defmodule Module.ParallelChecker do @moduledoc false import Kernel, except: [spawn: 3] @type cache() :: {pid(), :ets.tid()} @type warning() :: term() @type kind() :: :def | :defmacro @type mode() :: :elixir | :erlang @doc """ Initializes the parallel checker process. """ def start_link(schedulers \\ nil) do :gen_server.start_link(__MODULE__, schedulers, []) end @doc """ Stops the parallel checker process. """ def stop(checker) do send(checker, {__MODULE__, :stop}) :ok end @doc """ Gets the parallel checker data from pdict. """ def get do case :erlang.get(:elixir_checker_info) do {parent, nil} -> {:ok, checker} = start_link() put(parent, checker) {parent, checker} {parent, checker} -> {parent, checker} end end @doc """ Stores the parallel checker information. """ def put(pid, checker) when is_pid(pid) and is_pid(checker) do :erlang.put(:elixir_checker_info, {pid, checker}) end @doc """ Spawns a process that runs the parallel checker. """ def spawn({pid, checker}, module, info) do ref = make_ref() spawned = spawn(fn -> mon_ref = Process.monitor(pid) receive do {^ref, :cache, ets} -> module_map = if is_map(info) do info else case do {:ok, binary} -> maybe_module_map(binary, module) {:error, _} -> nil end end module_map && cache_from_module_map(ets, module_map) send(checker, {ref, :cached}) receive do {^ref, :check} -> # Set the compiler info so we can collect warnings :erlang.put(:elixir_compiler_info, {pid, self()}) warnings = if module_map do check_module(module_map, {checker, ets}) else [] end send(pid, {__MODULE__, module, warnings}) send(checker, {__MODULE__, :done}) end {:DOWN, ^mon_ref, _, _, _} -> :ok end end) register(checker, spawned, ref) :ok end @doc """ Verifies the given compilation function by starting a checker if one does not exist. See `verify/3`. """ def verify(fun) do case :erlang.get(:elixir_compiler_info) do :undefined -> previous = :erlang.put(:elixir_checker_info, {self(), nil}) try do result = fun.() case :erlang.get(:elixir_checker_info) do {_, nil} -> :ok {_, checker} -> verify(checker, []) end result after {_, checker} = :erlang.get(:elixir_checker_info) if previous != :undefined do :erlang.put(:elixir_checker_info, previous) else :erlang.erase(:elixir_checker_info) end checker && stop(checker) end _ -> # If we are during compilation, then they will be # reported to the compiler, which will validate them. fun.() end end @doc """ Receives pairs of module maps and BEAM binaries. In parallel it verifies the modules and adds the ExCk chunk to the binaries. Returns the updated list of warnings from the verification. """ @spec verify(pid(), [{module(), Path.t()}]) :: [warning()] def verify(checker, runtime_files) do for {module, file} <- runtime_files do spawn({self(), checker}, module, file) end count =, :start, :infinity) collect_results(count, []) end defp collect_results(0, diagnostics) do diagnostics end defp collect_results(count, diagnostics) do receive do {:diagnostic, diagnostic} -> collect_results(count, [diagnostic | diagnostics]) {__MODULE__, _module, new_diagnostics} -> collect_results(count - 1, new_diagnostics ++ diagnostics) end end @doc """ Test cache. """ def test_cache do {:ok, checker} = start_link() {checker,, :ets, :infinity)} end @doc """ Preloads a module into the cache. Call this function before any other cache lookups for the module. """ @spec preload_module(cache(), module()) :: :ok def preload_module({server, ets}, module) do case :ets.lookup(ets, {:cached, module}) do [{_key, _}] -> :ok [] -> cache_module({server, ets}, module) end end @doc """ Returns the export kind and deprecation reason for the given MFA from the cache. If the module does not exist return `{:error, :module}`, or if the function does not exist return `{:error, :function}`. """ @spec fetch_export(cache(), module(), atom(), arity()) :: {:ok, mode(), kind(), binary() | nil} | {:error, :function | :module} def fetch_export({_server, ets}, module, fun, arity) do case :ets.lookup(ets, {:cached, module}) do [{_key, false}] -> {:error, :module} [{_key, mode}] -> case :ets.lookup(ets, {:export, module, {fun, arity}}) do [{_key, kind, reason}] -> {:ok, mode, kind, reason} [] -> {:error, :function} end end end @doc """ Returns all exported functions and macros for the given module from the cache. """ @spec all_exports(cache(), module()) :: [{atom(), arity()}] def all_exports({_server, ets}, module) do # This is only called after we get a deprecation notice # so we can assume it's a cached module ets |> :ets.match({{:export, module, :"$1"}, :_, :_}) |> Enum.flat_map(& &1) |> Enum.sort() end ## Module checking defp check_module(module_map, cache) do %{ module: module, file: file, line: line, compile_opts: compile_opts, definitions: definitions, uses_behaviours: uses_behaviours, impls: impls } = module_map no_warn_undefined = compile_opts |> extract_no_warn_undefined() |> merge_compiler_no_warn_undefined() behaviour_warnings = Module.Types.Behaviour.check_behaviours_and_impls( module, file, line, uses_behaviours, impls, definitions ) warnings = module |> Module.Types.warnings(file, definitions, no_warn_undefined, cache) |> Kernel.++(behaviour_warnings) |> group_warnings() |> emit_warnings() module_map |> Map.get(:after_verify, []) |> Enum.each(fn {verify_mod, verify_fun} -> apply(verify_mod, verify_fun, [module]) end) warnings end defp extract_no_warn_undefined(compile_opts) do for( {:no_warn_undefined, values} <- compile_opts, value <- List.wrap(values), do: value ) end defp merge_compiler_no_warn_undefined(no_warn_undefined) do case Code.get_compiler_option(:no_warn_undefined) do :all -> :all list when is_list(list) -> no_warn_undefined ++ list end end ## Warning helpers def group_warnings(warnings) do warnings |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn {module, warning, location}, acc -> locations =[location]) Map.update(acc, {module, warning}, locations, &MapSet.put(&1, location)) end) |> {{module, warning}, locations} -> {module, warning, Enum.sort(locations)} end) |> Enum.sort() end def emit_warnings(warnings) do Enum.flat_map(warnings, fn {module, warning, locations} -> message = module.format_warning(warning) diagnostics =, &to_diagnostic(message, &1)) :elixir_errors.print_warning([message, ?\n, format_stacktraces(diagnostics)]) diagnostics end) end defp format_stacktraces([diagnostic]) do format_diagnostic_stacktrace(diagnostic) end defp format_stacktraces(diagnostics) do [ "Invalid call found at #{length(diagnostics)} locations:\n",, &format_diagnostic_stacktrace/1) ] end defp format_diagnostic_stacktrace(%{stacktrace: [stacktrace]}) do [" ", Exception.format_stacktrace_entry(stacktrace), ?\n] end defp to_diagnostic(message, {file, line, mfa}) do %{ severity: :warning, file: file, position: line, message: message, stacktrace: [to_stacktrace(file, line, mfa)] } end defp to_stacktrace(file, line, {module, fun, arity}), do: {module, fun, arity, location(file, line)} defp to_stacktrace(file, line, nil), do: {:elixir_compiler, :__FILE__, 1, location(file, line)} defp to_stacktrace(file, line, module), do: {module, :__MODULE__, 0, location(file, line)} defp location(file, line) do [file: String.to_charlist(Path.relative_to_cwd(file)), line: line] end ## Cache defp cache_module({server, ets}, module) do if lock(server, module) do cache_from_chunk(ets, module) || cache_from_info(ets, module) unlock(server, module) end end defp cache_from_chunk(ets, module) do with {^module, binary, _filename} <- :code.get_object_code(module), {:ok, {^module, [{~c"ExCk", chunk}]}} <- :beam_lib.chunks(binary, [~c"ExCk"]), {:elixir_checker_v1, contents} <- :erlang.binary_to_term(chunk) do cache_chunk(ets, module, contents.exports) true else _ -> false end end defp cache_from_info(ets, module) do if Code.ensure_loaded?(module) do {mode, exports} = info_exports(module) deprecated = info_deprecated(module) cache_info(ets, module, exports, deprecated, mode) else :ets.insert(ets, {{:cached, module}, false}) end end defp info_exports(module) do map = [{{:__info__, 1}, :def}] ++ behaviour_exports(module) ++, &{&1, :defmacro}) ++, &{&1, :def}) ) {:elixir, map} rescue _ -> {:erlang,, &{&1, :def}))} end defp info_deprecated(module) do rescue _ -> %{} end defp maybe_module_map(binary, module) when is_binary(binary) do # If a module was compiled without debug_info, # then there is no module_map for further verification. with {:ok, {_, [debug_info: chunk]}} <- :beam_lib.chunks(binary, [:debug_info]), {:debug_info_v1, backend, data} = chunk, {:ok, module_map} <- backend.debug_info(:elixir_v1, module, data, []) do module_map else _ -> nil end end defp cache_from_module_map(ets, map) do exports = [{{:__info__, 1}, :def}] ++ behaviour_exports(map) ++ definitions_to_exports(map.definitions) deprecated = cache_info(ets, map.module, exports, deprecated, :elixir) end defp cache_info(ets, module, exports, deprecated, mode) do Enum.each(exports, fn {{fun, arity}, kind} -> reason = Map.get(deprecated, {fun, arity}) :ets.insert(ets, {{:export, module, {fun, arity}}, kind, reason}) {{fun, arity}, kind} end) :ets.insert(ets, {{:cached, module}, mode}) end defp cache_chunk(ets, module, exports) do Enum.each(exports, fn {{fun, arity}, %{kind: kind, deprecated_reason: reason}} -> :ets.insert(ets, {{:export, module, {fun, arity}}, kind, reason}) {{fun, arity}, kind} end) :ets.insert(ets, {{:export, module, {:__info__, 1}}, :def, nil}) :ets.insert(ets, {{:cached, module}, :elixir}) end defp behaviour_exports(%{defines_behaviour: true}), do: [{{:behaviour_info, 1}, :def}] defp behaviour_exports(%{defines_behaviour: false}), do: [] defp behaviour_exports(module) when is_atom(module) do if function_exported?(module, :behaviour_info, 1) do [{{:behaviour_info, 1}, :def}] else [] end end defp definitions_to_exports(definitions) do Enum.flat_map(definitions, fn {function, kind, _meta, _clauses} -> if kind in [:def, :defmacro] do [{function, kind}] else [] end end) end defp lock(server, module) do, {:lock, module}, :infinity) end defp unlock(server, module) do, {:unlock, module}, :infinity) end defp register(server, pid, ref) do :gen_server.cast(server, {:register, pid, ref}) end ## Server callbacks def init(schedulers) do ets =, [:set, :public, {:read_concurrency, true}]) state = %{ ets: ets, waiting: %{}, modules: [], spawned: 0, schedulers: schedulers || max(:erlang.system_info(:schedulers_online), 2) } {:ok, state} end def handle_call(:start, _from, %{ets: ets, modules: modules} = state) do for {pid, ref} <- modules do send(pid, {ref, :cache, ets}) end for {_pid, ref} <- modules do receive do {^ref, :cached} -> :ok end end {:reply, length(modules), run_checkers(state)} end def handle_call(:ets, _from, state) do {:reply, state.ets, state} end def handle_call({:lock, module}, from, %{waiting: waiting} = state) do case waiting do %{^module => froms} -> waiting = Map.put(state.waiting, module, [from | froms]) {:noreply, %{state | waiting: waiting}} %{} -> waiting = Map.put(state.waiting, module, []) {:reply, true, %{state | waiting: waiting}} end end def handle_call({:unlock, module}, _from, %{waiting: waiting} = state) do froms = Map.fetch!(waiting, module) Enum.each(froms, &:gen_server.reply(&1, false)) waiting = Map.delete(waiting, module) {:reply, :ok, %{state | waiting: waiting}} end def handle_info({__MODULE__, :done}, state) do state = %{state | spawned: state.spawned - 1} {:noreply, run_checkers(state)} end def handle_info({__MODULE__, :stop}, state) do {:stop, :normal, state} end def handle_cast({:register, pid, ref}, %{modules: modules} = state) do {:noreply, %{state | modules: [{pid, ref} | modules]}} end defp run_checkers(%{modules: []} = state) do state end defp run_checkers(%{spawned: spawned, schedulers: schedulers} = state) when spawned >= schedulers do state end defp run_checkers(%{modules: [{pid, ref} | modules]} = state) do send(pid, {ref, :check}) run_checkers(%{state | modules: modules, spawned: state.spawned + 1}) end end