#ifndef CRYPTOPP_BLUMSHUB_H #define CRYPTOPP_BLUMSHUB_H #include "modarith.h" NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) class BlumGoldwasserPublicKey; class BlumGoldwasserPrivateKey; //! BlumBlumShub without factorization of the modulus class PublicBlumBlumShub : public RandomNumberGenerator, public StreamTransformation { public: PublicBlumBlumShub(const Integer &n, const Integer &seed); unsigned int GenerateBit(); byte GenerateByte(); void ProcessData(byte *outString, const byte *inString, unsigned int length) { while (length--) *outString++ = *inString ^ GenerateByte(); } bool IsSelfInverting() const {return true;} bool IsForwardTransformation() const {return true;} protected: const ModularArithmetic modn; const int maxBits; Integer current; int bitsLeft; friend class BlumGoldwasserPublicKey; friend class BlumGoldwasserPrivateKey; }; //! BlumBlumShub with factorization of the modulus class BlumBlumShub : public PublicBlumBlumShub { public: // Make sure p and q are both primes congruent to 3 mod 4 and at least 512 bits long, // seed is the secret key and should be about as big as p*q BlumBlumShub(const Integer &p, const Integer &q, const Integer &seed); bool IsRandomAccess() const {return true;} void Seek(dword index); protected: const Integer p, q; const Integer x0; }; NAMESPACE_END #endif