#!/usr/bin/bash GCC_VERSION=${GCC_VERSION:=8} # Set up compilers if [[ $TEST_CODE_STYLE == "1" ]]; then echo "Skipping compiler setup" elif [[ $OSTYPE == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then echo "Setting up linux compiler" echo "Installing requirements [apt]" sudo apt-add-repository -y "ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test" sudo apt update -y -q sudo apt install -y -q ccache gdb python-dbg python3-dbg gcc-$GCC_VERSION || exit 1 ALTERNATIVE_ARGS="" if [[ $BACKEND == *"cpp"* ]]; then sudo apt install -y -q g++-$GCC_VERSION || exit 1 ALTERNATIVE_ARGS="--slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-$GCC_VERSION" fi sudo /usr/sbin/update-ccache-symlinks echo "/usr/lib/ccache" >> $GITHUB_PATH # export ccache to path sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-$GCC_VERSION 60 $ALTERNATIVE_ARGS export CC="gcc" if [[ $BACKEND == *"cpp"* ]]; then sudo update-alternatives --set g++ /usr/bin/g++-$GCC_VERSION export CXX="g++" fi elif [[ $OSTYPE == "darwin"* ]]; then echo "Setting up macos compiler" export CC="clang -Wno-deprecated-declarations" export CXX="clang++ -stdlib=libc++ -Wno-deprecated-declarations" else echo "No setup specified for $OSTYPE" fi # Set up miniconda if [[ $STACKLESS == "true" ]]; then echo "Installing stackless python" #conda install --quiet --yes nomkl --file=test-requirements.txt --file=test-requirements-cpython.txt conda config --add channels stackless conda install --quiet --yes stackless || exit 1 fi PYTHON_SYS_VERSION=$(python -c 'import sys; print(sys.version)') # Log versions in use echo "====================" echo "|VERSIONS INSTALLED|" echo "====================" echo "Python $PYTHON_SYS_VERSION" if [[ $CC ]]; then which ${CC%% *} ${CC%% *} --version fi if [[ $CXX ]]; then which ${CXX%% *} ${CXX%% *} --version fi echo "====================" # Install python requirements echo "Installing requirements [python]" if [[ $PYTHON_VERSION == "2.7"* ]]; then pip install wheel || exit 1 pip install -r test-requirements-27.txt || exit 1 elif [[ $PYTHON_VERSION == "3."[45]* ]]; then python -m pip install wheel || exit 1 python -m pip install -r test-requirements-34.txt || exit 1 else python -m pip install -U pip "setuptools<60" wheel || exit 1 if [[ $PYTHON_VERSION != *"-dev" || $COVERAGE == "1" ]]; then python -m pip install -r test-requirements.txt || exit 1 if [[ $PYTHON_VERSION != "pypy"* && $PYTHON_VERSION != "3."[1]* ]]; then python -m pip install -r test-requirements-cpython.txt || exit 1 fi fi fi if [[ $TEST_CODE_STYLE == "1" ]]; then STYLE_ARGS="--no-unit --no-doctest --no-file --no-pyregr --no-examples" python -m pip install -r doc-requirements.txt || exit 1 else STYLE_ARGS="--no-code-style" # Install more requirements if [[ $PYTHON_VERSION != *"-dev" ]]; then if [[ $BACKEND == *"cpp"* ]]; then echo "WARNING: Currently not installing pythran due to compatibility issues" # python -m pip install pythran==0.9.5 || exit 1 fi if [[ $BACKEND != "cpp" && $PYTHON_VERSION != "pypy"* && $PYTHON_VERSION != "2"* && $PYTHON_VERSION != "3.4"* ]]; then python -m pip install mypy || exit 1 fi fi fi # Run tests echo "==== Running tests ====" ccache -s 2>/dev/null || true export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH" # Most modern compilers allow the last conflicting option # to override the previous ones, so '-O0 -O3' == '-O3' # This is true for the latest msvc, gcc and clang if [[ $OSTYPE == "msys" ]]; then # for MSVC cl # /wd disables warnings # 4711 warns that function `x` was selected for automatic inline expansion # 4127 warns that a conditional expression is constant, should be fixed here https://github.com/cython/cython/pull/4317 # (off by default) 5045 warns that the compiler will insert Spectre mitigations for memory load if the /Qspectre switch is specified # (off by default) 4820 warns about the code in Python\3.9.6\x64\include ... CFLAGS="-Od /Z7 /W4 /wd4711 /wd4127 /wd5045 /wd4820" elif [[ $CYTHON_COMPILE_ALL == "1" ]]; then CFLAGS="-O3 -g0 -mtune=generic -Wall -Wextra" # make wheel sizes comparable to standard wheel build else CFLAGS="-O0 -ggdb -Wall -Wextra" fi if [[ $NO_CYTHON_COMPILE != "1" && $PYTHON_VERSION != "pypy"* ]]; then BUILD_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O2" if [[ $PYTHON_SYS_VERSION == "2"* ]]; then BUILD_CFLAGS="$BUILD_CFLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" fi SETUP_ARGS="" if [[ $COVERAGE == "1" ]]; then SETUP_ARGS="$SETUP_ARGS --cython-coverage" fi if [[ $CYTHON_COMPILE_ALL == "1" ]]; then SETUP_ARGS="$SETUP_ARGS --cython-compile-all" fi SETUP_ARGS="$SETUP_ARGS $(python -c 'import sys; print("-j5" if sys.version_info >= (3,5) else "")')" CFLAGS=$BUILD_CFLAGS \ time python setup.py build_ext -i $SETUP_ARGS || exit 1 find Cython -name "*.so" -ls # COVERAGE can be either "" (empty or not set) or "1" (when we set it) # STACKLESS can be either "" (empty or not set) or "true" (when we set it) # CYTHON_COMPILE_ALL can be either "" (empty or not set) or "1" (when we set it) if [[ $COVERAGE != "1" && $STACKLESS != "true" && $BACKEND != *"cpp"* && $LIMITED_API == "" && $EXTRA_CFLAGS == "" ]]; then python setup.py bdist_wheel || exit 1 ls -l dist/ || true fi fi if [[ $TEST_CODE_STYLE == "1" ]]; then make -C docs html || exit 1 elif [[ $PYTHON_VERSION != "pypy"* && $OSTYPE != "msys" ]]; then # Run the debugger tests in python-dbg if available # (but don't fail, because they currently do fail) PYTHON_DBG=$(python -c 'import sys; print("%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2])') PYTHON_DBG="python$PYTHON_DBG-dbg" if $PYTHON_DBG -V >&2; then CFLAGS=$CFLAGS $PYTHON_DBG \ runtests.py -vv --no-code-style Debugger --backends=$BACKEND fi fi RUNTESTS_ARGS="" if [[ $COVERAGE == "1" ]]; then RUNTESTS_ARGS="$RUNTESTS_ARGS --coverage --coverage-html --cython-only" fi if [[ $TEST_CODE_STYLE != "1" ]]; then RUNTESTS_ARGS="$RUNTESTS_ARGS -j7" fi export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $EXTRA_CFLAGS" python runtests.py \ -vv $STYLE_ARGS \ -x Debugger \ --backends=$BACKEND \ $LIMITED_API \ $EXCLUDE \ $RUNTESTS_ARGS EXIT_CODE=$? ccache -s 2>/dev/null || true exit $EXIT_CODE