# Copyright (C) 2006 Collabora Ltd. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation # files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without # restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, # modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies # of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. from __future__ import print_function import logging from gi.repository import GObject as gobject import dbus.glib from dbus import SessionBus from dbus.service import BusName from dbus._compat import is_py2 from crosstest import ( CROSS_TEST_BUS_NAME, CROSS_TEST_PATH, INTERFACE_CALLBACK_TESTS, INTERFACE_SIGNAL_TESTS, INTERFACE_SINGLE_TESTS, INTERFACE_TESTS, SignalTestsImpl) logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger().setLevel(1) logger = logging.getLogger('cross-test-server') class VerboseSet(set): def add(self, thing): print('%s ok' % thing) set.add(self, thing) objects = {} tested_things = VerboseSet() testable_things = [ INTERFACE_SINGLE_TESTS + '.Sum', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.Identity', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityByte', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityBool', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityInt16', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityUInt16', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityInt32', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityUInt32', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityInt64', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityUInt64', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityDouble', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityString', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityArray', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityByteArray', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityBoolArray', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityInt16Array', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityUInt16Array', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityInt32Array', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityUInt32Array', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityInt64Array', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityUInt64Array', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityDoubleArray', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityStringArray', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.Sum', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.InvertMapping', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.DeStruct', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.Primitize', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.Trigger', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.Exit', INTERFACE_TESTS + '.Invert', INTERFACE_SIGNAL_TESTS + '.Trigger', ] class SingleTestsImpl(dbus.service.Object): @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_SINGLE_TESTS, 'ay', 'u') def Sum(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_SINGLE_TESTS + '.Sum') u = sum(input) logger.info('Sum of %r is %r', input, u) return u class TestsImpl(dbus.service.Object): def __init__(self, bus_name, service_path, exit_fn): self._exit_fn = exit_fn dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, service_path) @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'v', 'v') def Identity(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.Identity') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'y', 'y') def IdentityByte(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityByte') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'b', 'b') def IdentityBool(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityBool') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'n', 'n') def IdentityInt16(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityInt16') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'q', 'q') def IdentityUInt16(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityUInt16') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'i', 'i') def IdentityInt32(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityInt32') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'u', 'u') def IdentityUInt32(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityUInt32') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'x', 'x') def IdentityInt64(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityInt64') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 't', 't') def IdentityUInt64(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityUInt64') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'd', 'd') def IdentityDouble(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityDouble') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 's', 's') def IdentityString(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityString') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'av', 'av') def IdentityArray(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityArray') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'ay', 'ay') def IdentityByteArray(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityByteArray') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'ab', 'ab') def IdentityBoolArray(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityBoolArray') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'an', 'an') def IdentityInt16Array(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityInt16Array') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'aq', 'aq') def IdentityUInt16Array(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityUInt16Array') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'ai', 'ai') def IdentityInt32Array(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityInt32Array') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'au', 'au') def IdentityUInt32Array(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityUInt32Array') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'ax', 'ax') def IdentityInt64Array(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityInt64Array') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'at', 'at') def IdentityUInt64Array(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityUInt64Array') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'ad', 'ad') def IdentityDoubleArray(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityDoubleArray') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'as', 'as') def IdentityStringArray(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.IdentityStringArray') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'ai', 'x') def Sum(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.Sum') x = sum(input) logger.info('Sum of %r is %r', input, x) return x kwargs = {} if is_py2: kwargs['utf8_strings'] = True @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'a{ss}', 'a{sas}', **kwargs) def InvertMapping(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.InvertMapping') output = dbus.Dictionary({}) for k, v in input.items(): output.setdefault(v, []).append(k) return output @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, '(sun)', 'sun') def DeStruct(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.DeStruct') return input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'v', 'av') def Primitize(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.Primitize') return list(self.primitivize_helper(input)) def primitivize_helper(self, input): if (isinstance(input, tuple) or isinstance(input, dbus.Struct) or isinstance(input, list) or isinstance(input, dbus.Array)): for x in input: for y in self.primitivize_helper(x): yield y elif isinstance(input, dbus.ByteArray): for x in input: yield dbus.Byte(ord(x)) elif isinstance(input, dict) or isinstance(input, dbus.Dictionary): for x in input: for y in self.primitivize_helper(x): yield y for y in self.primitivize_helper(input[x]): yield y elif input.variant_level > 0: yield input.__class__(input) else: yield input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'b', 'b') def Invert(self, input): tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.Invert') return not input @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, 'st', '', connection_keyword='conn', **kwargs) def Trigger(self, object, parameter, conn=None): assert isinstance(object, str) logger.info('method/signal: client wants me to emit Triggered(%r) from %r', parameter, object) tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.Trigger') gobject.idle_add(lambda: self.emit_Triggered_from(conn, object, parameter)) def emit_Triggered_from(self, conn, object, parameter): assert isinstance(object, str) logger.info('method/signal: Emitting Triggered(%r) from %r', parameter, object) obj = objects.get(object, None) if obj is None: obj = SignalTestsImpl(conn, object) objects[object] = obj obj.Triggered(parameter) logger.info('method/signal: Emitted Triggered') @dbus.service.method(INTERFACE_TESTS, '', '') def Exit(self): logger.info('client wants me to Exit') tested_things.add(INTERFACE_TESTS + '.Exit') for x in testable_things: if x not in tested_things: print('%s untested' % x) logger.info('will quit when idle') gobject.idle_add(self._exit_fn) class Server(SingleTestsImpl, TestsImpl, SignalTestsImpl): def triggered_by_client(self, parameter1, parameter2, sender, sender_path): # Called when the client emits TestSignals.Trigger from any object. logger.info('signal/callback: Triggered by client (%s:%s): (%r,%r)', sender, sender_path, parameter1, parameter2) tested_things.add(INTERFACE_SIGNAL_TESTS + '.Trigger') dbus.Interface(dbus.SessionBus().get_object(sender, sender_path), INTERFACE_CALLBACK_TESTS).Response(parameter1, parameter2) logger.info('signal/callback: Sent Response') if __name__ == '__main__': bus = SessionBus() bus_name = BusName(CROSS_TEST_BUS_NAME, bus=bus) loop = gobject.MainLoop() obj = Server(bus_name, CROSS_TEST_PATH, loop.quit) objects[CROSS_TEST_PATH] = obj kwargs = {} if is_py2: kwargs['utf8_strings'] = True bus.add_signal_receiver(obj.triggered_by_client, signal_name='Trigger', dbus_interface=INTERFACE_SIGNAL_TESTS, named_service=None, path=None, sender_keyword='sender', path_keyword='sender_path', **kwargs) logger.info("running...") loop.run() logger.info("main loop exited.")