// mqueue.cpp - originally written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai #include "pch.h" #ifndef CRYPTOPP_IMPORTS #include "mqueue.h" NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) MessageQueue::MessageQueue(unsigned int nodeSize) : m_queue(nodeSize), m_lengths(1, 0U), m_messageCounts(1, 0U) { } size_t MessageQueue::CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) const { if (begin >= MaxRetrievable()) return 0; return m_queue.CopyRangeTo2(target, begin, STDMIN(MaxRetrievable(), end), channel, blocking); } size_t MessageQueue::TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) { transferBytes = STDMIN(MaxRetrievable(), transferBytes); size_t blockedBytes = m_queue.TransferTo2(target, transferBytes, channel, blocking); m_lengths.front() -= transferBytes; return blockedBytes; } bool MessageQueue::GetNextMessage() { if (NumberOfMessages() > 0 && !AnyRetrievable()) { m_lengths.pop_front(); if (m_messageCounts[0] == 0 && m_messageCounts.size() > 1) m_messageCounts.pop_front(); return true; } else return false; } unsigned int MessageQueue::CopyMessagesTo(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int count, const std::string &channel) const { ByteQueue::Walker walker(m_queue); std::deque::const_iterator it = m_lengths.begin(); unsigned int i; for (i=0; i 0 && q2.AnyRetrievable()) { size_t len = length; const byte *data = q2.Spy(len); len = STDMIN(len, length); if (memcmp(inString, data, len) != 0) goto mismatch; inString += len; length -= len; q2.Skip(len); } q1.Put(inString, length); if (messageEnd) { if (q2.AnyRetrievable()) goto mismatch; else if (q2.AnyMessages()) q2.GetNextMessage(); else if (q2.NumberOfMessageSeries() > 0) goto mismatch; else q1.MessageEnd(); } return 0; mismatch: return HandleMismatchDetected(blocking); } } bool EqualityComparisonFilter::ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation, bool blocking) { unsigned int i = MapChannel(channel); if (i == 2) { OutputMessageSeriesEnd(4, propagation, blocking, channel); return false; } else if (m_mismatchDetected) return false; else { MessageQueue &q1 = m_q[i], &q2 = m_q[1-i]; if (q2.AnyRetrievable() || q2.AnyMessages()) goto mismatch; else if (q2.NumberOfMessageSeries() > 0) return Output(2, (const byte *)"\1", 1, 0, blocking) != 0; else q1.MessageSeriesEnd(); return false; mismatch: return HandleMismatchDetected(blocking); } } bool EqualityComparisonFilter::HandleMismatchDetected(bool blocking) { m_mismatchDetected = true; if (m_throwIfNotEqual) throw MismatchDetected(); const byte b[1] = {0}; return Output(1, b, 1, 0, blocking) != 0; } NAMESPACE_END #endif