#ifndef CRYPTOPP_ITERHASH_H #define CRYPTOPP_ITERHASH_H #include "cryptlib.h" #include "secblock.h" #include "misc.h" #include "simple.h" NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) //! exception thrown when trying to hash more data than is allowed by a hash function class CRYPTOPP_DLL HashInputTooLong : public InvalidDataFormat { public: explicit HashInputTooLong(const std::string &alg) : InvalidDataFormat("IteratedHashBase: input data exceeds maximum allowed by hash function " + alg) {} }; //! _ template class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE IteratedHashBase : public BASE { public: typedef T HashWordType; IteratedHashBase() : m_countLo(0), m_countHi(0) {} unsigned int BlockSize() const {return (unsigned int)m_data.size() * sizeof(T);} unsigned int OptimalBlockSize() const {return BlockSize();} unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const {return sizeof(T);} void Update(const byte *input, size_t length); byte * CreateUpdateSpace(size_t &size); void Restart(); void TruncatedFinal(byte *digest, size_t size); protected: void SetBlockSize(unsigned int blockSize) {m_data.resize(blockSize / sizeof(HashWordType));} void SetStateSize(unsigned int stateSize) {m_digest.resize(stateSize / sizeof(HashWordType));} T GetBitCountHi() const {return (m_countLo >> (8*sizeof(T)-3)) + (m_countHi << 3);} T GetBitCountLo() const {return m_countLo << 3;} void PadLastBlock(unsigned int lastBlockSize, byte padFirst=0x80); virtual void Init() =0; virtual ByteOrder GetByteOrder() const =0; virtual void HashEndianCorrectedBlock(const HashWordType *data) =0; virtual size_t HashMultipleBlocks(const T *input, size_t length); void HashBlock(const HashWordType *input) {HashMultipleBlocks(input, BlockSize());} SecBlock m_data; // Data buffer SecBlock m_digest; // Message digest private: T m_countLo, m_countHi; }; //! _ template class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE IteratedHash : public IteratedHashBase { public: typedef T_Endianness ByteOrderClass; typedef T_HashWordType HashWordType; CRYPTOPP_CONSTANT(BLOCKSIZE = T_BlockSize) // BCB2006 workaround: can't use BLOCKSIZE here CRYPTOPP_COMPILE_ASSERT((T_BlockSize & (T_BlockSize - 1)) == 0); // blockSize is a power of 2 ByteOrder GetByteOrder() const {return T_Endianness::ToEnum();} inline static void CorrectEndianess(HashWordType *out, const HashWordType *in, size_t byteCount) { ConditionalByteReverse(T_Endianness::ToEnum(), out, in, byteCount); } protected: IteratedHash() {this->SetBlockSize(T_BlockSize);} }; //! _ template class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE IteratedHashWithStaticTransform : public ClonableImpl, T_Transform> > { public: CRYPTOPP_CONSTANT(DIGESTSIZE = T_DigestSize ? T_DigestSize : T_StateSize) unsigned int DigestSize() const {return DIGESTSIZE;}; protected: IteratedHashWithStaticTransform() { this->SetStateSize(T_StateSize); Init(); } void HashEndianCorrectedBlock(const T_HashWordType *data) {T_Transform::Transform(this->m_digest, data);} void Init() {T_Transform::InitState(this->m_digest);} }; NAMESPACE_END #ifdef CRYPTOPP_MANUALLY_INSTANTIATE_TEMPLATES #include "iterhash.cpp" #endif NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) #ifdef WORD64_AVAILABLE CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS IteratedHashBase; CRYPTOPP_STATIC_TEMPLATE_CLASS IteratedHashBase; #endif CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS IteratedHashBase; CRYPTOPP_STATIC_TEMPLATE_CLASS IteratedHashBase; NAMESPACE_END #endif