# mode: run # tag: exttype, tpnew # ticket: t808 cimport cython cdef class MyType: cdef public args, kwargs def __cinit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args, self.kwargs = args, kwargs print "CINIT" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): print "INIT" cdef class MySubType(MyType): def __cinit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args, self.kwargs = args, kwargs print "CINIT(SUB)" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): print "INIT" class MyClass(object): def __cinit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args, self.kwargs = args, kwargs print "CINIT" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): print "INIT" class MyTypeSubClass(MyType): def __cinit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # not called: Python class! print "CINIT(PYSUB)" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): print "INIT" # See ticket T808, vtab must be set even if there is no __cinit__. cdef class Base(object): pass cdef class Derived(Base): cpdef int f(self): return 42 def test_derived_vtab(): """ >>> test_derived_vtab() 42 """ cdef Derived d = Derived.__new__(Derived) return d.f() # only these can be safely optimised: @cython.test_assert_path_exists('//PythonCapiCallNode') @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists( '//SimpleCallNode/AttributeNode', '//PyMethodCallNode', ) def make_new(): """ >>> isinstance(make_new(), MyType) CINIT True """ m = MyType.__new__(MyType) return m @cython.test_assert_path_exists('//PythonCapiCallNode') @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists( '//SimpleCallNode/AttributeNode', '//PyMethodCallNode', ) def make_new_typed_target(): """ >>> isinstance(make_new_typed_target(), MyType) CINIT True """ cdef MyType m m = MyType.__new__(MyType) return m @cython.test_assert_path_exists('//PythonCapiCallNode') @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists( '//SimpleCallNode/AttributeNode', '//PyMethodCallNode', ) def make_new_with_args(): """ >>> isinstance(make_new_with_args(), MyType) CINIT (1, 2, 3) {} True """ m = MyType.__new__(MyType, 1, 2 ,3) print m.args print m.kwargs return m @cython.test_assert_path_exists('//PythonCapiCallNode') @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists( '//SimpleCallNode/AttributeNode', '//PyMethodCallNode', ) def make_new_with_args_kwargs(): """ >>> isinstance(make_new_with_args_kwargs(), MyType) CINIT (1, 2, 3) {'a': 4} True """ m = MyType.__new__(MyType, 1, 2 ,3, a=4) print m.args print m.kwargs return m @cython.test_assert_path_exists('//PythonCapiCallNode') @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists( '//SimpleCallNode/AttributeNode', '//PyMethodCallNode', ) def make_new_builtin(): """ >>> isinstance(make_new_builtin(), tuple) True """ m = dict.__new__(dict) m = list.__new__(list) m = tuple.__new__(tuple) return m @cython.test_assert_path_exists('//PythonCapiCallNode') @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists( '//SimpleCallNode/AttributeNode', '//PyMethodCallNode', ) def make_new_none(type t=None): """ >>> make_new_none() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: ... is not a type object (NoneType) """ m = t.__new__(t) return m @cython.test_assert_path_exists('//PythonCapiCallNode') @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists( '//SimpleCallNode/AttributeNode', '//PyMethodCallNode', ) def make_new_kwargs(type t=None): """ >>> m = make_new_kwargs(MyType) CINIT >>> isinstance(m, MyType) True >>> m.args (1, 2, 3) >>> m.kwargs {'a': 5} """ m = t.__new__(t, 1, 2, 3, a=5) return m # these cannot: @cython.test_assert_path_exists('//PyMethodCallNode/AttributeNode') @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists('//PythonCapiCallNode') def make_new_pyclass(): """ >>> isinstance(make_new_pyclass(), MyTypeSubClass) CINIT True """ m = MyClass.__new__(MyClass) m = MyTypeSubClass.__new__(MyTypeSubClass) return m @cython.test_assert_path_exists('//PyMethodCallNode/AttributeNode') @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists('//PythonCapiCallNode') def make_new_args(type t1=None, type t2=None): """ >>> isinstance(make_new_args(), MyType) CINIT True >>> isinstance(make_new_args(MyType), MyType) CINIT True >>> isinstance(make_new_args(MyType, MyType), MyType) CINIT True >>> isinstance(make_new_args(MyType, MySubType), MySubType) Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: tp_new.MyType.__new__(tp_new.MySubType) is not safe, use tp_new.MySubType.__new__() >>> isinstance(make_new_args(MySubType, MyType), MyType) Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: tp_new.MySubType.__new__(tp_new.MyType): tp_new.MyType is not a subtype of tp_new.MySubType """ if t1 is None: t1 = MyType if t2 is None: t2 = MyType m = t1.__new__(t2) return m @cython.test_assert_path_exists('//PyMethodCallNode/AttributeNode') @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists('//PythonCapiCallNode') def make_new_none_typed(tuple t=None): """ >>> make_new_none_typed() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: ... is not a type object (NoneType) """ m = t.__new__(t) return m @cython.test_assert_path_exists('//PyMethodCallNode/AttributeNode') @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists('//PythonCapiCallNode') def make_new_untyped(t): """ >>> make_new_untyped(None) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: ... is not a type object (NoneType) """ m = t.__new__(t) return m