// secblockfwd.h - written and placed in the public domain by Jeffrey Walton /// \file secblockfwd.h /// \brief Forward declarations for SecBlock /// \details secblock.h and misc.h have a circular dependency. secblockfwd.h /// allows the library to sidestep the circular dependency, and reference /// SecBlock classes without the full implementation. /// \since Crypto++ 8.3 #ifndef CRYPTOPP_SECBLOCKFWD_H #define CRYPTOPP_SECBLOCKFWD_H #include "config.h" NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) template class SecBlock; template class AllocatorWithCleanup; typedef SecBlock > SecByteBlock; typedef SecBlock > SecWordBlock; typedef SecBlock > AlignedSecByteBlock; NAMESPACE_END #endif // CRYPTOPP_SECBLOCKFWD_H