#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, # USA. """Exercise include server handler with respect to exceptions and email. To do this, we mock out socket servers, c_extensions, email handling, and even ultimately the notion of an AssertionError. """ __author__ = "Nils Klarlund" import os import sys import traceback import unittest import basics import cache_basics import parse_command import statistics import include_analyzer_memoizing_node import include_server import distcc_pump_c_extensions NotCoveredError = basics.NotCoveredError class IncludeServerTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): statistics.StartTiming() basics.opt_print_statistics = False basics.opt_debug_pattern = 1 def tearDown(self): if basics.opt_print_statistics: statistics.EndTiming() statistics.PrintStatistics(self.include_analyzer) def CanonicalPaths(self, dirs): return set([ self.canonical_path.Canonicalize(f) for f in dirs ]) def RetrieveCanonicalPaths(self, files): return set([ self.include_analyzer.realpath_map.string[f] for f in files ]) def test_IncludeHandler_handle(self): self_test = self client_root_keeper = basics.ClientRootKeeper() old_RWcd = distcc_pump_c_extensions.RCwd distcc_pump_c_extensions.RCwd = None # to be set below old_RArgv = distcc_pump_c_extensions.RArgv distcc_pump_c_extensions.RArgv = None # to be set below old_XArgv = distcc_pump_c_extensions.XArgv distcc_pump_c_extensions.XArgv = lambda _, __: None old_StreamRequestHandler = ( include_server.socketserver.StreamRequestHandler) class Mock_StreamRequestHandler(object): def __init__(self): self.rfile = lambda: None self.rfile.fileno = lambda: 27 self.wfile = lambda: None self.wfile.fileno = lambda: 27 include_server.socketserver.StreamRequestHandler = ( Mock_StreamRequestHandler) include_analyzer = ( include_analyzer_memoizing_node. IncludeAnalyzerMemoizingNode(client_root_keeper)) class Mock_EmailSender(object): def __init(self): self.expect = lambda: None def MaybeSendEmail(self, fd, force=False, never=False): fd.seek(0) text = fd.read() self.expect(text, force, never) fd.close() raise mock_email_sender = include_analyzer.email_sender = Mock_EmailSender() include_handler = ( include_server.DistccIncludeHandlerGenerator(include_analyzer)()) # Wow, that was a lot of set-up. Now exercise the include server and # analyzer with an emphasis on triggering exceptions. # Exercise 1: non-existent translation unit. distcc_pump_c_extensions.RArgv = lambda self: [ "gcc", "parse.c" ] distcc_pump_c_extensions.RCwd = lambda self: os.getcwd() def Expect1(txt, force, never): self_test.assertTrue( "Include server not covering: " + "Could not find translation unit 'parse.c'" in txt, txt) self_test.assertEqual(never, True) mock_email_sender.expect = Expect1 try: include_handler.handle() except NotCoveredError: pass else: raise AssertionError # Exercise 2: provoke assertion error in cache_basics by providing an # entirely false value of current directory as provided in RCwd. distcc_pump_c_extensions.RArgv = lambda self: [ "gcc", "parse.c" ] distcc_pump_c_extensions.RCwd = lambda self: "/" # The cwd will be changed because of false value. oldcwd = os.getcwd() # We must distinguish between provoked and erroneous exceptions. So, we # mock out, in a sense, the provoked assertion exception that we # expect. The variable got_here allows us to filter the provoked exception # away from unexpected ones. got_here = [] def Expect2(txt, force, never): got_here.append(True) self_test.assertTrue("Include server internal error" in txt, txt) self_test.assertTrue("exceptions.AssertionError" in txt, txt) self_test.assertTrue("for translation unit 'parse.c'" in txt, txt) # This email should be sent. self_test.assertEqual(never, False) mock_email_sender.expect = Expect2 try: include_handler.handle() except AssertionError: os.chdir(oldcwd) # Make sure that we're catching the induced AssertionError, not one # produced in Except2. self.assertTrue(got_here) else: raise AssertionError # Exercise 3: provoke a NotCoveredError due to an absolute #include. distcc_pump_c_extensions.RArgv = lambda self: [ "gcc", "test_data/contains_abs_include.c" ] distcc_pump_c_extensions.RCwd = lambda self: os.getcwd() def Expect3(txt, force, never): self_test.assertTrue( "Filepath must be relative but isn't: '/love/of/my/life'." in txt, txt) # Now check that this email is scheduled to not be sent. self_test.assertEqual(never, True) mock_email_sender.expect = Expect3 try: include_handler.handle() except NotCoveredError: pass distcc_pump_c_extensions.RWcd = old_RWcd distcc_pump_c_extensions.RArgv = old_RArgv distcc_pump_c_extensions.XArgv = old_XArgv include_server.socketserver.StreamRequestHandler = ( old_StreamRequestHandler) unittest.main()