// validat6.cpp - originally written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai // CryptoPP::Test namespace added by JW in February 2017. // Source files split in July 2018 to expedite compiles. #include "pch.h" #define CRYPTOPP_ENABLE_NAMESPACE_WEAK 1 #include "cryptlib.h" #include "cpu.h" #include "validate.h" #include "asn.h" #include "oids.h" #include "blumshub.h" #include "eccrypto.h" #include #include #include // Aggressive stack checking with VS2005 SP1 and above. #if (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 140050727) # pragma strict_gs_check (on) #endif #if CRYPTOPP_MSC_VERSION # pragma warning(disable: 4505 4355) #endif NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Test) bool CryptoSystemValidate(PK_Decryptor &priv, PK_Encryptor &pub, bool thorough) { bool pass = true, fail; fail = !pub.GetMaterial().Validate(GlobalRNG(), thorough ? 3 : 2) || !priv.GetMaterial().Validate(GlobalRNG(), thorough ? 3 : 2); pass = pass && !fail; std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed "); std::cout << "cryptosystem key validation\n"; const byte message[] = "test message"; const int messageLen = 12; SecByteBlock ciphertext(priv.CiphertextLength(messageLen)); SecByteBlock plaintext(priv.MaxPlaintextLength(ciphertext.size())); pub.Encrypt(GlobalRNG(), message, messageLen, ciphertext); fail = priv.Decrypt(GlobalRNG(), ciphertext, priv.CiphertextLength(messageLen), plaintext) != DecodingResult(messageLen); fail = fail || memcmp(message, plaintext, messageLen); pass = pass && !fail; std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed "); std::cout << "encryption and decryption\n"; return pass; } bool SimpleKeyAgreementValidate(SimpleKeyAgreementDomain &d) { if (d.GetCryptoParameters().Validate(GlobalRNG(), 3)) std::cout << "passed simple key agreement domain parameters validation" << std::endl; else { std::cout << "FAILED simple key agreement domain parameters invalid" << std::endl; return false; } SecByteBlock priv1(d.PrivateKeyLength()), priv2(d.PrivateKeyLength()); SecByteBlock pub1(d.PublicKeyLength()), pub2(d.PublicKeyLength()); SecByteBlock val1(d.AgreedValueLength()), val2(d.AgreedValueLength()); d.GenerateKeyPair(GlobalRNG(), priv1, pub1); d.GenerateKeyPair(GlobalRNG(), priv2, pub2); memset(val1.begin(), 0x10, val1.size()); memset(val2.begin(), 0x11, val2.size()); if (!(d.Agree(val1, priv1, pub2) && d.Agree(val2, priv2, pub1))) { std::cout << "FAILED simple key agreement failed" << std::endl; return false; } if (memcmp(val1.begin(), val2.begin(), d.AgreedValueLength())) { std::cout << "FAILED simple agreed values not equal" << std::endl; return false; } std::cout << "passed simple key agreement" << std::endl; return true; } bool AuthenticatedKeyAgreementValidate(AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain &d) { if (d.GetCryptoParameters().Validate(GlobalRNG(), 3)) std::cout << "passed authenticated key agreement domain parameters validation" << std::endl; else { std::cout << "FAILED authenticated key agreement domain parameters invalid" << std::endl; return false; } SecByteBlock spriv1(d.StaticPrivateKeyLength()), spriv2(d.StaticPrivateKeyLength()); SecByteBlock epriv1(d.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength()), epriv2(d.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength()); SecByteBlock spub1(d.StaticPublicKeyLength()), spub2(d.StaticPublicKeyLength()); SecByteBlock epub1(d.EphemeralPublicKeyLength()), epub2(d.EphemeralPublicKeyLength()); SecByteBlock val1(d.AgreedValueLength()), val2(d.AgreedValueLength()); d.GenerateStaticKeyPair(GlobalRNG(), spriv1, spub1); d.GenerateStaticKeyPair(GlobalRNG(), spriv2, spub2); d.GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(GlobalRNG(), epriv1, epub1); d.GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(GlobalRNG(), epriv2, epub2); memset(val1.begin(), 0x10, val1.size()); memset(val2.begin(), 0x11, val2.size()); if (d.Agree(val1, spriv1, epriv1, spub2, epub2) && d.Agree(val2, spriv2, epriv2, spub1, epub1)) { std::cout << "passed authenticated key agreement protocol execution" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "FAILED authenticated key agreement protocol execution" << std::endl; return false; } if (memcmp(val1.begin(), val2.begin(), d.AgreedValueLength())) { std::cout << "FAILED authenticated agreed values not equal" << std::endl; return false; } std::cout << "passed authenticated key agreement" << std::endl; return true; } bool AuthenticatedKeyAgreementWithRolesValidate(AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain &initiator, AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain &recipient) { if (initiator.GetCryptoParameters().Validate(GlobalRNG(), 3)) std::cout << "passed authenticated key agreement domain parameters validation (initiator)" << std::endl; else { std::cout << "FAILED authenticated key agreement domain parameters invalid (initiator)" << std::endl; return false; } if (recipient.GetCryptoParameters().Validate(GlobalRNG(), 3)) std::cout << "passed authenticated key agreement domain parameters validation (recipient)" << std::endl; else { std::cout << "FAILED authenticated key agreement domain parameters invalid (recipient)" << std::endl; return false; } if (initiator.StaticPrivateKeyLength() != recipient.StaticPrivateKeyLength() || initiator.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength() != recipient.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength() || initiator.StaticPublicKeyLength() != recipient.StaticPublicKeyLength() || initiator.EphemeralPublicKeyLength() != recipient.EphemeralPublicKeyLength() || initiator.AgreedValueLength() != recipient.AgreedValueLength()) { std::cout << "FAILED authenticated key agreement domain parameter consistency" << std::endl; return false; } else { std::cout << "passed authenticated key agreement domain parameter consistency" << std::endl; } SecByteBlock spriv1(initiator.StaticPrivateKeyLength()), spriv2(recipient.StaticPrivateKeyLength()); SecByteBlock epriv1(initiator.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength()), epriv2(recipient.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength()); SecByteBlock spub1(initiator.StaticPublicKeyLength()), spub2(recipient.StaticPublicKeyLength()); SecByteBlock epub1(initiator.EphemeralPublicKeyLength()), epub2(recipient.EphemeralPublicKeyLength()); SecByteBlock val1(initiator.AgreedValueLength()), val2(recipient.AgreedValueLength()); initiator.GenerateStaticKeyPair(GlobalRNG(), spriv1, spub1); recipient.GenerateStaticKeyPair(GlobalRNG(), spriv2, spub2); initiator.GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(GlobalRNG(), epriv1, epub1); recipient.GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(GlobalRNG(), epriv2, epub2); memset(val1.begin(), 0x10, val1.size()); memset(val2.begin(), 0x11, val2.size()); if (initiator.Agree(val1, spriv1, epriv1, spub2, epub2) && recipient.Agree(val2, spriv2, epriv2, spub1, epub1)) { std::cout << "passed authenticated key agreement protocol execution" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "FAILED authenticated key agreement protocol execution" << std::endl; return false; } if (memcmp(val1.begin(), val2.begin(), initiator.AgreedValueLength())) { std::cout << "FAILED authenticated agreed values not equal" << std::endl; return false; } std::cout << "passed authenticated key agreement" << std::endl; return true; } bool SignatureValidate(PK_Signer &priv, PK_Verifier &pub, bool thorough) { bool pass = true, fail; fail = !pub.GetMaterial().Validate(GlobalRNG(), thorough ? 3 : 2) || !priv.GetMaterial().Validate(GlobalRNG(), thorough ? 3 : 2); pass = pass && !fail; std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed "); std::cout << "signature key validation\n"; const byte message[] = "test message"; const int messageLen = 12; SecByteBlock signature(priv.MaxSignatureLength()); size_t signatureLength = priv.SignMessage(GlobalRNG(), message, messageLen, signature); fail = !pub.VerifyMessage(message, messageLen, signature, signatureLength); pass = pass && !fail; std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed "); std::cout << "signature and verification\n"; ++signature[0]; fail = pub.VerifyMessage(message, messageLen, signature, signatureLength); pass = pass && !fail; std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed "); std::cout << "checking invalid signature" << std::endl; if (priv.MaxRecoverableLength() > 0) { signatureLength = priv.SignMessageWithRecovery(GlobalRNG(), message, messageLen, NULLPTR, 0, signature); SecByteBlock recovered(priv.MaxRecoverableLengthFromSignatureLength(signatureLength)); DecodingResult result = pub.RecoverMessage(recovered, NULLPTR, 0, signature, signatureLength); fail = !(result.isValidCoding && result.messageLength == messageLen && memcmp(recovered, message, messageLen) == 0); pass = pass && !fail; std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed "); std::cout << "signature and verification with recovery" << std::endl; ++signature[0]; result = pub.RecoverMessage(recovered, NULLPTR, 0, signature, signatureLength); fail = result.isValidCoding; pass = pass && !fail; std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed "); std::cout << "recovery with invalid signature" << std::endl; } return pass; } bool ValidateBBS() { std::cout << "\nBlumBlumShub validation suite running...\n\n"; Integer p("212004934506826557583707108431463840565872545889679278744389317666981496005411448865750399674653351"); Integer q("100677295735404212434355574418077394581488455772477016953458064183204108039226017738610663984508231"); Integer seed("63239752671357255800299643604761065219897634268887145610573595874544114193025997412441121667211431"); BlumBlumShub bbs(p, q, seed); bool pass = true, fail; int j; const byte output1[] = { 0x49,0xEA,0x2C,0xFD,0xB0,0x10,0x64,0xA0,0xBB,0xB9, 0x2A,0xF1,0x01,0xDA,0xC1,0x8A,0x94,0xF7,0xB7,0xCE}; const byte output2[] = { 0x74,0x45,0x48,0xAE,0xAC,0xB7,0x0E,0xDF,0xAF,0xD7, 0xD5,0x0E,0x8E,0x29,0x83,0x75,0x6B,0x27,0x46,0xA1}; byte buf[20]; std::ostringstream oss; bbs.GenerateBlock(buf, 20); fail = memcmp(output1, buf, 20) != 0; pass = pass && !fail; oss << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed "); for (j=0;j<20;j++) oss << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (int)buf[j]; oss << std::endl; bbs.Seek(10); bbs.GenerateBlock(buf, 10); fail = memcmp(output1+10, buf, 10) != 0; pass = pass && !fail; oss << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed "); for (j=0;j<10;j++) oss << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (int)buf[j]; oss << std::endl; bbs.Seek(1234567); bbs.GenerateBlock(buf, 20); fail = memcmp(output2, buf, 20) != 0; pass = pass && !fail; oss << (fail ? "FAILED " : "passed "); for (j=0;j<20;j++) oss << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (int)buf[j]; oss << std::endl; std::cout << oss.str(); return pass; } bool ValidateECP() { // Remove word recommend. Some ECP curves may not be recommended depending // on whom you ask. ECP is more descriptive item in this case. std::cout << "\nTesting SEC 2, NIST and Brainpool ECP curves...\n\n"; bool pass = true; OID oid; while (!(oid = DL_GroupParameters_EC::GetNextRecommendedParametersOID(oid)).GetValues().empty()) { DL_GroupParameters_EC params(oid); bool fail = !params.Validate(GlobalRNG(), 2); std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED" : "passed") << " " << std::dec << params.GetCurve().GetField().MaxElementBitLength() << " bits\n"; pass = pass && !fail; } std::cout << "\nECP validation suite running...\n\n"; return ValidateECP_Agreement() && ValidateECP_Encrypt() && ValidateECP_NULLDigest_Encrypt() && ValidateECP_Sign() && pass; } bool ValidateEC2N() { // Remove word recommend. Binary curves may not be recommended depending // on whom you ask. EC2N is more descriptive item in this case. std::cout << "\nTesting SEC 2 EC2N curves...\n\n"; bool pass = true; OID oid; #if 1 // TODO: turn this back on when I make EC2N faster for pentanomial basis while (!(oid = DL_GroupParameters_EC::GetNextRecommendedParametersOID(oid)).GetValues().empty()) { DL_GroupParameters_EC params(oid); bool fail = !params.Validate(GlobalRNG(), 2); std::cout << (fail ? "FAILED" : "passed") << " " << params.GetCurve().GetField().MaxElementBitLength() << " bits\n"; pass = pass && !fail; } #endif std::cout << "\nEC2N validation suite running...\n\n"; return ValidateEC2N_Agreement() && ValidateEC2N_Encrypt() && ValidateEC2N_Sign() && pass; } bool ValidateRSA() { std::cout << "\nRSA validation suite running...\n\n"; return ValidateRSA_Encrypt() && ValidateRSA_Sign(); } bool ValidateLUC() { std::cout << "\nLUC validation suite running...\n\n"; return ValidateLUC_Encrypt() && ValidateLUC_Sign(); } bool ValidateLUC_DL() { // Prologue printed in each function return ValidateLUC_DL_Encrypt() && ValidateLUC_DL_Sign(); } bool ValidateRabin() { std::cout << "\nRabin validation suite running...\n\n"; return ValidateRabin_Encrypt() && ValidateRabin_Sign(); } NAMESPACE_END // Test NAMESPACE_END // CryptoPP