// bench1.cpp - originally written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai // CryptoPP::Test namespace added by JW in February 2017 #include "cryptlib.h" #include "bench.h" #include "validate.h" #include "aes.h" #include "kalyna.h" #include "threefish.h" #include "blumshub.h" #include "files.h" #include "filters.h" #include "hex.h" #include "modes.h" #include "factory.h" #include "smartptr.h" #include "cpu.h" #include "drbg.h" #include "rdrand.h" #include "padlkrng.h" #include "stdcpp.h" #if CRYPTOPP_MSC_VERSION # pragma warning(disable: 4355) #endif #if CRYPTOPP_MSC_VERSION # pragma warning(disable: 4505 4355) #endif NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) NAMESPACE_BEGIN(Test) #ifdef CLOCKS_PER_SEC const double CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND = (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; #elif defined(CLK_TCK) const double CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND = (double)CLK_TCK; #else const double CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND = 1000000.0; #endif const byte defaultKey[] = "0123456789" // 168 + NULL "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; double g_allocatedTime = 0.0, g_hertz = 0.0, g_logTotal = 0.0; unsigned int g_logCount = 0; time_t g_testBegin, g_testEnd; void OutputResultBytes(const char *name, double length, double timeTaken) { // Coverity finding, also see http://stackoverflow.com/a/34509163/608639. StreamState ss(std::cout); // Coverity finding if (length < 0.000001f) length = 0.000001f; if (timeTaken < 0.000001f) timeTaken = 0.000001f; double mbs = length / timeTaken / (1024*1024); std::cout << "\n" << name; std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed); std::cout << "" << std::setprecision(0) << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << mbs; if (g_hertz > 1.0f) { const double cpb = timeTaken * g_hertz / length; if (cpb < 24.0f) std::cout << "" << std::setprecision(2) << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << cpb; else std::cout << "" << std::setprecision(1) << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << cpb; } g_logTotal += log(mbs); g_logCount++; } void OutputResultKeying(double iterations, double timeTaken) { // Coverity finding, also see http://stackoverflow.com/a/34509163/608639. StreamState ss(std::cout); // Coverity finding if (iterations < 0.000001f) iterations = 0.000001f; if (timeTaken < 0.000001f) timeTaken = 0.000001f; std::cout << "" << std::setprecision(3) << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << (1000*1000*timeTaken/iterations); // Coverity finding if (g_hertz > 1.0f) std::cout << "" << std::setprecision(0) << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << timeTaken * g_hertz / iterations; } void OutputResultOperations(const char *name, const char *operation, bool pc, unsigned long iterations, double timeTaken) { // Coverity finding, also see http://stackoverflow.com/a/34509163/608639. StreamState ss(std::cout); // Coverity finding if (!iterations) iterations++; if (timeTaken < 0.000001f) timeTaken = 0.000001f; std::cout << "\n" << name << " " << operation << (pc ? " with precomputation" : ""); std::cout << "" << std::setprecision(2) << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << (1000*timeTaken/iterations); // Coverity finding if (g_hertz > 1.0f) { const double t = timeTaken * g_hertz / iterations / 1000000; std::cout << "" << std::setprecision(2) << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << t; } g_logTotal += log(iterations/timeTaken); g_logCount++; } /* void BenchMark(const char *name, BlockTransformation &cipher, double timeTotal) { const int BUF_SIZE = RoundUpToMultipleOf(2048U, cipher.OptimalNumberOfParallelBlocks() * cipher.BlockSize()); AlignedSecByteBlock buf(BUF_SIZE); buf.SetMark(16); const int nBlocks = BUF_SIZE / cipher.BlockSize(); unsigned long i=0, blocks=1; double timeTaken; clock_t start = ::clock(); do { blocks *= 2; for (; i(cipher), timeTotal); } void BenchMark(const char *name, HashTransformation &ht, double timeTotal) { const int BUF_SIZE=2048U; AlignedSecByteBlock buf(BUF_SIZE); Test::GlobalRNG().GenerateBlock(buf, BUF_SIZE); buf.SetMark(16); unsigned long i=0, blocks=1; double timeTaken; clock_t start = ::clock(); do { blocks *= 2; for (; i(&rng); if (cipher != NULLPTR) { const size_t size = cipher->DefaultKeyLength(); if (cipher->IsResynchronizable()) cipher->SetKeyWithIV(buf, size, buf+size); else cipher->SetKey(buf, size); } unsigned long long blocks = 1; double timeTaken; clock_t start = ::clock(); do { rng.GenerateBlock(buf, buf.size()); blocks++; timeTaken = double(::clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND; } while (timeTaken < timeTotal); OutputResultBytes(name, double(blocks) * BUF_SIZE, timeTaken); } // Hack, but we probably need a KeyedRandomNumberGenerator interface // and a few methods to generalize keying a RNG. X917RNG, Hash_DRBG, // HMAC_DRBG, AES/CFB RNG and a few others could use it. "A few others" // includes BLAKE2, ChaCha and Poly1305 when used as a RNG. void BenchMark(const char *name, NIST_DRBG &rng, double timeTotal) { const int BUF_SIZE = 2048U; AlignedSecByteBlock buf(BUF_SIZE); Test::GlobalRNG().GenerateBlock(buf, BUF_SIZE); buf.SetMark(16); rng.IncorporateEntropy(buf, rng.MinEntropyLength()); unsigned long long blocks = 1; double timeTaken; clock_t start = ::clock(); do { rng.GenerateBlock(buf, buf.size()); blocks++; timeTaken = double(::clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND; } while (timeTaken < timeTotal); OutputResultBytes(name, double(blocks) * BUF_SIZE, timeTaken); } void BenchMarkKeying(SimpleKeyingInterface &c, size_t keyLength, const NameValuePairs ¶ms) { unsigned long iterations = 0; double timeTaken; clock_t start = ::clock(); do { for (unsigned int i=0; i<1024; i++) c.SetKey(defaultKey, keyLength, params); timeTaken = double(::clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND; iterations += 1024; } while (timeTaken < g_allocatedTime); OutputResultKeying(iterations, timeTaken); } template void BenchMarkByName2(const char *factoryName, size_t keyLength = 0, const char *displayName=NULLPTR, const NameValuePairs ¶ms = g_nullNameValuePairs) { std::string name(factoryName ? factoryName : ""); member_ptr obj(ObjectFactoryRegistry::Registry().CreateObject(name.c_str())); if (!keyLength) keyLength = obj->DefaultKeyLength(); if (displayName) name = displayName; else if (keyLength) name += " (" + IntToString(keyLength * 8) + "-bit key)"; const int blockSize = params.GetIntValueWithDefault(Name::BlockSize(), 0); obj->SetKey(defaultKey, keyLength, CombinedNameValuePairs(params, MakeParameters(Name::IV(), ConstByteArrayParameter(defaultKey, blockSize ? blockSize : obj->IVSize()), false))); BenchMark(name.c_str(), *static_cast(obj.get()), g_allocatedTime); BenchMarkKeying(*obj, keyLength, CombinedNameValuePairs(params, MakeParameters(Name::IV(), ConstByteArrayParameter(defaultKey, blockSize ? blockSize : obj->IVSize()), false))); } template void BenchMarkByName(const char *factoryName, size_t keyLength = 0, const char *displayName=NULLPTR, const NameValuePairs ¶ms = g_nullNameValuePairs) { CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(params); BenchMarkByName2(factoryName, keyLength, displayName, params); } template void BenchMarkByNameKeyLess(const char *factoryName, const char *displayName=NULLPTR, const NameValuePairs ¶ms = g_nullNameValuePairs) { CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(params); std::string name = factoryName; if (displayName) name = displayName; member_ptr obj(ObjectFactoryRegistry::Registry().CreateObject(factoryName)); BenchMark(name.c_str(), *obj, g_allocatedTime); } void AddHtmlHeader() { // HTML5 std::cout << ""; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "\nSpeed Comparison of Popular Crypto Algorithms"; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "\n

Crypto++ " << CRYPTOPP_VERSION / 100; std::cout << '.' << (CRYPTOPP_VERSION % 100) / 10 << '.' << CRYPTOPP_VERSION % 10 << " Benchmarks

"; std::cout << "\n

Here are speed benchmarks for some commonly used cryptographic algorithms.

"; if (g_hertz > 1.0f) std::cout << "\n

CPU frequency of the test platform is " << g_hertz << " Hz.

"; else std::cout << "\n

CPU frequency of the test platform was not provided.

" << std::endl; } void AddHtmlFooter() { std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "\n" << std::endl; } void BenchmarkWithCommand(int argc, const char* const argv[]) { std::string command(argv[1]); float runningTime(argc >= 3 ? Test::StringToValue(argv[2]) : 1.0f); float cpuFreq(argc >= 4 ? Test::StringToValue(argv[3])*float(1e9) : 0.0f); std::string algoName(argc >= 5 ? argv[4] : ""); if (command == "b") // All benchmarks Benchmark(Test::All, runningTime, cpuFreq); else if (command == "b3") // Public key algorithms Test::Benchmark(Test::PublicKey, runningTime, cpuFreq); else if (command == "b2") // Shared key algorithms Test::Benchmark(Test::SharedKey, runningTime, cpuFreq); else if (command == "b1") // Unkeyed algorithms Test::Benchmark(Test::Unkeyed, runningTime, cpuFreq); } void Benchmark(Test::TestClass suites, double t, double hertz) { g_allocatedTime = t; g_hertz = hertz; AddHtmlHeader(); g_testBegin = ::time(NULLPTR); if (static_cast(suites) == 0 || static_cast(suites) > TestLast) suites = Test::All; // Unkeyed algorithms if (suites & Test::Unkeyed) { std::cout << "\n
"; Benchmark1(t, hertz); } // Shared key algorithms if (suites & Test::SharedKey) { std::cout << "\n
"; Benchmark2(t, hertz); } // Public key algorithms if (suites & Test::PublicKey) { std::cout << "\n
"; Benchmark3(t, hertz); } g_testEnd = ::time(NULLPTR); { StreamState state(std::cout); std::cout << "\n

Throughput Geometric Average: " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed); std::cout << std::exp(g_logTotal/(g_logCount > 0.0f ? g_logCount : 1.0f)) << std::endl; } std::cout << "\n

Test started at " << TimeToString(g_testBegin); std::cout << "\n
Test ended at " << TimeToString(g_testEnd); std::cout << std::endl; AddHtmlFooter(); } void Benchmark1(double t, double hertz) { g_allocatedTime = t; g_hertz = hertz; const char *cpb; if (g_hertz > 1.0f) cpb = "Cycles Per Byte"; else cpb = ""; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << ""; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "\n"; { #ifdef NONBLOCKING_RNG_AVAILABLE BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("NonblockingRng"); #endif #ifdef OS_RNG_AVAILABLE BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("AutoSeededRandomPool"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("AutoSeededX917RNG(AES)"); #endif BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("MT19937"); #if (CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X86) if (HasPadlockRNG()) BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("PadlockRNG"); #endif #if (CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X86 || CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X32 || CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64) if (HasRDRAND()) BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("RDRAND"); if (HasRDSEED()) BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("RDSEED"); #endif BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("AES/OFB RNG"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("Hash_DRBG(SHA1)"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("Hash_DRBG(SHA256)"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("HMAC_DRBG(SHA1)"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("HMAC_DRBG(SHA256)"); } std::cout << "\n"; { BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("CRC32"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("CRC32C"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("Adler32"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("MD5"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("SHA-1"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("SHA-256"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("SHA-512"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("SHA3-224"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("SHA3-256"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("SHA3-384"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("SHA3-512"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("Keccak-224"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("Keccak-256"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("Keccak-384"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("Keccak-512"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("Tiger"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("Whirlpool"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("RIPEMD-160"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("RIPEMD-320"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("RIPEMD-128"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("RIPEMD-256"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("SM3"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("BLAKE2s"); BenchMarkByNameKeyLess("BLAKE2b"); } std::cout << "\n
AlgorithmMiB/Second" << cpb; std::cout << "\n
" << std::endl; } void Benchmark2(double t, double hertz) { g_allocatedTime = t; g_hertz = hertz; const char *cpb, *cpk; if (g_hertz > 1.0f) { cpb = "Cycles Per Byte"; cpk = "Cycles to
Setup Key and IV"; } else { cpb = cpk = ""; } std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "\n"; { #if CRYPTOPP_AESNI_AVAILABLE if (HasCLMUL()) BenchMarkByName2("AES/GCM", 0, "GMAC(AES)"); else #elif CRYPTOPP_ARM_PMULL_AVAILABLE if (HasPMULL()) BenchMarkByName2("AES/GCM", 0, "GMAC(AES)"); else #endif { BenchMarkByName2("AES/GCM", 0, "GMAC(AES) (2K tables)", MakeParameters(Name::TableSize(), 2048)); BenchMarkByName2("AES/GCM", 0, "GMAC(AES) (64K tables)", MakeParameters(Name::TableSize(), 64 * 1024)); } BenchMarkByName("VMAC(AES)-64"); BenchMarkByName("VMAC(AES)-128"); BenchMarkByName("HMAC(SHA-1)"); BenchMarkByName("HMAC(SHA-256)"); BenchMarkByName("Two-Track-MAC"); BenchMarkByName("CMAC(AES)"); BenchMarkByName("DMAC(AES)"); BenchMarkByName("Poly1305(AES)"); BenchMarkByName("BLAKE2s"); BenchMarkByName("BLAKE2b"); BenchMarkByName("SipHash-2-4"); BenchMarkByName("SipHash-4-8"); } std::cout << "\n"; { BenchMarkByName("Panama-LE"); BenchMarkByName("Panama-BE"); BenchMarkByName("Salsa20"); BenchMarkByName("Salsa20", 0, "Salsa20/12", MakeParameters(Name::Rounds(), 12)); BenchMarkByName("Salsa20", 0, "Salsa20/8", MakeParameters(Name::Rounds(), 8)); BenchMarkByName("ChaCha20"); BenchMarkByName("ChaCha12"); BenchMarkByName("ChaCha8"); BenchMarkByName("Sosemanuk"); BenchMarkByName("MARC4"); BenchMarkByName("SEAL-3.0-LE"); BenchMarkByName("WAKE-OFB-LE"); } std::cout << "\n"; { BenchMarkByName("AES/CTR", 16); BenchMarkByName("AES/CTR", 24); BenchMarkByName("AES/CTR", 32); BenchMarkByName("AES/CBC", 16); BenchMarkByName("AES/CBC", 24); BenchMarkByName("AES/CBC", 32); BenchMarkByName("AES/OFB", 16); BenchMarkByName("AES/CFB", 16); BenchMarkByName("AES/ECB", 16); BenchMarkByName("ARIA/CTR", 16); BenchMarkByName("ARIA/CTR", 32); BenchMarkByName("Camellia/CTR", 16); BenchMarkByName("Camellia/CTR", 32); BenchMarkByName("Twofish/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("Threefish-256(256)/CTR", 32); BenchMarkByName("Threefish-512(512)/CTR", 64); BenchMarkByName("Threefish-1024(1024)/CTR", 128); BenchMarkByName("Serpent/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("CAST-256/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("RC6/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("MARS/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("SHACAL-2/CTR", 16); BenchMarkByName("SHACAL-2/CTR", 64); BenchMarkByName("DES/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("DES-XEX3/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("DES-EDE3/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("IDEA/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("RC5/CTR", 0, "RC5 (r=16)"); BenchMarkByName("Blowfish/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("TEA/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("XTEA/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("CAST-128/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("SKIPJACK/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("SEED/CTR", 0, "SEED/CTR (1/2 K table)"); BenchMarkByName("SM4/CTR"); BenchMarkByName("Kalyna-128/CTR", 16, "Kalyna-128(128)/CTR (128-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("Kalyna-128/CTR", 32, "Kalyna-128(256)/CTR (256-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("Kalyna-256/CTR", 32, "Kalyna-256(256)/CTR (256-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("Kalyna-256/CTR", 64, "Kalyna-256(512)/CTR (512-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("Kalyna-512/CTR", 64, "Kalyna-512(512)/CTR (512-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("SIMON-64/CTR", 12, "SIMON-64(96)/CTR (96-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("SIMON-64/CTR", 16, "SIMON-64(128)/CTR (128-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("SIMON-128/CTR", 16, "SIMON-128(128)/CTR (128-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("SIMON-128/CTR", 24, "SIMON-128(192)/CTR (192-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("SIMON-128/CTR", 32, "SIMON-128(256)/CTR (256-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("SPECK-64/CTR", 12, "SPECK-64(96)/CTR (96-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("SPECK-64/CTR", 16, "SPECK-64(128)/CTR (128-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("SPECK-128/CTR", 16, "SPECK-128(128)/CTR (128-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("SPECK-128/CTR", 24, "SPECK-128(192)/CTR (192-bit key)"); BenchMarkByName("SPECK-128/CTR", 32, "SPECK-128(256)/CTR (256-bit key)"); } std::cout << "\n"; { #if CRYPTOPP_AESNI_AVAILABLE if (HasCLMUL()) BenchMarkByName2("AES/GCM", 0, "AES/GCM"); else #elif CRYPTOPP_ARM_PMULL_AVAILABLE if (HasPMULL()) BenchMarkByName2("AES/GCM", 0, "AES/GCM"); else #endif { BenchMarkByName2("AES/GCM", 0, "AES/GCM (2K tables)", MakeParameters(Name::TableSize(), 2048)); BenchMarkByName2("AES/GCM", 0, "AES/GCM (64K tables)", MakeParameters(Name::TableSize(), 64 * 1024)); } BenchMarkByName2("AES/CCM"); BenchMarkByName2("AES/EAX"); } std::cout << "\n
AlgorithmMiB/Second" << cpb; std::cout << "Microseconds to
Setup Key and IV" << cpk; std::cout << "\n
" << std::endl; } NAMESPACE_END // Test NAMESPACE_END // CryptoPP