list after counting the number of definitions in
+the current range. Since each of these actions is repetitive, we can
+use `while' loops for the job. One loop counts the number of
+definitions in the range defined by the current top-of-range value, and
+the other loop selects each of the top-of-range values in turn.
+Several entries of the `sorted-lengths' list are counted for each
+range; this means that the loop for the `sorted-lengths' list will be
+inside the loop for the `top-of-ranges' list, like a small gear inside
+a big gear.
+The inner loop counts the number of definitions within the range. It
+is a simple counting loop of the type we have seen before. (*Note A
+loop with an incrementing counter: Incrementing Loop.) The
+true-or-false test of the loop tests whether the value from the
+`sorted-lengths' list is smaller than the current value of the top of
+the range. If it is, the function increments the counter and tests the
+next value from the `sorted-lengths' list.
+The inner loop looks like this:
+ (setq number-within-range (1+ number-within-range))
+ (setq sorted-lengths (cdr sorted-lengths)))
+The outer loop must start with the lowest value of the `top-of-ranges'
+list, and then be set to each of the succeeding higher values in turn.
+This can be done with a loop like this:
+ (while top-of-ranges
+ (setq top-of-ranges (cdr top-of-ranges)))
+Put together, the two loops look like this:
+ (while top-of-ranges
+ ;; Count the number of elements within the current range.
+ (setq number-within-range (1+ number-within-range))
+ (setq sorted-lengths (cdr sorted-lengths)))
+ ;; Move to next range.
+ (setq top-of-ranges (cdr top-of-ranges)))
+In addition, in each circuit of the outer loop, Emacs should record the
+number of definitions within that range (the value of
+`number-within-range') in a list. We can use `cons' for this purpose.
+(*Note `cons': cons.)
+The `cons' function works fine, except that the list it constructs will
+contain the number of definitions for the highest range at its
+beginning and the number of definitions for the lowest range at its
+end. This is because `cons' attaches new elements of the list to the
+beginning of the list, and since the two loops are working their way
+through the lengths' list from the lower end first, the
+`defuns-per-range-list' will end up largest number first. But we will
+want to print our graph with smallest values first and the larger
+later. The solution is to reverse the order of the
+`defuns-per-range-list'. We can do this using the `nreverse' function,
+which reverses the order of a list.
+For example,
+ (nreverse '(1 2 3 4))
+ (4 3 2 1)
+Note that the `nreverse' function is "destructive"--that is, it changes
+the list to which it is applied; this contrasts with the `car' and
+`cdr' functions, which are non-destructive. In this case, we do not
+want the original `defuns-per-range-list', so it does not matter that
+it is destroyed. (The `reverse' function provides a reversed copy of a
+list, leaving the original list as is.)
+Put all together, the `defuns-per-range' looks like this:
+ (defun defuns-per-range (sorted-lengths top-of-ranges)
+ "SORTED-LENGTHS defuns in each TOP-OF-RANGES range."
+ (let ((top-of-range (car top-of-ranges))
+ (number-within-range 0)
+ defuns-per-range-list)
+ ;; Outer loop.
+ (while top-of-ranges
+ ;; Inner loop.
+ (while (and
+ ;; Need number for numeric test.
+ (car sorted-lengths)
+ (< (car sorted-lengths) top-of-range))
+ ;; Count number of definitions within current range.
+ (setq number-within-range (1+ number-within-range))
+ (setq sorted-lengths (cdr sorted-lengths)))
+ ;; Exit inner loop but remain within outer loop.
+ (setq defuns-per-range-list
+ (cons number-within-range defuns-per-range-list))
+ (setq number-within-range 0) ; Reset count to zero.
+ ;; Move to next range.
+ (setq top-of-ranges (cdr top-of-ranges))
+ ;; Specify next top of range value.
+ (setq top-of-range (car top-of-ranges)))
+ ;; Exit outer loop and count the number of defuns larger than
+ ;; the largest top-of-range value.
+ (setq defuns-per-range-list
+ (cons
+ (length sorted-lengths)
+ defuns-per-range-list))
+ ;; Return a list of the number of definitions within each range,
+ ;; smallest to largest.
+ (nreverse defuns-per-range-list)))
+The function is straightforward except for one subtle feature. The
+true-or-false test of the inner loop looks like this:
+ (and (car sorted-lengths)
+ (< (car sorted-lengths) top-of-range))
+instead of like this:
+ (< (car sorted-lengths) top-of-range)
+The purpose of the test is to determine whether the first item in the
+`sorted-lengths' list is less than the value of the top of the range.
+The simple version of the test works fine unless the `sorted-lengths'
+list has a `nil' value. In that case, the `(car sorted-lengths)'
+expression function returns `nil'. The `<' function cannot compare a
+number to `nil', which is an empty list, so Emacs signals an error and
+stops the function from attempting to continue to execute.
+The `sorted-lengths' list always becomes `nil' when the counter reaches
+the end of the list. This means that any attempt to use the
+`defuns-per-range' function with the simple version of the test will
+We solve the problem by using the `(car sorted-lengths)' expression in
+conjunction with the `and' expression. The `(car sorted-lengths)'
+expression returns a non-`nil' value so long as the list has at least
+one number within it, but returns `nil' if the list is empty. The
+`and' expression first evaluates the `(car sorted-lengths)' expression,
+and if it is `nil', returns false _without_ evaluating the `<'
+expression. But if the `(car sorted-lengths)' expression returns a
+non-`nil' value, the `and' expression evaluates the `<' expression, and
+returns that value as the value of the `and' expression.
+This way, we avoid an error. (*Note The `kill-new' function: kill-new
+function, for information about `and'.)
+Here is a short test of the `defuns-per-range' function. First,
+evaluate the expression that binds (a shortened) `top-of-ranges' list
+to the list of values, then evaluate the expression for binding the
+`sorted-lengths' list, and then evaluate the `defuns-per-range'
+ ;; (Shorter list than we will use later.)
+ (setq top-of-ranges
+ '(110 120 130 140 150
+ 160 170 180 190 200))
+ (setq sorted-lengths
+ '(85 86 110 116 122 129 154 176 179 200 265 300 300))
+ (defuns-per-range sorted-lengths top-of-ranges)
+The list returned looks like this:
+ (2 2 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 4)
+Indeed, there are two elements of the `sorted-lengths' list smaller
+than 110, two elements between 110 and 119, two elements between 120
+and 129, and so on. There are four elements with a value of 200 or
+File: eintr, Node: Readying a Graph, Next: Emacs Initialization, Prev: Words in a defun, Up: Top
+15 Readying a Graph
+Our goal is to construct a graph showing the numbers of function
+definitions of various lengths in the Emacs lisp sources.
+As a practical matter, if you were creating a graph, you would probably
+use a program such as `gnuplot' to do the job. (`gnuplot' is nicely
+integrated into GNU Emacs.) In this case, however, we create one from
+scratch, and in the process we will re-acquaint ourselves with some of
+what we learned before and learn more.
+In this chapter, we will first write a simple graph printing function.
+This first definition will be a "prototype", a rapidly written function
+that enables us to reconnoiter this unknown graph-making territory. We
+will discover dragons, or find that they are myth. After scouting the
+terrain, we will feel more confident and enhance the function to label
+the axes automatically.
+* Menu:
+* Columns of a graph::
+* graph-body-print::
+* recursive-graph-body-print::
+* Printed Axes::
+* Line Graph Exercise::
+File: eintr, Node: Columns of a graph, Next: graph-body-print, Prev: Readying a Graph, Up: Readying a Graph
+Printing the Columns of a Graph
+Since Emacs is designed to be flexible and work with all kinds of
+terminals, including character-only terminals, the graph will need to
+be made from one of the `typewriter' symbols. An asterisk will do; as
+we enhance the graph-printing function, we can make the choice of
+symbol a user option.
+We can call this function `graph-body-print'; it will take a
+`numbers-list' as its only argument. At this stage, we will not label
+the graph, but only print its body.
+The `graph-body-print' function inserts a vertical column of asterisks
+for each element in the `numbers-list'. The height of each line is
+determined by the value of that element of the `numbers-list'.
+Inserting columns is a repetitive act; that means that this function can
+be written either with a `while' loop or recursively.
+Our first challenge is to discover how to print a column of asterisks.
+Usually, in Emacs, we print characters onto a screen horizontally, line
+by line, by typing. We have two routes we can follow: write our own
+column-insertion function or discover whether one exists in Emacs.
+To see whether there is one in Emacs, we can use the `M-x apropos'
+command. This command is like the `C-h a' (`command-apropos') command,
+except that the latter finds only those functions that are commands.
+The `M-x apropos' command lists all symbols that match a regular
+expression, including functions that are not interactive.
+What we want to look for is some command that prints or inserts
+columns. Very likely, the name of the function will contain either the
+word `print' or the word `insert' or the word `column'. Therefore, we
+can simply type `M-x apropos RET print\|insert\|column RET' and look at
+the result. On my system, this command once too takes quite some time,
+and then produced a list of 79 functions and variables. Now it does
+not take much time at all and produces a list of 211 functions and
+variables. Scanning down the list, the only function that looks as if
+it might do the job is `insert-rectangle'.
+Indeed, this is the function we want; its documentation says:
+ insert-rectangle:
+ Insert text of RECTANGLE with upper left corner at point.
+ RECTANGLE's first line is inserted at point,
+ its second line is inserted at a point vertically under point, etc.
+ RECTANGLE should be a list of strings.
+ After this command, the mark is at the upper left corner
+ and point is at the lower right corner.
+We can run a quick test, to make sure it does what we expect of it.
+Here is the result of placing the cursor after the `insert-rectangle'
+expression and typing `C-u C-x C-e' (`eval-last-sexp'). The function
+inserts the strings `"first"', `"second"', and `"third"' at and below
+point. Also the function returns `nil'.
+ (insert-rectangle '("first" "second" "third"))first
+ second
+ thirdnil
+Of course, we won't be inserting the text of the `insert-rectangle'
+expression itself into the buffer in which we are making the graph, but
+will call the function from our program. We shall, however, have to
+make sure that point is in the buffer at the place where the
+`insert-rectangle' function will insert its column of strings.
+If you are reading this in Info, you can see how this works by
+switching to another buffer, such as the `*scratch*' buffer, placing
+point somewhere in the buffer, typing `M-:', typing the
+`insert-rectangle' expression into the minibuffer at the prompt, and
+then typing <RET>. This causes Emacs to evaluate the expression in the
+minibuffer, but to use as the value of point the position of point in
+the `*scratch*' buffer. (`M-:' is the keybinding for
+`eval-expression'. Also, `nil' does not appear in the `*scratch*'
+buffer since the expression is evaluated in the minibuffer.)
+We find when we do this that point ends up at the end of the last
+inserted line--that is to say, this function moves point as a
+side-effect. If we were to repeat the command, with point at this
+position, the next insertion would be below and to the right of the
+previous insertion. We don't want this! If we are going to make a bar
+graph, the columns need to be beside each other.
+So we discover that each cycle of the column-inserting `while' loop
+must reposition point to the place we want it, and that place will be
+at the top, not the bottom, of the column. Moreover, we remember that
+when we print a graph, we do not expect all the columns to be the same
+height. This means that the top of each column may be at a different
+height from the previous one. We cannot simply reposition point to the
+same line each time, but moved over to the right--or perhaps we can...
+We are planning to make the columns of the bar graph out of asterisks.
+The number of asterisks in the column is the number specified by the
+current element of the `numbers-list'. We need to construct a list of
+asterisks of the right length for each call to `insert-rectangle'. If
+this list consists solely of the requisite number of asterisks, then we
+will have position point the right number of lines above the base for
+the graph to print correctly. This could be difficult.
+Alternatively, if we can figure out some way to pass `insert-rectangle'
+a list of the same length each time, then we can place point on the
+same line each time, but move it over one column to the right for each
+new column. If we do this, however, some of the entries in the list
+passed to `insert-rectangle' must be blanks rather than asterisks. For
+example, if the maximum height of the graph is 5, but the height of the
+column is 3, then `insert-rectangle' requires an argument that looks
+like this:
+ (" " " " "*" "*" "*")
+This last proposal is not so difficult, so long as we can determine the
+column height. There are two ways for us to specify the column height:
+we can arbitrarily state what it will be, which would work fine for
+graphs of that height; or we can search through the list of numbers and
+use the maximum height of the list as the maximum height of the graph.
+If the latter operation were difficult, then the former procedure would
+be easiest, but there is a function built into Emacs that determines
+the maximum of its arguments. We can use that function. The function
+is called `max' and it returns the largest of all its arguments, which
+must be numbers. Thus, for example,
+ (max 3 4 6 5 7 3)
+returns 7. (A corresponding function called `min' returns the smallest
+of all its arguments.)
+However, we cannot simply call `max' on the `numbers-list'; the `max'
+function expects numbers as its argument, not a list of numbers. Thus,
+the following expression,
+ (max '(3 4 6 5 7 3))
+produces the following error message;
+ Wrong type of argument: number-or-marker-p, (3 4 6 5 7 3)
+We need a function that passes a list of arguments to a function. This
+function is `apply'. This function `applies' its first argument (a
+function) to its remaining arguments, the last of which may be a list.
+For example,
+ (apply 'max 3 4 7 3 '(4 8 5))
+returns 8.
+(Incidentally, I don't know how you would learn of this function
+without a book such as this. It is possible to discover other
+functions, like `search-forward' or `insert-rectangle', by guessing at
+a part of their names and then using `apropos'. Even though its base
+in metaphor is clear--`apply' its first argument to the rest--I doubt a
+novice would come up with that particular word when using `apropos' or
+other aid. Of course, I could be wrong; after all, the function was
+first named by someone who had to invent it.)
+The second and subsequent arguments to `apply' are optional, so we can
+use `apply' to call a function and pass the elements of a list to it,
+like this, which also returns 8:
+ (apply 'max '(4 8 5))
+This latter way is how we will use `apply'. The
+`recursive-lengths-list-many-files' function returns a numbers' list to
+which we can apply `max' (we could also apply `max' to the sorted
+numbers' list; it does not matter whether the list is sorted or not.)
+Hence, the operation for finding the maximum height of the graph is
+ (setq max-graph-height (apply 'max numbers-list))
+Now we can return to the question of how to create a list of strings
+for a column of the graph. Told the maximum height of the graph and
+the number of asterisks that should appear in the column, the function
+should return a list of strings for the `insert-rectangle' command to
+Each column is made up of asterisks or blanks. Since the function is
+passed the value of the height of the column and the number of
+asterisks in the column, the number of blanks can be found by
+subtracting the number of asterisks from the height of the column.
+Given the number of blanks and the number of asterisks, two `while'
+loops can be used to construct the list:
+ ;;; First version.
+ (defun column-of-graph (max-graph-height actual-height)
+ "Return list of strings that is one column of a graph."
+ (let ((insert-list nil)
+ (number-of-top-blanks
+ (- max-graph-height actual-height)))
+ ;; Fill in asterisks.
+ (while (> actual-height 0)
+ (setq insert-list (cons "*" insert-list))
+ (setq actual-height (1- actual-height)))
+ ;; Fill in blanks.
+ (while (> number-of-top-blanks 0)
+ (setq insert-list (cons " " insert-list))
+ (setq number-of-top-blanks
+ (1- number-of-top-blanks)))
+ ;; Return whole list.
+ insert-list))
+If you install this function and then evaluate the following expression
+you will see that it returns the list as desired:
+ (column-of-graph 5 3)
+ (" " " " "*" "*" "*")
+As written, `column-of-graph' contains a major flaw: the symbols used
+for the blank and for the marked entries in the column are `hard-coded'
+as a space and asterisk. This is fine for a prototype, but you, or
+another user, may wish to use other symbols. For example, in testing
+the graph function, you many want to use a period in place of the
+space, to make sure the point is being repositioned properly each time
+the `insert-rectangle' function is called; or you might want to
+substitute a `+' sign or other symbol for the asterisk. You might even
+want to make a graph-column that is more than one display column wide.
+The program should be more flexible. The way to do that is to replace
+the blank and the asterisk with two variables that we can call
+`graph-blank' and `graph-symbol' and define those variables separately.
+Also, the documentation is not well written. These considerations lead
+us to the second version of the function:
+ (defvar graph-symbol "*"
+ "String used as symbol in graph, usually an asterisk.")
+ (defvar graph-blank " "
+ "String used as blank in graph, usually a blank space.
+ graph-blank must be the same number of columns wide
+ as graph-symbol.")
+(For an explanation of `defvar', see *Note Initializing a Variable with
+`defvar': defvar.)
+ ;;; Second version.
+ (defun column-of-graph (max-graph-height actual-height)
+ "Return MAX-GRAPH-HEIGHT strings; ACTUAL-HEIGHT are graph-symbols.
+ The graph-symbols are contiguous entries at the end
+ of the list.
+ The list will be inserted as one column of a graph.
+ The strings are either graph-blank or graph-symbol."
+ (let ((insert-list nil)
+ (number-of-top-blanks
+ (- max-graph-height actual-height)))
+ ;; Fill in `graph-symbols'.
+ (while (> actual-height 0)
+ (setq insert-list (cons graph-symbol insert-list))
+ (setq actual-height (1- actual-height)))
+ ;; Fill in `graph-blanks'.
+ (while (> number-of-top-blanks 0)
+ (setq insert-list (cons graph-blank insert-list))
+ (setq number-of-top-blanks
+ (1- number-of-top-blanks)))
+ ;; Return whole list.
+ insert-list))
+If we wished, we could rewrite `column-of-graph' a third time to
+provide optionally for a line graph as well as for a bar graph. This
+would not be hard to do. One way to think of a line graph is that it
+is no more than a bar graph in which the part of each bar that is below
+the top is blank. To construct a column for a line graph, the function
+first constructs a list of blanks that is one shorter than the value,
+then it uses `cons' to attach a graph symbol to the list; then it uses
+`cons' again to attach the `top blanks' to the list.
+It is easy to see how to write such a function, but since we don't need
+it, we will not do it. But the job could be done, and if it were done,
+it would be done with `column-of-graph'. Even more important, it is
+worth noting that few changes would have to be made anywhere else. The
+enhancement, if we ever wish to make it, is simple.
+Now, finally, we come to our first actual graph printing function.
+This prints the body of a graph, not the labels for the vertical and
+horizontal axes, so we can call this `graph-body-print'.
+File: eintr, Node: graph-body-print, Next: recursive-graph-body-print, Prev: Columns of a graph, Up: Readying a Graph
+15.1 The `graph-body-print' Function
+After our preparation in the preceding section, the `graph-body-print'
+function is straightforward. The function will print column after
+column of asterisks and blanks, using the elements of a numbers' list
+to specify the number of asterisks in each column. This is a
+repetitive act, which means we can use a decrementing `while' loop or
+recursive function for the job. In this section, we will write the
+definition using a `while' loop.
+The `column-of-graph' function requires the height of the graph as an
+argument, so we should determine and record that as a local variable.
+This leads us to the following template for the `while' loop version of
+this function:
+ (defun graph-body-print (numbers-list)
+ (let ((height ...
+ ...))
+ (while numbers-list
+ (setq numbers-list (cdr numbers-list)))))
+We need to fill in the slots of the template.
+Clearly, we can use the `(apply 'max numbers-list)' expression to
+determine the height of the graph.
+The `while' loop will cycle through the `numbers-list' one element at a
+time. As it is shortened by the `(setq numbers-list (cdr
+numbers-list))' expression, the CAR of each instance of the list is the
+value of the argument for `column-of-graph'.
+At each cycle of the `while' loop, the `insert-rectangle' function
+inserts the list returned by `column-of-graph'. Since the
+`insert-rectangle' function moves point to the lower right of the
+inserted rectangle, we need to save the location of point at the time
+the rectangle is inserted, move back to that position after the
+rectangle is inserted, and then move horizontally to the next place
+from which `insert-rectangle' is called.
+If the inserted columns are one character wide, as they will be if
+single blanks and asterisks are used, the repositioning command is
+simply `(forward-char 1)'; however, the width of a column may be
+greater than one. This means that the repositioning command should be
+written `(forward-char symbol-width)'. The `symbol-width' itself is
+the length of a `graph-blank' and can be found using the expression
+`(length graph-blank)'. The best place to bind the `symbol-width'
+variable to the value of the width of graph column is in the varlist of
+the `let' expression.
+These considerations lead to the following function definition:
+ (defun graph-body-print (numbers-list)
+ "Print a bar graph of the NUMBERS-LIST.
+ The numbers-list consists of the Y-axis values."
+ (let ((height (apply 'max numbers-list))
+ (symbol-width (length graph-blank))
+ from-position)
+ (while numbers-list
+ (setq from-position (point))
+ (insert-rectangle
+ (column-of-graph height (car numbers-list)))
+ (goto-char from-position)
+ (forward-char symbol-width)
+ ;; Draw graph column by column.
+ (sit-for 0)
+ (setq numbers-list (cdr numbers-list)))
+ ;; Place point for X axis labels.
+ (forward-line height)
+ (insert "\n")
+ ))
+The one unexpected expression in this function is the `(sit-for 0)'
+expression in the `while' loop. This expression makes the graph
+printing operation more interesting to watch than it would be
+otherwise. The expression causes Emacs to `sit' or do nothing for a
+zero length of time and then redraw the screen. Placed here, it causes
+Emacs to redraw the screen column by column. Without it, Emacs would
+not redraw the screen until the function exits.
+We can test `graph-body-print' with a short list of numbers.
+ 1. Install `graph-symbol', `graph-blank', `column-of-graph', which
+ are in *Note Columns of a graph::, and `graph-body-print'.
+ 2. Copy the following expression:
+ (graph-body-print '(1 2 3 4 6 4 3 5 7 6 5 2 3))
+ 3. Switch to the `*scratch*' buffer and place the cursor where you
+ want the graph to start.
+ 4. Type `M-:' (`eval-expression').
+ 5. Yank the `graph-body-print' expression into the minibuffer with
+ `C-y' (`yank)'.
+ 6. Press <RET> to evaluate the `graph-body-print' expression.
+Emacs will print a graph like this:
+ *
+ * **
+ * ****
+ *** ****
+ ********* *
+ ************
+ *************
+File: eintr, Node: recursive-graph-body-print, Next: Printed Axes, Prev: graph-body-print, Up: Readying a Graph
+15.2 The `recursive-graph-body-print' Function
+The `graph-body-print' function may also be written recursively. The
+recursive solution is divided into two parts: an outside `wrapper' that
+uses a `let' expression to determine the values of several variables
+that need only be found once, such as the maximum height of the graph,
+and an inside function that is called recursively to print the graph.
+The `wrapper' is uncomplicated:
+ (defun recursive-graph-body-print (numbers-list)
+ "Print a bar graph of the NUMBERS-LIST.
+ The numbers-list consists of the Y-axis values."
+ (let ((height (apply 'max numbers-list))
+ (symbol-width (length graph-blank))
+ from-position)
+ (recursive-graph-body-print-internal
+ numbers-list
+ height
+ symbol-width)))
+The recursive function is a little more difficult. It has four parts:
+the `do-again-test', the printing code, the recursive call, and the
+`next-step-expression'. The `do-again-test' is an `if' expression that
+determines whether the `numbers-list' contains any remaining elements;
+if it does, the function prints one column of the graph using the
+printing code and calls itself again. The function calls itself again
+according to the value produced by the `next-step-expression' which
+causes the call to act on a shorter version of the `numbers-list'.
+ (defun recursive-graph-body-print-internal
+ (numbers-list height symbol-width)
+ "Print a bar graph.
+ Used within recursive-graph-body-print function."
+ (if numbers-list
+ (progn
+ (setq from-position (point))
+ (insert-rectangle
+ (column-of-graph height (car numbers-list)))
+ (goto-char from-position)
+ (forward-char symbol-width)
+ (sit-for 0) ; Draw graph column by column.
+ (recursive-graph-body-print-internal
+ (cdr numbers-list) height symbol-width))))
+After installation, this expression can be tested; here is a sample:
+ (recursive-graph-body-print '(3 2 5 6 7 5 3 4 6 4 3 2 1))
+Here is what `recursive-graph-body-print' produces:
+ *
+ ** *
+ **** *
+ **** ***
+ * *********
+ ************
+ *************
+Either of these two functions, `graph-body-print' or
+`recursive-graph-body-print', create the body of a graph.
+File: eintr, Node: Printed Axes, Next: Line Graph Exercise, Prev: recursive-graph-body-print, Up: Readying a Graph
+15.3 Need for Printed Axes
+A graph needs printed axes, so you can orient yourself. For a do-once
+project, it may be reasonable to draw the axes by hand using Emacs'
+Picture mode; but a graph drawing function may be used more than once.
+For this reason, I have written enhancements to the basic
+`print-graph-body' function that automatically print labels for the
+horizontal and vertical axes. Since the label printing functions do
+not contain much new material, I have placed their description in an
+appendix. *Note A Graph with Labelled Axes: Full Graph.
+File: eintr, Node: Line Graph Exercise, Prev: Printed Axes, Up: Readying a Graph
+15.4 Exercise
+Write a line graph version of the graph printing functions.
+File: eintr, Node: Emacs Initialization, Next: Debugging, Prev: Readying a Graph, Up: Top
+16 Your `.emacs' File
+"You don't have to like Emacs to like it" - this seemingly paradoxical
+statement is the secret of GNU Emacs. The plain, `out of the box'
+Emacs is a generic tool. Most people who use it, customize it to suit
+GNU Emacs is mostly written in Emacs Lisp; this means that by writing
+expressions in Emacs Lisp you can change or extend Emacs.
+* Menu:
+* Default Configuration::
+* Site-wide Init::
+* defcustom::
+* Beginning a .emacs File::
+* Text and Auto-fill::
+* Mail Aliases::
+* Indent Tabs Mode::
+* Keybindings::
+* Keymaps::
+* Loading Files::
+* Autoload::
+* Simple Extension::
+* X11 Colors::
+* Miscellaneous::
+* Mode Line::
+File: eintr, Node: Default Configuration, Next: Site-wide Init, Prev: Emacs Initialization, Up: Emacs Initialization
+Emacs' Default Configuration
+There are those who appreciate Emacs' default configuration. After
+all, Emacs starts you in C mode when you edit a C file, starts you in
+Fortran mode when you edit a Fortran file, and starts you in
+Fundamental mode when you edit an unadorned file. This all makes
+sense, if you do not know who is going to use Emacs. Who knows what a
+person hopes to do with an unadorned file? Fundamental mode is the
+right default for such a file, just as C mode is the right default for
+editing C code. (Enough programming languages have syntaxes that
+enable them to share or nearly share features, so C mode is now
+provided by by CC mode, the `C Collection'.)
+But when you do know who is going to use Emacs--you, yourself--then it
+makes sense to customize Emacs.
+For example, I seldom want Fundamental mode when I edit an otherwise
+undistinguished file; I want Text mode. This is why I customize Emacs:
+so it suits me.
+You can customize and extend Emacs by writing or adapting a `~/.emacs'
+file. This is your personal initialization file; its contents, written
+in Emacs Lisp, tell Emacs what to do.(1)
+A `~/.emacs' file contains Emacs Lisp code. You can write this code
+yourself; or you can use Emacs' `customize' feature to write the code
+for you. You can combine your own expressions and auto-written
+Customize expressions in your `.emacs' file.
+(I myself prefer to write my own expressions, except for those,
+particularly fonts, that I find easier to manipulate using the
+`customize' command. I combine the two methods.)
+Most of this chapter is about writing expressions yourself. It
+describes a simple `.emacs' file; for more information, see *Note The
+Init File: (emacs)Init File, and *Note The Init File: (elisp)Init File.
+---------- Footnotes ----------
+(1) You may also add `.el' to `~/.emacs' and call it a `~/.emacs.el'
+file. In the past, you were forbidden to type the extra keystrokes
+that the name `~/.emacs.el' requires, but now you may. The new format
+is consistent with the Emacs Lisp file naming conventions; the old
+format saves typing.
+File: eintr, Node: Site-wide Init, Next: defcustom, Prev: Default Configuration, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.1 Site-wide Initialization Files
+In addition to your personal initialization file, Emacs automatically
+loads various site-wide initialization files, if they exist. These
+have the same form as your `.emacs' file, but are loaded by everyone.
+Two site-wide initialization files, `site-load.el' and `site-init.el',
+are loaded into Emacs and then `dumped' if a `dumped' version of Emacs
+is created, as is most common. (Dumped copies of Emacs load more
+quickly. However, once a file is loaded and dumped, a change to it
+does not lead to a change in Emacs unless you load it yourself or
+re-dump Emacs. *Note Building Emacs: (elisp)Building Emacs, and the
+`INSTALL' file.)
+Three other site-wide initialization files are loaded automatically
+each time you start Emacs, if they exist. These are `site-start.el',
+which is loaded _before_ your `.emacs' file, and `default.el', and the
+terminal type file, which are both loaded _after_ your `.emacs' file.
+Settings and definitions in your `.emacs' file will overwrite
+conflicting settings and definitions in a `site-start.el' file, if it
+exists; but the settings and definitions in a `default.el' or terminal
+type file will overwrite those in your `.emacs' file. (You can prevent
+interference from a terminal type file by setting `term-file-prefix' to
+`nil'. *Note A Simple Extension: Simple Extension.)
+The `INSTALL' file that comes in the distribution contains descriptions
+of the `site-init.el' and `site-load.el' files.
+The `loadup.el', `startup.el', and `loaddefs.el' files control loading.
+These files are in the `lisp' directory of the Emacs distribution and
+are worth perusing.
+The `loaddefs.el' file contains a good many suggestions as to what to
+put into your own `.emacs' file, or into a site-wide initialization
+File: eintr, Node: defcustom, Next: Beginning a .emacs File, Prev: Site-wide Init, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.2 Specifying Variables using `defcustom'
+You can specify variables using `defcustom' so that you and others can
+then use Emacs' `customize' feature to set their values. (You cannot
+use `customize' to write function definitions; but you can write
+`defuns' in your `.emacs' file. Indeed, you can write any Lisp
+expression in your `.emacs' file.)
+The `customize' feature depends on the `defcustom' special form.
+Although you can use `defvar' or `setq' for variables that users set,
+the `defcustom' special form is designed for the job.
+You can use your knowledge of `defvar' for writing the first three
+arguments for `defcustom'. The first argument to `defcustom' is the
+name of the variable. The second argument is the variable's initial
+value, if any; and this value is set only if the value has not already
+been set. The third argument is the documentation.
+The fourth and subsequent arguments to `defcustom' specify types and
+options; these are not featured in `defvar'. (These arguments are
+Each of these arguments consists of a keyword followed by a value.
+Each keyword starts with the colon character `:'.
+For example, the customizable user option variable `text-mode-hook'
+looks like this:
+ (defcustom text-mode-hook nil
+ "Normal hook run when entering Text mode and many related modes."
+ :type 'hook
+ :options '(turn-on-auto-fill flyspell-mode)
+ :group 'data)
+The name of the variable is `text-mode-hook'; it has no default value;
+and its documentation string tells you what it does.
+The `:type' keyword tells Emacs the kind of data to which
+`text-mode-hook' should be set and how to display the value in a
+Customization buffer.
+The `:options' keyword specifies a suggested list of values for the
+variable. Currently, you can use `:options' only for a hook. The list
+is only a suggestion; it is not exclusive; a person who sets the
+variable may set it to other values; the list shown following the
+`:options' keyword is intended to offer convenient choices to a user.
+Finally, the `:group' keyword tells the Emacs Customization command in
+which group the variable is located. This tells where to find it.
+For more information, see *Note Writing Customization Definitions:
+Consider `text-mode-hook' as an example.
+There are two ways to customize this variable. You can use the
+customization command or write the appropriate expressions yourself.
+Using the customization command, you can type:
+ M-x customize
+and find that the group for editing files of data is called `data'.
+Enter that group. Text Mode Hook is the first member. You can click
+on its various options, such as `turn-on-auto-fill', to set the values.
+After you click on the button to
+ Save for Future Sessions
+Emacs will write an expression into your `.emacs' file. It will look
+like this:
+ (custom-set-variables
+ ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
+ ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
+ ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
+ ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
+ '(text-mode-hook (quote (turn-on-auto-fill text-mode-hook-identify))))
+(The `text-mode-hook-identify' function tells
+`toggle-text-mode-auto-fill' which buffers are in Text mode. It comes
+on automatically. )
+The `custom-set-variables' function works somewhat differently than a
+`setq'. While I have never learned the differences, I modify the
+`custom-set-variables' expressions in my `.emacs' file by hand: I make
+the changes in what appears to me to be a reasonable manner and have
+not had any problems. Others prefer to use the Customization command
+and let Emacs do the work for them.
+Another `custom-set-...' function is `custom-set-faces'. This function
+sets the various font faces. Over time, I have set a considerable
+number of faces. Some of the time, I re-set them using `customize';
+other times, I simply edit the `custom-set-faces' expression in my
+`.emacs' file itself.
+The second way to customize your `text-mode-hook' is to set it yourself
+in your `.emacs' file using code that has nothing to do with the
+`custom-set-...' functions.
+When you do this, and later use `customize', you will see a message
+that says
+ CHANGED outside Customize; operating on it here may be unreliable.
+This message is only a warning. If you click on the button to
+ Save for Future Sessions
+Emacs will write a `custom-set-...' expression near the end of your
+`.emacs' file that will be evaluated after your hand-written
+expression. It will, therefore, overrule your hand-written expression.
+No harm will be done. When you do this, however, be careful to
+remember which expression is active; if you forget, you may confuse
+So long as you remember where the values are set, you will have no
+trouble. In any event, the values are always set in your
+initialization file, which is usually called `.emacs'.
+I myself use `customize' for hardly anything. Mostly, I write
+expressions myself.
+Incidentally, `defsubst' defines an inline function. The syntax is
+just like that of `defun'. `defconst' defines a symbol as a constant.
+The intent is that neither programs nor users should ever change a
+value set by `defconst'
+File: eintr, Node: Beginning a .emacs File, Next: Text and Auto-fill, Prev: defcustom, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.3 Beginning a `.emacs' File
+When you start Emacs, it loads your `.emacs' file unless you tell it
+not to by specifying `-q' on the command line. (The `emacs -q' command
+gives you a plain, out-of-the-box Emacs.)
+A `.emacs' file contains Lisp expressions. Often, these are no more
+than expressions to set values; sometimes they are function definitions.
+*Note The Init File `~/.emacs': (emacs)Init File, for a short
+description of initialization files.
+This chapter goes over some of the same ground, but is a walk among
+extracts from a complete, long-used `.emacs' file--my own.
+The first part of the file consists of comments: reminders to myself.
+By now, of course, I remember these things, but when I started, I did
+ ;;;; Bob's .emacs file
+ ; Robert J. Chassell
+ ; 26 September 1985
+Look at that date! I started this file a long time ago. I have been
+adding to it ever since.
+ ; Each section in this file is introduced by a
+ ; line beginning with four semicolons; and each
+ ; entry is introduced by a line beginning with
+ ; three semicolons.
+This describes the usual conventions for comments in Emacs Lisp.
+Everything on a line that follows a semicolon is a comment. Two,
+three, and four semicolons are used as section and subsection markers.
+(*Note Comments: (elisp)Comments, for more about comments.)
+ ;;;; The Help Key
+ ; Control-h is the help key;
+ ; after typing control-h, type a letter to
+ ; indicate the subject about which you want help.
+ ; For an explanation of the help facility,
+ ; type control-h two times in a row.
+Just remember: type `C-h' two times for help.
+ ; To find out about any mode, type control-h m
+ ; while in that mode. For example, to find out
+ ; about mail mode, enter mail mode and then type
+ ; control-h m.
+`Mode help', as I call this, is very helpful. Usually, it tells you
+all you need to know.
+Of course, you don't need to include comments like these in your
+`.emacs' file. I included them in mine because I kept forgetting about
+Mode help or the conventions for comments--but I was able to remember
+to look here to remind myself.
+File: eintr, Node: Text and Auto-fill, Next: Mail Aliases, Prev: Beginning a .emacs File, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.4 Text and Auto Fill Mode
+Now we come to the part that `turns on' Text mode and Auto Fill mode.
+ ;;; Text mode and Auto Fill mode
+ ; The next two lines put Emacs into Text mode
+ ; and Auto Fill mode, and are for writers who
+ ; want to start writing prose rather than code.
+ (setq default-major-mode 'text-mode)
+ (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
+Here is the first part of this `.emacs' file that does something
+besides remind a forgetful human!
+The first of the two lines in parentheses tells Emacs to turn on Text
+mode when you find a file, _unless_ that file should go into some other
+mode, such as C mode.
+When Emacs reads a file, it looks at the extension to the file name, if
+any. (The extension is the part that comes after a `.'.) If the file
+ends with a `.c' or `.h' extension then Emacs turns on C mode. Also,
+Emacs looks at first nonblank line of the file; if the line says
+`-*- C -*-', Emacs turns on C mode. Emacs possesses a list of
+extensions and specifications that it uses automatically. In addition,
+Emacs looks near the last page for a per-buffer, "local variables
+list", if any.
+*Note How Major Modes are Chosen: (emacs)Choosing Modes.
+*Note Local Variables in Files: (emacs)File Variables.
+Now, back to the `.emacs' file.
+Here is the line again; how does it work?
+ (setq default-major-mode 'text-mode)
+This line is a short, but complete Emacs Lisp expression.
+We are already familiar with `setq'. It sets the following variable,
+`default-major-mode', to the subsequent value, which is `text-mode'.
+The single quote mark before `text-mode' tells Emacs to deal directly
+with the `text-mode' variable, not with whatever it might stand for.
+*Note Setting the Value of a Variable: set & setq, for a reminder of
+how `setq' works. The main point is that there is no difference
+between the procedure you use to set a value in your `.emacs' file and
+the procedure you use anywhere else in Emacs.
+Here is the next line:
+ (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
+In this line, the `add-hook' command adds `turn-on-auto-fill' to the
+`turn-on-auto-fill' is the name of a program, that, you guessed it!,
+turns on Auto Fill mode.
+Every time Emacs turns on Text mode, Emacs runs the commands `hooked'
+onto Text mode. So every time Emacs turns on Text mode, Emacs also
+turns on Auto Fill mode.
+In brief, the first line causes Emacs to enter Text mode when you edit a
+file, unless the file name extension, a first non-blank line, or local
+variables to tell Emacs otherwise.
+Text mode among other actions, sets the syntax table to work
+conveniently for writers. In Text mode, Emacs considers an apostrophe
+as part of a word like a letter; but Emacs does not consider a period
+or a space as part of a word. Thus, `M-f' moves you over `it's'. On
+the other hand, in C mode, `M-f' stops just after the `t' of `it's'.
+The second line causes Emacs to turn on Auto Fill mode when it turns on
+Text mode. In Auto Fill mode, Emacs automatically breaks a line that
+is too wide and brings the excessively wide part of the line down to
+the next line. Emacs breaks lines between words, not within them.
+When Auto Fill mode is turned off, lines continue to the right as you
+type them. Depending on how you set the value of `truncate-lines', the
+words you type either disappear off the right side of the screen, or
+else are shown, in a rather ugly and unreadable manner, as a
+continuation line on the screen.
+In addition, in this part of my `.emacs' file, I tell the Emacs fill
+commands to insert two spaces after a colon:
+ (setq colon-double-space t)
+File: eintr, Node: Mail Aliases, Next: Indent Tabs Mode, Prev: Text and Auto-fill, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.5 Mail Aliases
+Here is a `setq' that `turns on' mail aliases, along with more
+ ;;; Mail mode
+ ; To enter mail mode, type `C-x m'
+ ; To enter RMAIL (for reading mail),
+ ; type `M-x rmail'
+ (setq mail-aliases t)
+This `setq' command sets the value of the variable `mail-aliases' to
+`t'. Since `t' means true, the line says, in effect, "Yes, use mail
+Mail aliases are convenient short names for long email addresses or for
+lists of email addresses. The file where you keep your `aliases' is
+`~/.mailrc'. You write an alias like this:
+ alias geo
+When you write a message to George, address it to `geo'; the mailer
+will automatically expand `geo' to the full address.
+File: eintr, Node: Indent Tabs Mode, Next: Keybindings, Prev: Mail Aliases, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.6 Indent Tabs Mode
+By default, Emacs inserts tabs in place of multiple spaces when it
+formats a region. (For example, you might indent many lines of text
+all at once with the `indent-region' command.) Tabs look fine on a
+terminal or with ordinary printing, but they produce badly indented
+output when you use TeX or Texinfo since TeX ignores tabs.
+The following turns off Indent Tabs mode:
+ ;;; Prevent Extraneous Tabs
+ (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
+Note that this line uses `setq-default' rather than the `setq' command
+that we have seen before. The `setq-default' command sets values only
+in buffers that do not have their own local values for the variable.
+*Note Tabs vs. Spaces: (emacs)Just Spaces.
+*Note Local Variables in Files: (emacs)File Variables.
+File: eintr, Node: Keybindings, Next: Keymaps, Prev: Indent Tabs Mode, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.7 Some Keybindings
+Now for some personal keybindings:
+ ;;; Compare windows
+ (global-set-key "\C-cw" 'compare-windows)
+`compare-windows' is a nifty command that compares the text in your
+current window with text in the next window. It makes the comparison
+by starting at point in each window, moving over text in each window as
+far as they match. I use this command all the time.
+This also shows how to set a key globally, for all modes.
+The command is `global-set-key'. It is followed by the keybinding. In
+a `.emacs' file, the keybinding is written as shown: `\C-c' stands for
+`control-c', which means `press the control key and the `c' key at the
+same time'. The `w' means `press the `w' key'. The keybinding is
+surrounded by double quotation marks. In documentation, you would
+write this as `C-c w'. (If you were binding a <META> key, such as
+`M-c', rather than a <CTRL> key, you would write `\M-c'. *Note
+Rebinding Keys in Your Init File: (emacs)Init Rebinding, for details.)
+The command invoked by the keys is `compare-windows'. Note that
+`compare-windows' is preceded by a single quote; otherwise, Emacs would
+first try to evaluate the symbol to determine its value.
+These three things, the double quotation marks, the backslash before
+the `C', and the single quote mark are necessary parts of keybinding
+that I tend to forget. Fortunately, I have come to remember that I
+should look at my existing `.emacs' file, and adapt what is there.
+As for the keybinding itself: `C-c w'. This combines the prefix key,
+`C-c', with a single character, in this case, `w'. This set of keys,
+`C-c' followed by a single character, is strictly reserved for
+individuals' own use. (I call these `own' keys, since these are for my
+own use.) You should always be able to create such a keybinding for
+your own use without stomping on someone else's keybinding. If you
+ever write an extension to Emacs, please avoid taking any of these keys
+for public use. Create a key like `C-c C-w' instead. Otherwise, we
+will run out of `own' keys.
+Here is another keybinding, with a comment:
+ ;;; Keybinding for `occur'
+ ; I use occur a lot, so let's bind it to a key:
+ (global-set-key "\C-co" 'occur)
+The `occur' command shows all the lines in the current buffer that
+contain a match for a regular expression. Matching lines are shown in
+a buffer called `*Occur*'. That buffer serves as a menu to jump to
+Here is how to unbind a key, so it does not work:
+ ;;; Unbind `C-x f'
+ (global-unset-key "\C-xf")
+There is a reason for this unbinding: I found I inadvertently typed
+`C-x f' when I meant to type `C-x C-f'. Rather than find a file, as I
+intended, I accidentally set the width for filled text, almost always
+to a width I did not want. Since I hardly ever reset my default width,
+I simply unbound the key.
+The following rebinds an existing key:
+ ;;; Rebind `C-x C-b' for `buffer-menu'
+ (global-set-key "\C-x\C-b" 'buffer-menu)
+By default, `C-x C-b' runs the `list-buffers' command. This command
+lists your buffers in _another_ window. Since I almost always want to
+do something in that window, I prefer the `buffer-menu' command, which
+not only lists the buffers, but moves point into that window.
+File: eintr, Node: Keymaps, Next: Loading Files, Prev: Keybindings, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.8 Keymaps
+Emacs uses "keymaps" to record which keys call which commands. When
+you use `global-set-key' to set the keybinding for a single command in
+all parts of Emacs, you are specifying the keybinding in
+Specific modes, such as C mode or Text mode, have their own keymaps;
+the mode-specific keymaps override the global map that is shared by all
+The `global-set-key' function binds, or rebinds, the global keymap.
+For example, the following binds the key `C-x C-b' to the function
+ (global-set-key "\C-x\C-b" 'buffer-menu)
+Mode-specific keymaps are bound using the `define-key' function, which
+takes a specific keymap as an argument, as well as the key and the
+command. For example, my `.emacs' file contains the following
+expression to bind the `texinfo-insert-@group' command to `C-c C-c g':
+ (define-key texinfo-mode-map "\C-c\C-cg" 'texinfo-insert-@group)
+The `texinfo-insert-@group' function itself is a little extension to
+Texinfo mode that inserts `@group' into a Texinfo file. I use this
+command all the time and prefer to type the three strokes `C-c C-c g'
+rather than the six strokes `@ g r o u p'. (`@group' and its matching
+`@end group' are commands that keep all enclosed text together on one
+page; many multi-line examples in this book are surrounded by `@group
+... @end group'.)
+Here is the `texinfo-insert-@group' function definition:
+ (defun texinfo-insert-@group ()
+ "Insert the string @group in a Texinfo buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (insert "@group\n"))
+(Of course, I could have used Abbrev mode to save typing, rather than
+write a function to insert a word; but I prefer key strokes consistent
+with other Texinfo mode key bindings.)
+You will see numerous `define-key' expressions in `loaddefs.el' as well
+as in the various mode libraries, such as `cc-mode.el' and
+*Note Customizing Key Bindings: (emacs)Key Bindings, and *Note Keymaps:
+(elisp)Keymaps, for more information about keymaps.
+File: eintr, Node: Loading Files, Next: Autoload, Prev: Keymaps, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.9 Loading Files
+Many people in the GNU Emacs community have written extensions to
+Emacs. As time goes by, these extensions are often included in new
+releases. For example, the Calendar and Diary packages are now part of
+the standard GNU Emacs, as is Calc.
+You can use a `load' command to evaluate a complete file and thereby
+install all the functions and variables in the file into Emacs. For
+ (load "~/emacs/slowsplit")
+This evaluates, i.e. loads, the `slowsplit.el' file or if it exists,
+the faster, byte compiled `slowsplit.elc' file from the `emacs'
+sub-directory of your home directory. The file contains the function
+`split-window-quietly', which John Robinson wrote in 1989.
+The `split-window-quietly' function splits a window with the minimum of
+redisplay. I installed it in 1989 because it worked well with the slow
+1200 baud terminals I was then using. Nowadays, I only occasionally
+come across such a slow connection, but I continue to use the function
+because I like the way it leaves the bottom half of a buffer in the
+lower of the new windows and the top half in the upper window.
+To replace the key binding for the default `split-window-vertically',
+you must also unset that key and bind the keys to
+`split-window-quietly', like this:
+ (global-unset-key "\C-x2")
+ (global-set-key "\C-x2" 'split-window-quietly)
+If you load many extensions, as I do, then instead of specifying the
+exact location of the extension file, as shown above, you can specify
+that directory as part of Emacs' `load-path'. Then, when Emacs loads a
+file, it will search that directory as well as its default list of
+directories. (The default list is specified in `paths.h' when Emacs is
+The following command adds your `~/emacs' directory to the existing
+load path:
+ ;;; Emacs Load Path
+ (setq load-path (cons "~/emacs" load-path))
+Incidentally, `load-library' is an interactive interface to the `load'
+function. The complete function looks like this:
+ (defun load-library (library)
+ "Load the library named LIBRARY.
+ This is an interface to the function `load'."
+ (interactive
+ (list (completing-read "Load library: "
+ 'locate-file-completion
+ (cons load-path (get-load-suffixes)))))
+ (load library))
+The name of the function, `load-library', comes from the use of
+`library' as a conventional synonym for `file'. The source for the
+`load-library' command is in the `files.el' library.
+Another interactive command that does a slightly different job is
+`load-file'. *Note Libraries of Lisp Code for Emacs: (emacs)Lisp
+Libraries, for information on the distinction between `load-library'
+and this command.
+File: eintr, Node: Autoload, Next: Simple Extension, Prev: Loading Files, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.10 Autoloading
+Instead of installing a function by loading the file that contains it,
+or by evaluating the function definition, you can make the function
+available but not actually install it until it is first called. This
+is called "autoloading".
+When you execute an autoloaded function, Emacs automatically evaluates
+the file that contains the definition, and then calls the function.
+Emacs starts quicker with autoloaded functions, since their libraries
+are not loaded right away; but you need to wait a moment when you first
+use such a function, while its containing file is evaluated.
+Rarely used functions are frequently autoloaded. The `loaddefs.el'
+library contains hundreds of autoloaded functions, from `bookmark-set'
+to `wordstar-mode'. Of course, you may come to use a `rare' function
+frequently. When you do, you should load that function's file with a
+`load' expression in your `.emacs' file.
+In my `.emacs' file for Emacs version 22, I load 14 libraries that
+contain functions that would otherwise be autoloaded. (Actually, it
+would have been better to include these files in my `dumped' Emacs, but
+I forgot. *Note Building Emacs: (elisp)Building Emacs, and the
+`INSTALL' file for more about dumping.)
+You may also want to include autoloaded expressions in your `.emacs'
+file. `autoload' is a built-in function that takes up to five
+arguments, the final three of which are optional. The first argument
+is the name of the function to be autoloaded; the second is the name of
+the file to be loaded. The third argument is documentation for the
+function, and the fourth tells whether the function can be called
+interactively. The fifth argument tells what type of
+object--`autoload' can handle a keymap or macro as well as a function
+(the default is a function).
+Here is a typical example:
+ (autoload 'html-helper-mode
+ "html-helper-mode" "Edit HTML documents" t)
+(`html-helper-mode' is an alternative to `html-mode', which is a
+standard part of the distribution).
+This expression autoloads the `html-helper-mode' function. It takes it
+from the `html-helper-mode.el' file (or from the byte compiled file
+`html-helper-mode.elc', if it exists.) The file must be located in a
+directory specified by `load-path'. The documentation says that this
+is a mode to help you edit documents written in the HyperText Markup
+Language. You can call this mode interactively by typing `M-x
+html-helper-mode'. (You need to duplicate the function's regular
+documentation in the autoload expression because the regular function
+is not yet loaded, so its documentation is not available.)
+*Note Autoload: (elisp)Autoload, for more information.
+File: eintr, Node: Simple Extension, Next: X11 Colors, Prev: Autoload, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.11 A Simple Extension: `line-to-top-of-window'
+Here is a simple extension to Emacs that moves the line point is on to
+the top of the window. I use this all the time, to make text easier to
+You can put the following code into a separate file and then load it
+from your `.emacs' file, or you can include it within your `.emacs'
+Here is the definition:
+ ;;; Line to top of window;
+ ;;; replace three keystroke sequence C-u 0 C-l
+ (defun line-to-top-of-window ()
+ "Move the line point is on to top of window."
+ (interactive)
+ (recenter 0))
+Now for the keybinding.
+Nowadays, function keys as well as mouse button events and non-ASCII
+characters are written within square brackets, without quotation marks.
+(In Emacs version 18 and before, you had to write different function
+key bindings for each different make of terminal.)
+I bind `line-to-top-of-window' to my <F6> function key like this:
+ (global-set-key [f6] 'line-to-top-of-window)
+For more information, see *Note Rebinding Keys in Your Init File:
+(emacs)Init Rebinding.
+If you run two versions of GNU Emacs, such as versions 21 and 22, and
+use one `.emacs' file, you can select which code to evaluate with the
+following conditional:
+ (cond
+ ((string-equal (number-to-string 21) (substring (emacs-version) 10 12))
+ ;; evaluate version 21 code
+ ( ... ))
+ ((string-equal (number-to-string 22) (substring (emacs-version) 10 12))
+ ;; evaluate version 22 code
+ ( ... )))
+For example, in contrast to version 20, version 21 blinks its cursor by
+default. I hate such blinking, as well as some other features in
+version 21, so I placed the following in my `.emacs' file(1):
+ (if (string-equal "21" (substring (emacs-version) 10 12))
+ (progn
+ (blink-cursor-mode 0)
+ ;; Insert newline when you press `C-n' (next-line)
+ ;; at the end of the buffer
+ (setq next-line-add-newlines t)
+ ;; Turn on image viewing
+ (auto-image-file-mode t)
+ ;; Turn on menu bar (this bar has text)
+ ;; (Use numeric argument to turn on)
+ (menu-bar-mode 1)
+ ;; Turn off tool bar (this bar has icons)
+ ;; (Use numeric argument to turn on)
+ (tool-bar-mode nil)
+ ;; Turn off tooltip mode for tool bar
+ ;; (This mode causes icon explanations to pop up)
+ ;; (Use numeric argument to turn on)
+ (tooltip-mode nil)
+ ;; If tooltips turned on, make tips appear promptly
+ (setq tooltip-delay 0.1) ; default is one second
+ ))
+(You will note that instead of typing `(number-to-string 21)', I
+decided to save typing and wrote `21' as a string, `"21"', rather than
+convert it from an integer to a string. In this instance, this
+expression is better than the longer, but more general
+`(number-to-string 21)'. However, if you do not know ahead of time
+what type of information will be returned, then the `number-to-string'
+function will be needed.)
+---------- Footnotes ----------
+(1) When I start instances of Emacs that do not load my `.emacs' file
+or any site file, I also turn off blinking:
+ emacs -q --no-site-file -eval '(blink-cursor-mode nil)'
+Or nowadays, using an even more sophisticated set of options,
+ emacs -Q - D
+File: eintr, Node: X11 Colors, Next: Miscellaneous, Prev: Simple Extension, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.12 X11 Colors
+You can specify colors when you use Emacs with the MIT X Windowing
+I dislike the default colors and specify my own.
+Here are the expressions in my `.emacs' file that set values:
+ ;; Set cursor color
+ (set-cursor-color "white")
+ ;; Set mouse color
+ (set-mouse-color "white")
+ ;; Set foreground and background
+ (set-foreground-color "white")
+ (set-background-color "darkblue")
+ ;;; Set highlighting colors for isearch and drag
+ (set-face-foreground 'highlight "white")
+ (set-face-background 'highlight "blue")
+ (set-face-foreground 'region "cyan")
+ (set-face-background 'region "blue")
+ (set-face-foreground 'secondary-selection "skyblue")
+ (set-face-background 'secondary-selection "darkblue")
+ ;; Set calendar highlighting colors
+ (setq calendar-load-hook
+ '(lambda ()
+ (set-face-foreground 'diary-face "skyblue")
+ (set-face-background 'holiday-face "slate blue")
+ (set-face-foreground 'holiday-face "white")))
+The various shades of blue soothe my eye and prevent me from seeing the
+screen flicker.
+Alternatively, I could have set my specifications in various X
+initialization files. For example, I could set the foreground,
+background, cursor, and pointer (i.e., mouse) colors in my
+`~/.Xresources' file like this:
+ Emacs*foreground: white
+ Emacs*background: darkblue
+ Emacs*cursorColor: white
+ Emacs*pointerColor: white
+In any event, since it is not part of Emacs, I set the root color of my
+X window in my `~/.xinitrc' file, like this(1):
+ xsetroot -solid Navy -fg white &
+---------- Footnotes ----------
+(1) I also run more modern window managers, such as Enlightenment,
+Gnome, or KDE; in those cases, I often specify an image rather than a
+plain color.
+File: eintr, Node: Miscellaneous, Next: Mode Line, Prev: X11 Colors, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.13 Miscellaneous Settings for a `.emacs' File
+Here are a few miscellaneous settings:
+ - Set the shape and color of the mouse cursor:
+ ; Cursor shapes are defined in
+ ; `/usr/include/X11/cursorfont.h';
+ ; for example, the `target' cursor is number 128;
+ ; the `top_left_arrow' cursor is number 132.
+ (let ((mpointer (x-get-resource "*mpointer"
+ "*emacs*mpointer")))
+ ;; If you have not set your mouse pointer
+ ;; then set it, otherwise leave as is:
+ (if (eq mpointer nil)
+ (setq mpointer "132")) ; top_left_arrow
+ (setq x-pointer-shape (string-to-int mpointer))
+ (set-mouse-color "white"))
+ - Or you can set the values of a variety of features in an alist,
+ like this:
+ (setq-default
+ default-frame-alist
+ '((cursor-color . "white")
+ (mouse-color . "white")
+ (foreground-color . "white")
+ (background-color . "DodgerBlue4")
+ ;; (cursor-type . bar)
+ (cursor-type . box)
+ (tool-bar-lines . 0)
+ (menu-bar-lines . 1)
+ (width . 80)
+ (height . 58)
+ (font .
+ "-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--20-200-75-75-C-100-ISO8859-1")
+ ))
+ - Convert `<CTRL>-h' into <DEL> and <DEL> into `<CTRL>-h'.
+ (Some older keyboards needed this, although I have not seen the
+ problem recently.)
+ ;; Translate `C-h' to <DEL>.
+ ; (keyboard-translate ?\C-h ?\C-?)
+ ;; Translate <DEL> to `C-h'.
+ (keyboard-translate ?\C-? ?\C-h)
+ - Turn off a blinking cursor!
+ (if (fboundp 'blink-cursor-mode)
+ (blink-cursor-mode -1))
+ or start GNU Emacs with the command `emacs -nbc'.
+ - Ignore case when using `grep'
+ `-n' Prefix each line of output with line number
+ `-i' Ignore case distinctions
+ `-e' Protect patterns beginning with a hyphen character, `-'
+ (setq grep-command "grep -n -i -e ")
+ - Find an existing buffer, even if it has a different name
+ This avoids problems with symbolic links.
+ (setq find-file-existing-other-name t)
+ - Set your language environment and default input method
+ (set-language-environment "latin-1")
+ ;; Remember you can enable or disable multilingual text input
+ ;; with the `toggle-input-method'' (C-\) command
+ (setq default-input-method "latin-1-prefix")
+ If you want to write with Chinese `GB' characters, set this
+ instead:
+ (set-language-environment "Chinese-GB")
+ (setq default-input-method "chinese-tonepy")
+Fixing Unpleasant Key Bindings
+Some systems bind keys unpleasantly. Sometimes, for example, the
+<CTRL> key appears in an awkward spot rather than at the far left of
+the home row.
+Usually, when people fix these sorts of keybindings, they do not change
+their `~/.emacs' file. Instead, they bind the proper keys on their
+consoles with the `loadkeys' or `install-keymap' commands in their boot
+script and then include `xmodmap' commands in their `.xinitrc' or
+`.Xsession' file for X Windows.
+For a boot script:
+ loadkeys /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/emacs2.kmap.gz
+ install-keymap emacs2
+For a `.xinitrc' or `.Xsession' file when the <Caps Lock> key is at the
+far left of the home row:
+ # Bind the key labeled `Caps Lock' to `Control'
+ # (Such a broken user interface suggests that keyboard manufacturers
+ # think that computers are typewriters from 1885.)
+ xmodmap -e "clear Lock"
+ xmodmap -e "add Control = Caps_Lock"
+In a `.xinitrc' or `.Xsession' file, to convert an <ALT> key to a
+<META> key:
+ # Some ill designed keyboards have a key labeled ALT and no Meta
+ xmodmap -e "keysym Alt_L = Meta_L Alt_L"
+File: eintr, Node: Mode Line, Prev: Miscellaneous, Up: Emacs Initialization
+16.14 A Modified Mode Line
+Finally, a feature I really like: a modified mode line.
+When I work over a network, I forget which machine I am using. Also, I
+tend to I lose track of where I am, and which line point is on.
+So I reset my mode line to look like this:
+ -:-- foo.texi rattlesnake:/home/bob/ Line 1 (Texinfo Fill) Top
+I am visiting a file called `foo.texi', on my machine `rattlesnake' in
+my `/home/bob' buffer. I am on line 1, in Texinfo mode, and am at the
+top of the buffer.
+My `.emacs' file has a section that looks like this:
+ ;; Set a Mode Line that tells me which machine, which directory,
+ ;; and which line I am on, plus the other customary information.
+ (setq default-mode-line-format
+ (quote
+ (#("-" 0 1
+ (help-echo
+ "mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: delete others ..."))
+ mode-line-mule-info
+ mode-line-modified
+ mode-line-frame-identification
+ " "
+ mode-line-buffer-identification
+ " "
+ (:eval (substring
+ (system-name) 0 (string-match "\\..+" (system-name))))
+ ":"
+ default-directory
+ #(" " 0 1
+ (help-echo
+ "mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: delete others ..."))
+ (line-number-mode " Line %l ")
+ global-mode-string
+ #(" %[(" 0 6
+ (help-echo
+ "mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: delete others ..."))
+ (:eval (mode-line-mode-name))
+ mode-line-process
+ minor-mode-alist
+ #("%n" 0 2 (help-echo "mouse-2: widen" local-map (keymap ...)))
+ ")%] "
+ (-3 . "%P")
+ ;; "-%-"
+ )))
+Here, I redefine the default mode line. Most of the parts are from the
+original; but I make a few changes. I set the _default_ mode line
+format so as to permit various modes, such as Info, to override it.
+Many elements in the list are self-explanatory: `mode-line-modified' is
+a variable that tells whether the buffer has been modified, `mode-name'
+tells the name of the mode, and so on. However, the format looks
+complicated because of two features we have not discussed.
+The first string in the mode line is a dash or hyphen, `-'. In the old
+days, it would have been specified simply as `"-"'. But nowadays,
+Emacs can add properties to a string, such as highlighting or, as in
+this case, a help feature. If you place your mouse cursor over the
+hyphen, some help information appears (By default, you must wait
+seven-tenths of a second before the information appears. You can
+change that timing by changing the value of `tooltip-delay'.)
+The new string format has a special syntax:
+ #("-" 0 1 (help-echo "mouse-1: select window, ..."))
+The `#(' begins a list. The first element of the list is the string
+itself, just one `-'. The second and third elements specify the range
+over which the fourth element applies. A range starts _after_ a
+character, so a zero means the range starts just before the first
+character; a 1 means that the range ends just after the first
+character. The third element is the property for the range. It
+consists of a property list, a property name, in this case,
+`help-echo', followed by a value, in this case, a string. The second,
+third, and fourth elements of this new string format can be repeated.
+*Note Text Properties: (elisp)Text Properties, and see *Note Mode Line
+Format: (elisp)Mode Line Format, for more information.
+`mode-line-buffer-identification' displays the current buffer name. It
+is a list beginning `(#("%12b" 0 4 ...'. The `#(' begins the list.
+The `"%12b"' displays the current buffer name, using the `buffer-name'
+function with which we are familiar; the `12' specifies the maximum
+number of characters that will be displayed. When a name has fewer
+characters, whitespace is added to fill out to this number. (Buffer
+names can and often should be longer than 12 characters; this length
+works well in a typical 80 column wide window.)
+`:eval' was a new feature in GNU Emacs version 21. It says to evaluate
+the following form and use the result as a string to display. In this
+case, the expression displays the first component of the full system
+name. The end of the first component is a `.' (`period'), so I use the
+`string-match' function to tell me the length of the first component.
+The substring from the zeroth character to that length is the name of
+the machine.
+This is the expression:
+ (:eval (substring
+ (system-name) 0 (string-match "\\..+" (system-name))))
+`%[' and `%]' cause a pair of square brackets to appear for each
+recursive editing level. `%n' says `Narrow' when narrowing is in
+effect. `%P' tells you the percentage of the buffer that is above the
+bottom of the window, or `Top', `Bottom', or `All'. (A lower case `p'
+tell you the percentage above the _top_ of the window.) `%-' inserts
+enough dashes to fill out the line.
+Remember, "You don't have to like Emacs to like it" -- your own Emacs
+can have different colors, different commands, and different keys than
+a default Emacs.
+On the other hand, if you want to bring up a plain `out of the box'
+Emacs, with no customization, type:
+ emacs -q
+This will start an Emacs that does _not_ load your `~/.emacs'
+initialization file. A plain, default Emacs. Nothing more.
+File: eintr, Node: Debugging, Next: Conclusion, Prev: Emacs Initialization, Up: Top
+17 Debugging
+GNU Emacs has two debuggers, `debug' and `edebug'. The first is built
+into the internals of Emacs and is always with you; the second requires
+that you instrument a function before you can use it.
+Both debuggers are described extensively in *Note Debugging Lisp
+Programs: (elisp)Debugging. In this chapter, I will walk through a
+short example of each.
+* Menu:
+* debug::
+* debug-on-entry::
+* debug-on-quit::
+* edebug::
+* Debugging Exercises::
+File: eintr, Node: debug, Next: debug-on-entry, Prev: Debugging, Up: Debugging
+17.1 `debug'
+Suppose you have written a function definition that is intended to
+return the sum of the numbers 1 through a given number. (This is the
+`triangle' function discussed earlier. *Note Example with Decrementing
+Counter: Decrementing Example, for a discussion.)
+However, your function definition has a bug. You have mistyped `1='
+for `1-'. Here is the broken definition:
+ (defun triangle-bugged (number)
+ "Return sum of numbers 1 through NUMBER inclusive."
+ (let ((total 0))
+ (while (> number 0)
+ (setq total (+ total number))
+ (setq number (1= number))) ; Error here.
+ total))
+If you are reading this in Info, you can evaluate this definition in
+the normal fashion. You will see `triangle-bugged' appear in the echo
+Now evaluate the `triangle-bugged' function with an argument of 4:
+ (triangle-bugged 4)
+In GNU Emacs version 21, you will create and enter a `*Backtrace*'
+buffer that says:
+ ---------- Buffer: *Backtrace* ----------
+ Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function 1=)
+ (1= number)
+ (setq number (1= number))
+ (while (> number 0) (setq total (+ total number))
+ (setq number (1= number)))
+ (let ((total 0)) (while (> number 0) (setq total ...)
+ (setq number ...)) total)
+ triangle-bugged(4)
+ eval((triangle-bugged 4))
+ eval-last-sexp-1(nil)
+ eval-last-sexp(nil)
+ call-interactively(eval-last-sexp)
+ ---------- Buffer: *Backtrace* ----------
+(I have reformatted this example slightly; the debugger does not fold
+long lines. As usual, you can quit the debugger by typing `q' in the
+`*Backtrace*' buffer.)
+In practice, for a bug as simple as this, the `Lisp error' line will
+tell you what you need to know to correct the definition. The function
+`1=' is `void'.
+However, suppose you are not quite certain what is going on? You can
+read the complete backtrace.
+In this case, you need to run GNU Emacs 22, which automatically starts
+the debugger that puts you in the `*Backtrace*' buffer; or else, you
+need to start the debugger manually as described below.
+Read the `*Backtrace*' buffer from the bottom up; it tells you what
+Emacs did that led to the error. Emacs made an interactive call to
+`C-x C-e' (`eval-last-sexp'), which led to the evaluation of the
+`triangle-bugged' expression. Each line above tells you what the Lisp
+interpreter evaluated next.
+The third line from the top of the buffer is
+ (setq number (1= number))
+Emacs tried to evaluate this expression; in order to do so, it tried to
+evaluate the inner expression shown on the second line from the top:
+ (1= number)
+This is where the error occurred; as the top line says:
+ Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function 1=)
+You can correct the mistake, re-evaluate the function definition, and
+then run your test again.
+File: eintr, Node: debug-on-entry, Next: debug-on-quit, Prev: debug, Up: Debugging
+17.2 `debug-on-entry'
+GNU Emacs 22 starts the debugger automatically when your function has
+an error.
+Incidentally, you can start the debugger manually for all versions of
+Emacs; the advantage is that the debugger runs even if you do not have
+a bug in your code. Sometimes your code will be free of bugs!
+You can enter the debugger when you call the function by calling
+ M-x debug-on-entry RET triangle-bugged RET
+Now, evaluate the following:
+ (triangle-bugged 5)
+All versions of Emacs will create a `*Backtrace*' buffer and tell you
+that it is beginning to evaluate the `triangle-bugged' function:
+ ---------- Buffer: *Backtrace* ----------
+ Debugger entered--entering a function:
+ * triangle-bugged(5)
+ eval((triangle-bugged 5))
+ eval-last-sexp-1(nil)
+ eval-last-sexp(nil)
+ call-interactively(eval-last-sexp)
+ ---------- Buffer: *Backtrace* ----------
+In the `*Backtrace*' buffer, type `d'. Emacs will evaluate the first
+expression in `triangle-bugged'; the buffer will look like this:
+ ---------- Buffer: *Backtrace* ----------
+ Debugger entered--beginning evaluation of function call form:
+ * (let ((total 0)) (while (> number 0) (setq total ...)
+ (setq number ...)) total)
+ * triangle-bugged(5)
+ eval((triangle-bugged 5))
+ eval-last-sexp-1(nil)
+ eval-last-sexp(nil)
+ call-interactively(eval-last-sexp)
+ ---------- Buffer: *Backtrace* ----------
+Now, type `d' again, eight times, slowly. Each time you type `d',
+Emacs will evaluate another expression in the function definition.
+Eventually, the buffer will look like this:
+ ---------- Buffer: *Backtrace* ----------
+ Debugger entered--beginning evaluation of function call form:
+ * (setq number (1= number))
+ * (while (> number 0) (setq total (+ total number))
+ (setq number (1= number)))
+ * (let ((total 0)) (while (> number 0) (setq total ...)
+ (setq number ...)) total)
+ * triangle-bugged(5)
+ eval((triangle-bugged 5))
+ eval-last-sexp-1(nil)
+ eval-last-sexp(nil)
+ call-interactively(eval-last-sexp)
+ ---------- Buffer: *Backtrace* ----------
+Finally, after you type `d' two more times, Emacs will reach the error,
+and the top two lines of the `*Backtrace*' buffer will look like this:
+ ---------- Buffer: *Backtrace* ----------
+ Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function 1=)
+ * (1= number)
+ ...
+ ---------- Buffer: *Backtrace* ----------
+By typing `d', you were able to step through the function.
+You can quit a `*Backtrace*' buffer by typing `q' in it; this quits the
+trace, but does not cancel `debug-on-entry'.
+To cancel the effect of `debug-on-entry', call `cancel-debug-on-entry'
+and the name of the function, like this:
+ M-x cancel-debug-on-entry RET triangle-bugged RET
+(If you are reading this in Info, cancel `debug-on-entry' now.)
+File: eintr, Node: debug-on-quit, Next: edebug, Prev: debug-on-entry, Up: Debugging
+17.3 `debug-on-quit' and `(debug)'
+In addition to setting `debug-on-error' or calling `debug-on-entry',
+there are two other ways to start `debug'.
+You can start `debug' whenever you type `C-g' (`keyboard-quit') by
+setting the variable `debug-on-quit' to `t'. This is useful for
+debugging infinite loops.
+Or, you can insert a line that says `(debug)' into your code where you
+want the debugger to start, like this:
+ (defun triangle-bugged (number)
+ "Return sum of numbers 1 through NUMBER inclusive."
+ (let ((total 0))
+ (while (> number 0)
+ (setq total (+ total number))
+ (debug) ; Start debugger.
+ (setq number (1= number))) ; Error here.
+ total))
+The `debug' function is described in detail in *Note The Lisp Debugger:
+File: eintr, Node: edebug, Next: Debugging Exercises, Prev: debug-on-quit, Up: Debugging
+17.4 The `edebug' Source Level Debugger
+Edebug is a source level debugger. Edebug normally displays the source
+of the code you are debugging, with an arrow at the left that shows
+which line you are currently executing.
+You can walk through the execution of a function, line by line, or run
+quickly until reaching a "breakpoint" where execution stops.
+Edebug is described in *Note Edebug: (elisp)edebug.
+Here is a bugged function definition for `triangle-recursively'. *Note
+Recursion in place of a counter: Recursive triangle function, for a
+review of it.
+ (defun triangle-recursively-bugged (number)
+ "Return sum of numbers 1 through NUMBER inclusive.
+ Uses recursion."
+ (if (= number 1)
+ 1
+ (+ number
+ (triangle-recursively-bugged
+ (1= number))))) ; Error here.
+Normally, you would install this definition by positioning your cursor
+after the function's closing parenthesis and typing `C-x C-e'
+(`eval-last-sexp') or else by positioning your cursor within the
+definition and typing `C-M-x' (`eval-defun'). (By default, the
+`eval-defun' command works only in Emacs Lisp mode or in Lisp
+Interactive mode.)
+However, to prepare this function definition for Edebug, you must first
+"instrument" the code using a different command. You can do this by
+positioning your cursor within the definition and typing
+ M-x edebug-defun RET
+This will cause Emacs to load Edebug automatically if it is not already
+loaded, and properly instrument the function.
+After instrumenting the function, place your cursor after the following
+expression and type `C-x C-e' (`eval-last-sexp'):
+ (triangle-recursively-bugged 3)
+You will be jumped back to the source for `triangle-recursively-bugged'
+and the cursor positioned at the beginning of the `if' line of the
+function. Also, you will see an arrowhead at the left hand side of
+that line. The arrowhead marks the line where the function is
+executing. (In the following examples, we show the arrowhead with
+`=>'; in a windowing system, you may see the arrowhead as a solid
+triangle in the window `fringe'.)
+ =>-!-(if (= number 1)
+In the example, the location of point is displayed as `-!-' (in a
+printed book, it is displayed with a five pointed star).
+If you now press <SPC>, point will move to the next expression to be
+executed; the line will look like this:
+ =>(if -!-(= number 1)
+As you continue to press <SPC>, point will move from expression to
+expression. At the same time, whenever an expression returns a value,
+that value will be displayed in the echo area. For example, after you
+move point past `number', you will see the following:
+ Result: 3 (#o3, #x3, ?\C-c)
+This means the value of `number' is 3, which is octal three,
+hexadecimal three, and ASCII `control-c' (the third letter of the
+alphabet, in case you need to know this information).
+You can continue moving through the code until you reach the line with
+the error. Before evaluation, that line looks like this:
+ => -!-(1= number))))) ; Error here.
+When you press <SPC> once again, you will produce an error message that
+ Symbol's function definition is void: 1=
+This is the bug.
+Press `q' to quit Edebug.
+To remove instrumentation from a function definition, simply
+re-evaluate it with a command that does not instrument it. For
+example, you could place your cursor after the definition's closing
+parenthesis and type `C-x C-e'.
+Edebug does a great deal more than walk with you through a function.
+You can set it so it races through on its own, stopping only at an
+error or at specified stopping points; you can cause it to display the
+changing values of various expressions; you can find out how many times
+a function is called, and more.
+Edebug is described in *Note Edebug: (elisp)edebug.
+File: eintr, Node: Debugging Exercises, Prev: edebug, Up: Debugging
+17.5 Debugging Exercises
+ * Install the `count-words-region' function and then cause it to
+ enter the built-in debugger when you call it. Run the command on a
+ region containing two words. You will need to press `d' a
+ remarkable number of times. On your system, is a `hook' called
+ after the command finishes? (For information on hooks, see *Note
+ Command Loop Overview: (elisp)Command Overview.)
+ * Copy `count-words-region' into the `*scratch*' buffer, instrument
+ the function for Edebug, and walk through its execution. The
+ function does not need to have a bug, although you can introduce
+ one if you wish. If the function lacks a bug, the walk-through
+ completes without problems.
+ * While running Edebug, type `?' to see a list of all the Edebug
+ commands. (The `global-edebug-prefix' is usually `C-x X', i.e.
+ `<CTRL>-x' followed by an upper case `X'; use this prefix for
+ commands made outside of the Edebug debugging buffer.)
+ * In the Edebug debugging buffer, use the `p'
+ (`edebug-bounce-point') command to see where in the region the
+ `count-words-region' is working.
+ * Move point to some spot further down the function and then type the
+ `h' (`edebug-goto-here') command to jump to that location.
+ * Use the `t' (`edebug-trace-mode') command to cause Edebug to walk
+ through the function on its own; use an upper case `T' for
+ `edebug-Trace-fast-mode'.
+ * Set a breakpoint, then run Edebug in Trace mode until it reaches
+ the stopping point.
+File: eintr, Node: Conclusion, Next: the-the, Prev: Debugging, Up: Top
+18 Conclusion
+We have now reached the end of this Introduction. You have now learned
+enough about programming in Emacs Lisp to set values, to write simple
+`.emacs' files for yourself and your friends, and write simple
+customizations and extensions to Emacs.
+This is a place to stop. Or, if you wish, you can now go onward, and
+teach yourself.
+You have learned some of the basic nuts and bolts of programming. But
+only some. There are a great many more brackets and hinges that are
+easy to use that we have not touched.
+A path you can follow right now lies among the sources to GNU Emacs and
+in *Note The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual: (elisp)Top.
+The Emacs Lisp sources are an adventure. When you read the sources and
+come across a function or expression that is unfamiliar, you need to
+figure out or find out what it does.
+Go to the Reference Manual. It is a thorough, complete, and fairly
+easy-to-read description of Emacs Lisp. It is written not only for
+experts, but for people who know what you know. (The `Reference
+Manual' comes with the standard GNU Emacs distribution. Like this
+introduction, it comes as a Texinfo source file, so you can read it
+on-line and as a typeset, printed book.)
+Go to the other on-line help that is part of GNU Emacs: the on-line
+documentation for all functions and variables, and `find-tags', the
+program that takes you to sources.
+Here is an example of how I explore the sources. Because of its name,
+`simple.el' is the file I looked at first, a long time ago. As it
+happens some of the functions in `simple.el' are complicated, or at
+least look complicated at first sight. The `open-line' function, for
+example, looks complicated.
+You may want to walk through this function slowly, as we did with the
+`forward-sentence' function. (*Note The `forward-sentence' function:
+forward-sentence.) Or you may want to skip that function and look at
+another, such as `split-line'. You don't need to read all the
+functions. According to `count-words-in-defun', the `split-line'
+function contains 102 words and symbols.
+Even though it is short, `split-line' contains expressions we have not
+studied: `skip-chars-forward', `indent-to', `current-column' and
+Consider the `skip-chars-forward' function. (It is part of the
+function definition for `back-to-indentation', which is shown in *Note
+Review: Review.)
+In GNU Emacs, you can find out more about `skip-chars-forward' by
+typing `C-h f' (`describe-function') and the name of the function.
+This gives you the function documentation.
+You may be able to guess what is done by a well named function such as
+`indent-to'; or you can look it up, too. Incidentally, the
+`describe-function' function itself is in `help.el'; it is one of those
+long, but decipherable functions. You can look up `describe-function'
+using the `C-h f' command!
+In this instance, since the code is Lisp, the `*Help*' buffer contains
+the name of the library containing the function's source. You can put
+point over the name of the library and press the RET key, which in this
+situation is bound to `help-follow', and be taken directly to the
+source, in the same way as `M-.' (`find-tag').
+The definition for `describe-function' illustrates how to customize the
+`interactive' expression without using the standard character codes;
+and it shows how to create a temporary buffer.
+(The `indent-to' function is written in C rather than Emacs Lisp; it is
+a `built-in' function. `help-follow' takes you to its source as does
+`find-tag', when properly set up.)
+You can look at a function's source using `find-tag', which is bound to
+`M-.' Finally, you can find out what the Reference Manual has to say
+by visiting the manual in Info, and typing `i' (`Info-index') and the
+name of the function, or by looking up the function in the index to a
+printed copy of the manual.
+Similarly, you can find out what is meant by `insert-and-inherit'.
+Other interesting source files include `paragraphs.el', `loaddefs.el',
+and `loadup.el'. The `paragraphs.el' file includes short, easily
+understood functions as well as longer ones. The `loaddefs.el' file
+contains the many standard autoloads and many keymaps. I have never
+looked at it all; only at parts. `loadup.el' is the file that loads
+the standard parts of Emacs; it tells you a great deal about how Emacs
+is built. (*Note Building Emacs: (elisp)Building Emacs, for more about
+As I said, you have learned some nuts and bolts; however, and very
+importantly, we have hardly touched major aspects of programming; I
+have said nothing about how to sort information, except to use the
+predefined `sort' function; I have said nothing about how to store
+information, except to use variables and lists; I have said nothing
+about how to write programs that write programs. These are topics for
+another, and different kind of book, a different kind of learning.
+What you have done is learn enough for much practical work with GNU
+Emacs. What you have done is get started. This is the end of a
+File: eintr, Node: the-the, Next: Kill Ring, Prev: Conclusion, Up: Top
+Appendix A The `the-the' Function
+Sometimes when you you write text, you duplicate words--as with "you
+you" near the beginning of this sentence. I find that most frequently,
+I duplicate "the"; hence, I call the function for detecting duplicated
+words, `the-the'.
+As a first step, you could use the following regular expression to
+search for duplicates:
+ \\(\\w+[ \t\n]+\\)\\1
+This regexp matches one or more word-constituent characters followed by
+one or more spaces, tabs, or newlines. However, it does not detect
+duplicated words on different lines, since the ending of the first
+word, the end of the line, is different from the ending of the second
+word, a space. (For more information about regular expressions, see
+*Note Regular Expression Searches: Regexp Search, as well as *Note
+Syntax of Regular Expressions: (emacs)Regexps, and *Note Regular
+Expressions: (elisp)Regular Expressions.)
+You might try searching just for duplicated word-constituent characters
+but that does not work since the pattern detects doubles such as the
+two occurrences of `th' in `with the'.
+Another possible regexp searches for word-constituent characters
+followed by non-word-constituent characters, reduplicated. Here,
+`\\w+' matches one or more word-constituent characters and `\\W*'
+matches zero or more non-word-constituent characters.
+ \\(\\(\\w+\\)\\W*\\)\\1
+Again, not useful.
+Here is the pattern that I use. It is not perfect, but good enough.
+`\\b' matches the empty string, provided it is at the beginning or end
+of a word; `[^@ \n\t]+' matches one or more occurrences of any
+characters that are _not_ an @-sign, space, newline, or tab.
+ \\b\\([^@ \n\t]+\\)[ \n\t]+\\1\\b
+One can write more complicated expressions, but I found that this
+expression is good enough, so I use it.
+Here is the `the-the' function, as I include it in my `.emacs' file,
+along with a handy global key binding:
+ (defun the-the ()
+ "Search forward for for a duplicated word."
+ (interactive)
+ (message "Searching for for duplicated words ...")
+ (push-mark)
+ ;; This regexp is not perfect
+ ;; but is fairly good over all:
+ (if (re-search-forward
+ "\\b\\([^@ \n\t]+\\)[ \n\t]+\\1\\b" nil 'move)
+ (message "Found duplicated word.")
+ (message "End of buffer")))
+ ;; Bind `the-the' to C-c \
+ (global-set-key "\C-c\\" 'the-the)
+Here is test text:
+ one two two three four five
+ five six seven
+You can substitute the other regular expressions shown above in the
+function definition and try each of them on this list.
+File: eintr, Node: Kill Ring, Next: Full Graph, Prev: the-the, Up: Top
+Appendix B Handling the Kill Ring
+The kill ring is a list that is transformed into a ring by the workings
+of the `current-kill' function. The `yank' and `yank-pop' commands use
+the `current-kill' function.
+This appendix describes the `current-kill' function as well as both the
+`yank' and the `yank-pop' commands, but first, consider the workings of
+the kill ring.
+The kill ring has a default maximum length of sixty items; this number
+is too large for an explanation. Instead, set it to four. Please
+evaluate the following:
+ (setq old-kill-ring-max kill-ring-max)
+ (setq kill-ring-max 4)
+Then, please copy each line of the following indented example into the
+kill ring. You may kill each line with `C-k' or mark it and copy it
+with `M-w'.
+(In a read-only buffer, such as the `*info*' buffer, the kill command,
+`C-k' (`kill-line'), will not remove the text, merely copy it to the
+kill ring. However, your machine may beep at you. (`kill-line' calls
+`kill-region'.) Alternatively, for silence, you may copy the region of
+each line with the `M-w' (`kill-ring-save') command. You must mark
+each line for this command to succeed, but it does not matter at which
+end you put point or mark.)
+Please invoke the calls in order, so that five elements attempt to fill
+the kill ring:
+ first some text
+ second piece of text
+ third line
+ fourth line of text
+ fifth bit of text
+Then find the value of `kill-ring' by evaluating
+ kill-ring
+It is:
+ ("fifth bit of text" "fourth line of text"
+ "third line" "second piece of text")
+The first element, `first some text', was dropped.
+To return to the old value for the length of the kill ring, evaluate:
+ (setq kill-ring-max old-kill-ring-max)
+* Menu:
+* current-kill::
+* yank::
+* yank-pop::
+* ring file::
+File: eintr, Node: current-kill, Next: yank, Prev: Kill Ring, Up: Kill Ring
+B.1 The `current-kill' Function
+The `current-kill' function changes the element in the kill ring to
+which `kill-ring-yank-pointer' points. (Also, the `kill-new' function
+sets `kill-ring-yank-pointer' to point to the latest element of the the
+kill ring.)
+The `current-kill' function is used by `yank' and by `yank-pop'. Here
+is the code for `current-kill':
+ (defun current-kill (n &optional do-not-move)
+ "Rotate the yanking point by N places, and then return that kill.
+ If N is zero, `interprogram-paste-function' is set, and calling it
+ returns a string, then that string is added to the front of the
+ kill ring and returned as the latest kill.
+ If optional arg DO-NOT-MOVE is non-nil, then don't actually move the
+ yanking point; just return the Nth kill forward."
+ (let ((interprogram-paste (and (= n 0)
+ interprogram-paste-function
+ (funcall interprogram-paste-function))))
+ (if interprogram-paste
+ (progn
+ ;; Disable the interprogram cut function when we add the new
+ ;; text to the kill ring, so Emacs doesn't try to own the
+ ;; selection, with identical text.
+ (let ((interprogram-cut-function nil))
+ (kill-new interprogram-paste))
+ interprogram-paste)
+ (or kill-ring (error "Kill ring is empty"))
+ (let ((ARGth-kill-element
+ (nthcdr (mod (- n (length kill-ring-yank-pointer))
+ (length kill-ring))
+ kill-ring)))
+ (or do-not-move
+ (setq kill-ring-yank-pointer ARGth-kill-element))
+ (car ARGth-kill-element)))))
+In addition, the `kill-new' function sets `kill-ring-yank-pointer' to
+the latest element of the the kill ring. And indirectly so does
+`kill-append', since it calls `kill-new'. In addition, `kill-region'
+and `kill-line' call the `kill-new' function.
+Here is the line in `kill-new', which is explained in *Note The
+`kill-new' function: kill-new function.
+ (setq kill-ring-yank-pointer kill-ring)
+* Menu:
+* Understanding current-kill::