# Derived from on https://github.com/curl/curl/issues/5120 --next --config POST # # Server-side HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 6 Content-Type: text/1 -foo- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 6 Content-Type: text/2 -foo- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 6 Content-Type: text/3 -foo- # # Client-side --next url = %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT/4320001 header = "a: a" data = "a" --next url = %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT/4320002 header = "b: b" data = "b" config = "log/config432-c" --next url = %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT/4320003 header = "c: c" data = "c" http Use -K with --next and --config from within -K log/config432 # # Verify data after the test has been "shot" POST /4320001 HTTP/1.1 Host: %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT User-Agent: curl/%VERSION Accept: */* a: a Content-Length: 1 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded aPOST /4320002 HTTP/1.1 Host: %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT User-Agent: curl/%VERSION Accept: */* b: b Content-Length: 1 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded bPOST /4320003 HTTP/1.1 Host: %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT User-Agent: curl/%VERSION Accept: */* c: c Content-Length: 1 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded c