// base64.h - originally written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai /// \file base64.h /// \brief Classes for the Base64Encoder, Base64Decoder, Base64URLEncoder and Base64URLDecoder #ifndef CRYPTOPP_BASE64_H #define CRYPTOPP_BASE64_H #include "cryptlib.h" #include "basecode.h" NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) /// \brief Base64 encodes data using DUDE /// \details Base64 encodes data per RFC 4648, Base 64 Encoding. class Base64Encoder : public SimpleProxyFilter { public: /// \brief Construct a Base64Encoder /// \param attachment a BufferedTrasformation to attach to this object /// \param insertLineBreaks a BufferedTrasformation to attach to this object /// \param maxLineLength the length of a line if line breaks are used /// \details Base64Encoder constructs a default encoder. The constructor lacks a parameter for padding, and you must /// use IsolatedInitialize() to modify the Base64Encoder after construction. /// \sa IsolatedInitialize() for an example of modifying an encoder after construction. Base64Encoder(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR, bool insertLineBreaks = true, int maxLineLength = 72) : SimpleProxyFilter(new BaseN_Encoder(new Grouper), attachment) { IsolatedInitialize(MakeParameters(Name::InsertLineBreaks(), insertLineBreaks)(Name::MaxLineLength(), maxLineLength)); } /// \brief Initialize or reinitialize this object, without signal propagation /// \param parameters a set of NameValuePairs used to initialize this object /// \details IsolatedInitialize() is used to initialize or reinitialize an object using a variable /// number of arbitrarily typed arguments. IsolatedInitialize() does not call Initialize() on attached /// transformations. If initialization should be propagated, then use the Initialize() function. /// \details The following code modifies the padding and line break parameters for an encoder: ///
	///     Base64Encoder encoder;
	///     AlgorithmParameters params = MakeParameters(Pad(), false)(InsertLineBreaks(), false);
	///     encoder.IsolatedInitialize(params);
/// \details You can change the encoding to RFC 4648 web safe alphabet by performing the following: ///
	///     Base64Encoder encoder;
	///     const byte ALPHABET[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_";
	///     AlgorithmParameters params = MakeParameters(Name::EncodingLookupArray(),(const byte *)ALPHABET);
	///     encoder.IsolatedInitialize(params);
/// \details If you change the encoding alphabet, then you will need to change the decoding alphabet \a and /// the decoder's lookup table. /// \sa Base64URLEncoder for an encoder that provides the web safe alphabet, and Base64Decoder::IsolatedInitialize() /// for an example of modifying a decoder's lookup table after construction. void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters); }; /// \brief Base64 decodes data using DUDE /// \details Base64 encodes data per RFC 4648, Base 64 Encoding. class Base64Decoder : public BaseN_Decoder { public: /// \brief Construct a Base64Decoder /// \param attachment a BufferedTrasformation to attach to this object /// \sa IsolatedInitialize() for an example of modifying an encoder after construction. Base64Decoder(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR) : BaseN_Decoder(GetDecodingLookupArray(), 6, attachment) {} /// \brief Initialize or reinitialize this object, without signal propagation /// \param parameters a set of NameValuePairs used to initialize this object /// \details IsolatedInitialize() is used to initialize or reinitialize an object using a variable /// number of arbitrarily typed arguments. IsolatedInitialize() does not call Initialize() on attached /// transformations. If initialization should be propagated, then use the Initialize() function. /// \details The default decoding alpahbet is RFC 4868. You can change the to RFC 4868 web safe alphabet /// by performing the following: ///
	///     int lookup[256];
	///     const byte ALPHABET[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_";
	///     Base64Decoder::InitializeDecodingLookupArray(lookup, ALPHABET, 64, false);
	///     Base64Decoder decoder;
	///     AlgorithmParameters params = MakeParameters(Name::DecodingLookupArray(),(const int *)lookup);
	///     decoder.IsolatedInitialize(params);
/// \sa Base64URLDecoder for a decoder that provides the web safe alphabet, and Base64Encoder::IsolatedInitialize() /// for an example of modifying an encoder's alphabet after construction. void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters); private: /// \brief Provides the default decoding lookup table /// \return default decoding lookup table static const int * CRYPTOPP_API GetDecodingLookupArray(); }; /// \brief Base64 encodes data using a web safe alphabet /// \details Base64 encodes data per RFC 4648, Base 64 Encoding /// with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet. class Base64URLEncoder : public SimpleProxyFilter { public: /// \brief Construct a Base64URLEncoder /// \param attachment a BufferedTrasformation to attach to this object /// \param insertLineBreaks a BufferedTrasformation to attach to this object /// \param maxLineLength the length of a line if line breaks are used /// \details Base64URLEncoder() constructs a default encoder using a web safe alphabet. The constructor ignores /// insertLineBreaks and maxLineLength because the web and URL safe specifications don't use them. They are /// present in the constructor for API compatibility with Base64Encoder so it is a drop-in replacement. The /// constructor also disables padding on the encoder for the same reason. /// \details If you need line breaks or padding, then you must use IsolatedInitialize() to set them /// after constructing a Base64URLEncoder. /// \sa Base64Encoder for an encoder that provides a classic alphabet, and Base64URLEncoder::IsolatedInitialize /// for an example of modifying an encoder after construction. Base64URLEncoder(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR, bool insertLineBreaks = false, int maxLineLength = -1) : SimpleProxyFilter(new BaseN_Encoder(new Grouper), attachment) { CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(insertLineBreaks), CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(maxLineLength); IsolatedInitialize(MakeParameters(Name::InsertLineBreaks(), false)(Name::MaxLineLength(), -1)(Name::Pad(),false)); } /// \details IsolatedInitialize() is used to initialize or reinitialize an object using a variable /// number of arbitrarily typed arguments. IsolatedInitialize() does not call Initialize() on attached /// transformations. If initialization should be propagated, then use the Initialize() function. /// \details The following code modifies the padding and line break parameters for an encoder: ///
	///     Base64URLEncoder encoder;
	///     AlgorithmParameters params = MakeParameters(Name::Pad(), true)(Name::InsertLineBreaks(), true);
	///     encoder.IsolatedInitialize(params);
/// \sa Base64Encoder for an encoder that provides a classic alphabet. void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters); }; /// \brief Base64 decodes data using a web safe alphabet /// \details Base64 encodes data per RFC 4648, Base 64 Encoding /// with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet. class Base64URLDecoder : public BaseN_Decoder { public: /// \brief Construct a Base64URLDecoder /// \param attachment a BufferedTrasformation to attach to this object /// \details Base64URLDecoder() constructs a default decoder using a web safe alphabet. /// \sa Base64Decoder for a decoder that provides a classic alphabet. Base64URLDecoder(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULLPTR) : BaseN_Decoder(GetDecodingLookupArray(), 6, attachment) {} /// \brief Initialize or reinitialize this object, without signal propagation /// \param parameters a set of NameValuePairs used to initialize this object /// \details IsolatedInitialize() is used to initialize or reinitialize an object using a variable /// number of arbitrarily typed arguments. IsolatedInitialize() does not call Initialize() on /// attached transformations. If initialization should be propagated, then use the Initialize() function. /// \sa Base64Decoder for a decoder that provides a classic alphabet, and Base64URLEncoder::IsolatedInitialize /// for an example of modifying an encoder after construction. void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters); private: /// \brief Provides the default decoding lookup table /// \return default decoding lookup table static const int * CRYPTOPP_API GetDecodingLookupArray(); }; NAMESPACE_END #endif