# tag: run # tag: openmp cimport cython.parallel from cython.parallel import prange, threadid cimport openmp from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free openmp.omp_set_nested(1) cdef int forward(int x) nogil: return x def test_parallel(): """ >>> test_parallel() """ cdef int maxthreads = openmp.omp_get_max_threads() cdef int *buf = malloc(sizeof(int) * maxthreads) if buf == NULL: raise MemoryError with nogil, cython.parallel.parallel(): buf[threadid()] = threadid() # Recognise threadid() also when it's used in a function argument. # See https://github.com/cython/cython/issues/3594 buf[forward(cython.parallel.threadid())] = forward(threadid()) for i in range(maxthreads): assert buf[i] == i free(buf) cdef int get_num_threads() noexcept with gil: print "get_num_threads called" return 3 def test_num_threads(): """ >>> test_num_threads() 1 get_num_threads called 3 get_num_threads called 3 """ cdef int dyn = openmp.omp_get_dynamic() cdef int num_threads cdef int *p = &num_threads openmp.omp_set_dynamic(0) with nogil, cython.parallel.parallel(num_threads=1): p[0] = openmp.omp_get_num_threads() print num_threads with nogil, cython.parallel.parallel(num_threads=get_num_threads()): p[0] = openmp.omp_get_num_threads() print num_threads cdef int i num_threads = 0xbad for i in prange(1, nogil=True, num_threads=get_num_threads()): p[0] = openmp.omp_get_num_threads() break openmp.omp_set_dynamic(dyn) return num_threads ''' def test_parallel_catch(): """ >>> test_parallel_catch() True """ cdef int i, j, num_threads exceptions = [] for i in prange(100, nogil=True, num_threads=4): num_threads = openmp.omp_get_num_threads() with gil: try: for j in prange(100, nogil=True): if i + j > 60: with gil: raise Exception("try and catch me if you can!") except Exception, e: exceptions.append(e) break print len(exceptions) == num_threads assert len(exceptions) == num_threads, (len(exceptions), num_threads) ''' OPENMP_PARALLEL = True include "sequential_parallel.pyx"