HTTPS HTTP GET --proto-redir # # Server-side HTTP/1.1 301 OK Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 14:49:00 GMT Server: test-server/fake Content-Length: 7 Location: http://somewhere/%TESTNUMBER MooMoo HTTP/1.1 301 OK Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 14:49:00 GMT Server: test-server/fake Content-Length: 7 Location: http://somewhere/%TESTNUMBER # # Client-side SSL https HTTPS with attempted redirect to denied HTTP -k https://%HOSTIP:%HTTPSPORT/%TESTNUMBER --proto-redir -http --location # # Verify data after the test has been "shot" GET /%TESTNUMBER HTTP/1.1 Host: %HOSTIP:%HTTPSPORT User-Agent: curl/%VERSION Accept: */* # 1 - Protocol http not supported or disabled in libcurl 1