// bench2.cpp - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai #include "bench.h" #include "rng.h" #include "files.h" #include "hex.h" #include "rsa.h" #include "nr.h" #include "dsa.h" #include "luc.h" #include "rw.h" #include "eccrypto.h" #include "ecp.h" #include "ec2n.h" #include "asn.h" #include "dh.h" #include "mqv.h" #include "xtrcrypt.h" #include "esign.h" #include "pssr.h" #include "oids.h" #include "randpool.h" #include #include #include #include USING_NAMESPACE(CryptoPP) USING_NAMESPACE(std) void OutputResultOperations(const char *name, const char *operation, bool pc, unsigned long iterations, double timeTaken); void BenchMarkEncryption(const char *name, PK_Encryptor &key, double timeTotal, bool pc=false) { unsigned int len = 16; LC_RNG rng((word32)time(NULL)); SecByteBlock plaintext(len), ciphertext(key.CiphertextLength(len)); rng.GenerateBlock(plaintext, len); clock_t start = clock(); unsigned int i; double timeTaken; for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i++) key.Encrypt(rng, plaintext, len, ciphertext); OutputResultOperations(name, "Encryption", pc, i, timeTaken); if (!pc && key.GetMaterial().SupportsPrecomputation()) { key.AccessMaterial().Precompute(16); BenchMarkEncryption(name, key, timeTotal, true); } } void BenchMarkDecryption(const char *name, PK_Decryptor &priv, PK_Encryptor &pub, double timeTotal) { unsigned int len = 16; LC_RNG rng((word32)time(NULL)); SecByteBlock ciphertext(pub.CiphertextLength(len)); SecByteBlock plaintext(pub.MaxPlaintextLength(ciphertext.size())); rng.GenerateBlock(plaintext, len); pub.Encrypt(rng, plaintext, len, ciphertext); clock_t start = clock(); unsigned int i; double timeTaken; for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i++) priv.Decrypt(rng, ciphertext, ciphertext.size(), plaintext); OutputResultOperations(name, "Decryption", false, i, timeTaken); } void BenchMarkSigning(const char *name, PK_Signer &key, double timeTotal, bool pc=false) { unsigned int len = 16; LC_RNG rng((word32)time(NULL)); AlignedSecByteBlock message(len), signature(key.SignatureLength()); rng.GenerateBlock(message, len); clock_t start = clock(); unsigned int i; double timeTaken; for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i++) key.SignMessage(rng, message, len, signature); OutputResultOperations(name, "Signature", pc, i, timeTaken); if (!pc && key.GetMaterial().SupportsPrecomputation()) { key.AccessMaterial().Precompute(16); BenchMarkSigning(name, key, timeTotal, true); } } void BenchMarkVerification(const char *name, const PK_Signer &priv, PK_Verifier &pub, double timeTotal, bool pc=false) { unsigned int len = 16; LC_RNG rng((word32)time(NULL)); AlignedSecByteBlock message(len), signature(pub.SignatureLength()); rng.GenerateBlock(message, len); priv.SignMessage(rng, message, len, signature); clock_t start = clock(); unsigned int i; double timeTaken; for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i++) pub.VerifyMessage(message, len, signature, signature.size()); OutputResultOperations(name, "Verification", pc, i, timeTaken); if (!pc && pub.GetMaterial().SupportsPrecomputation()) { pub.AccessMaterial().Precompute(16); BenchMarkVerification(name, priv, pub, timeTotal, true); } } void BenchMarkKeyGen(const char *name, SimpleKeyAgreementDomain &d, double timeTotal, bool pc=false) { LC_RNG rng((word32)time(NULL)); SecByteBlock priv(d.PrivateKeyLength()), pub(d.PublicKeyLength()); clock_t start = clock(); unsigned int i; double timeTaken; for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i++) d.GenerateKeyPair(rng, priv, pub); OutputResultOperations(name, "Key-Pair Generation", pc, i, timeTaken); if (!pc && d.GetMaterial().SupportsPrecomputation()) { d.AccessMaterial().Precompute(16); BenchMarkKeyGen(name, d, timeTotal, true); } } void BenchMarkKeyGen(const char *name, AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain &d, double timeTotal, bool pc=false) { LC_RNG rng((word32)time(NULL)); SecByteBlock priv(d.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength()), pub(d.EphemeralPublicKeyLength()); clock_t start = clock(); unsigned int i; double timeTaken; for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i++) d.GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(rng, priv, pub); OutputResultOperations(name, "Key-Pair Generation", pc, i, timeTaken); if (!pc && d.GetMaterial().SupportsPrecomputation()) { d.AccessMaterial().Precompute(16); BenchMarkKeyGen(name, d, timeTotal, true); } } void BenchMarkAgreement(const char *name, SimpleKeyAgreementDomain &d, double timeTotal, bool pc=false) { LC_RNG rng((word32)time(NULL)); SecByteBlock priv1(d.PrivateKeyLength()), priv2(d.PrivateKeyLength()); SecByteBlock pub1(d.PublicKeyLength()), pub2(d.PublicKeyLength()); d.GenerateKeyPair(rng, priv1, pub1); d.GenerateKeyPair(rng, priv2, pub2); SecByteBlock val(d.AgreedValueLength()); clock_t start = clock(); unsigned int i; double timeTaken; for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i+=2) { d.Agree(val, priv1, pub2); d.Agree(val, priv2, pub1); } OutputResultOperations(name, "Key Agreement", pc, i, timeTaken); } void BenchMarkAgreement(const char *name, AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain &d, double timeTotal, bool pc=false) { LC_RNG rng((word32)time(NULL)); SecByteBlock spriv1(d.StaticPrivateKeyLength()), spriv2(d.StaticPrivateKeyLength()); SecByteBlock epriv1(d.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength()), epriv2(d.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength()); SecByteBlock spub1(d.StaticPublicKeyLength()), spub2(d.StaticPublicKeyLength()); SecByteBlock epub1(d.EphemeralPublicKeyLength()), epub2(d.EphemeralPublicKeyLength()); d.GenerateStaticKeyPair(rng, spriv1, spub1); d.GenerateStaticKeyPair(rng, spriv2, spub2); d.GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(rng, epriv1, epub1); d.GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(rng, epriv2, epub2); SecByteBlock val(d.AgreedValueLength()); clock_t start = clock(); unsigned int i; double timeTaken; for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i+=2) { d.Agree(val, spriv1, epriv1, spub2, epub2); d.Agree(val, spriv2, epriv2, spub1, epub1); } OutputResultOperations(name, "Key Agreement", pc, i, timeTaken); } //VC60 workaround: compiler bug triggered without the extra dummy parameters template void BenchMarkCrypto(const char *filename, const char *name, double timeTotal, SCHEME *x=NULL) { FileSource f(filename, true, new HexDecoder()); typename SCHEME::Decryptor priv(f); typename SCHEME::Encryptor pub(priv); BenchMarkEncryption(name, pub, timeTotal); BenchMarkDecryption(name, priv, pub, timeTotal); } //VC60 workaround: compiler bug triggered without the extra dummy parameters template void BenchMarkSignature(const char *filename, const char *name, double timeTotal, SCHEME *x=NULL) { FileSource f(filename, true, new HexDecoder()); typename SCHEME::Signer priv(f); typename SCHEME::Verifier pub(priv); BenchMarkSigning(name, priv, timeTotal); BenchMarkVerification(name, priv, pub, timeTotal); } //VC60 workaround: compiler bug triggered without the extra dummy parameters template void BenchMarkKeyAgreement(const char *filename, const char *name, double timeTotal, D *x=NULL) { FileSource f(filename, true, new HexDecoder()); D d(f); BenchMarkKeyGen(name, d, timeTotal); BenchMarkAgreement(name, d, timeTotal); } extern double g_hertz; void BenchmarkAll2(double t, double hertz) { g_hertz = hertz; cout << "" << endl; cout << ""; BenchMarkCrypto > >("rsa1024.dat", "RSA 1024", t); BenchMarkCrypto > >("luc1024.dat", "LUC 1024", t); BenchMarkCrypto >("dlie1024.dat", "DLIES 1024", t); BenchMarkCrypto >("lucc512.dat", "LUCELG 512", t); cout << "\n"; BenchMarkCrypto > >("rsa2048.dat", "RSA 2048", t); BenchMarkCrypto > >("luc2048.dat", "LUC 2048", t); BenchMarkCrypto >("dlie2048.dat", "DLIES 2048", t); BenchMarkCrypto >("lucc1024.dat", "LUCELG 1024", t); cout << "\n"; BenchMarkSignature >("rsa1024.dat", "RSA 1024", t); BenchMarkSignature >("rw1024.dat", "RW 1024", t); BenchMarkSignature >("luc1024.dat", "LUC 1024", t); BenchMarkSignature >("nr1024.dat", "NR 1024", t); BenchMarkSignature("dsa1024.dat", "DSA 1024", t); BenchMarkSignature >("lucs512.dat", "LUC-HMP 512", t); BenchMarkSignature >("esig1023.dat", "ESIGN 1023", t); BenchMarkSignature >("esig1536.dat", "ESIGN 1536", t); cout << "\n"; BenchMarkSignature >("rsa2048.dat", "RSA 2048", t); BenchMarkSignature >("rw2048.dat", "RW 2048", t); BenchMarkSignature >("luc2048.dat", "LUC 2048", t); BenchMarkSignature >("nr2048.dat", "NR 2048", t); BenchMarkSignature >("lucs1024.dat", "LUC-HMP 1024", t); BenchMarkSignature >("esig2046.dat", "ESIGN 2046", t); cout << "\n"; BenchMarkKeyAgreement("xtrdh171.dat", "XTR-DH 171", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement("xtrdh342.dat", "XTR-DH 342", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement("dh1024.dat", "DH 1024", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement("dh2048.dat", "DH 2048", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement("lucd512.dat", "LUCDIF 512", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement("lucd1024.dat", "LUCDIF 1024", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement("mqv1024.dat", "MQV 1024", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement("mqv2048.dat", "MQV 2048", t); cout << "\n"; { RandomPool rng; // not seeded ECIES::Decryptor cpriv(rng, ASN1::secp256k1()); ECIES::Encryptor cpub(cpriv); ECDSA::Signer spriv(cpriv); ECDSA::Verifier spub(spriv); ECDH::Domain ecdhc(ASN1::secp256k1()); ECMQV::Domain ecmqvc(ASN1::secp256k1()); BenchMarkEncryption("ECIES over GF(p) 256", cpub, t); BenchMarkDecryption("ECIES over GF(p) 256", cpriv, cpub, t); BenchMarkSigning("ECNR over GF(p) 256", spriv, t); BenchMarkVerification("ECNR over GF(p) 256", spriv, spub, t); BenchMarkKeyGen("ECDHC over GF(p) 256", ecdhc, t); BenchMarkAgreement("ECDHC over GF(p) 256", ecdhc, t); BenchMarkKeyGen("ECMQVC over GF(p) 256", ecmqvc, t); BenchMarkAgreement("ECMQVC over GF(p) 256", ecmqvc, t); } cout << "" << endl; { RandomPool rng; // not seeded ECIES::Decryptor cpriv(rng, ASN1::sect233r1()); ECIES::Encryptor cpub(cpriv); ECDSA::Signer spriv(cpriv); ECDSA::Verifier spub(spriv); ECDH::Domain ecdhc(ASN1::sect233r1()); ECMQV::Domain ecmqvc(ASN1::sect233r1()); BenchMarkEncryption("ECIES over GF(2^n) 233", cpub, t); BenchMarkDecryption("ECIES over GF(2^n) 233", cpriv, cpub, t); BenchMarkSigning("ECNR over GF(2^n) 233", spriv, t); BenchMarkVerification("ECNR over GF(2^n) 233", spriv, spub, t); BenchMarkKeyGen("ECDHC over GF(2^n) 233", ecdhc, t); BenchMarkAgreement("ECDHC over GF(2^n) 233", ecdhc, t); BenchMarkKeyGen("ECMQVC over GF(2^n) 233", ecmqvc, t); BenchMarkAgreement("ECMQVC over GF(2^n) 233", ecmqvc, t); } cout << "
OperationMilliseconds/Operation" << (g_hertz ? "Megacycles/Operation" : "") << endl; cout << "\n
" << endl; }