Debug Win32 Debug x64 Release Win32 Release x64 DLL-Import Debug Win32 DLL-Import Debug x64 DLL-Import Release Win32 DLL-Import Release x64 {09cdac08-e6ae-48a9-8de7-0fbc779eebde} cryptest v100 Application false MultiByte true Application false MultiByte true Application false MultiByte true Application false MultiByte true Application false MultiByte true Application false MultiByte true Application false MultiByte true Application false MultiByte true $(Platform)\Output\$(Configuration)\ $(Platform)\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)\ $(Platform)\Output\$(Configuration)\ $(Platform)\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)\ $(Platform)\DLL_Output\Release\ $(Platform)\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)\ $(Platform)\DLL_Output\Release\ $(Platform)\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)\ $(Platform)\DLL_Output\Debug\ $(Platform)\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)\ $(Platform)\DLL_Output\Debug\ $(Platform)\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)\ $(Platform)\Output\$(Configuration)\ $(Platform)\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)\ $(Platform)\Output\$(Configuration)\ $(Platform)\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)\ MaxSpeed AnySuitable true true NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) true MultiThreaded true Level4 true ProgramDatabase %(PreprocessorDefinitions) 0x0409 cryptlib.lib;Ws2_32.lib true $(Platform)\Output\$(Configuration) true Console true true MaxSpeed AnySuitable true true NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) true MultiThreaded true NotSet Level4 true ProgramDatabase %(PreprocessorDefinitions) 0x0409 cryptlib.lib;Ws2_32.lib true $(Platform)\Output\$(Configuration) true Console true true MachineX64 MaxSpeed AnySuitable true true NDEBUG;CRYPTOPP_IMPORTS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) true MultiThreaded true Level4 true ProgramDatabase %(PreprocessorDefinitions) 0x0409 echo This configuration requires cryptopp.dll. echo You can build it yourself using the cryptdll project, or echo obtain a pre-built, FIPS 140-2 validated DLL. If you build it yourself echo the resulting DLL will not be considered FIPS validated echo unless it undergoes FIPS validation. cryptlib.lib;cryptopp.lib;Ws2_32.lib true $(Platform)\DLL_Output\Release true Console true true MaxSpeed AnySuitable true true NDEBUG;CRYPTOPP_IMPORTS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) true MultiThreaded true Level4 true ProgramDatabase %(PreprocessorDefinitions) 0x0409 echo This configuration requires cryptopp.dll. echo You can build it yourself using the cryptdll project, or echo obtain a pre-built, FIPS 140-2 validated DLL. If you build it yourself echo the resulting DLL will not be considered FIPS validated echo unless it undergoes FIPS validation. cryptlib.lib;cryptopp.lib;Ws2_32.lib true $(Platform)\DLL_Output\Release true Console true true MachineX64 Disabled Default true CRYPTOPP_IMPORTS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) MultiThreadedDebug Level4 true ProgramDatabase %(PreprocessorDefinitions) 0x0409 echo This configuration requires cryptopp.dll. echo You can build it yourself using the cryptdll project, or echo obtain a pre-built, FIPS 140-2 validated DLL. If you build it yourself echo the resulting DLL will not be considered FIPS validated echo unless it undergoes FIPS validation. cryptlib.lib;cryptopp.lib;Ws2_32.lib true $(Platform)\DLL_Output\Debug true Console Disabled Default true CRYPTOPP_IMPORTS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) MultiThreadedDebug Level4 true ProgramDatabase %(PreprocessorDefinitions) 0x0409 echo This configuration requires cryptopp.dll. echo You can build it yourself using the cryptdll project, or echo obtain a pre-built, FIPS 140-2 validated DLL. If you build it yourself echo the resulting DLL will not be considered FIPS validated echo unless it undergoes FIPS validation. cryptlib.lib;cryptopp.lib;Ws2_32.lib true $(Platform)\DLL_Output\Debug true Console MachineX64 Disabled true %(PreprocessorDefinitions) MultiThreadedDebug StreamingSIMDExtensions Level4 true ProgramDatabase %(PreprocessorDefinitions) 0x0409 cryptlib.lib;Ws2_32.lib true $(Platform)\Output\$(Configuration) true Console Disabled true %(PreprocessorDefinitions) MultiThreadedDebug Level4 true ProgramDatabase %(PreprocessorDefinitions) 0x0409 cryptlib.lib;Ws2_32.lib true $(Platform)\Output\$(Configuration) true Console MachineX64