#!/bin/bash set -e # exit immediately if a command returns with a nonzero exit code echo "*** Building distcc/base image" docker build -t distcc/base -f base/Dockerfile base if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then compilers=("gcc-4.8" "gcc-5" "clang-3.8") else compilers=("$1") fi for compiler in "${compilers[@]}" do echo "*** Building distcc/$compiler image" docker build -t distcc/$compiler -f compilers/Dockerfile.$compiler . done echo "*** Building distcc" for compiler in "${compilers[@]}" do echo "*** Building distcc with distcc/$compiler image" set -x docker run --rm -it -v /tmp:/tmp -v `pwd`/..:/src:rw -w /src distcc/$compiler bash -c "./autogen.sh && ./configure && make clean && make && make install && make check" &> distcc-$compiler.log set +x done