.. bpo: 19435 .. date: 9186 .. nonce: kXqMz3 .. release date: 2013-11-10 .. section: Library Fix directory traversal attack on CGIHttpRequestHandler. .. .. bpo: 19426 .. date: 9185 .. nonce: PwatP7 .. section: IDLE Fixed the opening of Python source file with specified encoding. .. .. bpo: 19457 .. date: 9184 .. nonce: HGwEFx .. section: Tests Fixed xmlcharrefreplace tests on wide build when tests are loaded from .py[co] files. .. .. bpo: 15663 .. date: 9183 .. nonce: p-vVTG .. section: Build Revert OS X installer built-in Tcl/Tk support for 2.7.6. Some third-party projects, such as Matplotlib and PIL/Pillow, depended on being able to build with Tcl and Tk frameworks in /Library/Frameworks.