/* * Copyright © 2010, 2011 Codethink Limited * Copyright © 2011 Canonical Limited * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the licence, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, see . * * Author: Ryan Lortie */ void show_help (bool requested, string? command) { var str = new StringBuilder (); string? description = null; string? synopsis = null; switch (command) { case null: break; case "help": description = "Print help"; synopsis = " COMMAND "; break; case "read": description = "Read the value of a key. -d to read default values."; synopsis = " [-d] KEY "; break; case "list": description = "List the sub-keys and sub-dirs of a dir"; synopsis = " DIR "; break; case "list-locks": description = "List the locks under a dir"; synopsis = " DIR "; break; case "write": description = "Write a new value to a key"; synopsis = " KEY VALUE "; break; case "reset": description = "Reset a key or dir. -f is required for dirs."; synopsis = " [-f] PATH "; break; case "compile": description = "Compile a binary database from keyfiles"; synopsis = " OUTPUT KEYFILEDIR "; break; case "update": description = "Update the system dconf databases"; synopsis = ""; break; case "watch": description = "Watch a path for key changes"; synopsis = " PATH "; break; case "dump": description = "Dump an entire subpath to stdout"; synopsis = " DIR "; break; case "load": description = "Populate a subpath from stdin"; synopsis = " DIR "; break; default: str.append_printf ("Unknown command '%s'\n\n", command); command = null; break; } if (command == null) { str.append ( """Usage: dconf COMMAND [ARGS...] Commands: help Show this information read Read the value of a key list List the contents of a dir write Change the value of a key reset Reset the value of a key or dir compile Compile a binary database from keyfiles update Update the system databases watch Watch a path for changes dump Dump an entire subpath to stdout load Populate a subpath from stdin Use 'dconf help COMMAND' to get detailed help. """); } else { str.append ("Usage:\n"); str.append_printf (" dconf %s%s\n\n", command, synopsis); str.append_printf ("%s\n\n", description); if (synopsis != "") { str.append ("Arguments:\n"); if (" COMMAND " in synopsis) { str.append (" COMMAND The (optional) command to explain\n"); } if (" PATH " in synopsis) { str.append (" PATH Either a KEY or DIR\n"); } if (" PATH " in synopsis || " KEY " in synopsis) { str.append (" KEY A key path (starting, but not ending with '/')\n"); } if (" PATH " in synopsis || " DIR " in synopsis) { str.append (" DIR A directory path (starting and ending with '/')\n"); } if (" VALUE " in synopsis) { str.append (" VALUE The value to write (in GVariant format)\n"); } if (" OUTPUT " in synopsis) { str.append (" OUTPUT The filename of the (binary) output\n"); } if (" KEYFILEDIR " in synopsis) { str.append (" KEYFILEDIR The path to the .d directory containing keyfiles\n"); } } str.append ("\n"); } if (requested) { print ("%s", str.str); } else { printerr ("%s", str.str); } } void dconf_help (string[] args) throws Error { show_help (true, args[2]); } void dconf_read (string?[] args) throws Error { var client = new DConf.Client (); var flags = DConf.ReadFlags.NONE; var index = 2; if (args[index] == "-d") { flags = DConf.ReadFlags.DEFAULT_VALUE; index++; } var key = args[index]; DConf.verify_key (key); var result = client.read_full (key, flags, null); if (result != null) { print ("%s\n", result.print (true)); } } void dconf_list (string?[] args) throws Error { var client = new DConf.Client (); var dir = args[2]; DConf.verify_dir (dir); foreach (var item in client.list (dir)) { print ("%s\n", item); } } void dconf_list_locks (string?[] args) throws Error { var client = new DConf.Client (); var dir = args[2]; DConf.verify_dir (dir); foreach (var item in client.list_locks (dir)) { print ("%s\n", item); } } void dconf_write (string?[] args) throws Error { var client = new DConf.Client (); var key = args[2]; var val = args[3]; DConf.verify_key (key); client.write_sync (key, Variant.parse (null, val)); } void dconf_reset (string?[] args) throws Error { var client = new DConf.Client (); bool force = false; var index = 2; if (args[index] == "-f") { force = true; index++; } var path = args[index]; DConf.verify_path (path); if (DConf.is_dir (path) && !force) { throw new OptionError.FAILED ("-f must be given to (recursively) reset entire dirs"); } client.write_sync (path, null); } void show_path (DConf.Client client, string path) { if (DConf.is_key (path)) { var value = client.read (path); print (" %s\n", value != null ? value.print (true) : "unset"); } } void watch_function (DConf.Client client, string path, string[] items, string? tag) { foreach (var item in items) { var full = path + item; print ("%s\n", full); show_path (client, full); } print ("\n"); } void dconf_watch (string?[] args) throws Error { var client = new DConf.Client (); var path = args[2]; DConf.verify_path (path); client.changed.connect (watch_function); client.watch_sync (path); new MainLoop (null, false).run (); } void dconf_blame (string?[] args) throws Error { var connection = Bus.get_sync (BusType.SESSION, null); var reply = connection.call_sync ("ca.desrt.dconf", "/ca/desrt/dconf", "ca.desrt.dconf.ServiceInfo", "Blame", null, new VariantType ("(s)"), DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1, null); print ("%s", reply.get_child_value (0).get_string (null)); } void dconf_complete (string[] args) throws Error { var suffix = args[2]; var path = args[3]; if (path == "") { print ("/\n"); return; } if (path[0] == '/') { var client = new DConf.Client (); var last = 0; for (var i = 1; path[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (path[i] == '/') { last = i; } } var dir = path.substring (0, last + 1); foreach (var item in client.list (dir)) { var full_item = dir + item; if (full_item.has_prefix (path) && item.has_suffix (suffix)) { print ("%s%s\n", full_item, full_item.has_suffix ("/") ? "" : " "); } } } } delegate void Command (string[] args) throws Error; struct CommandMapping { Command func; string name; public CommandMapping (string name, Command func) { this.name = name; this.func = func; } } int main (string[] args) { assert (args.length != 0); Environment.set_prgname (args[0]); Intl.setlocale (LocaleCategory.ALL, ""); var map = new CommandMapping[] { CommandMapping ("help", dconf_help), CommandMapping ("read", dconf_read), CommandMapping ("list", dconf_list), CommandMapping ("list-locks", dconf_list_locks), CommandMapping ("write", dconf_write), CommandMapping ("reset", dconf_reset), CommandMapping ("compile", dconf_compile), CommandMapping ("update", dconf_update), CommandMapping ("watch", dconf_watch), CommandMapping ("dump", dconf_dump), CommandMapping ("load", dconf_load), CommandMapping ("blame", dconf_blame), CommandMapping ("_complete", dconf_complete) }; try { if (args[1] == null) { throw new OptionError.FAILED ("no command specified"); } foreach (var mapping in map) { if (mapping.name == args[1]) { mapping.func (args); return 0; } } throw new OptionError.FAILED ("unknown command %s", args[1]); } catch (Error e) { stderr.printf ("error: %s\n\n", e.message); show_help (false, args[1]); return 1; } }